They are those who would like us to believe that what they bring about today is an indication of historical accuracy, in this process we are suppose to put on blinders and just look at the picture of what they are presenting in current time and that this is an indication of past events. Not so fast, such "slight-of-hand" as usual, require IGNORING HISTORICAL FACTS and just look at the manipulative "sideshow" being created today by underhand methods to give the appearance of "superiority" and the "free loaders cause" brand of "success" as an indication of what they would like us to believe took place historically. For example, they like to convey a sense of dominance by these types that can't achieve outcomes by "fair" methods and the most important thing about these types is that their "brand of success" is ALWAYS at the expense of others such types hide under the table by believing that by leaving a trail of death and destruction covers up historical facts and that no one will be able to tell that such "legitimacy" is based on brutality, and thuggish practices but this Blog's Pages are here to tell what such types would like others to ignore (or CONNECTING THE DOTS GENERALLY as supplemented in the post FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL'S CHARITY - UPDATED) as well as more specifically as documented in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE "god" - UPDATED as well as EXPEDIENTLY TAKING ON IDENTITIES MAY BRING MORE THAN BARGAIN FOR! - UPDATED. When certain, types go to work they only know how to be # 1 or the "best", by "whatever works" methods of the type depicted in the post THE "FREE LOADERS" CAUSE "CREDIBILITY -THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED). History does have a way of repeating itself, because Hitler employed the same methods to demonstrate that his "super race" was always victorious.
Here are the Facts of Interest:
Fact 1:
On Thursday March 2, 1978, I left Barbados on American Airlines flight #666, which was scheduled to and left around 2:30 pm and arrived in New York at approximately 6:30 pm at New York's JFK Airport to start my approximate two (2) years of studies at TCI and was confronted with my first real test of winter weather, as the temperature was a windy 25 degrees F (approximately). The following morning I contacted Mr. Tucker, in the Registrars Office who informed me that registration was on-going and that I should be registered no later than the following Monday March 6, 1978 and this was carried out to start my preparatory classes in 2P the following day, before beginning the T3 course fully (since I had been out of school for 6 + years and the two (2) semesters of refresher material was started the following day in full at the then Technical Career Institutes (TCI), now TCI College of Technology. I finally completed all the material for graduation and did on August 14, 1980 along with fifteen (15) OTHER GRADUATES, as shown in the below composite photo.
The above transfer credits as part of my application at Pratt is the basis for the acceptance letter dated September 1, 1980 received in September of 1980 and shown below, again showing that all can be reconstructed, if the basis for what took place is really known..
Fact 3:
On December 20th, 1998 edition of the Honolulu, Advertiser in section E, an article about the historical significance and present uses for the extract frankincense, was written by CO and entitled "Frankincense, Older than the Wise Men, Still Treasured Today". The article pointed out that the prized product of a tree, which played an important part in one of the Biblical New testament, stories had what was known as an old frankincense trade route that stretched from the Dofar region of Southern Arabia to the desert city of Petra in Jordan. This highly treasured aromatic gum resin, is hewn from, the bark of the Boswellia genus tree. This by product is fragrant and soothing as pointed it in the article, was used by ancient Egyptians to embalm mummies with it and it was also used as a base for perfumes as it easily masked everyday odors. At the peak of the frankincense trade approximately 2000 tons was shipped to Greece and Rome annually and was to that region what oil would become later and its harvested the way today as it was during its heyday. Its many uses were documented in the article as follows: 1) as an enticing perfume for the wealthy, 2) an insect repellent, 3) to mask unpleasant everyday smells, 4) as a method of removing food odors by Arab men, 5) to inspire religious contemplation..., 6) as a gift, 7) for cremation and embalming, 8) for respiratory disorders throughout the ages, 9) to assist with bad breath by Egyptians, 10) as an ointment for skin infections and battle wounds and 11) as an antiseptic and anti-fungal as well as anti-inflammatory agent today.
