There is a popular song made famous by that late “golden voice” baritone, which implies that too much of a “good” thing can never be bad, but was he correct in the conclusion placed in the words of that song? The correct answer is, it depends in how “good” is defined. Like most things in life, how we view outcomes is very subjective and is shaped by our experiences. As a result, is can safely be said that one individual’s utopia can be another’s nightmare. However, this was not the case with the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of that Social Networking (SN) Site’s Leader, admittedly no “darling” to the pages of this Blog as documented in such posts as “SOCIAL NETWORKING RELATIONSHIPS” and “WHEN DOES THE ABSENCE OF SOCIAL ETHICS IN TODAY’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT INTERSECT WITH THE VIRTUAL “SOCIETY?”. The assessment of the various commentators were unanimous, it was marred by mistakes, mayhem and miscalculations. This is a description about the events surrounding the much-anticipated IPO of that well-known SN Site's Leader and its implications as indicated.
Here are the Background Details:
The assessments of those examining this much expected IPO of the SN leader were blunt in their characterizations, it was perceived as a flop, but what could have caused this “event” that was expected to the “shot-in-the-arm” for the markets sour, so dramatically? After all, the myriad of advisers this “darling” had, from the Founder of that software giant et al (inclusive), it couldn’t have been anything but a success, as everything else he becomes involved with turns out [such as his input in BHI Board - see the post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT (EDITED)?], but it was not. Therefore what did lead to the generally agreed disaster as documented in the May 22, 2012 and May 29, 2012 editions of that Daily/Weekend Business, Street Publication (A1/2) and (C1/2) respectively, that this IPO turned out to be? The headline and articles said it all, “investors Pummel Face book”, “Investors Smarting From IPO”, “Face book Shares Drop 11% on Day 2” and “AN About-Face For Investors”. The overall generally accepted thinking throughout is that the IPO: 1) was not managed as effective as it should have been and the search for who to blame was underway, 2) planners generally made too many shares available to investors as a last-minute decision and 3) didn’t allow for the proper confirmation of and/or cancellations of shares, which then caused some investors to loose thousands of dollars in their transactions. There were other issues associated with the IPO but such issues as the availability of shares to some investors and the exact starting share price valuation are faced by all IPOs and they don’t result in disastrous initial offerings. Examples however, of such developments/comments were typical: the Hedge-Fund Manager who received half a million more shares than he expected and others who thought it was “over hyped” were common in addition to, “underwriters completely screwed this up”, “a train wreck” and “flubbed” [see the posts THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON (EDITED AND UPDATED)! as well as ISN'T TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED)?] for other “glaring” examples of major expected activities that were also “over hyped” with disastrous outcomes for some]. Contributing to these events were the actions of executives who “‘played a very active role in the IPO process and the decision to expand the number of available shares by 25% to bring the total amount available to 421.2 million. What then compounded these issues was the fact that the NASDAQ forced in delay in the opening that contributed to estimates of losses of more than $100 million on trade during the SN Leader’s IPO debut.Typically, in such activities the generally accepted thinking is to make less shares available in order to drive up demand as should occur whenever there is scarcity of supply and as a result, share price but the opposite occurred. Then as the initial fervor wore off, the stock price took a beating, translating to an 11% drop in the share value. As the criticism grew, there was enough blame to go around for all involved, the SN Site Leader, the Investment Banker MS and NASDAQ for failing to ensure a smooth market debut.
