Monday, February 4, 2013

ISN’T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED 4/14, 4/28, 6/9. 6/12 & 6/28/2013 as well as 2/15, 4/12, 4/20, 6/15, 7/22 & 7/25/2014 in addition to 10/8 & 10/18/2015)?

This word is full of all types of individuals, and if anyone decides to place their “credibility” on the validity of an individual who has been exposed as one who provides “false” accounts then your entire “legitimacy” has been thrown into havoc. As pointed out in the post NO INDIVIDUAL KNOWS THE FUTURE! If your billion-dollar plant contains “faulty” cables, no matter how appealing it appears on paper, then it’s a worthless construction and doom from the start as those “shadowy free loader” types are whose entire “roles” rely on "identity crutches", because they have no substance. When I left Barbados on March 2, 1978 to study and arrived in the U.S. I made no arrangement with any individual to support my “story” in order to transform into the individual whom I am (see the post THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE

Here are the Background Details:
Once it has been proven that your word is unreliable and that your are an individual whose testimony can be purchased for gain, there is no need for anyone to constantly attempt to have to redeem himself or herself because some individual over the years have been compromised to such an extent that his or her word can't be relied on. That is a very bad situation to be in, untrustworthy, and those who have in turn chosen such types, as their bases for being in the identity of others are themselves without honor or standing because they have chosen to rely on “perjury” for “credibility”. I don’t have the resources to go around bribing, (or using any unethical means to Prop up my journey) in order to provide me with “legitimacy”. This is the easy (or expedient, apparently in the opinions of some as the) way to attain anything [see the post EXPEDIENT DECISION-MAKING, A MISTAKE ALWAYS (EDITED AND UPDATED)!] and such paths always lead to calamity when difficulty arises because when the “faulty” cables are going to be needed to perform as expected, maybe not today or tomorrow, but the day may arise that some scenario such as occurred on March 28, 1979 when an unanticipated scenario may need the equipment they support and expect them to provide the needed input and it won’t be there as expected (see the post NO INDIVIDUAL KNOWS THE FUTURE for additional details about how an unexpected development led to a partial plant meltdown in this example used and points to a potential scenario were lessons should have been learned but possibly were not). The same is true for “false” witnesses, when a crisis occurs and those with unsound origins are being relied on, it will be discovered by all that such types whose "legitimacy" is as valid as the numerous places their phony names are written on rotting wood post as an indication of having "valid origins" when it's clear that such types are in reality "of questionable character" as documented in item # 7 of the bulleted highlights in the Footnote of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED? with an "angle" for every scenario developed that can't be validated by anyone apart from other "free loaders", and whose "achievements" and so called "successes" of "free loaders" are ALL based on the accomplishments of others and without criminal activity would have zero "authenticity" as appropriately depicted in the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO "AUTHENTICITY" WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED. Eventually, the support of such “free loader cause” types won’t be worth the air that it “written” on and will scurry to save their own hides such as when the BRAZANT DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS TOOK PLACE, (AS DOCUMENTED IN ITEM # 14 FROM THE LISTING IN THE POST THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED AS NO "FREE LOADERS" COULD NOT BE FOUND, ALONG WITH THE OTHERS OF THEIR CAUSE (WHO ONLY TAKE PART IN COURT ACTIONS COLLECTIVELY (AS PART OF CLASS ACTIONS) WHEN MONEY IS BEING DISTRIBUTED TO BOLSTER THEIR PHONY IDENTITIES VIA "COURT" ACTION - AS DOCUMENTED IN THE POST ONE OF THE “SOCIETY’S” FAVORITE MECHANISMS FOR IDENTITY VALIDATION), ARE PRETENDING TO BE LAND OWNERS BASED ON "NAMEFORM" MANIPULATIONS IMPLEMENTED EVEN AT THE COURT LEVEL AS DOCUMENTED IN THE SAME ITEM # 14 OF THE PREVIOUSLY REFERENCED POST TO ASSIST THOSE WITH ORIGIN ISSUES WHO HAVE SUPPLANTED THEMSELVES INTO THE LIFE OF AN INDIVIDUAL EXPEDIENTLY TO ACHIEVE MUCH BY DOING VERY, VERY LITTLE INDEED AS DOCUMENTED IN THE LISTINGS IN THE FINALE/OUTCOME SECTION OF THE POST ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTICED (EDITED AND UPDATED).
My authenticity is neither affected by nor is it dependent on any of the following:
  • "paid" lying witnesses that are required to validate any story for every story continually or cause and create a web of “lies” to prop up any "MYSTERIOUS ORIGINS" such as a vindictive ex spouse as documented in item # 7 of the bulleted highlights in the Footnote of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED? is now providing (as previously indicated)