The Outcome/Outlook Due to these Facts:
The above shown facts, are just, that, which cannot be changed by anything enacted, brought about or recreated to attempt to mask these historical details. Even a "Shadowy Consuming Force" with "godlike" posture as documented in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED) cannot change these developments by "free loader-related plant", "mimicking", theft of critical identity records, simultaneous tracking while on-going, "free loader sympathizers" or current events meant as distractions to demonstrate "superior" skill for the underlying "dirty, dirty, dirty linen" being used to support the "authenticity" of their types as depicted by the partial listing of examples in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DEGREE - UPDATED. This is the case because they are established by time and records that cannot be replaced no mater how many "free loaders" are placed in "window dressing" corporate and other elevated positions to provide such types with fleeting "legitimacy" (while participating in man’s oldest profession); that will not last, regardless of the type and number of supporters such "whatever works" types have for their cause.
The Sunday, December 20, 1998 newspaper article in Fact 3 cannot be changed by anyone who may desire this article to suddenly become a "story" about a journey from Asia with a suitcase by an individual in 1955 via Brazil to attend Agricultural school on a student visa in the Midwest in one identity and then switched his major to electrical engineering and completed it in three (3) years all while working in a pool hall at the same time. It will never happen, no matter how many pseudo names are adopted and/or secret financial accounts are opened with funds accumulated from questionable sources that can't be accounted for but in need of an identity to justify being able to show "credibility' for the "finances" available as one have to simply remember "free loaders" do not have to be reimbursed because they can't be legally hired, hence the need for "two-faces", to justify spending the accumulated funds from "non descript" sources. That is why such types need the "frankincense" of identities belonging to others to cover-up the stench of the activities they are 1) (associated with and 2) avenues used to obtain funds from as documented in the post ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE and supplemented by details in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM.
Just as that specific article cannot be changed to suddenly become something else, neither can Facts 1 & 2 cannot be altered to fit "free loader's cause" types just because of the methods documented in the post were applied to bring about an attempted alteration of historical events by those with thin standards and rely on "whatever works" methods to bully their way over those they are taking advantage of and whose rights are being "walloped" to justify superiority today in shameless exercises and using "whatever works" methods while employing the type tactics documented in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED. In the final analysis, it must be realized that nothing [including thuggish practices, bullying, and staged pseudo event(s) etc.] can impede God's will, period and it's never too late to act honorably.
It must be noted that of the sixteen (16) graduates only myself and student #3 Kevin Wong (seated next to me) went on to further our studies directly from TCI at Pratt and I was surprised as was he when classes started and we ran into each other. There was no specific unifying aspect of our being there just to complete our studies and on occasion collaborate as needed as we did with other students as I only saw him on those occasions if and when we had similar classes. Kevin graduated around the same time as I did and the one occasion I ran into him just after completing my required undergraduate credits, when i had just turned 29 and he was even younger in his mid twenties and he informed me that he had received, not one (1) or two, (2) neither three (3) nor four (4), the number even surpassed five (5) as it turned out, he had received a total of six (6) job offers from recruiters visiting campus and he was in the process of mulling over his options regarding, which direction to go in. And that was the last time I encountered my fellow student Kevin who had significant opportunities before him and I wished him the best (see the below NOTE).
