This is an examination of the events in the life of the late distinguished politician Rep. Shirley Chisholm who served with distinction, courage and dedication and the resulting demise of her family tree, which included my outspoken 1st American friend often raised on the pages of this Blog (as documented in the Conservery Dedication Page as well as the posts THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS(EDITED 3/2, 3/29 & 4/10/2013 AND UPDATED W/INSERTS 3/15, 3/24 & 3/26/2013)! in addition to THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED AND UPDATED; just as that Locust tree at the Olin, IA Conservery founding address/residence was discovered in a bent and broken state on 13, June 2000, with the conditions leading to its demise also clouded in mystery (see the post DRIVE BY OWNERS AND THEIR COMMON FEATURES SHARED WITH SOME BIRDS and the below photo). This post attempts to C.O.N.N.E.C.T T.H.E D.O.T.S between the developments described above and the subject events to show commonality in these seemingly disjointed occurrences but, which are interwoven at the core in order to obtain needed answers, finally.
"origin issues" and his "story" was most likely to gain my confidence, not to be suspicious about him, so his borrowed information served that purpose, namely to make up for the mysteriousness of his (and similar types origins), as highlighted in the post THE ORIGINS OF "VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES (UPDATED) and concluded in the post ISN'T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)?]. The late Congresswoman represented the then 12th congressional district in Brooklyn, N.Y. and became the first female black Representative in Congress in 1968 and served from 1969 until 1983. Her career also included another first, the first female to run for President of the U.S. A. in 1972 for a major political Party. She passed away in 2005 on January 1 in Ormond Beach, FL, and did not have any children. She and her first husband divorced in 1977 and she later remarried in 1978 and her second husband from Buffalo, N.Y. preceded her, as he passed away in 1986.
Shirley’s youngest sister, Lois’ mother, (like their Mother and Lois' maternal grandmother) had all girls as well, Frances, Muna and Lois Bruno the youngest [as documented in the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND(EDITED/INSERTS AND UPDATED/AMENDED!] and their cause have been the subject of various posts on this Blog for sometime, as a lone voice attempting to highlight their cause for justice to be done as any trace of this family, which extends from Guyana to Barbados and the U.S.A. appears to be now non-existent with their records and accomplishment serving the purpose of being nothing more than being padding for “shadowy free loader” types, a true injustice. I am unfamiliar with the lives of the two remaining sisters, but it appears to be inconsequential at this point as there is none left (as far as I can tell of this once storied political family that included a contributor in this Nation’s history, now lost among those whose only contributions are more of the same for the cause of man’s oldest profession, a true disgrace being swept under the political election year debate table). From the research conducted into the late Congresswoman’s record, it would appear as if the practices of their “shadowy free loader” types, which have been brought into greater prominence by the Pages of this Blog to highlight the collective “powers” of those who control these with its long-range planning capabilities and entrenched nature, (see the post HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED), which enables those of their "cause" to act as they do, with the corresponding perils they have introduced into our society today by their long standing practices that are now coming more clearly into focus. For example:
The Implications and Outcome:
When wrongdoing is being covered-up in a dramatic way, the applicable Top Law Enforcement Officer is “shoved” out of office in a dramatic way. For example, when the then local sheriff started making inquiries about who had shot through the upper window in 1993 (at the Olin family residence), "free loader cause" types (in my opinion) entered and removed the evidence before our return from a very short trip less than ten miles away, a “coincidentally” occurring bizarre murder in his otherwise typically mundane hometown “forced” the Sheriff's sudden resignation from his position re-elected to just shortly before and the investigation ended (see the post THE CRIMES OF "SOCIETY'S" TYPES BEING COVERED-UP - UPDATED and the photo of the Preliminary Report shown in the Finale section of the post, WHEN TRUST TURNS - UPDATED. Similarly the Empire State’s former Top Prosecutor was “shoved” out of office in a dramatic manner from his position as Governor of the State (who would have been an acquaintance of the former Congresswoman) also cries foul and like the former Congressional Committee Chairman and colleague of the late Rep. Shirley Chisholm, are in the opinion of this Hobby Blogger both tied to the elimination of any surviving member of the Seale/St. Hill family members, who by the way are NOT in anyway connected to either Brazant’s or Sobers’ ancestries. How could a tragedy of such proportions, (namely the elimination of the members of both sides of her family Seales’ in Barbados and St. Hills’ that include variations in the U.S.A. and Guyana and from this depiction the "Chisholm Family Inclusive" has been "coined"); take place and their accomplishments just serve as fodder for “free loader” types “instant credibility” for the cause of man’s oldest profession and yet it remains covered-up? These developments reminded me of what took place regarding my accomplishments as documented in the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSEVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED.