  • the support of any lying witnesses to place me at the school I attended, whose "free loader  cause" false testimony types such a former "schoolmate" the lying Carl Gauntlett as previously documented on the Pages of this Blog as I took part in all the functions that were being carried out in order to graduate in 1980 journey because historical facts can't be altered by current events as correctly documented in the Cosvry summary post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED which can be corroborated by those consistent and reliable acquaintances/friends who were aware of my actions and whose legacy bears witness to these action, even though now "coincidentally" whose deaths and/or "destruction" have occurred in many cases, (as documented in the listing of bulleted highlights in the Footnote of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED AND AMENDED? even though these factual events can't be silenced simply because HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED!, as documented). This outcome is unaffected by
  • the fact that my subsequent post educational professional journey is also now marked "coincidentally" by a); those whose lives are unaccounted for in "droves" (prior to my relocating to IA), but whose records can be verified by the actual historical record as documented in the CONSERVERY "HOLDING BASE" DEDICATION, b) one or two "PAID" lying witnesses now telling conveniently altered stories about events that took place (prior to my relocating to IA), c) an ex employer not known historically for "thinking"* (see Footnote) through the consequences of its actions even when serious issues are at stake as documented in the 5th bulleted highlight un The Outcome and in the Footnote of the post A BADLY "SCRIPTED" DRAMA - EDITED AND UPDATED and d) I was "hounded" into signing not one (1) but two (2) unethical confidentiality agreements with the same ex employer and/or their contractor interest subsequent replacement (employer), ostensibly for "electric utility deregulation" that never took place and no idea is "legally" documented about my "agreementswere used by this ex employer historically known for not paying careful attention to critical regulatory criteria as documented in the 2nd bulleted highlight in the Here are the Background Details section of the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE SWEEPING CHANGES SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDARED AND AMENDED?, in spite of what "questionable tailored words" are now being provided (as previously indicated) by certain types and other selected types here in this State as previously pointed out and
Over the course of the two plus years of my actual course, I carried all the assignments required and even on occasion contacted some, included him (when our paths crossed) outside class when scenarios that required the input from another to put things in proper perspective was needed and while I did not attend all the open house events that U.S. citizens attended as employers such as the then Bell Labs open house on May 15, 1980 does not change the facts as I have never made myself out to be a U.S. citizen (in exchange for living an exploited life with ZERO meaningful skills while relying on the “shadowy society's” methods of duplication and replacement techniques for "legitimacy based on the accomplishments, identities, histories and qualifications of others as highlighted on the pages of THIS Blog). While it is true that I did not attend events such as open houses for employers in the that final semester and that would be true, because I was not and still am not a citizen by choice (on the other hand I am not pretending to be such to justify my presence in the Country of my residency due to lack of origins). However. Please be careful when relying on “free loader-related plant” type individuals to provide false testimony, when the lives and rights of individuals are being impacted in the name of perpetual wealth generation in "fantasy empires" for the "free loader;s cause" of the types depicted in Comment # 1 from February 13, 2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page as well as after the IMMENSE and UNENVIABLE role of determining outcomes for others discussion included in the CONSERVERY "HOLDING BASE" DEDICATION. This appears to be consistent with the "blackout" and other similar "spectacular disasters" that some may be relying on to conclude that my history was completely “covered-up" (or "blacked out), which the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE "BLACKOUT" - UPDATED AND AMENDED clearly contradicts this, in spite of the actions of those relying on the trails of unaccounted for individuals such as the case of  THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL,WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED)! “, to have "roots" in this Country.
Deceptively worded statements if not carefully evaluated convey snippets of truth while eliminating other portions needed to put the entire “story” together. One can say I did not attend events that those legally allowed to work were in attendance at and that would be true, but to outright provide false testimony to a larger point, namely altering my journey in this Country completely, when other witnesses knew I
  • entered the country,
  • attended and competed successfully those educational accomplishments and
  • then went on to a meaningful professional and rewarding personal career/achievements life,
which even False” witnesses of the "free loader cause" kind as well as resources aplenty cannot completely alter because they are factual historical events that were corroborated by the two different forms of recording, implemented at the start of my journey in this the country of my long time residence (as documented in the post HOW THE RECORDING OF MY JOURNEY SAVED THE DAY (EDITED AND UPDATED)! as well as HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED! and documented on the Pages of these Blogs.

