It should always be our primary objective to treat others with respect since it’s the only ethical path to pursue, because circumstances have a way of being altered and the path taken especially in our treatment of others may make some future situation a very pleasant one or otherwise very bleak.
Here are Some Situations/Thoughts to Consider:
Various articles such as the August 1, 2003 edition of that Business Street Publication (C3) has documented the awesome reputation of a certain Investor type associated with BHi. As outlined in the January 3, 2005 edition of that same referenced Publication (C3), this individual is reported to have “convinced” the late CEO of GleC in 1989; then on a strict New England seafood diet to part from his seafood for a couple of burgers instead. This Investor famous for treating others to local steaks did not follow this path on this occasion. This probably was the only unusual development in this setting as the company the then late CEO was head of GleC that found itself in a state of “distressed conditions” of sorts and he just so happened to make his way to the home turf of this Investor and the rest is history. Whatever conditions that led him (the late CEO) to the home turf of this Investor are not documented, but from the methods used by him (buying things under distress conditions), there was no doubt in this late CEO’s mind what he would end up giving up to keep his business afloat after finding his business “surrounded” by conditions beyond his control. As it would turn out, the beleaguered CEO ended up parting with a 10% stake of Glico's preferred convertible shares. What were the exact behind-the-scenes tactics that led this late CEO to this investor of last resort's “table”, are not known? Can it be truly stated that the CEO’s wishes were respected with regards to GleC’s preferred convertible shares, whether by his own mistakes or otherwise? The conditions carefully described gives some "clues" into the tenseness at that meeting. For example, if an individual on a strict "diet" and is under financial duress; to "force" that individual to take part in a burgers and not even the typical steak lunch this Mogul type is known for, may not have contributed to this CEOs sense of getting "fair" deal, but in such business circumstances, "fairness" is NOT typically found as there are a brand of business types who prey on the misfortunes of others. Whether or not such circumstances existed here are open to question, but he ended up parting with at least a 10% stake of preferred convertible shares in his company in order to remain in business and get out from under the distress conditions in, which the late CEO found himself in.
Here are Some Situations/Thoughts to Consider:
Various articles such as the August 1, 2003 edition of that Business Street Publication (C3) has documented the awesome reputation of a certain Investor type associated with BHi. As outlined in the January 3, 2005 edition of that same referenced Publication (C3), this individual is reported to have “convinced” the late CEO of GleC in 1989; then on a strict New England seafood diet to part from his seafood for a couple of burgers instead. This Investor famous for treating others to local steaks did not follow this path on this occasion. This probably was the only unusual development in this setting as the company the then late CEO was head of GleC that found itself in a state of “distressed conditions” of sorts and he just so happened to make his way to the home turf of this Investor and the rest is history. Whatever conditions that led him (the late CEO) to the home turf of this Investor are not documented, but from the methods used by him (buying things under distress conditions), there was no doubt in this late CEO’s mind what he would end up giving up to keep his business afloat after finding his business “surrounded” by conditions beyond his control. As it would turn out, the beleaguered CEO ended up parting with a 10% stake of Glico's preferred convertible shares. What were the exact behind-the-scenes tactics that led this late CEO to this investor of last resort's “table”, are not known? Can it be truly stated that the CEO’s wishes were respected with regards to GleC’s preferred convertible shares, whether by his own mistakes or otherwise? The conditions carefully described gives some "clues" into the tenseness at that meeting. For example, if an individual on a strict "diet" and is under financial duress; to "force" that individual to take part in a burgers and not even the typical steak lunch this Mogul type is known for, may not have contributed to this CEOs sense of getting "fair" deal, but in such business circumstances, "fairness" is NOT typically found as there are a brand of business types who prey on the misfortunes of others. Whether or not such circumstances existed here are open to question, but he ended up parting with at least a 10% stake of preferred convertible shares in his company in order to remain in business and get out from under the distress conditions in, which the late CEO found himself in.
Take the example of another individual as documented in the 6/12/2009 edition of that Business Street Publication (A21), when a then junior Senator from IL lathered the then nominee for the Supreme Court's vacancy with praise before respectfully voting against him. in reading the outline, it reads as if he was about to vote for the Judge. How very much more awkward it would have been for the Senator who would later be elected to the highest in the Land if he had been dismissive of the judge in casting his vote, especially since he had to face his former nominee twice before finally getting the "oath of office" correct in his first election.
