This particular topic should make all stop and think about how to conduct ourselves in carrying out our required functions professionally and personally, while remembering that ethical conduct involving any individual even one considered a most trusted confidant should always be exercised. In this manner, our actions will never be misinterpreted and the potential pitfalls of being induced to become involved in any unethical practice will be avoided. This post is a very sad development about two trusted confidants and should make us mindful of taking all the necessary precautions always to separate business practices from any personal life activities because it just works out better. These events left one of the two facing the prospect of a life of restricted freedom and ruined plans because of alleged actions he took.
Here are the Background Details:
These two individuals as reported in the February 17, 2011 edition of that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication (A1/16), did everything together and ironically both were money managers at a very large hedge Fund Firm and allegedly traded “insider" information together. If one had been told, the other would “sell the other out”, it would not have been believed because NF helped “finger” his best friend DL who had helped him overcome a devastating broken romance to the point that he had to help him get out of bed in the worst days of his recovery from that relationship. Yet when Authorities caught NF, he quickly agreed to work against his closest friend DL. His guilty action being his own words in a conversation with his former confidant (who was wired) were that he had in effect ripped apart his computer and dumped the pieces in four garbage trucks around the city, for, which he faced an obstruction of justice charge. This case reportedly involved many side parties but the most compelling thing about this account is the broken trust (as depicted in below caption) that resulted. The most difficult part of this that while DL had to call off the wedding
If however it were resolved to conduct all our affairs in an ethical manner especially with those considered confidants (with whom business activities should never be discussed anyway) occurrences such as described in this post would be avoided. If affairs are conduced ethically with others, (regardless of the type of individuals such people really are), finding ourselves in circumstances such as depicted here would be avoided. TRUST IS TOO VALUABLE A “CHARACTERISTIC” TO FLUTTER AWAY LIGHTLY THEREFORE, PLEASE CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES VERY CAREFULLY!
Since I have been unable to make contact with those individual highlighted on the pages of this Blog in posts such as THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED W/INSERTS) as well as THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CONSISTENT (EDITED W/INSERTS), whether identified by photo or otherwise (by the design of those attempting to rewrite historical events), who were all collectively aware of my school attendance, I concluded that they fell victim at the hands of those of the "free loaders cause", especially knowing what has occurred in my life at the hands of the unimaginative thugs and their status (as being among the departed) has been since confirmed. l have concluded that those who carry out their own form of "legitimacy", via their "calling cards" (described below):
SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT to attempt to completely "mislead" by relying on:
THE REPEATED VANDALISM ACTS PERPETRATED IN THE NAME OF ESTABLISHING A TRAIL THAT CAN POINT TO A PLANNED "ACCIDENTAL" DEVELOPMENT IN THE LIVE OF THE UNSUSPECTING INDIVIDUAL WHOSE SOLID "FOUNDATION" IS LITERALLY BEING GIVEN TO THOSE "WITHOUT ORIGINS" TO REPLACE THE HOG "MANURE UNDERLYING STRUCTURES" THEY ARE ASHAMED OF AS DOCUMENTED GENERALLY IN THE POST GARBAGE IN - (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEVER DEALT WITH THE GOD OF CREATION NOR HIS CHOSEN (Israel) AND THINK OF SUCH AS A MYTH AND THAT NONE CAN STOP THESE THUGS, BUT SUCH TYPES HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANYTHING OR ANYONE OUTSIDE THEIR "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" WORLD, BUT AM SOLELY RELYING ON THE GOD OF CREATION), BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEITHER DEALT WITH HIM NOR HIS CHOSEN AND ATTEMPTED TO IMPEDE HIS WILL FOR HIS (Chosen). These types who generally follow the "whatever works" mantra blindly, give no thought to the consequences of the bullying and shameful "sham" methods that they implement for the purpose of achieving much with little means and accompanying skills apart from the "undying" support of con artist and "entitled" dictatorial types looking for easy income methods to either maintain and/or build-up their "empires" via any path available for achieving such. The lives of individuals whom such types are completely unaware of but somehow have concluded that they have the right to completely reorder for their self-centered means, aren't just "empty" folders waiting for such types to "clean-out" to then enjoy their retirement in comfort. As preciously stated, there are altogether too many unknowns for any individual to try to replace the life of another for their world of ease when offered the chance that no one else wanted because the history, identity, accomplishments and qualifications (or solid "foundations") of an individual is not a playground to be rearranged by such types who see this task as their life's calling and don't know when to move to truly useful, purposeful, meaningful and more helpful tasks that aren't mere sideshows for the cameras to cover-up what is really taking place not too far from the public's "eye" when the cameras aren't rolling!