The Implications and Potential Outcome:

No individual or group of individuals entire history can be based entirely on another’s, (or others) this is an invalid premise especially when the “stories” of such individual’s presence in this country always change drastically over the years (see the post ONE CASUALTY OF THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - TOO BIG TO FAIL for a discussion on the actions of corporate "free loaders" and how my identity was impacted). It is not my problem that such individuals are lacking in origins and cannot justify their presence as previously described in this country such as those "free loader cause" types, Carl Gauntlett and all the others placed in my path for credibility (in my opinion, especially since they are now providing false "testimony" about historical events as discussed on the Pages if these Blogs). This is a sad commentary of the state of our society that the 40th President referred to as that “shining cityon a hill and to those courageous "fairness seekers" who fought so tirelessly on behalf of. There is nothing shining about, “identity switchingto support those desiring much by doing very little that's meaningful.
THE QUESTION IN NEED OF AN ANSWER IS THIS - Who would go to such lengths to avoid reimbursing an individual because his material was used without permission a courtesy given all and then go to such dishonorable lengths to try to avoid taking responsibility for their actions? The correct answer is this - only those with untold amounts of "questionably obtained hidden" resources, would do so in my opinion, because if resources that could be tracked via ethical and legitimate means had to be used in such activities, the unlikelihood of these being used in support of attempting to, rearrange, alter, recreate and of course replace others also considered expendable as documented in the partial listing included in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED without care and/or concern for that person’s individual rights as well as all others impacted that were taken for granted by many who considered this individual worth nothing more than to be a "sacrificial lamb" for their "Empire building" that can be cynically depicted in a "fictional" round about manner; would be very unlikely. 
As previously pointed out on the pages of this Blog, the lives of individuals (WHEREVER THEY ARE, SUCH AS LISA LAMBIE AS DOCUMENTED BELOW, FOR EXAMPLE), ARE NOT TARGETS to be manipulated by those who think that they can play "god" and then imperil others via scams because of their questionable lifestyle choices and easily obtained resources continuously (SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE KNOWLEDGEABLE OF HISTORICAL EVENTS THE WAY IN, WHICH THEY ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE), and at the expense of the individual whose history, qualifications, identity and accomplishments were taken over by these thugs. My permission was neither requested for the use of my materials nor was any individual authorized to use such ideas in their business holdings to justify costs savings and then pretend that “shadowy free loader” types  are responsible for my ideas. This is not the “shining” example the “Gipper” so eloquently spoke of (as previously stated) and that Founding Father Benjamin articulated when encouraging “skilled” workers to emigrate to the U.S., not semi skilled for the purpose of exploitation in its various forms. This is a simple matter and there is no need for complications as, namely:
  1. the root cause three (3) to one (1) cost savings concept was mine as Conservery’s Owner,
  2. elaborate events are not required to “force” any individual to give up their identity and ownership rights in their own businesses as pointed out in the post ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTICED (EDITED) , simply because they have limitless resources on, which to draw in "stealth",  
  3. continuously seeking another angle to attempt to demonstrate fleeting "legitimacy" will no longer be needed for the "free loader's cause" because it cannot be done as confirmed by the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE "BLACKOUT, which showed a glimpse into their highly unethical long-range methods of operating by those of their "free loader's cause" and
  4. admit the concept used was mine as Conservery's Proprietor and do the ethical thing as called for in the post THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED. Those are the  ONLY FACTS to consider and this matter will be over finally.
This situation exists because it has been demonstrated that even complicated "coincidental" disasters and events as well as those who hide behind such events can't be allowed to continue to use such practices without having to deal with the consequences of their actions because nothing can even remotely come close to reconciling the wrongs enacted against those trampled on by those who thought that it was their right to mete out their form of redistribution against an individual as well as those in his sphere of acquaintance as appropriately documented in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED. Isn't it time to demonstrate the ability to rise above such tactics and who knows, how things will work out eventually, only the God of creation really knows the answer. The types of thugs who are in the habit of hiding behind others will no longer be able to hide behind such types for their protection and the many victims who suffered that can't be "repayed" (as well as those currently being targeted) will be freed as this path will finally bring closure for some individual(s) deserving answers for their suffering, it will be worth it in the end and a worthwhile outcome for those [see the CONSERVERY DEDICATION for a description of two (2) individuals] who were impacted needlessly as well as The Likely Outcome for Such Developments section of the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO "AUTHENTICITY, WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED as well as for the cases of LISA LAMBIE, AND HER FRIEND WHO WERE NOT FOUND ALIVE AND THE MANY OTHERS WHO WERE SIMILARLY TARGETED as documented in the Conclusion section of the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED BY THOSE OF THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE", because IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO ACT HONORABLY especially when the types of developments documented in the bulleted listing in the "My authenticity is neither..." paragraph in the Here are the Background Details section of this post are balanced against the listing of "coincidences" articulated in the Footnote of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED AND AMENDED?, WHICH SHOULD LEAVE ANY INDIVIDUAL OF SOUND THINKING AND ETHICAL PRINCIPLES TO WONDER WHAT REALLY IS TAKING PLACE IN THIS COUNTRY BEHIND THE SCENES, & HOW CAN THEY CONTINUE TO EVADE TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS? - THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "THE POINT OF THEIR UNITY" IS ONE OR TWO PAID LYING WITNESSES, AND THIS HIS HOW THEY HAVE "WALKED INTO THE SUNSET" TO ENJOY THE SPOILS OF THEIR CONDUCT.