It is my hope that this young man's life was not targeted by those looking for much by completing very, very, very little while hiding and skating by on the "backs" of others. He should have attended one those six (6) job opportunities and led a successful life, not requiring any type of long-term communication with me or anyone else for that matter to succeed in life as his young age certainly meant that he had much more opportunities, if he actually pursued those career paths ahead of him and not falling victim as apparently so many others to the "shadowy consuming force" replacement agenda only to be used as a means of providing fleeting on-going "credibility" to an aging impostor and an identity to be used to "free loader plant" in the life of any unsuspecting individual looking for much while actually carrying out very little meaningful in life. Anyone brandishing themselves as Kevin Wong and not having pursued one of those six (6) job opportunities (because that individual could not as he would not be an engineer and secondly would be recognized by those recruiters who interviewed the real Kevin Wong as a fraud of the "free loader's case", kind). Having seen how they manipulated my dear Sister to adopt Michael Bruno (my godson) without knowing whom he really was and the details surrounding his family, (as documented in the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED?, I would not be surprised as such an eventuality and would mark his as another life sacrificed for the cause of those with no regard for the rights, lives and well being of any individuals, but just willing to carefully mark and target lives in my history for replacing such as Kevin, who gave this unimaginative thugs the "god" given right to run around this world for those in my life and target them for replacement in an effort to keep me at a "standstill" (impostor in my own identity) as their agreement called for (as documented in the post EXPEDIENTLY TAKING ON DECISION MAY TAKE ON MORE THAN BARGAIN FOR!) for the cause of their worthless "profession". IF I WAS REPLACED AS WAS KEVIN, THEN, POTENTIALLY NONE OF THOSE IN THE ORIGINAL PICTURE ARE AROUND AND IN THE "FAKE" PICTURE BEING BRANDISHED BY THE "FREE LOADER PLANTS" APART FROM THEIR IN-CLASS PLANT, THE EXPEDIENT CARL. These types then do everything in their ability to bring about such as the current debacle with my phone being unable to be used in my current location, but can elsewhere if this location is exited after a year plus of such usage, ONLY BECAUSE THE USE OF MY PHONE WAS SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED IN THE SOLUTION FOR ENSURING PAYMENT OF THE FUNDS OWED ME BY COKE, FINALLY as documented in the post THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFETT, (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS/AMENDED), in order that a host of impostors can carry on as they are the "real thing" at my expense.
They are those who would like us to believe that what they bring about today is an indication of historical accuracy, in this process we are suppose to put on blinders and just look at the picture of what they are presenting in current time and that this is an indication of past events. Not so fast, such "slight-of-hand" as usual, require IGNORING HISTORICAL FACTS and just look at the manipulative "sideshow" being created today by underhand methods to give the appearance of "superiority" and the "free loaders cause" brand of "success" as an indication of what they would like us to believe took place historically. For example, they like to convey a sense of dominance by these types that can't achieve outcomes by "fair" methods and the most important thing about these types is that their "brand of success" is ALWAYS at the expense of others such types hide under the table by believing that by leaving a trail of death and destruction covers up historical facts and that no one will be able to tell that such "legitimacy" is based on brutality, and thuggish practices but this Blog's Pages are here to tell what such types would like others to ignore (or CONNECTING THE DOTS GENERALLY as supplemented in the post FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL'S CHARITY - UPDATED) as well as more specifically as documented in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE "god" - UPDATED as well as EXPEDIENTLY TAKING ON IDENTITIES MAY BRING MORE THAN BARGAIN FOR! - UPDATED. When certain, types go to work they only know how to be # 1 or the "best", by "whatever works" methods of the type depicted in the post THE "FREE LOADERS" CAUSE "CREDIBILITY -THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED). History does have a way of repeating itself, because Hitler employed the same methods to demonstrate that his "super race" was always victorious.
Here are the Facts of Interest:
Fact 1:
On Thursday March 2, 1978, I left Barbados on American Airlines flight #666, which was scheduled to and left around 2:30 pm and arrived in New York at approximately 6:30 pm at New York's JFK Airport to start my approximate two (2) years of studies at TCI and was confronted with my first real test of winter weather, as the temperature was a windy 25 degrees F (approximately). The following morning I contacted Mr. Tucker, in the Registrars Office who informed me that registration was on-going and that I should be registered no later than the following Monday March 6, 1978 and this was carried out to start my preparatory classes in 2P the following day, before beginning the T3 course fully (since I had been out of school for 6 + years and the two (2) semesters of refresher material was started the following day in full at the then Technical Career Institutes (TCI), now TCI College of Technology. I finally completed all the material for graduation and did on August 14, 1980 along with fifteen (15) OTHER GRADUATES, as shown in the below composite photo.