What has our society been reduced to, where a former power and a few "entitled" types for vestiges of “glory”, have corrupted so many, centers of commerce with their “free loaders” as well as institutions of learning that provide such types with “instant credibility” in exchange for continuous contributions in the sale of qualifications to anyone brandishing a “shadow” account in the names of former students (using their "photoless" 2nd face as described in the second bulleted insert after the "As demonstrated on the pages of these Blogs..;" paragraph in the Conclusion section of the post HOW CAN THERE BE ANY DEGREE OFCONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMA IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE - UPDATED AND AMENDED?) and/or who themselves participate in the same practice themselves to secure funding? How low have our society fallen to tolerate such dubious, unethical and perverse practices by unimaginative thugs all for the cause of this obvious “money earner” but, which has the young Nation of former unified “fairness” seekers (as documented in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE - EDITED AND UPDATE) completely fragmented, (in addition, see the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY- UPDATED AND AMENDED in addition to the post THE ORIGINS OF "VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES - UPDATED for further discussion on the probable inception point of the "free loader" system of perpetual wealth generation). This fragmentation, has left the Nation of the former courageous colonists:
When qualities that are wholesome and honorable in addition to thoughtful are sacrificed for man’s oldest profession and those remotely connected accomplishments and qualifications completely erased because of a former power’s so called “empire” and a few others, desire for continuous wealth-generation AT ANY PRICE that target the lives of the individuals involved who are in turn treated with as much value as the animals in their stables, who can be surgically removed at will in such a manner as if nothing devastating has taken place in once former purposeful lives, when in fact genocide has taken place; our society has become callous and detached from those intrinsic qualities such as "fairness", kindness, hopefulness, etc. that it is then concluded that election year debates in Hempstead N.Y are a fitting replacement for the obvious disdainful events that have occurred in terms of lives those sacrificed. There is much completely wrong with such circumstances but expedience rules the day (see the post EXPEDIENT DECISION-MAKING, ALWAYS A MISTAKE!), and it is because of these and other developments that Conservery’s involvement in the previous services offering were completely dropped and a new direction as documented on the "Holding Base" Site, to, which a link is included below.
The future is bleak when such developments take place and those in leadership (business and political) carry on as if nothing abhorrent has occurred. If such developments are not an indictment of our society being in total chaos nothing is. As a result, clarity is moving the Proprietorship in distinctly different directions as described in the "Holding Base" post DISCUSSION OF THE "HOLDING BASE" PROPRIETORSHIP BUSINESS MODEL.
* Footnote:
As pointed out in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS, - EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS, my dear sister was manipulated into assisting an individual whom she thought was a friend with the raising of a young relative that had been left an orphan and she did just that. While this did not make any sense to me as I was aware that she did not know of Lois' young son, but I later discovered she adopted him. However, this does NOT take away from the underlying questions that some want to gloss over with their glossy ads and their use of "checkbook legitimacy" as a sad attempt to purchase "legitimacy" today, in an attempt to morph themselves into the history of an individual of yester year with bogus bits and pieces of "borrowed" and/or purchased "identity crutches" to assume their needed history when tough questions have to be answered such as the following, that all the resources in the world CANNOT fully explain away, namely ALL the "COINCIDENCES" described below (that have been previously identified in part in the numbered listing in The Finale/Outcome section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE I ENT OF RHE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED) by hiding behind impostors:
1) Why are all those in the original TCI AOS T3 graduating Class of 8/14/1980 now only survived by offspring for the most part (WHEN THE DOTS ARE CONNECTED) with the exception of a known liar, Carl Gauntlett? (that ORIGINAL class is shown in the above link. This practice has apparently been mastered by those of the "free loaders cause" as described in the To Digress description in The Finale/Outcome section of the post WHAT DOES REATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED AND ADENDED?, where massacres on occasion do take place to "provide" such types with a "ready-made" sibling(s) or other relative as described, otherwise no one (including the deceased) would know of their "relationship" to their "families".