The Finale/Outcome:
It should never be standing policy to be dismissive and disrespectful when dealing with the interests of others and/or use the misfortunes of others as a means of demonstrating success in doing business. However, it does take a certain type of individual to "prey" on the misfortunes of others and then in turn chalk this up to achieving a successful lifestyle, it’s just bad policy, ethically in my opinion. Working with known "corporate free loaders" (whom don’t have to be reimbursed) as a means of circumventing the legitimate interests of the Owner of the Conservery Proprietorship is a disrespectful posture, especially when the Root Cause approach, made available to this Investor was used without consideration [see the posts "THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT (EDITED AND UPDATED)?" in addition to "THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFETT, (EDITED/AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS AND AMENDED)" and otters in His Organization have also been made aware of this state of affair as documented in the post ADDENDUM TO THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT - UPDATED but the amount including other applicable penalty details is still owed the Proprietorship for this material]. Those with whom the Investor are siding are known to be in no way associated with my Proprietorship and are simply being used as a shield to cover the very unethical and unfair methods being employed to “assume” control of Conservery to avoid payment of the legitimate debt owed me for material repeatedly used, as documented in the post THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE MR. BUFFETT, - EDITED by those "without origins" and in need of another "identity crutch" (as highlighted in the below photo insert) to support their fleeting "legitimacy", who most likely are accustomed to using every unethical means available to take control of something they had nothing to do with to cover up their lack of origins. These methods are documented in the post "THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED as well as "SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM" in addition to WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED. My decision in this regard is not being altered just because identity switching (as demonstrated on the Pages of this Blog and quantified in the post "THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS)!" and these "bridge stunt" and similar types of methods as described in the post and above are constantly being attempted by those who have little regard for the rights of others, while relying on the types of OVERT methods documented above and generally depicted in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, specifically. This would help to explain many things such as:
It should never be standing policy to be dismissive and disrespectful when dealing with the interests of others and/or use the misfortunes of others as a means of demonstrating success in doing business. However, it does take a certain type of individual to "prey" on the misfortunes of others and then in turn chalk this up to achieving a successful lifestyle, it’s just bad policy, ethically in my opinion. Working with known "corporate free loaders" (whom don’t have to be reimbursed) as a means of circumventing the legitimate interests of the Owner of the Conservery Proprietorship is a disrespectful posture, especially when the Root Cause approach, made available to this Investor was used without consideration [see the posts "THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT (EDITED AND UPDATED)?" in addition to "THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFETT, (EDITED/AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS AND AMENDED)" and otters in His Organization have also been made aware of this state of affair as documented in the post ADDENDUM TO THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT - UPDATED but the amount including other applicable penalty details is still owed the Proprietorship for this material]. Those with whom the Investor are siding are known to be in no way associated with my Proprietorship and are simply being used as a shield to cover the very unethical and unfair methods being employed to “assume” control of Conservery to avoid payment of the legitimate debt owed me for material repeatedly used, as documented in the post THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE MR. BUFFETT, - EDITED by those "without origins" and in need of another "identity crutch" (as highlighted in the below photo insert) to support their fleeting "legitimacy", who most likely are accustomed to using every unethical means available to take control of something they had nothing to do with to cover up their lack of origins. These methods are documented in the post "THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED as well as "SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM" in addition to WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED. My decision in this regard is not being altered just because identity switching (as demonstrated on the Pages of this Blog and quantified in the post "THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS)!" and these "bridge stunt" and similar types of methods as described in the post and above are constantly being attempted by those who have little regard for the rights of others, while relying on the types of OVERT methods documented above and generally depicted in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, specifically. This would help to explain many things such as:
