The so-called Triple Crown is Horse Racing’s equivalent of the playoffs in other sports. Therefore in 2012 when the likelihood that for the 1st time in 34 years, (since 1978), another horse was on the verge of creating history, excitement started to build that a “true” champion was about to be crowned at Belmont in New York. I remember all too well as a student in 1978 following the famous duel between Affirmed and Alydar for all the excitement those races brought even though today there is hardly a footnote about the loosing horse. This depiction is about events that stopped champions (of sorts), please follow below.
The Implications/Outcome:
The consequences of the Court's ruling in example 3 are far reaching, namely demonstrating implicitly that 1st Amendment “free speech rights” DO NOT apply where the information being relied on is known to be stolen. Therefore, for all those "corporate free loader" types, who incorrectly were led to believe that they had obtained new found free speech rights as reported in the post “WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK?” based on stolen, history, accomplishments, qualifications and identity records, (or solid "foundations") while relying on perjured testimony and the continuous carrying out of criminal actions by a false witness type thief (see the post and included Page HISTORICAL EVENTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY RESOURCES - UPDATED W/INSERTS) as well as bulleted listing a) in The Implication/Outcome of These Developments section of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, not so fast, AS THE COURT GIVETH, THE COURT REMOVES, thereby showing that well he process in place can lead to appropriate decisions. However, since man's laws are not implemented fairly, "whatever works" types can and do circumvent even such decisions and in this case they have attempted to use their usual methods to achieve such an outcome by fraudulently calling themselves "originals" using the stolen solid "foundations" of an unsuspecting individual, which is "complimented" by trails of MISSING (without a trace) Individuals and/or many "coincidentally" no longer alive as documented in the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LWA AND MAN'S - UPDATED, which all supports my position that something sinister has taken place when all the individuals from my journey in this Country have been compromised in some way and impostors are now attempting to CLAIM my EXACT journey, when all the..dots..are..connected that some expected would occur once my life was upended in the way that it was. I was supposed to accept what was handed out to me (or what one obvious "free loader" stated to me making contacts with temp agencies and attempted to find part time employment after my 2002 lay off, "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT WOULD HAPPEN!", when I informed the individual why I was looking for part time work. The shabby treatment meted out to me here, was a far cry from the "red carpet" treatment Lois Bruno and her family welcomed me with and neither can any pretend that they were the individual who was so treated now that they are all MISSING WITHOUT A TRACE, nor can such "treatment" be meted out to some now arriving and given notoriety as a means of "covering over" the treatment handed out to me that was part of a much "larger plan" to provide the basis for a documented path into this country for many "without origins" in the manner that "free loaders" connect to historical events and/or connections from the past, or present, with mass destruction of entire families with the exception of a paid liar (or two).
My belongings NEITHER required the destruction of those notable individuals in part explicitly listed in the "Genuine freshness may result..." paragraph in The Implications for Hoard's Future section of the post HOW CAN A BUSINESS BE OPERATED LIKE A DICTATORSHIP IN A FREE SOCIETY - EDITED AND UPDATED? (as well as others) for the filing a fraudulent police report about possessions that belonged to others, NOR did it require the "staging" of a "crime" (in the form of a "fictional" break-in), in order for me to demonstrate ownership, and that is why my notarized letter to the Consulate in New York, submitted in support of my replacement passport WAS RETURNED WHEN THE PASSPORT WAS ISSUED FOR ONLY 1 YEAR (WITHOUT EXPLANATION) AND THAT FRAUDULENT POLICE REPORT WAS KEPT BY THE CONSULATE, TO AFFORD AN IMPOSTOR WITH AN IDENTITY AS DOCUMENTED IN THE 4TH OF THE BULLETED HIGHLIGHTED EXAMPLES AFTER THE SOCIAL SECURITY CARD PHOTO INSERTS IN THE Here are the Background Details section of the post THE PREMISE BEHIND THE FLAWED LEGISLATION - UPDATED.
The personal belongings placed in storage in the CT warehouse were certainly my belongings placed there for my usage but, which were NEVER recovered and then used as a basis for the filing of a fraudulent police report (previously described) to provide impostors with an identity crutch as documented in the Footnote of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED and demonstrate that
those belongings shown in the photo taken with the camera below, (which is still in my
The specific details about the type of records involved are documented in the post “HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED)” as well as "GOD INDEED DOES RESPOND TO THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER!", or so some thought. As previously stated, I am moving on with my “own” life as the unique individual intended, in order that it can be said in all fairness that my actions made a difference when it mattered most, if only to one; not the “life” some thought they had the right to define for me (based on confinement in order to provide others with “credibility”).
