This post is an update of the footnote of the post, FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL’S CHARITY - UPDATED, to provide a basis for the complex issues to be expanded on in a format specifically designated for the issues there. Those details described the flawed legislation introduced by expedient political types in Barbados to provide de facto “citizenship” for a host of those of the “free loaders cause” by offering support initially to two such types at the expense of those who were legitimately born into a specific heritage that was being mangled to provide “legitimacy” for impostors without origins and seeking such. This expedient avenue used by the “creative” political types who drafted it could not have been developed in “isolation”, this post is intended to discover and provide a basis for this “identity busting” avenue, dreamed up those who are of the opinion that with their resources, anything can be obtained, no matter how terribly divisive, grossly unethical and blatantly illegal it is.
Here are the Background Details:
This section contains the previously described highly unethical avenue used by those political types abusing their “power” to provide a solution that they found themselves faced with due to the methods adopted by those of the supporters of the “free loaders cause” aimed and obtaining much by doing very little indeed such that ill-gotten revenue could be obtained by expedient types aimed at circumventing the normally accepted “law abiding practices“ expected of those conduct business in our societies, via a “Trojan horse” alternate form of taxation via, which income could be obtained in my opinion in abundant amounts because of the availability of those willing to do very little worthwhile to attain much as described in the post THE ORIGINS OF"VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES (UPDATED). The previously depicted outline from the footnote is included below in its entirety and updated.
The Implications of this Process and Potential Causes:
In an on-line article from the Barbados Nation of March 17, 2001 was a description of the work of one (in my opinion) expedient organization the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD), in Europe, abusing its authority and in the process attempting to exert pressure on the Government of Barbados by accusing the island nation of violating five (5) of twenty-five (25) articles that established money laundering destinations, especially if one “free loader” had expediently used the cover of my practice of sending funds to my brother that had been ended due to other compelling reasons brought about by my then employer (namely a reorganization to eliminate my former Group and my focusing on and adjusting to the new position I was place in of having to work for a former colleague who knew that his approach to "leadership" was condoned by the Company), therefore the continuance of this previous remittance was not my primary concern at that time but my "predictable" action gave one of the "free loaders cause" the opportunity to maintain it in my name and by so doing launder his "questionably" obtained monies for the purpose of using “checkbook legitimacy” to purchase an identity at my expense in Barbados that is further described in “their connections”. The then Chief Justice of Barbados David Simmons (DS) is quoted as stating “racism behind OECD attack”, which he summed up after scrutinizing by stating that he found that THREE (3) WERE WITHOUT BASIS, WHICH BY DEFAULT IMPLIES THAT TWO WERE “LEGITIMATE”. Since, as previously described, those of the “free loaders cause” use labels and numbers to convey much more than they would appear to be providing, it can only be concluded from his response to these “charges” is to offer to provide “legitimacy” to TWO (2) (an the other mangled ancestries needed to bring about just what was needed to provide impostors with fleeting "legitimacy" while removing THREE (3) who were so included. This would imply that as previously stated on the pages of this Blog, that my sister had indeed given up her identity to become a “free loader sympathizer” for another she thought to be more beneficial and my brother had agreed likewise to become a “sympathizer” and took on a mangled "Edwards" identity as described in items # 1 and # 10 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD. As far as I was concerned, my cause of little interest for these types who just made me “stateless” at the “blink of an eye” and didn’t care what happened to me along the way (as I was thrown “under the proverbial bus”) in favor of attaining much revenue from a “brutal” system that left a trail of lives in its wake, as the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE, UPDATED points out. It was documented in a later article from the on-line version of the Barbados Nation dated November 16, 2001 that the OECD had extended the deadline for meeting “certain guidelines” had been extended from July 31, 2001 through the end of February the following year.