- Why those of the "free loaders cause" who "hide" while surrounding themselves with their carefully selected LABELS and NUMBERS as documented in the post THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY as supplemented by other labels and numbers on Business investments with funds from "questionably" obtained sources), with such "outward titles" as; 5200 Fountains Dr. (see below photo of one of the then garden additions from the post HOW STONEGATE THROUGH 140TH AVE OLIN ARE CONNECTED), and taxi services with carefully selected and advertised phone numbers for ex., 7882-xx16 intended to imply the union between a con artist type (described in the post THE DEFINITION OF A CON ARTIST) with the support of my vindictive ex as documented in the Introduction section of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, all intended for the purpose of allowing one impostor and possibly others to morph into my solid "foundations" (as documented in the 2nd bulleted listing after the "As previously pointed out..." paragraph in the "Here are the Background Issues:" section of the post THE DECISION TO ALTER MY RETURN TO MY HOMELAND, AT THIS TIME - UPDATED AND AMENDED), the easy or "whatever works" way as documented in the post GARBAGE IN, (
SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED, to give to those with "origin issues" and are called "originals" by those of their cause while remaining "photoless" (for the obvious reasons) and are allowed to file taxes fraudulently IN DEFIANCE OF THE COURT'S RULING as documented in example 4 of the listing in the post WHAT STOPPED A CHAMPION - EDITED AND UPDATED! in addition to the 3rd bulleted listing in the Conclusion section of the post HOW CAN THERE BE ANY DEGREE OF CONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMS IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE - UPDATED AND AMENDED as well as in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM and in the Conclusion section of the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED W/INSERTS UPDATED/AMENDED). - "Dreaming up" novel ways by those of “free loaders cause” to employ the use of “identity crutches”, for BOLSTERING THE “CREDIBILITY” OF SUCH WHO FILE FRAUDULENT TAX RETURNS IN THE NAMES OF OTHERS, (as well as for other illicit activity generally described on the Pages of this Blog) never was or never will be an avenue to “authenticity” but only fleeting “legitimacy”, whether or not relying on the "made-up" support of the types documented in the Conclusion section of the PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED to justify their presence in this Country, who as has been repeatedly stated on the Pages of this Blog, PAY NO TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES, as documented in item # 11 of the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED. In addition, see the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM, for such a expansive discussion on this subject that is supported by details in the Conclusion section of the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND, EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED/AMENDED), while hiding behind the identity, qualifications, history and accomplishments (or solid "foundations") of an unsuspecting individual to provide such types with the "devout" credentials such a model of man's oldest "profession" requires to give it it's needed "heavenly" air to remove any hint of being the hog operation it really is dressed up in silken garments as discussed in the post GARBAGE IN, (
SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED to fool the typical onlooker about what is really going on not too far from the public's eye when the curtains are drawn back ever so slightly to cast sunshine in on this age old shameful exercise one used to live an "easy" life under trying and "taxing" circumstances that was turned in the "business" method it later (and has) become, which has been practiced by many similarly "solemnly" outfitted types over the centuries while misrepresenting themselves, and assigned the title quoted below appropriately. However, GOD (OR ONE) ISN'T FOOLED, as documented at the conclusion of the post NO INDIVIDUAL KNOWS THE FUTURE - EDITED AND AMENDED, because He alone knows the past, present and future and He had already built in a mechanism for exposing this model used to disgracefully feign representing His chosen from the 3rd tribe about, which these and other future events are generally described in the Biblical book of Revelation* (see Footnote) for those with "wisdom" and "understanding" as discussed in the "There is nothing unfair..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post WHAT DOES TREATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED AND AMENDED?. For example, in chapter 17 and specifically verse 5 the most appropriate descriptions have been assigned to this disgraceful method its practitioners and role model in principle, are deserving of, namely "...BABYLON..." and "...MOTHER OF HARLOTS..." that is further discussed in the underlined details prior to and after the CONSISTENT WITH MY DECISION... insert in the Here are the Facts section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED. These skill less, and useless "free loaders" (except for unethical and illegal activities), in turn pay handsomely for the use of their new "heavenly" identities with their “two faces” as described in the post HOW CAN A BUSINESS BE OPERATED LIKE A DICTATORSHIP IN A FREE SOCIETY - EDITED AND UPDATED?. - Their apparently being "supported" by some at the highest levels in the State and Federal levels as described previously in this post and elsewhere, otherwise such individuals would not be so inclined to freely use such blatantly unethical methods as documented in this post and elsewhere (such as specifically in items # 13 and # 15 of the listing as well as in the other items generally from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED), in my opinion. These repeatedly unethical and illegal methods are used to “justify” their problems with "origin issues", while taking advantage of the resources of real taxpayers who contribute nothing meaningful to the society’s in, which they “hide” in this their illegally adopted home at the expense of this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave’s” unique founding’s cohesiveness on the part of those early “fairness seekers” as described in the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED as well as supplemented by details in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM.