The Implications and Future Outlook:
As it turned out, not all of this SN Leader’s problems can be attributed to the management of its IPO, such as competing in the mobile APPs marketplace with established leaders such as:, Google and Apple and translating from the SN focus into a business strategy for deriving revenue successfully. The former Publication (B12) pointed out in the article that Crowdstar Inc., (an active developer of games on the SN Site) decided to stop making games for the SN Leader and instead focus on Apple’s IPhone and Google’s Android (potentially impacting 50 million daily active users) and this decision underscored its problems in this area. The SN Leader’s problems were related to incompatibility and accessibility issues. Therefore, even though there is an explosion of individuals accessing the SN Leader’s Site with smart phones, the APPs that drive revenue can’t be accessed. In addition, the company’s decision to “tax” such developers to the tune of 30% on games sold through its payment system did not help to mend “fences” (or relationships) in this area. This problem can be quantified by the following, for a better understanding, even though half of its almost 1 billion users access the Site with smart phones and tablets, they see only a limited version of the SNs main features, that don’t include the mobile developers APPs. This situation results from a business-decision by the SN Leader not to create a sophisticated mobile APP for its Site, but instead attempted to drive access to their Site via their mobile device’s Web browser in order to avoid accommodating the competition’s platform and devices such as Apple’s IOS and Google’s Android (or in other words adopt a dictatorial or monopolistic type position). The SN Leader is now playing catch-up as it has to allow its mobile infrastructure to support sophisticated games including those of its competition and this feature won’t be ready for another two (2) to three (3) years. Furthermore, the SN Leader has yet to forge “relationships” with handset makers, (which should be no problem for an entity whose main tenet is “networking” that it appears to have forgotten now that it is in the process of transforming itself from a SN Site into a business entity with its “crippling” tax it applied to the very developers who were helping to drive users to its Site). Faced with these complex issues, the SN Leader was forced to revise its outlook as documented in the former Publication (C12) as well as in the August 6, 2012 edition of the same referenced Publication (B1/2), which all pointed to declining market share for active users that caused projections to be revised downward repeatedly due to the realization that those users who play games on the SN leader’s Site are shrinking. This is having a domino affect and complicating the other businesses whose successes were tied to the SN Leader’s projected IPO’s anticipated success, but now that realization has set in, these businesses are also faced with having to reduce their projections such as Zynga. As it turns out, those who attempt to act dictatorially and bully others can themselves overplay their hands and “shoot themselves in the foot” by limiting the actions of others as the SN Leader is now faced with correcting its posture in an environment where fickle users who are the drivers of gaming revenue are really turned off by their bad experiences and by word-of-mouth, such types pass it on to others. The same can be said for those who steal the ideas of others and then “bully” their way around using altered historical events based on complicated “coincidental” disasters that coincide with significant accomplishments in my history while relying on the use of "nameform" changes/switching to provide its impostors with the semblance of "credibility" that is hard if near impossible for such types to achieve even with their availability of plentiful resources to serve the purpose of purchasing "credibility" by relying on "checkbook legitimacy" via the use of "identity crutches" of the advertising kind or the live kind, namely relying on either lying witnesses (such as depicted in the Introduction of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED or pets to demonstrate fleeting "legitimacy". Dogs now have a new role not only are they "man's best friend" but also impostors best "crutch" for demonstrating "family" connections in addition to the other GENERIC practices typically relied on as documented in the listings in the Conclusions section of the post ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTICED (EDITED). Those perpetrating this fraud at my expense, in turn then expect me, the individual impacted to accept the “shabby” and disrespectful treatment handed out by those attempting to "reorder" the events in my life or “else”. This is the ONLY conclusion that can be drawn, based on what took place that expedient "framily" types are using as a "crutch" to justify the unethical action carried in support of those of their "cause", which now appears to be an overplayed position. Namely, being owed funds, in reality, if an individual's identity, history, accomplishments and qualifications via, which all his accomplishments were achieved are taken away and simply "given" to others desiring much by doing very, very little, how can income be derived to repay such types, and this they know to be the case. This situation can be compared essentially to tying an individual's hands behind his back with chains and barbed wire and then telling him to free himself in an effort to avoid drowning. In my case, I was expected to derive income by ANY means possible, outside my own qualifications, that had been earned in order that these types who thought they were so shrewed and surgical in what they had implemented in my life that they could pull off "the charade of the century" and I would be no wiser such that these "free loaders cause" types and their supporters could stay in the "shadows" and in turn point fingers and tell all, "you see we told you he was an impostor otherwise he would be able to find work in his field". Not withstanding their actions in the entire twisted scheme, of ensuring that anything applied for using my background was sabotaged by "knifing me in the back", and not even having the courage to tell me to my face (what they, my immediate past employer was doing in the background timely, informing all who contacted them as would be expected, that I was an impostor, which they knew to be a BOLD FACE LIE, (that's why it had to be implemented behind my back while hiding behind an expedient "limitless" restrictions agreement attempted to be obtained under false "deregulation" pretenses, that "some" knew never would take place as shown in item # 6 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED and the below photo of the "Agreement". This, however, was
an action that had been in the works all along), as summarized and pointed out in the post THOUGHTS ABOUT DECISIONS AND BUSINESS DIRECTION as well as AN EXAMPLE OF RECONCILIATION - UPDATED and depicted graphically below in the composite partial listing of applications made.