2) Coincidentally, if some questionable/nefarious action had not taken place why did that institution completely change around their programs to offer the Associates degree in a course of study that "fits" the ready-made term of that degree granting course of study, namely "Associates in Occupational Studies" used of the then degree grantingT-3 program, and mailed me a "lowly" certificate of completion, which by no s-t-r-e-t-c-h is what was "highly" presented on the date in question. See the information shown in my close-up in the # 13 photo in the Conclusion section of the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED (ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, IMPLIED EVEN THOUGH NOT STATED)?
3) Some with no concern for the real lives and rights of others attempt to make sick humor at the stench of the suffering and trail of death and destruction left in the wake of those seeking much by doing very, very, very little that's meaningful who are of the sad perception, obviously similar to those of the "free loaders cause", namely that the destruction of all those in the historical journey of an individual in this "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave", after years have elapsed, whom are now "coincidentally" replaced by impostors as pointed out routinely on the pages of these Blogs, somehow alters historical facts simply because they are in possession of questionably obtained resources with their "origin issues" and in search of identities in, which to use such and as a result always eager to use their "checkbook legitimacy" ready and willing to purchase their badly needed "identity crutches" to prop up their borrowed "outer garments" but this too is a fallacy".
4) Was it a real "coincidence" that the 911 disaster took place exactly on the 21st anniversary of the date of my Pratt acceptance letter, as documented in the 3rd bulleted highlight of the Here are the Background Details section of the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE SWEEPING CHANGES SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED??
5) In addition, was it also a real "coincidence" that the worst blackout in decades, affecting all those areas that my journeys in this Country and Canada took place on, occur exactly on the 23rd anniversary of my TCI graduation as documented in the 4th bulleted highlight of the Here are the Background Details section of the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE SWEEPING CHANGES SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED??
6) Furthermore is it a real "coincidence" that two of the most crucial witnesses outside of my immediate family whom were intrinsically involved in my journey in this country either directly or in directly, both suffered the exact same fate, MISSING WITHOUT A TRACE (INCLUDING ALL THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS, as documented in the CONSERVERY DEDICATION)?, and in addition, when it was mentioned on the Pages of these Blogs in 2014 that my dear friend Lyn who also was a witness of my journey first hand was now deceased "coincidentally", another witness who visited Sycamore Ave, Hempstead at the same time as the late Lyn Swanston visited me there and with whom Lyn had struck up a friendship, also suddenly disappeared with her close friend (shown in the photo below immediately behind her). Lisa along with her close friend both originally of Trinidad, were found dead several months later in the Midwest "coincidentally", as documented in the Conclusion section of the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED.
7) Finally, is a "coincidence" that there is a specific impostor of questionable origins and supported by others of this type as pointed out in the "Third" step of the Comment #1 from 8/2/2015 under the depiction "L o w s" presents, on the Cosvry Investment COMMENTS 2015 Page, as well as in the Conclusion section of the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED! now running around, with my exact name, my exact qualifications (graduate in an electrical engineering discipline in 3 years instead of the usual 4) and my exact identity (or my "solid foundations"), since "coincidentally" the Pratt School of Engineering was closed now as well, with a vindictive, lying, thieving ex spouse (impostor) in search of an identity as pointed out in Comment #1 from 7/7/2015 on the Cosvry Investment COMMENTS 2015 Page, as well as Comment #1 from 5/29/2015 on the Cosvry Investment COMMENTS 2015 Page, with her "HOLLOW" name as described in the post ADDENDUM TO GIVING "LIFE" THE OLD ASHIONED WAY - UPDATED (9/1/2012) TO UNCLUDE AN EXAMPLE OF CONSISTENCY, also now providing cover for such, when all...these...dots...are...connected.