- The State's unwillingness up to that time indicated, (by the date of receipt of the mail shown below), to close the Proprietorship's office in IA at its founding address, even after it was closed at the end of 2011 as documented in the post CONSERVERY FINAL STATUS UPDATE REGARDING STATE CRITERION - AMENDED (EDITED). The below photo shows the continued receipt of "official" State Tax and Use notification mailings, which I did NOT submit as it would have been an indication that what was previously mailed was inconsequential and that's unethical and a violation of my rights This photo shows the State Tax and Use annual mailing still being mailed even after the official "legal" closure of the office here at 8263 140th Ave at the end of 2011, to provide those of the "free loaders cause" with an "identity crutch" needed by such types who hide behind every "nook and cranny" (namely the accomplishments of others) in their attempt to rely on unethical methods to "demonstrate" fleeting "legitimacy". Conservery was NOT established to provide any "free loader" with an "identity crutch".
- The potential approval of a fraudulent request for the opening of a State approved business permit at the former Conservery founding address based on generic information outlined in the Change of Services Notice of 2/1/2013 AS A PREMISE TO IMPLY SOME "FLEETING" CONNECTION TO MY BLOGS BY THOSE WITH "ASSUMED" NAMES, WHERE NONE EXISTS. IF THIS WERE NOT THE CASE, THE SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE OF ALL MY PREVIOUS PHOTOS THAT TYPICALLY INDICATE THE INDIVIDUAL WHO MADE THE SPECIFIC COMMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE VARIOUS POSTS, (SHOWN BELOW) WOULD NOT HAVE MYSTERIOUSLY OCCURRED COMBINED WITH THE APPEARANCE OF THE DEFAULT ICON, (SHOWN BELOW) AS IF TO IMPLY THAT SOME "MYSTERY" PERSON (WITH NO PHOTO) OTHER THAN ME, MADE THE COMMENTS as outlined in item # 5 of the listing in the post WHEN ADOPTED NAMES MISLEAD - EDITED AND UPDATED and then use such a ridiculous posture to avoid payment of legitimate debts as referenced in the hypothetical scenario described in The Reality of Living with an Awesome Personality section of the post FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL'S CHARITY - UPDATED.
J_F_Brazant the current photo used to represent me as it (and the prior photo) appears with some of the comments ONLY instead of ALL as should be the case.

J_F_Brazant the default icon that mysteriously appeared to imply that some other photo less individual made the comments.
There is one central thing wrong here, none of these types with little standards have any real connections to Israel's 3rd tribe and/or rights with regards any of my Proprietorships and/or their inceptions or assets (referenced at the Conclusion of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAY AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED AND AMENDED?) even though adopting all their very unethical and illegal methods (such as the default icons that magically appeared throughout my Blogs (via the illegal manipulation of software code such types live by as they have no solid "foundations" of their own apart from what has been "borrowed" from others), as if to imply that such action reassigned ownership of my Blogs to others with no photos such that they could not be pictured in their two faced/identities with similarly borrowed names) in an attempt to affect something that's not achievable, namely being the true owner of the:
- identity/heritage,
- accomplishments,
- history and
- qualifications
or solid "foundations" that are generally discussed in the Conclusion section of the HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THIS LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED and supplemented with the details depicted in the Here are the Facts section of the same referenced post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY..., which are literally being boldly "stolen" and assigned to those with ONLY hog "manure" structures as documented in the post GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED and graphically depicted in the below photo, since I never agreed to transfer either the ownership of Conservery to anyone (outside of a legal purchase that is available to anyone/entity who(that) respects the rights of others since its assets were for sale as documented in the post THE SALE OF CONSERVERY'S ASSETS - UPDATED) but did not and no longer are; or anything else for that matter.