The Conclusion:
The proposed method for solving the problem faced by Barbados was “floated” by the then Chief Justice who was certainly NOT unbiased in this affair as documented in the post THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE CHAGUANAS WEST BY ELECTION IN THE ISLAND/NATION OF TRINIDAD, UPDATED. As a result, his actions cannot be offered as anything other than expedient. The end result of this terrible decision on the part of those without a drop of care or concern for the lives and rights of others is till being felt today by me and not to mention those sacrificed for a cause they knew nothing and who have been left in an undermined state as I was, but worse yet in death and whose end “cries out” only for fairness, whose cause is still searching for a champion as documented in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH‘SPREMISE - UPDATED. Furthermore, when such types use those causes that they offer up as having been implemented for the purposes of rooting out those conditions, which promote illegal activity and then in turn use them to promote the very conditions they were founded to eliminate, this serves to remind us how very influential those of the “free Loaders cause” are in finding avenues to promote their cause, which leaves nothing untouched in their desire to further expand the methods they use to exploit those who are part of their “realm” as well as society’s instruments for the purpose of ensuring that those of their cause are provided with the fleeting “legitimacy”, which they desperately seek for their cause at the expense of anyone and anything in its path, especially when they collectively begin to act as an all powerful “shadowy consuming force” against whom none are able to stand, except ONE, who knows their every turn and will allow none to impede His will in he lives of His chosen that
one individual who used the online name Hotep Sen Shu in 2002 asked the question in an on-line article from 4/18/2002, with the following as its premise, “please identify
real Israelites”.
To digress:
For these Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), God will allow none to impede His will for and He doesn’t require any nation to introduce any special legislation to identify such or use an entity to be manipulated to subvert its founding principle and in turn promote the very cause for, which it was founded, namely opposing laundering of illegal funds, which those of the “free loaders cause” live by when it is remembered that these types as documented in the post ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE, have no real skills and therefore only use the identities of those individuals whom they borrow such from to do exactly what the OECD was created to oppose, launder illegally obtained funds that their supporters “gladly” garner to expand their “coffers/empires” while misusing and/or abusing anything in their wake. Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), God alone knows whom his chosen are because Israel has a special "spiritual" meaning related to His servants that none can readily adopt just for the sake of padding origins. Where most fail in, is the recognition that there is actually only one God, who created the universe including its inhabitants who have become so arrogant that they have forgotten who created them and have begun to the lives of others by determining outcomes and then intimidating those impacted to accept what have been determined by others for them as what is deserving by such types with no regard for the lives and rights of others but just hide in the shadows and make expedient decisions in their lives as determined such types, who don't realize that God does not become involved in the events of most individuals (hence the state of conditions in our society) unless His will for His chosen is being impeded. Herein lies the biggest problem such types have with these events as taking place today, WHY WOULD GOD BE CONCERNED WITH YOU (ME) AND NOT OTHERS WITH MORE GRANDIOSE CIRCUMSTANCES (IN THEIR ESTIMATIONS)? And since they have no ready answers that make sense to them, the conclusions drawn by them and those whom align themselves with such "powerful' types by man's standards, is that it cannot be the case and as a result they continue on their chosen course hoping that their might of numbers will win the day. While those who should know better but are too proud to admit that they were mistaken continued on as well hoping that their choice will eventually be victorious but knowing full well that God has never historically sided with large numbers simply because it's so very difficult for a single individual to honor God furthermore, any large group to be in such harmony. God chose Jacob because of his love for God and His desire to honor Him and He changed his name to ISRAEL, as a representation of those who similarly demonstrates this desire to love and honor him in their lives. The same principle that was true then is also true today and that cannot be represented in any nation set up with the aid of man's institutions, because such types are: 1) NOT aware of His will and 2) don't know who His chosen are and 3) are likewise unaware of what it really means to be (FOR His chosen, WHICH CAUSE THE FIRSTBORN WERE PASSED OVER), that point in the Biblical text is accurate even though many things in it are not. He simply chose those of the 3rd tribe because He alone knows the future and who would best represent His cause and He chose accordingly from among Jacob's (or Israel's) descendants and He alone knows who such are as documented in the series of posts on the subject AMENDMENT TO THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF GOD’S CHOSEN ARE ORDERED. This, Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), is the answer you were seeking and I am hoping that it did not come too late for your specific needs. The End