No individual nor group of individuals (whether con artists, "free loaders" or otherwise) should be given the continuous "right" to attempt to rearrange the life of another (while holding the individual in intentional financial "detention" with his hands "tied" by those who see nothing wrong with using any method necessary, no matter how unethical and/or illegal in an effort to obtain what's missing in their lives real "legitimacy" that is not of the fleeting type and possessed by another, as documented in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED as supplemented by UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED while their supporters are "hoping" that these pesky problems (of their creation), will "magically" disappear, as these types have deluded themselves into thinking that they can take advantage of the "weak", destroy any available witnesses as the previous Comment # 1 from 2/13/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page referenced above and the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED documents; attempt to alter historical events, when the details depicted in the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED supplemented by actual circumstances described in the post HOW THE RECORDING OF MY JOURNEY SAVED THE DAY - EDITED AND UPDATED.
The revelation of the obvious flaws in the "claims" of those the "free loader cause" made clear by close scrutiny of the historical FACTS and comparing them to the actual records should come as no surprise to anyone of sound principles. Definitely showing why its downright difficult and impossible to completely erase the history of an individual, which some had hoped would have occurred with the "coincidental" disasters of the spectacular kind referenced in the bulleted listing in the Here are the Background Facts and Details section of the post VOLUNTARY LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS BRING MEANINGFUL CHANGE - UPDATED AND AMENDED, as well as in the Here are the Events of Note section of the post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED AND EDITED much less the outright replacing of the lives of individuals with complete impostors who simply ease into the "ready made" existences of the lives of unsuspecting individuals in desired locations and ply their trade of achieving much by doing very little. Such expedient decisions neglect the fact that the lives of individuals are often complicated by unknown links and circumstances that cannot be so easily replaced as some expedient types have concluded, such as for example:
This particular topic should make all stop and think about how to conduct ourselves in carrying out our required functions professionally and personally, while remembering that ethical conduct involving any individual even one considered a most trusted confidant should always be exercised. In this manner, our actions will never be misinterpreted and the potential pitfalls of being induced to become involved in any unethical practice will be avoided. This post is a very sad development about two trusted confidants and should make us mindful of taking all the necessary precautions always to separate business practices from any personal life activities because it just works out better. These events left one of the two facing the prospect of a life of restricted freedom and ruined plans because of alleged actions he took.
Here are the Background Details:
These two individuals as reported in the February 17, 2011 edition of that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication (A1/16), did everything together and ironically both were money managers at a very large hedge Fund Firm and allegedly traded “insider" information together. If one had been told, the other would “sell the other out”, it would not have been believed because NF helped “finger” his best friend DL who had helped him overcome a devastating broken romance to the point that he had to help him get out of bed in the worst days of his recovery from that relationship. Yet when Authorities caught NF, he quickly agreed to work against his closest friend DL. His guilty action being his own words in a conversation with his former confidant (who was wired) were that he had in effect ripped apart his computer and dumped the pieces in four garbage trucks around the city, for, which he faced an obstruction of justice charge. This case reportedly involved many side parties but the most compelling thing about this account is the broken trust (as depicted in below caption) that resulted. The most difficult part of this that while DL had to call off the wedding
plans and his life completely
disrupted, NF was allowed to travel to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands with
his wife (who was best friends with DL’s fiancĂ©) for his cooperation.