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Such types that only desire to thwart what's RIGHT, and
on advertising to justify the lack of "credibility", would NEVER agree to purchase the assets of my Proprietorship from me without encouragement from the only ONE who is capable of making such a reality. These methods used by such types who rely on "whatever works" approaches (as identified in #s 1 - 5 above as well as the bulleted listing below), are obviously accustomed to taking from others as a normal course of operating and see nothing wrong with such unethical and illegal tactics as long as they can cover up the final outcome via one method or another the "free loader cause" way. What has been forgotten is that not everything can be taken over and covered up, regardless of how many such actions were previously undertaken because the FACTS as documented in the listing in The Finale/Outcome section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED DON'T SUPPORT THE CLAIMS OF THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" TYPES AND THEIR "SUPPORTERS.
Furthermore, most claiming the heritage of the 3rd tribe have no idea whatsoever, what being a servant of the God of creation is all about, because it has nothing to do with:
on advertising to justify the lack of "credibility", would NEVER agree to purchase the assets of my Proprietorship from me without encouragement from the only ONE who is capable of making such a reality. These methods used by such types who rely on "whatever works" approaches (as identified in #s 1 - 5 above as well as the bulleted listing below), are obviously accustomed to taking from others as a normal course of operating and see nothing wrong with such unethical and illegal tactics as long as they can cover up the final outcome via one method or another the "free loader cause" way. What has been forgotten is that not everything can be taken over and covered up, regardless of how many such actions were previously undertaken because the FACTS as documented in the listing in The Finale/Outcome section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED DON'T SUPPORT THE CLAIMS OF THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" TYPES AND THEIR "SUPPORTERS.
Furthermore, most claiming the heritage of the 3rd tribe have no idea whatsoever, what being a servant of the God of creation is all about, because it has nothing to do with:
- stealing (identities or any such activity and any available memorabilia that will support such),
- lying, (by using "paid" false witness against another about whom such types have "questionable knowledge" regarding historical details but in the "whatever works" world of such types pretensive "impassioned" rhetoric is all that's required of such who see NOTHING wrong with such methods,
- supporting and/or committing violent acts against others, as the events described in CONSERVERY DEDICATION provide an indication of,
- backdating documents to demonstrate "legitimacy and/or originality" as documented in the 5th of the numbered listing of methods used by those of the "free loaders cause" in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED and then relying on
- illegal methods such as phone jamming to take over the phone number/account of an individual in order to spoof the other individual's life's accomplishments, to justify their ridiculous claims when such have achieved nothing that isn't "borrowed" from others by such types who believe in FREQUENTING PAST ESTABLISHMENT AS A MARK OF LEGITIMACY as documented in item 17 of the numbered listing of methods used by those of the "free loaders cause" in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED,
- relying on "nameform" and outright "name changing" (such as adding additional letter(s) to my name to justify their corrupt practices and assume the identity of another and by so doing allow for the support of an army of impostors wanting to achieve much by doing very, very little indeed while thinking that their "limitless" restrictions tactics such entities "live" by as depicted in items # 12 and 6 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED will work even against the GOD of creation whom such have NO regard for but have little qualms using His chosen's identity to cloak their downright unethical/illegal practices behind and,
- allowing one's heritage from the 3rd tribe to be used as a "front" for man's oldest "profession" to provide this model of man's oldest "profession", (which the supporters of this innovative, "stealth" income generation method), desires, consistent with the details previously discussed in item # 2 of the above listing in The Finale/Outcome section.
In closing, it must be again pointed out that even their "shadowy consuming force" with its "collective abilities" to act unilaterally in the lives of individuals, (a right none such possesses); can impede His will for His chosen regardless of the numbers of "free loader cause" types willing to follow such a pathway in their desire to achieve much by doing very little that's worthwhile. See the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED) as supplemented by HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED, for additional details of the "shadowy consuming force".