Just as the SN Leader eventually came to the realization that catch-up had to be done to create a level "playground" for all, even the competition, it's about time that this outstanding obligations was addressed instead of attempting to hide behind those of the "free loaders cause" as depicted hypothetically in The reality of Living with an Awesome Reputation section of the post FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL'S CHARITY - UPDATED because this past due debt is now THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED plus days outstanding as of December 30, 2013 and counting!* (see Footnote) Such action will bring more satisfaction than all the other deals carried out in, which something was gained from the participants because giving (what's due as anyone to whom such a debt was owed would expect to be reimbursed), is the ethical action to take. Furthermore, there is no need for managing this scenario, because it's the correct action to take, to right wrong(s), aimed at forcing me to accept such an identity switching scam pulled (by those of the "free loaders cause") because of their large numbers who are willing to realize much in exchange for doing very "little" and who see me as preventing them from having a "better life" (for them and validation of them by their supporters) all at my expense because I refuse to become someone other than whom I am to suit the whims and "fancy" of questionable types [as I have no other identity (or "two faces") to hide in such that I am unable to show my photo that those photo less types all suffer from]. These types who implement all types of actions to bring about their "credibility" as specifically called out in item # 12 from the listing and the other items generally in the post THE“FREE LOADERS CAUSE” CREDIBILITY”, THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED. As previously stated, my approval was not given for any individual to utilize my identity, history, accomplishments and qualifications in order that they could walk off with my credibility to be used as a cover for their illegal activities that could in turn to be "wrapped" around me, regardless of whom other individual(s) assistance was obtained in this process (as outlined in item # 1 in the listing form the previously mentioned post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY",... as well as THE PREMISE BEHIND THE "FLAWED" LEGISLATION - UPDATED).
* Footnote:
For the most updated details about the debt owed me dba Conservery as well as details about the conceptualized business going forward, consistent with the information summarized in Rev. 51 from 5/8/2014 of the CONSERVERY ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY included on Conservery's Authorization Page, see the Amended post, THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED AND AMENDED
There is a popular song made famous by that late “golden voice” baritone, which implies that too much of a “good” thing can never be bad, but was he correct in the conclusion placed in the words of that song? The correct answer is, it depends in how “good” is defined. Like most things in life, how we view outcomes is very subjective and is shaped by our experiences. As a result, is can safely be said that one individual’s utopia can be another’s nightmare. However, this was not the case with the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of that Social Networking (SN) Site’s Leader, admittedly no “darling” to the pages of this Blog as documented in such posts as “SOCIAL NETWORKING RELATIONSHIPS” and “WHEN DOES THE ABSENCE OF SOCIAL ETHICS IN TODAY’S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT INTERSECT WITH THE VIRTUAL “SOCIETY?”. The assessment of the various commentators were unanimous, it was marred by mistakes, mayhem and miscalculations. This is a description about the events surrounding the much-anticipated IPO of that well-known SN Site's Leader and its implications as indicated.