Of most importance, however are the still available first-hand witnesses who are aware of events the way they really took place as depicted on the Cosvry Investments Site, since in reality, death and destruction and MORE OF THE SAME (that such types always have to resort to keep covering up problems of their mown creation), does NOT alter historical facts as documented in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED.

This is an examination of the events in the life of the late distinguished politician Rep. Shirley Chisholm who served with distinction, courage and dedication and the resulting demise of her family tree, which included my outspoken 1st American friend often raised on the pages of this Blog (as documented in the Conservery Dedication Page as well as the posts THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS(EDITED 3/2, 3/29 & 4/10/2013 AND UPDATED W/INSERTS 3/15, 3/24 & 3/26/2013)! in addition to THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED AND UPDATED; just as that Locust tree at the Olin, IA Conservery founding address/residence was discovered in a bent and broken state on 13, June 2000, with the conditions leading to its demise also clouded in mystery (see the post DRIVE BY OWNERS AND THEIR COMMON FEATURES SHARED WITH SOME BIRDS and the below photo). This post attempts to C.O.N.N.E.C.T T.H.E D.O.T.S between the developments described above and the subject events to show commonality in these seemingly disjointed occurrences but, which are interwoven at the core in order to obtain needed answers, finally.
These are the Background Details:
Shirley Chisholm’s was born Shirley Anita St.Hill on November 30, 1924, to
her father Christopher St.Hill's, (ancestry being from Guyana) and her
mother, Ruby Seale's, (ancestry being from Christ Church, Barbados). She was
the oldest of four (4) girls and to the best of my understanding, Lois’ mother
was her youngest sister. Shirley’s parents sent her to Barbados around age three (3)
to live with her maternal grandmother, where she remained and completed the
early part of her schooling and did not return until after seven (7) years, had
elapsed, [this is a development which my former schoolmate turned
perjured witness, indicated was part of his pattern, claiming his parents sent him back to Jamaica to receive his early
education and he did not return for approximately six (6) years, similar to the
late Congresswoman’s record, this most likely is a fabrication as is most of the events in the "life history" of "free loader cause" types, which he turned out to be (as documented in the post ISN'T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)?. Such types ALL have questionable legitimacy as well as "origin issues" and his "story" was most likely to gain my confidence, not to be suspicious about him, so his borrowed information served that purpose, namely to make up for the mysteriousness of his (and similar types origins), as highlighted in the post THE ORIGINS OF "VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES (UPDATED) and concluded in the post ISN'T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)?]. The late Congresswoman represented the then 12th congressional district in Brooklyn, N.Y. and became the first female black Representative in Congress in 1968 and served from 1969 until 1983. Her career also included another first, the first female to run for President of the U.S. A. in 1972 for a major political Party. She passed away in 2005 on January 1 in Ormond Beach, FL, and did not have any children. She and her first husband divorced in 1977 and she later remarried in 1978 and her second husband from Buffalo, N.Y. preceded her, as he passed away in 1986.