Fact 2:
August 26th 1980, my initial application was made at Pratt Institute in
Brooklyn, having ensured that my transcripts from TCI* (see FOOTNOTE) were submitted, I
personally visited the campus and dropped of my application. On August 27th, I
contacted Pratt Institute and discovered that my application had been accepted
and made my way there to work out the various details with the then Foreign
Affairs Advisor, Nadia Merzliakow in order to register to start the completion
of the remaining 65 credit hours needed to ensure my graduation. (See the below
listing of accepted versus required Credits required to obtain my undergraduate
degree. This was carried out by the end of December 1981 and because of
attending Summer school all the requirements were completed in three (3) years.
See the below diploma and replacement. ![]() |
The above transfer credits as part of my application at Pratt is the basis for the acceptance letter dated September 1, 1980 received in September of 1980 and shown below, again showing that all can be reconstructed, if the basis for what took place is really known..
Fact 3:
On December 20th, 1998 edition of the Honolulu, Advertiser in section E, an article about the historical significance and present uses for the extract frankincense, was written by CO and entitled "Frankincense, Older than the Wise Men, Still Treasured Today". The article pointed out that the prized product of a tree, which played an important part in one of the Biblical New testament, stories had what was known as an old frankincense trade route that stretched from the Dofar region of Southern Arabia to the desert city of Petra in Jordan. This highly treasured aromatic gum resin, is hewn from, the bark of the Boswellia genus tree. This by product is fragrant and soothing as pointed it in the article, was used by ancient Egyptians to embalm mummies with it and it was also used as a base for perfumes as it easily masked everyday odors. At the peak of the frankincense trade approximately 2000 tons was shipped to Greece and Rome annually and was to that region what oil would become later and its harvested the way today as it was during its heyday. Its many uses were documented in the article as follows: 1) as an enticing perfume for the wealthy, 2) an insect repellent, 3) to mask unpleasant everyday smells, 4) as a method of removing food odors by Arab men, 5) to inspire religious contemplation..., 6) as a gift, 7) for cremation and embalming, 8) for respiratory disorders throughout the ages, 9) to assist with bad breath by Egyptians, 10) as an ointment for skin infections and battle wounds and 11) as an antiseptic and anti-fungal as well as anti-inflammatory agent today.
The Outcome/Outlook Due to these Facts:
The above shown facts, are just, that, which cannot be changed by anything enacted, brought about or recreated to attempt to mask these historical details. Even a "Shadowy Consuming Force" with "godlike" posture as documented in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED) cannot change these developments by "free loader-related plant", "mimicking", theft of critical identity records, simultaneous tracking while on-going, "free loader sympathizers" or current events meant as distractions to demonstrate "superior" skill for the underlying "dirty, dirty, dirty linen" being used to support the "authenticity" of their types as depicted by the partial listing of examples in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DEGREE - UPDATED. This is the case because they are established by time and records that cannot be replaced no mater how many "free loaders" are placed in "window dressing" corporate and other elevated positions to provide such types with fleeting "legitimacy" (while participating in man’s oldest profession); that will not last, regardless of the type and number of supporters such "whatever works" types have for their cause.
The Sunday, December 20, 1998 newspaper article in Fact 3 cannot be changed by anyone who may desire this article to suddenly become a "story" about a journey from Asia with a suitcase by an individual in 1955 via Brazil to attend Agricultural school on a student visa in the Midwest in one identity and then switched his major to electrical engineering and completed it in three (3) years all while working in a pool hall at the same time. It will never happen, no matter how many pseudo names are adopted and/or secret financial accounts are opened with funds accumulated from questionable sources that can't be accounted for but in need of an identity to justify being able to show "credibility' for the "finances" available as one have to simply remember "free loaders" do not have to be reimbursed because they can't be legally hired, hence the need for "two-faces", to justify spending the accumulated funds from "non descript" sources. That is why such types need the "frankincense" of identities belonging to others to cover-up the stench of the activities they are 1) (associated with and 2) avenues used to obtain funds from as documented in the post ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE and supplemented by details in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM.