Here are the Background Details:
The assessments of those examining this much expected IPO of the SN leader were blunt in their characterizations, it was perceived as a flop, but what could have caused this “event” that was expected to the “shot-in-the-arm” for the markets sour, so dramatically? After all, the myriad of advisers this “darling” had, from the Founder of that software giant et al (inclusive), it couldn’t have been anything but a success, as everything else he becomes involved with turns out [such as his input in BHI Board - see the post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT (EDITED)?], but it was not. Therefore what did lead to the generally agreed disaster as documented in the May 22, 2012 and May 29, 2012 editions of that Daily/Weekend Business, Street Publication (A1/2) and (C1/2) respectively, that this IPO turned out to be? The headline and articles said it all, “investors Pummel Face book”, “Investors Smarting From IPO”, “Face book Shares Drop 11% on Day 2” and “AN About-Face For Investors”. The overall generally accepted thinking throughout is that the IPO: 1) was not managed as effective as it should have been and the search for who to blame was underway, 2) planners generally made too many shares available to investors as a last-minute decision and 3) didn’t allow for the proper confirmation of and/or cancellations of shares, which then caused some investors to loose thousands of dollars in their transactions. There were other issues associated with the IPO but such issues as the availability of shares to some investors and the exact starting share price valuation are faced by all IPOs and they don’t result in disastrous initial offerings. Examples however, of such developments/comments were typical: the Hedge-Fund Manager who received half a million more shares than he expected and others who thought it was “over hyped” were common in addition to, “underwriters completely screwed this up”, “a train wreck” and “flubbed” [see the posts THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON (EDITED AND UPDATED)! as well as ISN'T TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED)?] for other “glaring” examples of major expected activities that were also “over hyped” with disastrous outcomes for some]. Contributing to these events were the actions of executives who “‘played a very active role in the IPO process and the decision to expand the number of available shares by 25% to bring the total amount available to 421.2 million. What then compounded these issues was the fact that the NASDAQ forced in delay in the opening that contributed to estimates of losses of more than $100 million on trade during the SN Leader’s IPO debut.Typically, in such activities the generally accepted thinking is to make less shares available in order to drive up demand as should occur whenever there is scarcity of supply and as a result, share price but the opposite occurred. Then as the initial fervor wore off, the stock price took a beating, translating to an 11% drop in the share value. As the criticism grew, there was enough blame to go around for all involved, the SN Site Leader, the Investment Banker MS and NASDAQ for failing to ensure a smooth market debut.
The Implications and Future Outlook:
As it turned out, not all of this SN Leader’s problems can be attributed to the management of its IPO, such as competing in the mobile APPs marketplace with established leaders such as:, Google and Apple and translating from the SN focus into a business strategy for deriving revenue successfully. The former Publication (B12) pointed out in the article that Crowdstar Inc., (an active developer of games on the SN Site) decided to stop making games for the SN Leader and instead focus on Apple’s IPhone and Google’s Android (potentially impacting 50 million daily active users) and this decision underscored its problems in this area. The SN Leader’s problems were related to incompatibility and accessibility issues. Therefore, even though there is an explosion of individuals accessing the SN Leader’s Site with smart phones, the APPs that drive revenue can’t be accessed. In addition, the company’s decision to “tax” such developers to the tune of 30% on games sold through its payment system did not help to mend “fences” (or relationships) in this area. This problem can be quantified by the following, for a better understanding, even though half of its almost 1 billion users access the Site with smart phones and tablets, they see only a limited version of the SNs main features, that don’t include the mobile developers APPs. This situation results from a business-decision by the SN Leader not to create a sophisticated mobile APP for its Site, but instead attempted to drive access to their Site via their mobile device’s Web browser in order to avoid accommodating the competition’s platform and devices such as Apple’s IOS and Google’s Android (or in other words adopt a dictatorial or monopolistic type position). The SN Leader is now playing catch-up as it has to allow its mobile infrastructure to support sophisticated games including those of its competition and this feature won’t be ready for another two (2) to three (3) years. Furthermore, the SN Leader has yet to forge “relationships” with handset makers, (which