The Impending Issues For Consideration:
Ethical conduct involving even involving matters relating
to one’s closest confidant is critical because actions can be misleading and/or
misinterpreted as highlighted in the post “A BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA” can appear
to convey anything desired is all the facts, (which may never be realized) are
not known. The Impending Issues For Consideration:
If however it were resolved to conduct all our affairs in an ethical manner especially with those considered confidants (with whom business activities should never be discussed anyway) occurrences such as described in this post would be avoided. If affairs are conduced ethically with others, (regardless of the type of individuals such people really are), finding ourselves in circumstances such as depicted here would be avoided. TRUST IS TOO VALUABLE A “CHARACTERISTIC” TO FLUTTER AWAY LIGHTLY THEREFORE, PLEASE CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES VERY CAREFULLY!
Since I have been unable to make contact with those individual highlighted on the pages of this Blog in posts such as THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED W/INSERTS) as well as THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CONSISTENT (EDITED W/INSERTS), whether identified by photo or otherwise (by the design of those attempting to rewrite historical events), who were all collectively aware of my school attendance, I concluded that they fell victim at the hands of those of the "free loaders cause", especially knowing what has occurred in my life at the hands of the unimaginative thugs and their status (as being among the departed) has been since confirmed. l have concluded that those who carry out their own form of "legitimacy", via their "calling cards" (described below):
- death and "destruction" followed by
- cover-up and
- replacement of individuals with corporate "free loaders" and others who seek easily obtained "credibility" and who possess "no meaningful skills" that are not borrowed from taking over the hard work of those who sacrificed many hours in pursuit of their educational and other objectives and then relying on a few false witnesses and others of their "free loaders cause" to support the substitutes made while FREQUENTING PAST ESTABLISHMENTS AS A MARK OF LEGITIMACY - UPDATED; HAVE NO REAL CONCERNS FOR THE RIGHTS AND LIVES OF OTHERS NOT INVOLVED IN THEIR "CAUSE".
My intentional financial "detention" for the purpose of rewriting historical events in order to render me incapable of communicating with those depicted for selfish motivations of cruel types and never would have considered as remotely possible to be experiencing in my own personal life when I left my home thirty plus years ago and was wished farewell by one (in the Country of my birth where I departed) and welcomed by another in the Land I eventually chose to make my residence both shown in the Conservery Dedication as well as others all collectively listed in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED), have only cemented this conclusion drawn about such types. While some recognizing the magnitude of what has occurred, simply feign inability to perform their duties and hide from the hard truth and consequences of what has occurred (to appease their own consciences); I will continue to hold up the light shone by these dear friends for what they stood for and not what they were undeservedly subjected to by unconscionable thugs who would stop at nothing to implement their crooked agendas. This Dedication in addition to ensuring that their collective histories are preserved is the ONLY WAY I KNOW HOW TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THESE INDIVIDUALS WHO MAY HAVE BEEN SIMPLY TRAMPLED OVER JUST BECAUSE OF BEING ACQUAINTANCES OF MINE. HOWEVER, AT LEAST IN THIS WAY THEIR COLLECTIVE LIGHT THAT THEIR LIVES REFLECTED WILL BE REMEMBERED BY THIS (ENGINEER/HOBBY ARTIST/HOBBY BLOGGER/HOBBY CHEF) AND HIGHLIGHTED AS A REMINDER TO THOSE THAT ACTIONS CARRIED OUT IN SECRET HAVE A WAY OF BEING UNCOVERED EVEN IF IT SOMETIMES TAKES YEARS TO BRING AWARENESS ABOUT THOSE WHO ARE SIMPLY TOSSED ASIDE AS BEING "WORTHLESS" FOR THE CAUSE OF THOSE WHO SEEK "GREATNESS" BY DOING VERY, VERY, VERY LITTLE AND THEIR EXPLOITERS WHO SEEK PERPETUAL WEALTH-GENERATION AND POWER ALSO FROM VERY, VERY, VERY LITTLE WORTHWHILE INVESTMENT, WHILE ALL FORGETTING THAT ONLY "ONE" HAS THE RIGHT TO IMPLEMENT WHAT THEY HAVE MADE IT THEIR BUSINESS TO CARRY OUT AND ATTEMPT TO DO REPEATEDLY, IN STEALTH. HOWEVER, I PERSONALLY BELIEVE THAT SIMPLE TRUTH THAT THE "GIPPER" ALSO BELIEVED BUT QUALIFIED, AS FOLLOWS, THAT GOOD WILL IN THE END TRIUMPH OVER EVIL, BECAUSE, NONE CAN IMPEDE GOD'S WILL, WHERE HIS CHOSEN IS CONCERNED.