* Footnote:
What these instances of MAIL FRAUD associated with the correcting of my Social Security information to obtain information as the original card and the request for a replacement passport suggest that were done to support the decision concluded by expedient political types who stated (behind my back to support "free loader" types) that this was THE FIRST SUCH REQUEST ON MY PART, BECAUSE THE CARD IN 1991 WAS ISSUED INCORRECTLY IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT NAMEFORM FROM THAT ISSUED IN 1978 & REPLACED N 1980. EVEN THOUGH THE ABOVE APPLICATION WAS DOCUMENTED CORRECTLY BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DATE, WHICH WAS SHROUDED IN DECEPTION), TO PROVIDE IMPOSTORS WITHOUT ORIGINS, "LEGITIMACY" AT MY EXPENSE UNKNOWN TO ME, EVEN THEN BEFORE ENTERING IOWA - IMPLYING THAT THE APPROXIMATE 100 JOB APPLICATIONS (of, which a partial listing is shown below/), APPLIED FOR IN 1991 WITH THE ONLY RESPONSE BEING FROM IOWA (AS THE VERMONT PROPERTY OWNER HAD SUGGESTED, WHEN IT WAS CLEAR THAT I WOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING HIS MANNER OF BUSINESS - as documented in the ...Background Facts snd Details section of the post, VOLUNTARY LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS BRING MEANINGFUL CHANGE - UPDATED), WAS NO "COINCIDENCE".
This post is an update of the footnote of the post, FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL’S CHARITY - UPDATED, to provide a basis for the complex issues to be expanded on in a format specifically designated for the issues there. Those details described the flawed legislation introduced by expedient political types in Barbados to provide de facto “citizenship” for a host of those of the “free loaders cause” by offering support initially to two such types at the expense of those who were legitimately born into a specific heritage that was being mangled to provide “legitimacy” for impostors without origins and seeking such. This expedient avenue used by the “creative” political types who drafted it could not have been developed in “isolation”, this post is intended to discover and provide a basis for this “identity busting” avenue, dreamed up those who are of the opinion that with their resources, anything can be obtained, no matter how terribly divisive, grossly unethical and blatantly illegal it is.
Here are the Background Details:
This section contains the previously described highly unethical avenue used by those political types abusing their “power” to provide a solution that they found themselves faced with due to the methods adopted by those of the supporters of the “free loaders cause” aimed and obtaining much by doing very little indeed such that ill-gotten revenue could be obtained by expedient types aimed at circumventing the normally accepted “law abiding practices“ expected of those conduct business in our societies, via a “Trojan horse” alternate form of taxation via, which income could be obtained in my opinion in abundant amounts because of the availability of those willing to do very little worthwhile to attain much as described in the post THE ORIGINS OF"VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES (UPDATED). The previously depicted outline from the footnote is included below in its entirety and updated.
"The on-line version of the Sunday March 2002 edition of the Barbados Nation contained an article entitled "TWO NEW SEATS", implying that two new electoral seats could be created to bring the total number of Parliamentary seats to thirty (30), that had the potential to impact: St. Philip, St. Peter, St. Thomas, and parts of St. Michael since five (5) constituencies from the above referenced parishes had registered voters outside the legally permitted range, including - St. James South (10 044), Christ Church East Central (9 091), Christ Church East (8 707), St. Philip North (8 829) and St. Philip South (6 411) and eight (8) had registered voters below the permitted range, including - St. Michael West (8 278), St. Michael Central (6 030), St. Michael South (6052), Thee City (of Bridgetown) (6 240), St. Michael North-West (6 466), St. Michael North-East (6 713), St. Michal West Central (6 520) and St. Michael South Central (6 411) and what was being recommended was supposedly an avenue to make things "fairer". This assessment based on the 2001 electoral list, which had "a registered electorate of 211,278 voters". Of this amount, the maximum "permitted per constituency should be 8301, and the minimum 6791, with an average of 7546 voters". It was against this backdrop that the "electoral Commission" recommended the creation of the two new electoral seats, in keeping with the rules set out in the Third schedule to the Constitution.