should be no problem for an entity whose main tenet is “networking” that it appears to have forgotten now that it is in the process of transforming itself from a SN Site into a business entity with its “crippling” tax it applied to the very developers who were helping to drive users to its Site). Faced with these complex issues, the SN Leader was forced to revise its outlook as documented in the former Publication (C12) as well as in the August 6, 2012 edition of the same referenced Publication (B1/2), which all pointed to declining market share for active users that caused projections to be revised downward repeatedly due to the realization that those users who play games on the SN leader’s Site are shrinking. This is having a domino affect and complicating the other businesses whose successes were tied to the SN Leader’s projected IPO’s anticipated success, but now that realization has set in, these businesses are also faced with having to reduce their projections such as Zynga. As it turns out, those who attempt to act dictatorially and bully others can themselves overplay their hands and “shoot themselves in the foot” by limiting the actions of others as the SN Leader is now faced with correcting its posture in an environment where fickle users who are the drivers of gaming revenue are really turned off by their bad experiences and by word-of-mouth, such types pass it on to others. The same can be said for those who steal the ideas of others and then “bully” their way around using altered historical events based on complicated “coincidental” disasters that coincide with significant accomplishments in my history while relying on the use of "nameform" changes/switching to provide its impostors with the semblance of "credibility" that is hard if near impossible for such types to achieve even with their availability of plentiful resources to serve the purpose of purchasing "credibility" by relying on "checkbook legitimacy" via the use of "identity crutches" of the advertising kind or the live kind, namely relying on either lying witnesses (such as depicted in the Introduction of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED or pets to demonstrate fleeting "legitimacy". Dogs now have a new role not only are they "man's best friend" but also impostors best "crutch" for demonstrating "family" connections in addition to the other GENERIC practices typically relied on as documented in the listings in the Conclusions section of the post ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTICED (EDITED). Those perpetrating this fraud at my expense, in turn then expect me, the individual impacted to accept the “shabby” and disrespectful treatment handed out by those attempting to "reorder" the events in my life or “else”. This is the ONLY conclusion that can be drawn, based on what took place that expedient "framily" types are using as a "crutch" to justify the unethical action carried in support of those of their "cause", which now appears to be an overplayed position. Namely, being owed funds, in reality, if an individual's identity, history, accomplishments and qualifications via, which all his accomplishments were achieved are taken away and simply "given" to others desiring much by doing very, very little, how can income be derived to repay such types, and this they know to be the case. This situation can be compared essentially to tying an individual's hands behind his back with chains and barbed wire and then telling him to free himself in an effort to avoid drowning. In my case, I was expected to derive income by ANY means possible, outside my own qualifications, that had been earned in order that these types who thought they were so shrewed and surgical in what they had implemented in my life that they could pull off "the charade of the century" and I would be no wiser such that these "free loaders cause" types and their supporters could stay in the "shadows" and in turn point fingers and tell all, "you see we told you he was an impostor otherwise he would be able to find work in his field". Not withstanding their actions in the entire twisted scheme, of ensuring that anything applied for using my background was sabotaged by "knifing me in the back", and not even having the courage to tell me to my face (what they, my immediate past employer was doing in the background timely, informing all who contacted them as would be expected, that I was an impostor, which they knew to be a BOLD FACE LIE, (that's why it had to be implemented behind my back while hiding behind an expedient "limitless" restrictions agreement attempted to be obtained under false "deregulation" pretenses, that "some" knew never would take place as shown in item # 6 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED and the below photo of the "Agreement". This, however, was
an action that had been in the works all along), as summarized and pointed out in the post THOUGHTS ABOUT DECISIONS AND BUSINESS DIRECTION as well as AN EXAMPLE OF RECONCILIATION - UPDATED and depicted graphically below in the composite partial listing of applications made.
![]() |
This is a partial listing of some of the applications made for part time employment carried out at the time of my lay off, which were ALL scuttled by my past employer, behind my back.