Just as that specific article cannot be changed to suddenly become something else, neither can Facts 1 & 2 cannot be altered to fit "free loader's cause" types just because of the methods documented in the post were applied to bring about an attempted alteration of historical events by those with thin standards and rely on "whatever works" methods to bully their way over those they are taking advantage of and whose rights are being "walloped" to justify superiority today in shameless exercises and using "whatever works" methods while employing the type tactics documented in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED. In the final analysis, it must be realized that nothing [including thuggish practices, bullying, and staged pseudo event(s) etc.] can impede God's will, period and it's never too late to act honorably.
It must be noted that of the sixteen (16) graduates only myself and student #3 Kevin Wong (seated next to me) went on to further our studies directly from TCI at Pratt and I was surprised as was he when classes started and we ran into each other. There was no specific unifying aspect of our being there just to complete our studies and on occasion collaborate as needed as we did with other students as I only saw him on those occasions if and when we had similar classes. Kevin graduated around the same time as I did and the one occasion I ran into him just after completing my required undergraduate credits, when i had just turned 29 and he was even younger in his mid twenties and he informed me that he had received, not one (1) or two, (2) neither three (3) nor four (4), the number even surpassed five (5) as it turned out, he had received a total of six (6) job offers from recruiters visiting campus and he was in the process of mulling over his options regarding, which direction to go in. And that was the last time I encountered my fellow student Kevin who had significant opportunities before him and I wished him the best (see the below NOTE).
It is my hope that this young man's life was not targeted by those looking for much by completing very, very, very little while hiding and skating by on the "backs" of others. He should have attended one those six (6) job opportunities and led a successful life, not requiring any type of long-term communication with me or anyone else for that matter to succeed in life as his young age certainly meant that he had much more opportunities, if he actually pursued those career paths ahead of him and not falling victim as apparently so many others to the "shadowy consuming force" replacement agenda only to be used as a means of providing fleeting on-going "credibility" to an aging impostor and an identity to be used to "free loader plant" in the life of any unsuspecting individual looking for much while actually carrying out very little meaningful in life. Anyone brandishing themselves as Kevin Wong and not having pursued one of those six (6) job opportunities (because that individual could not as he would not be an engineer and secondly would be recognized by those recruiters who interviewed the real Kevin Wong as a fraud of the "free loader's case", kind). Having seen how they manipulated my dear Sister to adopt Michael Bruno (my godson) without knowing whom he really was and the details surrounding his family, (as documented in the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED?, I would not be surprised as such an eventuality and would mark his as another life sacrificed for the cause of those with no regard for the rights, lives and well being of any individuals, but just willing to carefully mark and target lives in my history for replacing such as Kevin, who gave this unimaginative thugs the "god" given right to run around this world for those in my life and target them for replacement in an effort to keep me at a "standstill" (impostor in my own identity) as their agreement called for (as documented in the post EXPEDIENTLY TAKING ON DECISION MAY TAKE ON MORE THAN BARGAIN FOR!) for the cause of their worthless "profession". IF I WAS REPLACED AS WAS KEVIN, THEN, POTENTIALLY NONE OF THOSE IN THE ORIGINAL PICTURE ARE AROUND AND IN THE "FAKE" PICTURE BEING BRANDISHED BY THE "FREE LOADER PLANTS" APART FROM THEIR IN-CLASS PLANT, THE EXPEDIENT CARL. These types then do everything in their ability to bring about such as the current debacle with my phone being unable to be used in my current location, but can elsewhere if this location is exited after a year plus of such usage, ONLY BECAUSE THE USE OF MY PHONE WAS SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED IN THE SOLUTION FOR ENSURING PAYMENT OF THE FUNDS OWED ME BY COKE, FINALLY as documented in the post THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFETT, (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS/AMENDED), in order that a host of impostors can carry on as they are the "real thing" at my expense.
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