What those of the "free loaders cause" and their associates desiring easy "credibility" overlook is that: Finale:
- time (even a ten plus-year) duration,
- the demise of "known" witnesses possessing knowledge of the actual historical events for those
- "spectacular coincidental" disasters,
- the stealing of records around, which the solid foundations of an individual are contained as documented in the conclusion section of the post ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTISED - UPDATED AND AMENDED,
- things in real life seldom go according to plan, and
- when armed with only the "big picture" developments without actual knowledge of intricate historical details and relying on "Background Checks" to co-opt and implement and/or obtain desired information/"history" etc. (or solid "foundations") as described in the below post mentioned GARBAGE IN, (
SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATE), especially when the actions involved in "operation replacement" discussed in The Finale/Outcome section of the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED are considered;
will never erase actual history as correctly pointed out in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED for the benefit of those attempting to piece together what is thought to have occurred for the benefit of those seeking "much" without contributing anything meaningful is only creating "fictional" versions of the actual history (based on the solid "foundations") of an individual in the way such "whatever works" types desired events to have occurred for those with only hog "structures" and "origin issues" as documented and graphically depicted in the post GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED, will never completely erase the actual history of an individual that was very carefully recorded.
Under these circumstances the possibility for some unexpected "looping" action to completely upend the most "carefully constructed version of reality" exists, and in this instance it certainly did occur in the form of the FACTS-checking, which revealed that the claims of those of the "free loaders cause" and their supporters as being "originals" are not supported by the documented records as follows:
- supplemented by the details documented in the itemized listing in the Conclusion section of the post WHAT DOES TREATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED AND AMENDED in addition to
- the documented facts depicted and described in Footnote2 of the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED AND AMENDED as well as
- the clearly outlined details in the Footnote from the post WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS ALSO GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS" - EDITED AND UPDATED.
What has been clearly revealed is the ability of "free loader cause" types and their supporters to generally manipulate historical FACTS when not expecting others to subject their version of the FACTS to close scrutiny, while relying on; their "status" along with current words of expedient vindictive types who draw focus away from such "entitled" types onto another whose solid "foundations" are literally being "dragged" from beneath him to support and cover-up the actions of such types who avoid having to explain their own questionable tactics/unethical methods used to aid in the activity none want to publicly own because its Garbage "dressed" up in silken garments and shower with perfume when in reality its just an "extreme made-over form of man's oldest profession" as documented in the Conclusion section of the post THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON - EDITED AND UPDATED) to divert attention from what's going on not too far from the public's eye when the curtains are drawn back ever so slightly even in unexpectedly public artsy type places as previously described because He alone knows the past, present and future and He had already built in a mechanism for exposing this model used to disgracefully feign representing His chosen heritage from the 3rd tribe, when He knew it would come into conflict with His will, about, which these and other details are generally described in the Biblical book of Revelation down to the minutest details for those with "understanding" as discussed in the "There is nothing unfair..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post WHAT DOES 5REATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED AND AMENDED while hoping that such a modus operandi will "win"-the-day for them. However, it's the exposure of these methods/practices such as described above that those generally depicted in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED were sacrificed "in support of" that have made their normally clandestine actions more visible and/or publicly noticeable, which have made their operation increasingly more challenging.
This conclusion was reinforced by the developments documented generally in the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE "BLACKOUT" - UPDATED AND AMENDED in addition to the summary Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED as well as in the post THE LOOP THAT CAUSED TOO MUCH OF A "GOOD" THING TO GO BAD - UPDATED.