Shirley’s youngest sister, Lois’ mother, (like their Mother and Lois' maternal grandmother) had all girls as well, Frances, Muna and Lois Bruno the youngest [as documented in the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND(EDITED/INSERTS AND UPDATED/AMENDED!] and their cause have been the subject of various posts on this Blog for sometime, as a lone voice attempting to highlight their cause for justice to be done as any trace of this family, which extends from Guyana to Barbados and the U.S.A. appears to be now non-existent with their records and accomplishment serving the purpose of being nothing more than being padding for “shadowy free loader” types, a true injustice. I am unfamiliar with the lives of the two remaining sisters, but it appears to be inconsequential at this point as there is none left (as far as I can tell of this once storied political family that included a contributor in this Nation’s history, now lost among those whose only contributions are more of the same for the cause of man’s oldest profession, a true disgrace being swept under the political election year debate table). From the research conducted into the late Congresswoman’s record, it would appear as if the practices of their “shadowy free loader” types, which have been brought into greater prominence by the Pages of this Blog to highlight the collective “powers” of those who control these with its long-range planning capabilities and entrenched nature, (see the post HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED), which enables those of their "cause" to act as they do, with the corresponding perils they have introduced into our society today by their long standing practices that are now coming more clearly into focus. For example:
- the practice of such types in hiding behind the notable achievements of others is more widespread than originally concluded to afford them the instant “credibility” they desire at the expense of all else, a process I am still struggling to correct in my own personal life, where some with little self worth would carry out any "act" as well as,
- bringing about non-existent "family" connections for their skill less, meaningless and worthless "free loader cause" types (see the post HOW TO IMPLEMENT IDENTITY THEFT AND LEGITIMIZE FRAUD - UPDATED (AND AMENDED) for an example of such). Take for example a “free loader”
type individual from Senate hearings of “yester” year who gained instant
notoriety for herself and her cause by the selective variation of the
“coincidental” use of the late Congresswoman’s names to provide herself with instant “credibility” sought to
become Anita (
St.) Hill the “free loader” professor and these leaches in turn ravish the earned qualifications (or solid "foundations" as documented in the post GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED) of those achievers and then in turn - making continuous and/or very large contributions to institutions of learning in their pseudo identities and become suddenly “credentialed” in their alter egos.
As previously pointed out in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED, for concerned mother Lois to become separated from her son Michael * (see Footnote) makes no sense at all and
must have been tragic, especially for her extensive family of Seale’s in
Barbados (some of whom I met on the first occasion of my meeting her in 1973
were from Christ Church and many were of Lois’ age) and St. Hill’s in the
U.S./Guyana not to come to (or be unable to come to) her assistance must have
been tragic and frightening for my outspoken 1st American friend. I
can only conclude that her family’s existence has been erased and Political
Leaders in powerful positions tarnished (such as former Chairman of the
powerful Ways and Means Congressional Committee, himself a co-founder of the
Congressional Black Caucus, in 1970 along with Rep. Shirley Chisholm and the former Top Prosecutor in the
The Implications and Outcome:
When wrongdoing is being covered-up in a dramatic way, the applicable Top Law Enforcement Officer is “shoved” out of office in a dramatic way. For example, when the then local sheriff started making inquiries about who had shot through the upper window in 1993 (at the Olin family residence), "free loader cause" types (in my opinion) entered and removed the evidence before our return from a very short trip less than ten miles away, a “coincidentally” occurring bizarre murder in his otherwise typically mundane hometown “forced” the Sheriff's sudden resignation from his position re-elected to just shortly before and the investigation ended (see the post THE CRIMES OF "SOCIETY'S" TYPES BEING COVERED-UP - UPDATED and the photo of the Preliminary Report shown in the Finale section of the post, WHEN TRUST TURNS - UPDATED. Similarly the Empire State’s former Top Prosecutor was “shoved” out of office in a dramatic manner from his position as Governor of the State (who would have been an acquaintance of the former Congresswoman) also cries foul and like the former Congressional Committee Chairman and colleague of the late Rep. Shirley Chisholm, are in the opinion of this Hobby Blogger both tied to the elimination of any surviving member of the Seale/St. Hill family members, who by the way are NOT in anyway connected to either Brazant’s or Sobers’ ancestries. How could a tragedy of such proportions, (namely the elimination of the members of both sides of her family Seales’ in Barbados and St. Hills’ that include variations in the U.S.A. and Guyana and from this depiction the "Chisholm Family Inclusive" has been "coined"); take place and their accomplishments just serve as fodder for “free loader” types “instant credibility” for the cause of man’s oldest profession and yet it remains covered-up? These developments reminded me of what took place regarding my accomplishments as documented in the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSEVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED.