To interpret all this when THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY (- UPDATED) is applied, it has to be remembered that:
To interpret all this when THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY (- UPDATED) is applied, it has to be remembered that:
- TWO (2) "free loader" types were given "legitimacy" with implications that potentially overrode the FERPA rights of not only mine but also all the student body who attended TCI circa, 1980 and prior years (as documented in the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED)? as well as in the Footnote of the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED and the last occasion I checked, foreign leislation passed in another country (in this case in Barbado), should not be able to supersede the U.S. constitution IN THE USA.
- The first of these "free loaders" requiring legitimacy in order that the second could also receive "legitimacy" (as documented in the post WHAT LESSONS WERE LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED) is associated with the THE NUMBER 33 (see # 4 below) and is supposedly documented as associated with the number fifty eight (58) as his Alma mater, (the number of constituencies affected when the numbers involved are placed together) was the year that Iowa State university was created and one of the principal of the "free loaders cause", claims to have attended school in this country in my name as the oldest of the Brazant offspring that has been mangled with Asian fabric for those without origins - utter rubbish as documented in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MISSING (AND MANGLED) RECORDS - UPDATED.
- Regarding the total number of voters in the 2001, the year that my replacement passport was approved to visit the country of Trinidad they were (2)11 (2)78 registered voters signifying that New York in 1978 (the year my study leave was approved and of my arrival to begin my study journey) was of much significance as the entire realignment was based on the total registered in this listing and more importantly TWO (2) "FREE LOADER" TYPES WERE GIVEN "CREDIBILITY" FOR MY ENTRY TO NEW YORK IN 1978 FOR STUDIES DUE TO THE FACT THAT MY "DEAR" SISTER SACRIFICED HER HERITAGE FOR ANOTHER THOUGHT TO BE MORE PROFITABLE AND BY DOING SO ALLOWED THOSE OF THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" FOR WHOM SHE BECAME A "SYMPATHIZER" (AS DOCUMENTED IN ITEM # 1 FROM THE LISTING IN THE POST THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD), TO BLEND HER SCHOOL RECORDS WITH MINE (SINCE SHE SPENT THE YEAR 1967 THROUGH 1968 AT BUSINESS SCHOOL IN NEW YORK AND MY TCI STUDENT ID "COINCIDENTALLY" ALSO IS PREFIXED WITH THE NUMBERS 67) AND BY SO DOING PROVIDED THE OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE OF HER "CAUSE" TO BRANDISH THEMSELVES AS "ORIGINALS" AT MY EXPENSE AS ITEM # 5 FROM THE POST THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD, IMPLIES WOULD BE THE CASE EVEN THOUGH MERITLESS. See the included photo of my TCI student ID from my school
years as well as # 4 below.
- Furthermore, this realignment indicates that my information was to be replaced with that of these "FREE LOADER" types ("should be)" "8 301", and the "minimum 6 791", with the "average 7 546) voters. This meant that three were given passports in 2001 when my replacement was requested (or two in addition to me and my records were used to assign them with "credibility at my expense), which they obtained (and all my supporting documents relating to the fact that my passport was lost after my relocation to Vermont in 1990 documenting why the replacement was being requested ended up back in the package that included the passport when it was received (see Comment # 1 from 2/3/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page for supporting details), and that is why expedient political types could imply that my request for a REPLACEMENT SOCIAL SECURITY CARD IN 1991 WAS THE FIRST SUCH REQUEST ON MY PART, when this was clearly not the case - as the below photo insert depict,
which was issued in the "nameform" also shown in the 2nd insert below to imply that it was my original request until it was changed in 2005 and the documents switching
occurred to provide social security "life" to impostors based on my communication as documented in the post GIVING LIFE THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY - UPDATED TO INCLUDE AN EXAMPLE OF CONSISTENCY W/INSERTS .). These events meant that not only was my documentation never was submitted and received at the Barbados Consulate in New York (or in other words, it never left Iowa - see item #13 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED for a summary about the MAIL FRAUD developments that occurred). The same identical action also took place in 2005 when the social security change was requested to correct the "nameform" used in 1991 and that was never submitted and what was done in both instances* (see Footnote) was to unlawfully include information to provide those with fictional identities based on erroneous business cards supporting documentation to provide impostors with origin issues to specifically provide support to one "FREE LOADER" associated with the Third Schedule and 3 from 01 or 33) who was given credibility primarily, in order that the second of the "free loaders" could also given "credibility" as this post AN EXAMPLE OF HIRING FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTITY TRANSFER is described as being average or associated with the numbers 22 (with its double meaning, see item # 6 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED in addition to the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED for those dual applications) as the above total number of registers voters implies as shown here, (211 278) as well as the number 54 as depicted below (probably a birth year) with supposed Russian links as implied by the number 7, shown here 7 (54)6 also receiving credibility and tied to my TCI student number (67)91 as well as others, explaining why the warehouse can't be found at this time even by the staff to retrieve my records for the replacement diploma requested (see Comment # 1 from 4/15/2013 on the COMMENTS 2013 Page as well as the photo of my student card included below). That is why this partial listing of those who are aware of historical events the way in, which they actually occurred keeps growing as new cases are made known as documented in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED and supplemented by details in Comment # 1 from 2/13/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page. In addition to the above, since 1967 is also the year that my sister spent in New York at business school, the associating of (67)13 is an attempt to meld and join her year with my history since both her school (year) and my student ID number "coincidentally" are associated with the number 67 (see the post ADDENDUM TO COINCIDENCES AND OTHER THINGS for this one in the series about how unusual "coincidences" really are). In addition, since 13 is particularly associated with my late mother birth year and daughter's birth date and late Mother's birth year and the date for the former is 9/13/1913, it was included here in my opinion in order that it along with those records belonging to my late Father (see # 5 below) could be applied to those of the "free loaders cause" as well, (see the post A TRIBUTE TO MY LATE MOTHER - EDITED in addition to THE TRUTH VERSUS FABRICATION ABOUT MY LATE MOTHER'S LIFE FOR THE RECORD - UPDATED and HOW SHOULD AN INDIVIDUAL HANDLE THE "EXPORTING" OF HIS IDENTITY/RECORDS FROM TH COUNTRY OF HIS BIRTH TO ANOTHER FOR DEAL MAKING?)
- The above constituencies also provide some interesting details such as: a) the first such district, (which is associated with the Sunset Crest development district of St. James (South), where numerous residents from Britain primarily (44) and elsewhere have 2nd homes being the first and foremost area where excess numbers of "registered" voters exceeding the limit as the reason why the activity was being implemented in order that the records of my late Father, whose birth year was 1910, that had been symbolically "shipped" to this Country in 1991 (as documented in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS - EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS), could be made available to those with English/British links as these numbers indicate (10 0 44) in addition to one supposedly from China with Russian links and a second with supposed Russian ancestry but without the Chinese link as the the numbers 8 and 7 from the third most populous district implies (8 707), b) the second district where overcrowding existed was in Christ Church East (also the district of predominantly European residents with (90 91) being significant, which is important since the backdating of documents that took place at the Plant as outlined in item # 5, from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD, it was implied that an individual from Iowa was "fictionally" at the Plant prior to 1991 and probably from the 1990 time frame with my same ancestry but connected to Germany as the number 9 suggests since those "claiming" to be of German ancestry go four nine (9), c) in addition two individuals associated with the numbers (88 29), (the year of birth of my daughter Danielle in CT (see item # 15 from the listing the the above referenced post), were being connected to the State of Iowa for credibility most likely with outward indications that could be associated with Chinese extraction as the number 8 tends to suggests and d) an individual without "roots" that were not borrowed from those her associated with her primary occupation as the dates attributed to this individual for her "legitimacy" documented in the post HOW TO IMPLEMENT IDENTITY THEFT AND LEGITIMIZE FRAUD - UPDATED (AND AMENDED 5/7/213) along the number 64, which by the way is the main access road from, which 140th Avenue is connected to, HWY 64 that "coincidentally" also leads directly into Illinois as (64 66) was being given legitimacy via Barbados (where the size of the country 166 square feet) was the important fact to be known here along with other pertinent details of another nature. These "fictional" 3rd tribe lot, achieved through documents backdating and MAIL FRAUD as items # 5 and # 13 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD documents, could only have been done only where some with significant influence exerted such to ensure its implementation, as the post HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED, implies of such types.