* Footnote:
The Biblical book of Revelation is described as the second of His (God's) two witnesses in that Book, mainly because those Books (Revelation as well as the Old Testament) are generally the ONLY two (2) Books that were intended to truly represent His direction for those who are His(chosen). The Old Testament works presents a representative "picture" of the God of creation as intended (regardless of the distortions introduced over the years), as well as our (His creation's) foundations.
The Book of Revelation on the other hand, bridges the gap left opened with the Old Testament writings to provide us with a completed "picture" (or view), namely of what was to come, in addition to making sure that an accurate record existed about the role of Christ, that was well known by its author, John (the follower of Christ), which was distorted in the other "works", that have been built around the book of Revelation and given the label, "New Testament", collectively, to somehow convey that these works are ALL on the same "level" as the 2nd Witness. However, to draw such a conclusion would be grossly inaccurate.
As pointed on in the first 10 verses of Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation, where the role of Christ is accurately depicted, it is documented that he overcame where no other did, as it indicates he was found "...worthy to open the book, and loose, the seals...". As recorded, "...the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book,...", implying that he gained victory over the type of false teachings about God that still exist today.
Christ himself never misrepresented himself to be God, throughout his journey, which represented his role, but repeatedly as any servant would, tried desperately to point others with whom he came into contact, to who really was the one true God of creation. His closest followers (or Disciples as they are sometimes described), "understood" his real role while the multitudes who followed generally did not.
This is a concise view of the what and why the role of Christ was needed, namely to provide accuracy in the midst of inaccuracy by a loving and caring God who knew what would continue to take place and even take on new and perverse meaning surrounding his (Christ's) true role, by those with ulterior motives (who are generally unaware that even his mother turned her lifestyle around because of her son's role, which was painfully "played out" before her). This Witness has correctly described those who deliberately chose to distort his role by the term most fitting for such, which has been repeated on the Pages of this Blog, name "BABYLON", which as also described there has "FALLEN" (and documented in Revelation Chapter 14 and verse 8). Verses 9 and 10 goes on to warn God's chosen to separate themselves from such an institution to avoid receiving its mark, namely that of man's oldest "profession", which has been used as the "standard" in this 21st century to determine whether any should be able to carry out commerce (or simply put), earn a living by ethical means (not connected to this sordid and demeaning activity); in order to avoid receiving the same penalty that has been determined for those who willfully participate in such activities. This warning that has been specifically included here, is intended for those overcomers (who like Mary who gave up her former life as indicated above), to encourage such that if she did so can they because there is genuine hope for them.
The penalty outlined for those who continue to willfully participate in this practice with its heavenly "halo" that those modern day "reinventors" of this centuries old model has attributed to it purposefully to cloak it distasteful "odors" will "... drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...", as recorded in verse 10 of chapter 14. Those are not my words, but those of the God of creation who has stood by and watched as these "whatever works" types repeatedly attempted to tell Him who always existed (as ONE), who His chosen are, and He knows His and does indeed keep His promises as documented in the "How we respond to such..." paragraph included in the Conclusion section of the post THE LOOP THAT CAUSED TOO MUCH OF A "GOOD" THING TO GO BAD - UPDATED . THIS (as previously stated on the Pages of this Blog in posts such as in the Excerpt from 7/1/2013 on the COMMENTS Page, that is repeated under the Footnote in the post HOW CAN A BUSINESS BE OPERATED LIKE A DICTATORSHIP IN A FREE SOCIETY - EDITED AND UPDATED?), IS VERY DISHONORABLE, AS IT
Those who rely on "whatever works" methods should bear in mind that it is of far greater importance, not to be involved in the type of misrepresentation that can and has occurred before those often ignored and forsaken voters and others; routinely taken for granted by repeating whatever "line" is expedient, knowing full well that such information is far from accurate because it is almost impossible to reconcile such statements, and/or actions especially in instances where such information has led to the lost of life, and/or the permanent scarring of a precious life because all are held accountable for the information they have knowledge of and/or actions enacted and in turn either passing it on or withhold it in the case of information or resorting to "face saving/cover-up" type action in the case of bad decisions leading to the detriment of others. Sound decisions and reconciliation are very difficult measures to implement because they involve unpopular and difficult decision-making (as this post AN EXAMPLE OF RECONCILIATION - UPDATED points out), but is needed if a sincere admission of wrong has been carried out.