What has our society been reduced to, where a former power and a few "entitled" types for vestiges of “glory”, have corrupted so many, centers of commerce with their “free loaders” as well as institutions of learning that provide such types with “instant credibility” in exchange for continuous contributions in the sale of qualifications to anyone brandishing a “shadow” account in the names of former students (using their "photoless" 2nd face as described in the second bulleted insert after the "As demonstrated on the pages of these Blogs..;" paragraph in the Conclusion section of the post HOW CAN THERE BE ANY DEGREE OFCONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMA IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE - UPDATED AND AMENDED?) and/or who themselves participate in the same practice themselves to secure funding? How low have our society fallen to tolerate such dubious, unethical and perverse practices by unimaginative thugs all for the cause of this obvious “money earner” but, which has the young Nation of former unified “fairness” seekers (as documented in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE - EDITED AND UPDATE) completely fragmented, (in addition, see the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY- UPDATED AND AMENDED in addition to the post THE ORIGINS OF "VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES - UPDATED for further discussion on the probable inception point of the "free loader" system of perpetual wealth generation). This fragmentation, has left the Nation of the former courageous colonists:
- morally adrift,
- commandeered on the tracks of “whatever works” and
- plunging headlong into an obvious abyss from, which there is no real turning back point, in the opinion of this Hobby Blogger because of the selfish and treacherous decision of a "few" on behalf of the many as documented in the highlighted section of the previously referenced post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY....
When qualities that are wholesome and honorable in addition to thoughtful are sacrificed for man’s oldest profession and those remotely connected accomplishments and qualifications completely erased because of a former power’s so called “empire” and a few others, desire for continuous wealth-generation AT ANY PRICE that target the lives of the individuals involved who are in turn treated with as much value as the animals in their stables, who can be surgically removed at will in such a manner as if nothing devastating has taken place in once former purposeful lives, when in fact genocide has taken place; our society has become callous and detached from those intrinsic qualities such as "fairness", kindness, hopefulness, etc. that it is then concluded that election year debates in Hempstead N.Y are a fitting replacement for the obvious disdainful events that have occurred in terms of lives those sacrificed. There is much completely wrong with such circumstances but expedience rules the day (see the post EXPEDIENT DECISION-MAKING, ALWAYS A MISTAKE!), and it is because of these and other developments that Conservery’s involvement in the previous services offering were completely dropped and a new direction as documented on the "Holding Base" Site, to, which a link is included below.
The future is bleak when such developments take place and those in leadership (business and political) carry on as if nothing abhorrent has occurred. If such developments are not an indictment of our society being in total chaos nothing is. As a result, clarity is moving the Proprietorship in distinctly different directions as described in the "Holding Base" post DISCUSSION OF THE "HOLDING BASE" PROPRIETORSHIP BUSINESS MODEL.
* Footnote:
As pointed out in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS, - EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS, my dear sister was manipulated into assisting an individual whom she thought was a friend with the raising of a young relative that had been left an orphan and she did just that. While this did not make any sense to me as I was aware that she did not know of Lois' young son, but I later discovered she adopted him. However, this does NOT take away from the underlying questions that some want to gloss over with their glossy ads and their use of "checkbook legitimacy" as a sad attempt to purchase "legitimacy" today, in an attempt to morph themselves into the history of an individual of yester year with bogus bits and pieces of "borrowed" and/or purchased "identity crutches" to assume their needed history when tough questions have to be answered such as the following, that all the resources in the world CANNOT fully explain away, namely ALL the "COINCIDENCES" described below (that have been previously identified in part in the numbered listing in The Finale/Outcome section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE I ENT OF RHE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED) by hiding behind impostors:
1) Why are all those in the original TCI AOS T3 graduating Class of 8/14/1980 now only survived by offspring for the most part (WHEN THE DOTS ARE CONNECTED) with the exception of a known liar, Carl Gauntlett? (that ORIGINAL class is shown in the above link. This practice has apparently been mastered by those of the "free loaders cause" as described in the To Digress description in The Finale/Outcome section of the post WHAT DOES REATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED AND ADENDED?, where massacres on occasion do take place to "provide" such types with a "ready-made" sibling(s) or other relative as described, otherwise no one (including the deceased) would know of their "relationship" to their "families".