In an on-line article from the Barbados Nation of March 17, 2001 was a description of the work of one (in my opinion) expedient organization the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD), in Europe, abusing its authority and in the process attempting to exert pressure on the Government of Barbados by accusing the island nation of violating five (5) of twenty-five (25) articles that established money laundering destinations, especially if one “free loader” had expediently used the cover of my practice of sending funds to my brother that had been ended due to other compelling reasons brought about by my then employer (namely a reorganization to eliminate my former Group and my focusing on and adjusting to the new position I was place in of having to work for a former colleague who knew that his approach to "leadership" was condoned by the Company), therefore the continuance of this previous remittance was not my primary concern at that time but my "predictable" action gave one of the "free loaders cause" the opportunity to maintain it in my name and by so doing launder his "questionably" obtained monies for the purpose of using “checkbook legitimacy” to purchase an identity at my expense in Barbados that is further described in “their connections”. The then Chief Justice of Barbados David Simmons (DS) is quoted as stating “racism behind OECD attack”, which he summed up after scrutinizing by stating that he found that THREE (3) WERE WITHOUT BASIS, WHICH BY DEFAULT IMPLIES THAT TWO WERE “LEGITIMATE”. Since, as previously described, those of the “free loaders cause” use labels and numbers to convey much more than they would appear to be providing, it can only be concluded from his response to these “charges” is to offer to provide “legitimacy” to TWO (2) (an the other mangled ancestries needed to bring about just what was needed to provide impostors with fleeting "legitimacy" while removing THREE (3) who were so included. This would imply that as previously stated on the pages of this Blog, that my sister had indeed given up her identity to become a “free loader sympathizer” for another she thought to be more beneficial and my brother had agreed likewise to become a “sympathizer” and took on a mangled "Edwards" identity as described in items # 1 and # 10 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD. As far as I was concerned, my cause of little interest for these types who just made me “stateless” at the “blink of an eye” and didn’t care what happened to me along the way (as I was thrown “under the proverbial bus”) in favor of attaining much revenue from a “brutal” system that left a trail of lives in its wake, as the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE, UPDATED points out. It was documented in a later article from the on-line version of the Barbados Nation dated November 16, 2001 that the OECD had extended the deadline for meeting “certain guidelines” had been extended from July 31, 2001 through the end of February the following year.
The Conclusion:
The proposed method for solving the problem faced by Barbados was “floated” by the then Chief Justice who was certainly NOT unbiased in this affair as documented in the post THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE CHAGUANAS WEST BY ELECTION IN THE ISLAND/NATION OF TRINIDAD, UPDATED. As a result, his actions cannot be offered as anything other than expedient. The end result of this terrible decision on the part of those without a drop of care or concern for the lives and rights of others is till being felt today by me and not to mention those sacrificed for a cause they knew nothing and who have been left in an undermined state as I was, but worse yet in death and whose end “cries out” only for fairness, whose cause is still searching for a champion as documented in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH‘SPREMISE - UPDATED. Furthermore, when such types use those causes that they offer up as having been implemented for the purposes of rooting out those conditions, which promote illegal activity and then in turn use them to promote the very conditions they were founded to eliminate, this serves to remind us how very influential those of the “free Loaders cause” are in finding avenues to promote their cause, which leaves nothing untouched in their desire to further expand the methods they use to exploit those who are part of their “realm” as well as society’s instruments for the purpose of ensuring that those of their cause are provided with the fleeting “legitimacy”, which they desperately seek for their cause at the expense of anyone and anything in its path, especially when they collectively begin to act as an all powerful “shadowy consuming force” against whom none are able to stand, except ONE, who knows their every turn and will allow none to impede His will in he lives of His chosen that
one individual who used the online name Hotep Sen Shu in 2002 asked the question in an on-line article from 4/18/2002, with the following as its premise, “please identify
real Israelites”.