As pointed out in the post, “THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT, (EDITED AND UPDATED)?”, the debt owed as a result of using my material without permission is approximately $8,841,622.5 as of 12/30/2013* (see Footnote) and increasing every day it remains unsettled and awaits level-headedness to be settled for this legitimate cause as stated on the Pages of this Blog. Its receipt will be documented in the post THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT, - EDITED AND AMENDED, especially since the combined debt incurred is mounting daily in this scenario as the time period was in excess of THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED (3700) days plus as of December 30, 2013, in one case, which the costs incurring are mounting as documented in the series of posts on the subject ADDENDUM TO THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT (UPDATED)?* (see Footnote). Therefore, it's never too late to act honorably and even then this won't make up for the devastation that occurred in the lives of the various individuals whose identities were switched under the cover of disasters that occurred with the unanswerable questions to be faced accordingly regarding the details in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS MANDATED BY DECREE, UPDATED.
Just as the SN Leader eventually came to the realization that catch-up had to be done to create a level "playground" for all, even the competition, it's about time that this outstanding obligations was addressed instead of attempting to hide behind those of the "free loaders cause" as depicted hypothetically in The reality of Living with an Awesome Reputation section of the post FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL'S CHARITY - UPDATED because this past due debt is now THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED plus days outstanding as of December 30, 2013 and counting!* (see Footnote) Such action will bring more satisfaction than all the other deals carried out in, which something was gained from the participants because giving (what's due as anyone to whom such a debt was owed would expect to be reimbursed), is the ethical action to take. Furthermore, there is no need for managing this scenario, because it's the correct action to take, to right wrong(s), aimed at forcing me to accept such an identity switching scam pulled (by those of the "free loaders cause") because of their large numbers who are willing to realize much in exchange for doing very "little" and who see me as preventing them from having a "better life" (for them and validation of them by their supporters) all at my expense because I refuse to become someone other than whom I am to suit the whims and "fancy" of questionable types [as I have no other identity (or "two faces") to hide in such that I am unable to show my photo that those photo less types all suffer from]. These types who implement all types of actions to bring about their "credibility" as specifically called out in item # 12 from the listing and the other items generally in the post THE“FREE LOADERS CAUSE” CREDIBILITY”, THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED. As previously stated, my approval was not given for any individual to utilize my identity, history, accomplishments and qualifications in order that they could walk off with my credibility to be used as a cover for their illegal activities that could in turn to be "wrapped" around me, regardless of whom other individual(s) assistance was obtained in this process (as outlined in item # 1 in the listing form the previously mentioned post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY",... as well as THE PREMISE BEHIND THE "FLAWED" LEGISLATION - UPDATED).
* Footnote:
For the most updated details about the debt owed me dba Conservery as well as details about the conceptualized business going forward, consistent with the information summarized in Rev. 51 from 5/8/2014 of the CONSERVERY ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY included on Conservery's Authorization Page, see the Amended post, THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED AND AMENDED
Before embarking on any undertaking whether small or great an assessment should first be carried out to determine: 1) if the type of attitude (or stamina) needed is available, which is essential for the selecting of those critical supporting cast members required for the effort because the difference between success and failure can be reflected in the right versus the wrong attitude and what it conveys to these individuals - (CLARIFICATION: success as defined does not mean winning regardless of the methods used or by the "whatever works" mantra, but rather taking the high road and being successful. The fact that it's NEVER been done does not mean it cannot be done. NOTE, CANDIDATES SIMPLY STATING THEY WERE "TAKING THE HIGH ROAD" SHOULD NOT BE CONFUSED WITH THE APPROACH OUTLINED IN THIS PROCESS BECAUSE MORE OFTEN THAN NOT SUCH POSITIONS EXCLUDED ONE OR MORE OF THE CRITERIA DOCUMENTED HERE AND AS A RESULT, ARE BEING DISREGARDED AS VIABLE EXAMPLES OF THE TYPE OF UNIQUE METHODOLOGY DESCRIBED HERE), 2) the type of self correction measures, which are personally required that can only be discovered by self introspection for the critical reasons previously described on the pages of this Blog, 3) if understanding, essential especially for the cause of others is an available characteristic, 4) that the type of knowledge needed for application of just the appropriate balance to avoid the tendency to resort to expedient decision-making that can imperil any effort, is available and 5) possession of the leadership qualities needed to inspire (such as took place in this post by the Founding Fathers and that "Rag Tag" group of "freedom seekers", which admittedly is a very significant undertaking. This short synopsis/list should help when exploring any undertaking, grave or small. (Note: the specific leadership application was selected if for example the cause being considered involves an extreme case of redirecting a group lost and in need of serious assistance in pointing out needs that may not even be readily apparent to the group). This approach does not represent the Proprietorship's providing of political services as a business offering previously dropped, this position has not been reversed, but instead represents the specific ONE-TIME only conditions under, which voluntary assistance offered to a unique individual, will be provided should she accept the offer to persue higher office as appropriate.