Note: It must be pointed out that the example used in the above link does not imply any expectation on my part, it is only used to depict what it takes (or the high costs) involved in carrying out reconciliations because of a knowledge of the events involved in my specific circumstances are and what a sincere reconciliation for identity misuse etc. and the associated actions at my workplace and in my personal affairs (as the specific examples documented in the post THE COEXISTENCE OF DISSOLUTION AND TRIUMPH demonstrates), which would be required to in some small measure account for the wrongs that took place over the years. Where a loss of life is involved I have no specific example to offer because some type of arbitration would be needed to determine what's best under such circumstances (on a case by case basis). Furthermore, if anything on the Pages of this Blog can be demonstrated definitively to be inaccurate, (that can withstand a root cause type verification on my part), a retraction will be carried out as appropriate. Note: all linka are available on the COMMENTS Page.
Originally posted @ 12:00 AM by J_F_Brazant
This post (ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS... below) shows that a Tax/Use Business mailing for the Proprietorship was received in 2012 even though the previously existing office was closed [as a specific State location even though the Proprietorship as a legal entity was maintained via its Federal EIN listing (see the post STATUS OF LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PROVIDED IN BIDC'S LETTER DATED MARCH 1, 2003 - UPDATED) for a copy of this document (shown below), until relocation occurred, since preparation for such an eventuality was the only activity on-going at this "holding address" and not in the old office area for tax purposes] and it's typically received around this time of the year. It must be pointed out that NONE has been received by this Proprietorship so far this year and if was mailed and intercepted by any "free loader cause" type in need of "legitimacy", such is not representing this Proprietorship as the OLD OFFICE area that was maintained by me here at 8263 140th Ave, Olin, IA 52320-7708 has been effectively disassembled as a tax "office" location per the IRS rules and it's no longer is in existence according to their guidelines and consistent with the Brazant divorce, see item # 14 from the listing in the post"FREE LOADERS" AND THEIR "CREDIBILITY", THE UNTOLD STORY - UPDATED. As a result, any representation on the part of any individual that such is still in existence, would be TAX FRAUD on the part of those of the "free loader cause", in a desperate attempt to cling to a non existent "identity crutch" for fleeting "legitimacy". I need no such crutch and the office was closed as previously reflected in various posts on this Blog, such as CONSERVERY FINAL STATUS UPDATE REGARDING STATE CRITERION - AMENDED (EDITED) and no longer exists. The legitimate Owner of this Proprietorship has no part in TAX FRAUD for either Federal Tax or State of Iowa income tax purposes. Even if it (the State of IA Tax/Use Mailing) should turn up after this posting, it still will not be either completed and/or submitted by the Owner of the Conservery Proprietorship as this would be a misrepresentation of the status of the previously used office area but currently non-funtioning space (as previously utilized). Those "free loader cause" types who are accustomed to stealing documents for others of her cause as reflected in item # 2 in from the listing in the post "FREE LOADERS" AND THEIR "CREDIBILITY", THE UNTOLD STORY - UPDATED and who lies about her "true" identity because of origin issues will be on her own in the submission of fraudulent tax documentation at both the State and Federal levels, (if she intercepted it for those of her cause), but I guess those of her cause will be providing her the cover needed to submit such fraudulent documentation as maintained on this Blog as THEY DO NOT FILE TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES (DUE TO ORIGIN ISSUES). Both Federal and State bax returns for 2012 and 2013 will be filed at the same time by me the Founder/Owner of this Proprietorship as maintained on this Blog, once relocation has occurred since as of the present time I owe no taxes for either year at either the State or Federal levels, unless this changes after this posting and resources owed this Proprietorship as noted in postings such as THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFETT (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS), is received and such will be addressed as appropriate for tax purposes. Once again, this Proprietorship has NO PART IN THE SUBMISSION OF FRAUDULENT TAX DOCUMENTATION TO ASSIST ANY "FREE LOADER CAUSE" TYPE WITH DESIRED "LEGITIMACY". Note: all links and photos are available on the COMMENTS 2013 Page.
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