In the other three (3) cases discussed, evidence of how the champions were crippled are clearly seen, however, in the fourth (4th) example, the stealth was so surgically, precisely employed that real evidence does not exists because of the clever tactics these "shadowy free loader" types employ from victim to victim, while thinking I have been successful again while showing scant regard for the trail (of compromised bodies most whom can't be found because their existence would complicate the new reality that these impostors are "unified" around), left behind as documented in The Implications/Outcome section above. However, I AM THAT I AM (or ONE) sees this stealth and only ONE knows the future and the methods of these "free loader cause" types even though enacted in secret, will NOT be permitted to impede His will for His chosen, simply because He alone knows how the future will unfold. God can show His chosen, (regardless of where they have been), how to act honorably even when it's not popular to do so as His methods does not require 'legions" of individuals in order for success to be achieved as the "free loaders" do, as the final section of the post ISN'T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)? outlines, just a single One and by so doing implement the beginning of the process of honoring God in ALL aspects of their lives and as an outcome, demonstrate respect for others through reconciliation (for any past actions) on the journey that will begin a relationship with Him for direction in all things for His chosen; based on the assumption that: a) He will be allowed to control the events in the daily lives of their lives and b) the desire for change existed in the first place (as will be the case for them (His chosen). With this situation existing, He will lead and for this scenario, the post THE ADDENDUM TO HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY (UPDATED) already contains a description on this subject with applicable links to provide guidance on this subject matter. After all, it is only fitting for Him to make such practical information available for us about His methods, typically using others (or whatever means is appropriate) to show His chosen people how to proceed when they need it most, since THIS IS GOD'S LEADING THE LIVES OF HIS CHOSEN (or Israel), by
* Footnote:
The so-called Triple Crown is Horse Racing’s equivalent of the playoffs in other sports. Therefore in 2012 when the likelihood that for the 1st time in 34 years, (since 1978), another horse was on the verge of creating history, excitement started to build that a “true” champion was about to be crowned at Belmont in New York. I remember all too well as a student in 1978 following the famous duel between Affirmed and Alydar for all the excitement those races brought even though today there is hardly a footnote about the loosing horse. This depiction is about events that stopped champions (of sorts), please follow below.
Here are the Background Details:
- The June 9/10, 2012 edition of that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication (A1/14) pointed out in the article entitled “A Leg Trips Up The Triple Crown” that the horse appropriately named I’ll Have Another, (which neither became the 12th horse to win nor the 12th horse to loose after successfully winning the other two (2) races of the Triple Crown. In the case of this champion, it was the mere 18 inches of swollen sinew connecting the left front knee and hoof that stopped this champion before race day.
- In the case of Alydar, the unforgotten hero of the compelling duel of two champions (the other being Affirmed) each in their own right in, which the combined three races were won by a maximum distance of less than two horse lengths; this champion was stopped by another champion.
- The third example was a somewhat “hero” (or champion of sorts to some), then Seattle area Congressman JMcD who circa 1966 happened to come into possession of illegally obtained taped information and leaked it to the press. The information involved strategy being planned by members of one Party about how to handle the announcement of a certain ethics investigation. He was sued and it bounced around the Courts as reported in that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication from August 23, 2004 (Editorial Opinion), until it reached as far as the Supreme Court who sent it back to then Federal Judge Hogan, who ruled that “the Court finds because Defendant JMcD PARTICIPATED IN AN ILLEGAL TRANSACTION when he accepted the tape…he is WITHOUT 1st AMENDMENT PROTECTION.” In this case, the Courts stopped the unlikely “hero” now champion (for another reason).