2) Coincidentally, if some questionable/nefarious action had not taken place why did that institution completely change around their programs to offer the Associates degree in a course of study that "fits" the ready-made term of that degree granting course of study, namely "Associates in Occupational Studies" used of the then degree grantingT-3 program, and mailed me a "lowly" certificate of completion, which by no s-t-r-e-t-c-h is what was "highly" presented on the date in question. See the information shown in my close-up in the # 13 photo in the Conclusion section of the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED (ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, IMPLIED EVEN THOUGH NOT STATED)?
3) Some with no concern for the real lives and rights of others attempt to make sick humor at the stench of the suffering and trail of death and destruction left in the wake of those seeking much by doing very, very, very little that's meaningful who are of the sad perception, obviously similar to those of the "free loaders cause", namely that the destruction of all those in the historical journey of an individual in this "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave", after years have elapsed, whom are now "coincidentally" replaced by impostors as pointed out routinely on the pages of these Blogs, somehow alters historical facts simply because they are in possession of questionably obtained resources with their "origin issues" and in search of identities in, which to use such and as a result always eager to use their "checkbook legitimacy" ready and willing to purchase their badly needed "identity crutches" to prop up their borrowed "outer garments" but this too is a fallacy".
4) Was it a real "coincidence" that the 911 disaster took place exactly on the 21st anniversary of the date of my Pratt acceptance letter, as documented in the 3rd bulleted highlight of the Here are the Background Details section of the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE SWEEPING CHANGES SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED??
5) In addition, was it also a real "coincidence" that the worst blackout in decades, affecting all those areas that my journeys in this Country and Canada took place on, occur exactly on the 23rd anniversary of my TCI graduation as documented in the 4th bulleted highlight of the Here are the Background Details section of the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE SWEEPING CHANGES SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED??
6) Furthermore is it a real "coincidence" that two of the most crucial witnesses outside of my immediate family whom were intrinsically involved in my journey in this country either directly or in directly, both suffered the exact same fate, MISSING WITHOUT A TRACE (INCLUDING ALL THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS, as documented in the CONSERVERY DEDICATION)?, and in addition, when it was mentioned on the Pages of these Blogs in 2014 that my dear friend Lyn who also was a witness of my journey first hand was now deceased "coincidentally", another witness who visited Sycamore Ave, Hempstead at the same time as the late Lyn Swanston visited me there and with whom Lyn had struck up a friendship, also suddenly disappeared with her close friend (shown in the photo below immediately behind her). Lisa along with her close friend both originally of Trinidad, were found dead several months later in the Midwest "coincidentally", as documented in the Conclusion section of the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED.
7) Finally, is a "coincidence" that there is a specific impostor of questionable origins and supported by others of this type as pointed out in the "Third" step of the Comment #1 from 8/2/2015 under the depiction "L o w s" presents, on the Cosvry Investment COMMENTS 2015 Page, as well as in the Conclusion section of the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED! now running around, with my exact name, my exact qualifications (graduate in an electrical engineering discipline in 3 years instead of the usual 4) and my exact identity (or my "solid foundations"), since "coincidentally" the Pratt School of Engineering was closed now as well, with a vindictive, lying, thieving ex spouse (impostor) in search of an identity as pointed out in Comment #1 from 7/7/2015 on the Cosvry Investment COMMENTS 2015 Page, as well as Comment #1 from 5/29/2015 on the Cosvry Investment COMMENTS 2015 Page, with her "HOLLOW" name as described in the post ADDENDUM TO GIVING "LIFE" THE OLD ASHIONED WAY - UPDATED (9/1/2012) TO UNCLUDE AN EXAMPLE OF CONSISTENCY, also now providing cover for such, when all...these...dots...are...connected.
Of most importance, however are the still available first-hand witnesses who are aware of events the way they really took place as depicted on the Cosvry Investments Site, since in reality, death and destruction and MORE OF THE SAME (that such types always have to resort to keep covering up problems of their mown creation), does NOT alter historical facts as documented in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED.

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