The gaping holes left in the concocted "history" of those seeking "much" while contributing very little in reality should make the most gullible individual wonder why are they having to always reinvent "stories" held together with colored string, to "polish" their "accounts of developments" and present "new angles", while reliant on vindictive types with "questionable knowledge" of historical events, to meet unforeseen developments that invariably occur repeatedly, as so often is the case, when attempting to "play" original by relying mainly on the types of methods described in the listing included in the post GARBAGE IN - (- status,
- "checkbook legitimacy", and
- focusing attention on another and away from themselves to avoid the difficult questions that cannot be answered except by either poking fun when they conclude that their unethical methods of the type depicted in item # 12 from the listing in the post (in the following link) have been successful THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED and an expedient witness with questionable current knowledge of historical FACTS as a diversionary tactic while "hoping" for some action to "take care" of pesky problems of their own making when the details in the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED are seriously examined in the context of the inconsistency mentioned in the Conclusion section of the post COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEM SOLVING AND CHANGING PATTERNS - EDITED AND UPDATED regarding the $36 trillion "shadow banking cottage industry" of non tax payers no one wants to address.
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NOTE: the use of the original phone number for the residence here at 8263 140th in this preliminary report (484-2931). This number was eventually replaced after non-replacement in the years when an existing early cell phone was the main communication point with the residence by choice as the history of cell phone use here a the residence as documented in the FOOTNOTE from the post THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFET, (EDITED/UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS AND AMENDED) points out. Once the decision was made to replace this land line the number depicted in the post CONSERVERY FINAL STATUS UPDATE REGARDING STATE CRITERION - UPDATED/EDITED was assigned and I bear no responsibility to whom the original number was assigned afterwards. These developments took place because the underground access phone line to the residence was accidentally cut and the choice was made not to replace it at that time.
THE REPEATED VANDALISM ACTS PERPETRATED IN THE NAME OF ESTABLISHING A TRAIL THAT CAN POINT TO A PLANNED "ACCIDENTAL" DEVELOPMENT IN THE LIVE OF THE UNSUSPECTING INDIVIDUAL WHOSE SOLID "FOUNDATION" IS LITERALLY BEING GIVEN TO THOSE "WITHOUT ORIGINS" TO REPLACE THE HOG "MANURE UNDERLYING STRUCTURES" THEY ARE ASHAMED OF AS DOCUMENTED GENERALLY IN THE POST GARBAGE IN - (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEVER DEALT WITH THE GOD OF CREATION NOR HIS CHOSEN (Israel) AND THINK OF SUCH AS A MYTH AND THAT NONE CAN STOP THESE THUGS, BUT SUCH TYPES HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANYTHING OR ANYONE OUTSIDE THEIR "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" WORLD, BUT AM SOLELY RELYING ON THE GOD OF CREATION), BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEITHER DEALT WITH HIM NOR HIS CHOSEN AND ATTEMPTED TO IMPEDE HIS WILL FOR HIS (Chosen). These types who generally follow the "whatever works" mantra blindly, give no thought to the consequences of the bullying and shameful "sham" methods that they implement for the purpose of achieving much with little means and accompanying skills apart from the "undying" support of con artist and "entitled" dictatorial types looking for easy income methods to either maintain and/or build-up their "empires" via any path available for achieving such. The lives of individuals whom such types are completely unaware of but somehow have concluded that they have the right to completely reorder for their self-centered means, aren't just "empty" folders waiting for such types to "clean-out" to then enjoy their retirement in comfort. As preciously stated, there are altogether too many unknowns for any individual to try to replace the life of another for their world of ease when offered the chance that no one else wanted because the history, identity, accomplishments and qualifications (or solid "foundations") of an individual is not a playground to be rearranged by such types who see this task as their life's calling and don't know when to move to truly useful, purposeful, meaningful and more helpful tasks that aren't mere sideshows for the cameras to cover-up what is really taking place not too far from the public's "eye" when the cameras aren't rolling!
No individual nor group of individuals (whether con artists, "free loaders" or otherwise) should be given the continuous "right" to attempt to rearrange the life of another (while holding the individual in intentional financial "detention" with his hands "tied" by those who see nothing wrong with using any method necessary, no matter how unethical and/or illegal in an effort to obtain what's missing in their lives real "legitimacy" that is not of the fleeting type and possessed by another, as documented in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED as supplemented by UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED while their supporters are "hoping" that these pesky problems (of their creation), will "magically" disappear, as these types have deluded themselves into thinking that they can take advantage of the "weak", destroy any available witnesses as the previous Comment # 1 from 2/13/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page referenced above and the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED documents; attempt to alter historical events, when the details depicted in the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED supplemented by actual circumstances described in the post HOW THE RECORDING OF MY JOURNEY SAVED THE DAY - EDITED AND UPDATED.