This comment will be posted in three (3) parts due to it's lenght:
Part 1)
This comment is a restating of comment # 4 from 5/18/2013 on THIS Page to emphasize that the purpose of this Blog is to provide clarity in the midst of chaos for those truly in need of information. What is is not is a sounding board for those who have made expedient decisions in their tenure to attempt to justify such by intimidation at my expense. If some of those expedient types making the claim that certain of their "free loader's cause" types are legitimate owners of my history, they must have done something to bring about that change, because none of their "free loader's cause" types spent any time "walking in my shoes" while the years of studies were being carried out, which somehow magically was altered after returning from Vermont. History isn't altered by: 1) resources, 2) time, 3) opportunistic type individual's manipulation of critical details, 4) "spectacular" "coincidental" type events" or 5) even the sudden death of witnesses. Especially when it can be reconstructed by not one but two methods of actual recording of facts even where your "free loader's cause" types with problematic origins were placed by the creators of the "Misguided Development" in my journey for credibility as documented in the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE "BLACKOUT" (UPDATED AND AMENDED).
Respect from individuals begins with respecting the rights of others and then respect for the cause is obtained. You can't clamour for respect while disrespecting others blatantly by pretending that no alteration of records occurred in your tenure when dual forms of documented evidence says otherwise (especially if claiming "free loader's cause" types to be legitimate); that is expediency and is called speaking from both sides of one's mouth.
Continued below.
Continued from above:
Part 2)
"The purpose of this Blog is to present the facts as they are for greater clarity and those who shout for respectful approaches should remember that what's described on this Blog is how the events are represented by the actions of those depicted. For example, there is nothing respectful about using the ideas of another business and: 1) choosing not to first seek to obtain permission before usage, 2) attempting to cover-up the sheer unethical nature of such actions by the manipulation of news stories and attempting to assign the facsimile of the former office/residence to others, 3) somehow thinking that by ignoring the facts, namely that disregard for the rights and interests of others enacted would vanish over the approximate 10-year period and 4) networking to any and everyone in the history of the individual to make quid pro quo deals to obtain their cooperation in identity switching, from the entity in charge of the assigning of domain names (as documented in the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE ORIGINAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - AMENDED up to and including an unnamed religious institution provided with "special favors" on theme Parks in exchange for their cooperation in this shameless activity (see the post VERIFIABLE OUTCOMES ALWAYS RESULT FROM SOUND DECISIONS - UPDATED). These actions do not represent respect for others, more importantly however, is the fact as previously stated all will eventually be held accountable for their actions and no amount of fictional contributions to the charities of "Board Member" associates will prevent such an eventuality. Finally, Information provided out of courtesy with the expectation of follow-up if there is interest should not be willfully used and attempt to justify such actions by unilaterally attempting to assign ownership rights to "free loader" and "free loader-related" types.
Continued below!
Continued from above:
Part 3)
For the record, it must be pointed out that RESPECT IS EARNED, especially coming from those who show little regard for the rights, wishes and interests of others but yet expect "respect" to be showered on them because of their awesomeness. These types should first practice such conduct and see what results, (this excludes the actions of those saying and doing whatever it takes to obtain favors, as these individuals have a tendency to be unaware of what comprises RESPECT FOR OTHERS as well).