- The fourth example being introduced is that of "famed" former NY AG, nicknamed the "Crusader", by those in a "free-wheeling" world of excesses in whose way of operating, he attempted to bring a sense of order to. As documented in the post TIME PROVES A CRUSADER CORRECT (EDITED)!, the exploits of this famed former AG were beginning to spread and he was attempting to bring "order" to a business model known for its excesses in all forms. As that post pointed out, the ways of unethical behavior were the norm if one expected to be "successful". However, the world of this former "Crusader" turned Governor crumbled unexpectedly in a bizarre set of circumstances that don't make sense to this day, because of the types of "characters" this "Top" prosecutor would have only too well aware of. Therefore, as documented in a comment from 2/8/2013 on the COMMENTS page, it would have taken a scenario close to what was described in that summary for this champion to be stopped, and a promising career cut short first by his decision to seek the governor's office and then most likely due to the actions of "free loader cause" types with their long-range planning capabilities and the type of resources capable off bringing down those who dare challenge their "cause's" questionable wealth-generating capability, (see the posts THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE "BLACKOUT" (UPDATED) as well as THE FATE FOR THE METHODS OF DICTATORS WHO HOLD ON TOO LONG!). Only ONE knows for certain, and only ONE knows the future and all things will ultimately be decided based on the timetable ordered accordingly! Ultimately, what stopped this
champion, was stealth!
The Implications/Outcome:
The consequences of the Court's ruling in example 3 are far reaching, namely demonstrating implicitly that 1st Amendment “free speech rights” DO NOT apply where the information being relied on is known to be stolen. Therefore, for all those "corporate free loader" types, who incorrectly were led to believe that they had obtained new found free speech rights as reported in the post “WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK?” based on stolen, history, accomplishments, qualifications and identity records, (or solid "foundations") while relying on perjured testimony and the continuous carrying out of criminal actions by a false witness type thief (see the post and included Page HISTORICAL EVENTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY RESOURCES - UPDATED W/INSERTS) as well as bulleted listing a) in The Implication/Outcome of These Developments section of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, not so fast, AS THE COURT GIVETH, THE COURT REMOVES, thereby showing that well he process in place can lead to appropriate decisions. However, since man's laws are not implemented fairly, "whatever works" types can and do circumvent even such decisions and in this case they have attempted to use their usual methods to achieve such an outcome by fraudulently calling themselves "originals" using the stolen solid "foundations" of an unsuspecting individual, which is "complimented" by trails of MISSING (without a trace) Individuals and/or many "coincidentally" no longer alive as documented in the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LWA AND MAN'S - UPDATED, which all supports my position that something sinister has taken place when all the individuals from my journey in this Country have been compromised in some way and impostors are now attempting to CLAIM my EXACT journey, when all the..dots..are..connected that some expected would occur once my life was upended in the way that it was. I was supposed to accept what was handed out to me (or what one obvious "free loader" stated to me making contacts with temp agencies and attempted to find part time employment after my 2002 lay off, "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT WOULD HAPPEN!", when I informed the individual why I was looking for part time work. The shabby treatment meted out to me here, was a far cry from the "red carpet" treatment Lois Bruno and her family welcomed me with and neither can any pretend that they were the individual who was so treated now that they are all MISSING WITHOUT A TRACE, nor can such "treatment" be meted out to some now arriving and given notoriety as a means of "covering over" the treatment handed out to me that was part of a much "larger plan" to provide the basis for a documented path into this country for many "without origins" in the manner that "free loaders" connect to historical events and/or connections from the past, or present, with mass destruction of entire families with the exception of a paid liar (or two).
My belongings NEITHER required the destruction of those notable individuals in part explicitly listed in the "Genuine freshness may result..." paragraph in The Implications for Hoard's Future section of the post HOW CAN A BUSINESS BE OPERATED LIKE A DICTATORSHIP IN A FREE SOCIETY - EDITED AND UPDATED? (as well as others) for the filing a fraudulent police report about possessions that belonged to others, NOR did it require the "staging" of a "crime" (in the form of a "fictional" break-in), in order for me to demonstrate ownership, and that is why my notarized letter to the Consulate in New York, submitted in support of my replacement passport WAS RETURNED WHEN THE PASSPORT WAS ISSUED FOR ONLY 1 YEAR (WITHOUT EXPLANATION) AND THAT FRAUDULENT POLICE REPORT WAS KEPT BY THE CONSULATE, TO AFFORD AN IMPOSTOR WITH AN IDENTITY AS DOCUMENTED IN THE 4TH OF THE BULLETED HIGHLIGHTED EXAMPLES AFTER THE SOCIAL SECURITY CARD PHOTO INSERTS IN THE Here are the Background Details section of the post THE PREMISE BEHIND THE FLAWED LEGISLATION - UPDATED.
The personal belongings placed in storage in the CT warehouse were certainly my belongings placed there for my usage but, which were NEVER recovered and then used as a basis for the filing of a fraudulent police report (previously described) to provide impostors with an identity crutch as documented in the Footnote of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED and demonstrate that
T![]() |
The link mentioned in the photo caption is available here THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE BLACKOUT - UPDATED AND AMENDED.