The revelation of the obvious flaws in the "claims" of those the "free loader cause" made clear by close scrutiny of the historical FACTS and comparing them to the actual records should come as no surprise to anyone of sound principles. Definitely showing why its downright difficult and impossible to completely erase the history of an individual, which some had hoped would have occurred with the "coincidental" disasters of the spectacular kind referenced in the bulleted listing in the Here are the Background Facts and Details section of the post VOLUNTARY LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS BRING MEANINGFUL CHANGE - UPDATED AND AMENDED, as well as in the Here are the Events of Note section of the post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED AND EDITED much less the outright replacing of the lives of individuals with complete impostors who simply ease into the "ready made" existences of the lives of unsuspecting individuals in desired locations and ply their trade of achieving much by doing very little. Such expedient decisions neglect the fact that the lives of individuals are often complicated by unknown links and circumstances that cannot be so easily replaced as some expedient types have concluded, such as for example:
- the knowledge that documented existence of dear friend's Carol position Corporate Legal Secretary in the then Company, Trinmar was recorded in newspaper article(s) during the time of her tenure (in the 2001 through 2003 time frame) and having paid for a subscription of this Trinidad daily/weekend publication, I can attest to the fact that such information exists (and still should since HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS or
- the awareness that my dear friend Lois' son Michael Bruno's early childhood records were held at the Nassau Hospital in Mineola as documented under Additions for January 13, 1982 in the post HOW THE RECORDING OF MY JOURNEY SAVED THE DAY - EDITED AND UPDATED as well as
- that my shy young friend Celia NEVER attended the 7th Day worship services with the expedient Mrs. Rawlins (while I resided there and yet she "made" herself out to be a "pillar" of the community), even though she accompanied me on many an occasion when I was assisting with some needed repairs at the storefront where we (Mrs. Rawlins and I) worshiped as depicted in the entry for July 27th 1984 under Prior Listing from the post HOW THE RECORDING...SAVED THE DAY - EDITED AND UPDATED included above and
- that many are cloaking themselves in the borrowed "garments" of the heritage of Israel, whether or not they are God's chosen in order to practice of man's oldest "profession", shamelessly, not too far from the public's eyes, when the curtains are drawn back ever so slightly on these "grand" structures to allow the "sun" to shine In on the activities taking place by those who have attempted to cloak themselves in the identity of God's chosen's heritage from the 3rd tribe 9at my expense) in blatant disregard for the Court's ruling.
For me that trust turned as part of the proceedings for case # LACV 3946, in 2009, when an individual who, I thought I knew denied the vows we made under oath (for gain) to permit those who defrauded me to continue to completely take over my identity, history, qualifications and accomplishments. This action, then set in motion the divorce proceedings for me that ended with the Default Decree in case # CDDM 1638 of 4/16/2012, (which she could not participate in because of her earlier action while making up trivial excuses). The truth always comes out even though it may take years, but it always does!
For me that trust turned as part of the proceedings for case # LACV 3946, in 2009, when an individual who, I thought I knew denied the vows we made under oath (for gain - see the BRAZANT/HARBIN WEDDING ALBUM FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY - UPDATED 3/12/2013 - link on COMMENTS Page), to permit those who defrauded me to continue to completely take over my identity, history, qualifications and accomplishments, not only in the U.S.A. but also in my "Homeland" as documented in the series of posts on STATUS OF LIST OS ATTACHMENTS PROVIDED IN BIDCs LETTER OF 3/1/2003 and earlier posts (- link on COMMENTS Page). This action, then set in motion the divorce proceedings for me that ended with the Default Decree in case # CDDM 1638 of 4/16/2012, (which she could not participate in because of her earlier actions that shattered the very "vows" we made and she conveniently "threw under bus" when expedient, while making up trivial excuses). The truth always comes out even though it may take years, but it always does!