In the final analysis, this Country, whose corporate structures and vestiges of power are under siege by those who have implemented their stealth method of alternate taxation form without representation, (see the post ISN'T IT TIME FOR A DIFFERENT FACE (EDITED)? in addition to PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)!, after all, which isn't supposed to be a dictatorship, where "whatever works" methodology and similar type actions rule the day as documented in the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (UPDATED)? along with PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED)!, where individuals can be replaced "at will" and none will be the wiser and/or those in authority can conduct themselves as if nothing amidst has taken place; but a Republic bearing such slogans such as "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"!
However, with these conditions existing, WHERE ARE THE BRAVE, OF THE FRANKLIN AND REGAN MOLD, IN ALL FAIRNESS?, I hope planning to pick up the mantle to follow through on the approach outlined in Comment # 1 from 5/7/2013 on the COMMENTS Page. The current conditions with such a dire need don't appear to hold much hope for such, which clearly: 1) require a different approach and 2) for one who believes that a single one can make a difference and possesses the courage to live out their aspirations as the previous post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSIONSs (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME ALSO VINDICATES A CRUSADER! (UPDATED) pointed out "AFTER ALL WHERE HOPE EXISTS, THE PRINCIPLE OF FAIRNESS WILL ALSO BE A PART OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE (also like the "Gipper") IN THE EVENTUAL TRIUMPH OF "GOOD OVER EVIL"; maybe for such an individual, this hope expressed can become an actual reality. Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page.
Any individual who desires to be a critic should be consistent and impartial in the exercise of their assumed role, otherwise such a cause will be lacking in credibility and not worthy of merit. To ignore the obvious treasonous action of those associated with the “free loader’s cause”, which not only, clearly demonstrated such total disrespect for the obvious rights of those courageous freedom seekers as documented in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE (EDITED AND UPDATED)!, to chart their own destiny by their choosing “freedom from taxation without representation”, but also shows blatant contempt for their unique boundaries as a Nation, in such a modern day brazen act of cowardice on the part of a “so called” former Empire that its viciousness is; barbaric, disdainful, arrogant, brutal and blatantly unethical and lacking in any type of protocol typically exchanged between one nation to the other by those with at least a modicum of courage to take a stand for the cause they are advocating; abdicates the right to be brandishing the label of critic. If an individual, wishes the title of critic and chose and chooses to ignore such a flagrant demonstration of decorum by one Nation to another and took the expedient action when in position to deal effectively with such an incursion, and allowed its further expansion, has forfeited the right to be a critic in any cause, such as to offer advice when in no position to do so. To be deserving of the right to offer input in any worthwhile cause first the “boulder" should be removed from the eye of such an individual before attempting to remove the "pebble" from the eye of one who took the stand to point out the obviously heinous and abhorrent actions of this former Empire in its flagrant disrespect for the young Nation’s Constitutional Charter as well as all of its other unique Instruments that define the Republic, and such a course of action brings the inaction of this self proclaimed “critic” into focus for lacking in the type of moral fiber to take a principled stand for ANY worthy cause and should stand aside and allow what’s: meaningful, proficient, useful, skill full uplifting to be realized in the lives of very worthwhile individuals, previously considered only worthy of being nothing more than one of a cowardly former empire’s foot soldiers in a worthless, demeaning, despicable and completely unethical “misguided development”, which it's so proud of that it had to implemented it in a form of insolent cowardice previously unheard of between “so called” “respectful” “F-I-R-S-T W-O-R-L-D” nations, but at the same time is powerless to stop because it would require acknowledging the implementing of the such a widespread “ring” of "spies" of man’s oldest profession type as a Nation that it would be a public disgrace, nationally and internationally. If the role o critic is desired, one must be sure to be impartial in the “stands” taken and even more so to exercise consistency when it’s clearly required, failing such, no individual (furthermore “leader”) is in the position to be partial critic in expediently criticizing the actions that show where lack of courage to act honorably when it was needed most, was practiced on the part of such an individual especially in the lives of those who were unable to offer resistance (or defend themselves). Note: all links are avilable on the COMMENTS Page.
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