The above photo from circa 1986/87 showing some of the contents of my then Still Hill Rd, residence, (including my original Pratt Diploma), which is very significant because without my TCI T-3 Program AOS diploma (and NOT a certificate of completion) as documented in the Here are the Facts section of the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED, with the example of that diploma included below from the Conclusion of the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED were placed in storage in 1989 and itemized in the Here are the Facts section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED, because without the TCI DIPLOMA, MY PRATT DIPLOMA COULD NOT BE OBTAINED, EVEN IF THE PRATT SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING IN NOW "COINCIDENTALLY" closed, which some are relying on to document that their path/journey in this Country is EXACTLY identical to mine (for those without standards and documented in the Footnote of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED AND AMENDED? with a partial listing of the other "COINCIDENCES" that usually just so happen to work out in the favor of these types "claiming" to be originals, (in defiance of the Courts - but what more would you expect from those without standards). Some of the other personal belongings placed in storage are pictured in the background of the photo. |
those belongings shown in the photo taken with the camera below, (which is still in my
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The Canon G111 - Cannonet QL17 with, which the above contents from 508 Still Hill Rd were taken
possession) are mine. The camera can be clearly connected back to 43 Sycamore Ave, Hempstead, NY (circa 1978/81, just as anyone else who “actually” was there would be able to with the identity crutch the expedient Mrs. Rawlins established for those of her cause); in addition to the other critical pieces of historical information she stole as documented in the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND! (EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED AND AMENDED), in spite of the efforts of those who attempted to:
- “black out” (or cover-up) my entire history prior to Iowa,
- continuously monitor all my activities from the "shadows" and then rush out from the periphery once anything significant has been undertaken and claim credit for it to attain fleeting "legitimacy" [or solid "foundations" as documented in the post GARBAGE IN, (
SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED and supplemented by details in item 6 from the Finale section in the post WHEN TRUST TURNS - UPDATED regarding FACTS-checking that don't support the claims of the "free loaders" when intense scrutiny is applied], and then call themselves "originals" while relying on their usual methods (as documented in the listing in the Conclusion section of the post WHAT DOES TREATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED AND AMENDED?) to achieve such an eventuality, as well as - continuously relying on their supporter types (previously mentioned in The Implications/Outcome section above), carrying out criminal actions such as the "stealing of records/"official" State documents" in the search for fleeting "legitimacy", that will ALWAYS require "massaging" to enable their "stories" to "perfectly fit" into places were they never existed because they are supported by types as documented in the "These so called "creduble" and "nowledgeable" witnesses..." paragraph in The Conclusion section of the post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT - EDITED AND UPDATED who have not yet come to realize that CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED, and
- attempting to "split hairs" by forcing themselves into a process that is used to IDENTIFY A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL CONTINUOUSLY as the Federal EIN (Form SS4)* (see Footnote) process via, which ONLY ONE individual can be identified as shown in the third (3rd) document in the listing in the post THE STATUS OF LIST OF ATTACHMENT PROVIDED TO BIDC - UPDATED as included below for CLARITY, an try to imply that various "photoless" (as depicted in the 2nd bulleted item in the listing in the "As demonstrated on the pages of all these blogs..." in the Conclusion section of the post HOW CAN HERE BE ANY DEGREE OF CONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMS IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE - UPDATED AND AMENDED?), "free loader cause" types with "origin issues" and in search of "identity crutches" are somehow magically associated with my sole Proprietorship and ideas by "decree" that is validated by the two methods used to document my journey as described in the photo inserts included above (one of those unintended consequences that those who desire much by doing very little that's meaningful never figured on, so their answer is to claim all as theirs and in affect are "imprisoned" to me and my EVERY action, by attempting to run around to all who will listen to "tell" others about activities I am carrying out and in this way hope to appear to be the originators of my work ahead of when it appears online, (the important question here is how do they know before my work is published what I'm working on?). It is for this reason that the statement "...there is NEITHER AN OFFICIAL NOR UNOFFICIAL avenue for making selectees aware of their selection apart from the Pages of this Blog."