* Footnote:
Since entities have now been granted "1st amendment free speech rights" (as attained in the Court's decision, as documented in the post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK - UPDATED AND AMENDED?), they should also be held liable for proper thinking as well, since they are now being counted as individuals, who are "supposed" to exercise sound thinking at all times, as a direct outcome and consequence of this action.          


J_F_Brazant said...

Based on the implications of the Mogul's actions regarding a (possible involvement with my Proprietorship), and its political services offered, I am all very satisfied with the decision of February 1, 2013 to change the Proprietorship's services offering going forward, eliminating all political offerings effective immediately (see the CONSERVERY PROPRIETORSHIP Announcement - link on COMMENTS Page).

J_F_Brazant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J_F_Brazant said...

The face that a person has is not of his or her own choosing, therefore, it is very inappropriate to question how another individual with a given “name” should “appear” to be and then take it upon oneself to completely reinvent and rewrite that person’s history around some presupposed “racial” make-up. This is taking the role of only ONE upon us in order to produce the “acceptable” genealogical “likeness” acceptable to the “world”. Have you ever stopped to thin for a minute, in your haste to “recreate”, why did the ONE ordered events in this fashion? Only he knows the future and however those with the name turned out to be, should be accepted as His will, just as my Lecturer accepted, he didn’t stopped me and said “Brazant” why did you urn out in this fashion? He saw an opportunity to assist me and he did, NO QUESTIONS ASK and I did not disappoint him, in that regard. Who are we to judge how and what another individual should look like in order for him or her to be acceptable? Who gave us that right, in all fairness, no one, because only ONE knows his Numbers and that can’t be questioned by any individual!