Those who have been made aware of critical information are expected to act on it and failure to do so is an indication of the type of character traits we possess (or another way of interpreting this is to whom much is entrusted, a great deal is in turn expected). When viewed from the point-of-view of man's law versus God's law and applicable priorities apply (based on the interests of those involved); this helps to set the stage for how an individual will approach his or her fork-in-the-road moment, (which we are all confronted with in our lives in one manner or another). When faced with such, most would like to think that others in our lives would be as understanding as we would expect and hope they would be. Those unable to understand a very difficult situation more than likely are not be the types of individuals we had hoped they would be; namely, understanding when the need arises (for one reason or another but most likely due to lack of wisdom as the series of posts on the subject of understanding emphasized as typified by the post WHAT REALLY IS UNDERSTANDING (EDITED)?). This reminds me of those mortgage bankers were sought and received relief from their "burdensome" accounting rule (through lobbying) that brought many to the point of insolvency but yet are as difficult in extending their "good fortunes" to others (their customers) not so readily able to lobby and receive applicable benefits! In reality, we all have unique circumstances we would like others to be as understanding of as we should be to them in whatever situations they are confronted with. Therefore, we kick and scream when our expectations aren't met exactly as we had hoped but yet don't see how unfair we are in turn acting to the very individual we are claiming is not understanding of us. How very one sided we tend to be, in all fairness.
Those who are accustomed to manipulating the lives of others, have absolutely no idea what it's like to be on the receiving end of the methods that they so readily use, otherwise such "cowards" would never resort to such methods in the first place. Hiding in the shadows and using destructive tactics in the lives of others is not courageous, while smiling for the cameras and pretending to be "pope-like" figures in bringing aid to the needy with "clasped" hands to convey a different "face" of multi-sided persona such types attempt to convey for the purpose of removing themselves from all the expedient actions carried out in the lives of those impacted by their horrendous decision-making over the years, not too far from the public's eye. All will have to be accountable for their decisions, those are not my words, they are God's. The actions of such expedient opportunistic politico types who rearranged my life, to attempt to make me "stateless", when no such rights have been conferred on any such individuals by the Constitution, don't go unnoticed, because the ONE sees all even though this does not appear to be the case to those without personal knowledge of Him. Since such authority did not come from the Constitution, where did the "god-like" authority to carry out such methods originate? Adopting the role of "dictator", that such types took it upon themselves to enact along with other entities who also adopted such roles, because of the monopolistic, dynastic roles carved out for their cause and went to great lengths to protect, basking in the "good fortunes" "coincidental" spectacular wonders allowed such types to enjoy having after having, successfully dodged the deregulation date with destiny that could have ended the monopolistic positions such have found themselves in.
Such individuals did not then and still do not now have any right to carry out actions of the types they bring about in the lives of others. Before attempting to rearrange the lives of any unsuspecting individual, first, the results of the years of expedient decisions enacted in your personal lives, should be dealt with courageously, instead of the self-serving more-of-the-same methods typically carried out at the expense of victims for pleasure and to repay the "free loader" and "free loader-related" debts such types owe. The pages of this Blog, report only those activities implemented by others for, which clarity is needed to be recognized by all who continuously choose to seek understanding in the midst of chaos and they have and deserve that right, in the Land of the "Free" and the Home of the Brave, this is only fair, after all. Note: all links are accessible on the COMMENTS Page.