To digress:
For these Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), God will allow none to impede His will for and He doesn’t require any nation to introduce any special legislation to identify such or use an entity to be manipulated to subvert its founding principle and in turn promote the very cause for, which it was founded, namely opposing laundering of illegal funds, which those of the “free loaders cause” live by when it is remembered that these types as documented in the post ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE, have no real skills and therefore only use the identities of those individuals whom they borrow such from to do exactly what the OECD was created to oppose, launder illegally obtained funds that their supporters “gladly” garner to expand their “coffers/empires” while misusing and/or abusing anything in their wake. Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), God alone knows whom his chosen are because Israel has a special "spiritual" meaning related to His servants that none can readily adopt just for the sake of padding origins. Where most fail in, is the recognition that there is actually only one God, who created the universe including its inhabitants who have become so arrogant that they have forgotten who created them and have begun to the lives of others by determining outcomes and then intimidating those impacted to accept what have been determined by others for them as what is deserving by such types with no regard for the lives and rights of others but just hide in the shadows and make expedient decisions in their lives as determined such types, who don't realize that God does not become involved in the events of most individuals (hence the state of conditions in our society) unless His will for His chosen is being impeded. Herein lies the biggest problem such types have with these events as taking place today, WHY WOULD GOD BE CONCERNED WITH YOU (ME) AND NOT OTHERS WITH MORE GRANDIOSE CIRCUMSTANCES (IN THEIR ESTIMATIONS)? And since they have no ready answers that make sense to them, the conclusions drawn by them and those whom align themselves with such "powerful' types by man's standards, is that it cannot be the case and as a result they continue on their chosen course hoping that their might of numbers will win the day. While those who should know better but are too proud to admit that they were mistaken continued on as well hoping that their choice will eventually be victorious but knowing full well that God has never historically sided with large numbers simply because it's so very difficult for a single individual to honor God furthermore, any large group to be in such harmony. God chose Jacob because of his love for God and His desire to honor Him and He changed his name to ISRAEL, as a representation of those who similarly demonstrates this desire to love and honor him in their lives. The same principle that was true then is also true today and that cannot be represented in any nation set up with the aid of man's institutions, because such types are: 1) NOT aware of His will and 2) don't know who His chosen are and 3) are likewise unaware of what it really means to be (FOR His chosen, WHICH CAUSE THE FIRSTBORN WERE PASSED OVER), that point in the Biblical text is accurate even though many things in it are not. He simply chose those of the 3rd tribe because He alone knows the future and who would best represent His cause and He chose accordingly from among Jacob's (or Israel's) descendants and He alone knows who such are as documented in the series of posts on the subject AMENDMENT TO THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF GOD’S CHOSEN ARE ORDERED. This, Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), is the answer you were seeking and I am hoping that it did not come too late for your specific needs. The End
* Footnote:
What these instances of MAIL FRAUD associated with the correcting of my Social Security information to obtain information as the original card and the request for a replacement passport suggest that were done to support the decision concluded by expedient political types who stated (behind my back to support "free loader" types) that this was THE FIRST SUCH REQUEST ON MY PART, BECAUSE THE CARD IN 1991 WAS ISSUED INCORRECTLY IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT NAMEFORM FROM THAT ISSUED IN 1978 & REPLACED N 1980. EVEN THOUGH THE ABOVE APPLICATION WAS DOCUMENTED CORRECTLY BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DATE, WHICH WAS SHROUDED IN DECEPTION), TO PROVIDE IMPOSTORS WITHOUT ORIGINS, "LEGITIMACY" AT MY EXPENSE UNKNOWN TO ME, EVEN THEN BEFORE ENTERING IOWA - IMPLYING THAT THE APPROXIMATE 100 JOB APPLICATIONS (of, which a partial listing is shown below/), APPLIED FOR IN 1991 WITH THE ONLY RESPONSE BEING FROM IOWA (AS THE VERMONT PROPERTY OWNER HAD SUGGESTED, WHEN IT WAS CLEAR THAT I WOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING HIS MANNER OF BUSINESS - as documented in the ...Background Facts snd Details section of the post, VOLUNTARY LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS BRING MEANINGFUL CHANGE - UPDATED), WAS NO "COINCIDENCE".
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