The specific details about the type of records involved are documented in the post “HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED)” as well as "GOD INDEED DOES RESPOND TO THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER!", or so some thought. As previously stated, I am moving on with my “own” life as the unique individual intended, in order that it can be said in all fairness that my actions made a difference when it mattered most, if only to one; not the “life” some thought they had the right to define for me (based on confinement in order to provide others with “credibility”).
Once Conservery's state Sole Proprietorship's was
closed at the original Olin, residence location - Federal
Operating Basis shown was the ONLY LEGAL STATUS
until it was reopened in its/(MY) New PMB Address
In the final analysis, even though these champions may have been stopped by: a bad knee, another champion, the Courts and stealth the most telling blow was the stealth by, which champion number 4 was stopped, especially when what's at stake is considered as described in the Finale section in the post WHEN TRUST TURNS - UPDATED, regarding the inconsistency of mentioning the $36 trillion "shadow banking cottage industry", of those of the "free loaders cause", left unaddressed. In the other three (3) cases discussed, evidence of how the champions were crippled are clearly seen, however, in the fourth (4th) example, the stealth was so surgically, precisely employed that real evidence does not exists because of the clever tactics these "shadowy free loader" types employ from victim to victim, while thinking I have been successful again while showing scant regard for the trail (of compromised bodies most whom can't be found because their existence would complicate the new reality that these impostors are "unified" around), left behind as documented in The Implications/Outcome section above. However, I AM THAT I AM (or ONE) sees this stealth and only ONE knows the future and the methods of these "free loader cause" types even though enacted in secret, will NOT be permitted to impede His will for His chosen, simply because He alone knows how the future will unfold. God can show His chosen, (regardless of where they have been), how to act honorably even when it's not popular to do so as His methods does not require 'legions" of individuals in order for success to be achieved as the "free loaders" do, as the final section of the post ISN'T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)? outlines, just a single One and by so doing implement the beginning of the process of honoring God in ALL aspects of their lives and as an outcome, demonstrate respect for others through reconciliation (for any past actions) on the journey that will begin a relationship with Him for direction in all things for His chosen; based on the assumption that: a) He will be allowed to control the events in the daily lives of their lives and b) the desire for change existed in the first place (as will be the case for them (His chosen). With this situation existing, He will lead and for this scenario, the post THE ADDENDUM TO HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY (UPDATED) already contains a description on this subject with applicable links to provide guidance on this subject matter. After all, it is only fitting for Him to make such practical information available for us about His methods, typically using others (or whatever means is appropriate) to show His chosen people how to proceed when they need it most, since THIS IS GOD'S LEADING THE LIVES OF HIS CHOSEN (or Israel), by
* Footnote:
Those of the "free loader's cause" can say they are not operating with stolen belongings by using semantics to avoid the reality of the situation and hope that eventually theirs will sound believable (and it never will), but the fact of the matter is this, without this simple fact quoted from the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSIONs (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME VINDICATES A CRUSADER! UPDATED, theirs is a lost and dead cause, as follows:
"I never agreed to contribute my identity, accomplishments, qualifications and history, for any such cause and my "dear" sister was and is not authorized to sacrificed such on my behalf by switching her identity while parting with hers "wrapped in Asian garments" and shipped to this Country to assist a host of "shadowy free loader" types with questionable origins in need of new identities here at my expense, for gain [previously documented on the pages of this Blog as typified by the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS (EDITED 3/2/2013 AND UPDATED W/INSERTS 3/15/, 3/24 & 3/26/2013)]."
If the actions of my sister are removed, which their "claims" have as their basis but, which my dual methods of documenting can counter and in the process reconstruct all my actions and accomplishments (because "free loader's cause" types have no backup plan) as documented in the posts THE CHANGES THAT FOILED A "BLACKOUT" (UPDATED AND AMENDED) as well as THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED and with her actions removed from their equation, those of the "free loader's cause", case is baseless and that is the bottom line, because whatever borrowed "evidence" they are relying on, all can be proven to be fabricated, by my root cause methods and knowledge of the facts as they occurred via two methods of documentation (not "identity crutches"). As correctly pointed out in that post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS (EDITED 3/2/2013 AND UPDATED W/INSERTS 3/15/, 3/24 & 3/26/2013) as well as in the footnote of the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE "SWEEPING CHANGES" SUPPOSE TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY (EDITED/UPDATED)?, my sister can change her identity all she wants, but has no authority then or now to sacrifice mine in the process, period, for gain to a "shadowy virtual society" conjured up by a former empire turned Trojan Horse alternate stealth tax form implementer. I rest my case!
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