This comment is being posted in two (2) parts due to its length:
Part (1)
This comment is the compiling of two distinct unrelated issues collectively, as follows:
First, relating to the matter of Proprietary issues regarding the proposed FREEDOM A-L-L INCLUSIVE approach used here is just another “red herring” when all else fails again taking issues discussed on this Blog out of context. The matter of proprietary issues as used in the post on this Blog, namely ”HOW TO BALANCE REGULATIONS IN AN INDUSTRY WHERE PROPRIETARY ISSUES ARE CRITICAL”, was primarily addressing government agencies with many personnel and involving complicated bureaucratic policies and processes, which do not apply where a single individual is involved, as this comparing “apples” to “an orange”, which is clearly a non issue. Where a single individual, choosing to rely on GOD ONLY for direction, as opposed to processes where many individuals (often thousands), with complicated processes involved, we are clearly not on the same page (as is well understood). The Conservery Proprietorship Authorization clearly documents, involves a single individual operating alone as previously indicated. Therefore, those repeatedly referring to proprietary issues as used in the context in the previously referenced post are subtly inferring that this Proprietorship includes many “free loader cause” types who have been Piggybacking onto my every move for many years as begun by their “shadowy Society” years ago as documented in the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE“BLACKOUT”(UPDATED AND AMENDED), and are still attempting to do so continues as documented in the below photos, to provide those in need of identities with “fleeting” legitimacy; and this is false. The FREEDOM A-L-L INCLUSIVE process approach only involves a single individual, as does the Conservery Proprietorship.
Continued below:
Continued from above:
Part (2)
Secondly, on the matter of trust, once this is broken, as the below photo indicates, it can NEVER be repaired, that’s just one of those unintended consequences that results from making expedient decisions by those who choose the easy ways in life (such as man’s oldest profession) as oppose to dealing with old fashioned, hard work, values, goals and objectives and then working towards them. What’s even worse is when entire societies has been so misled by their leadership, to the peril of their economies, industries, financial structures, which are then existing on shaking “ground” and sinking sand and its only a matter of time that the facade can be maintained, before the entire structures implode, while such types provide empty promises and platitudes hoping that their “talk” will hold off the inevitable until some “scheme” associated with the method they have all (with the exception of very few) “invested” in at the expense of a single individual and others sacrificed along the way, works out to pull all parts of the “sinking ship” together and “refloat” it and all will be well, such types think, maybe. When these scheme are based on the demise of just another individual by those who have resorted to “whatever works” methods to continue down the path of a “Misguided Development” implemented by those with no vision and thinking that they in concert with the former empire have pulled a fast “one” over on “big brother” to the north (that many agreed to “jump on board”) or from across the “pond” as the case may be, with its resources that all (with the exception of a very few) have decided to share in this “cash cow” at the expense of this society (in, which I have chosen to reside); then that is shaky ground at best and “fool hardy” thinking at its worse, without consideration for the lives being impacted along the way, and the long-term ramifications of their collective actions if the same cash cow society they agreed to ravish finances imploded (as occurred in 2008), what then would take place, that many of the same smaller societies are all dependent on in some way, shape or form, financially. One should always remember that expedient decisions always come back to haunt you, when least expected as oppose to sound decisions, which can be relied on that many of the "free loader's cause" types are attempting to use my identity as a shield to "hide behind" for their questionable activities as documented in the post EXPEDIENT DECISION-MAKING, ALWAYS A MISTAKE (EDITED AND UPDATED)! as well as ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE - UPDATED. Note: all links and photos are available on the COMMENTS Page
In instances where, some as those of the "free loader's cause" typically do, outright lie against you to achieve their end; there are no easy answers; and all that can be done, if it's been made known, especially in the case of those of the "free loader's cause" is to lie behind the backs of the individual being used for legitimacy and then leaving that person none the wiser (or oblivious to the fact) that all have changed stories, leaving the individual not even being able to defend against such as those types would have it, namely unaware of the facts, but carrying on as if all is well while all the expedient types are lying in the background, because being able to defend against such is not desired as they are also saying if the "stories" told against such were not true, why wouldn't the individual defend against the accusers, but just being oblivious to the facts, while the impostors go about their business attempting to make such an individual an impostor in his or her own identity, see the post THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CONSISTENT - THE CONCLUSION (UPDATED W/INSERTS) for an example such as this. I will choose to rely on God for direction in such matters, because He will reveal those who are doing wrong if His direction is sought. Biblical passages such as found in the book pf Proverbs, chapter 12 and verse 6, which points out that: "the words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood; but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them;" and in chapter 14, verse 1, which states "every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands"; should provide comfort that such situations enacted by the wicked; will not last, when they are the object of God's people, as this post appropriately points out NO SITUATION EVER ENACTED (OR CONCOCTED) BY MAN, TAKES GOD BY SURPRISE!. Note: all links are availale on the COMMENTS Page.
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