Wednesday, December 18, 2013

SUPPLEMENT TO "FREE LOADERS" AND THEIR EXAMPLES - UPDATED 12/19 & 12/20/2013 as well as 6/10, 7/23 & 8/7/2014

This is a follow-up the previous post "FREE LOADERS" AND THEIR EXAMPLES to  clarify and expand on the point of COLLECTIVE FAIRNESS, which that earlier post ended on for those who may not fully comprehend the significance of what is being undertaken by those placed in positions of power and who have “traded” away their Nation’s unique processes/rights in return for the quick financial gain of a few, without thinking of the long-term ramifications of their actions.

Here are the Background Details:
As implied in the post EXAMPLES OF COURAGE AMENDED AND EDITED, no political office holder was placed in office to provide citizenship to ANY individual by making another “stateless” in the process simply because its beneficial for such types to financially do so as these “grateful” types are willing to pay those who provide them with their “new found” identities, qualifications, histories and accomplishments of others that they obtain easily for in effect doing very little but just requiring the identities of others to circumvent international money laundering criteria, and continuously spend their questionably obtained resources “freely” in their form of “checkbook legitimacy” in an effort to attempt to demonstrate fleeting “legitimacy” via their illegally purchased operations carried out in another's name” that are only “FRONTS” for their “real” ways of deriving income, because they cannot carry any financial transactions in their own names since they have no ORIGINS to justify the income being brandished. Nowhere in the Constitution of State A, State B or a fictional State C representing any number of countries, whether, Barbados, the USA or some other European or Middle Eastern State (or Sates) regardless of their names. Any political type who supports such individuals as those of the “free loaders cause” should never have been elected to the high office they held because they made a mockery of the “oath” they took, regardless of their current or former status. This is in effect trivializing the processes established to provide order to a determined outcome, by creating ”ordered” chaos because no one really knows who is in this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” legitimately. What has taken place is to create an “American Idol” approach to this process of awarding citizenship, simply by doing little (or singing a few songs a week) in return for achieving much and be “Labeled”, American as an end product as this program does to its winners, label them “Americans”, even if they are of questionable origins, but because they have been so labeled by the pillar of American society (with its roots in Britain), they must be “Americans”. This reminds me of an entity that placed the name “American” in its business, for others to “naturally” conclude that whomever is associated with this “pillar” of Midwestern society, must also be “A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S”. However, just as it’s a fallacy to assume that all so labeled by a television program are such, its also a fallacy to assume that those associated with an entity, so-named, now armed with “free speech rights” gained as documented in the post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK? - UPDATED to act as an individual will always be “legally” Americans, because contrary to their thinking, they DON’T have the power to determine who meets the criteria for being considered legal residents, citizens or any such* see Footnote.
Having said that, just as it’s expedient for the previously identified Entities, (no matter how revered), to select and/or determined who can or can’t be labeled residents and/or citizens legally, political types can’t select who should be citizens by making another stateless in the process and “throwing” them to the side in favor of an easy wealth generating process, that’s not a legal fixture of society that as the FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION (FCIC) stated has become such “a shadow financial/banking system”, to have impacted the recent financial crisis in such a manner for it to be singled out as a contributor, which is simply milking the legally established process because it operates “TAX FREE” and that’s unfair, see the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION'S (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME ALSO, VINDICATES A CRUSADER! - UPDATED. When your society, which was founded on the principle of COLLECTIVE FAIRNESSFOR ALL, allows a process and those who support it to operate tax free, while taxing all others, that is UNFAIRNESS AT ITS WORST. What was witnessed in the recent financial crisis, was just a “snapshot” of what can really take place if this “shadowy consuming force” is allowed to continue to operate as it has in the past, namely by allowing these “two faced” types and their “collective” “free loader cause” to carry on in the identities of others while notLEGALLYcontributing to the nation’s financial system in anyway themselves, because as long as any individual is NOT using his or her own identity in financial affairs as “free loaders” do, they are not contributing personally and the larger their number becomes (as it appears to be uncontrollable) for those types benefiting from it, the more significant will be the next financial calamity. On the next occasion a crisis occurs, the simple changing of an accounting rule, will not save those “pillars of the community” from becoming footnotes in history as the post HOW CAN THEIR BE ANY DEGREE OF CONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMS IS WHAT IT THEY APPEAR TO BE (UPDATED)?, documents about what took place in the throes of the recent financial crisis to save many of this Nation’s institutions that were teetering on the brink of insolvency.  

The Conclusion:
As called for in the previous post, a return to this Nation’s founding principle is needed for these inequities to be overcome and this can start with a single act of righting the wrong here by one with the courage of character to do what’s right even though unpopular, for the cause of Lois and the “Chisholm family inclusive”, because in a Nation as “great” as this has become, nowhere should a generation or two be completely wiped out and ALL carry on as nothing sinister has taken place, by pointing to the advancing stock market. Stock markets are not accurate predictors of the moral decline in society’s “fabric” such that atrocities such as what took place with this storied political family of this Nation can occur and nothing can be done to even address the fact that these upright citizens once existed, because that would be an admission of guilt that would serve to undermine the “legitimacy” of many of those “waving“ their hands as “Americans” when in fact they have absolutely no right to be pretending to be "citizens" based on the “fictional” connection to this family American heritage by my sister, when she has no such lineage and no political type from either STATE A, STATE B OR  A FICTIONAL STATE (OR STATES THAT COMPRISE) C can assign such status to her and hers, because that’s an abuse of this Nation’s unique process for determining such by those elected to the highest office in the land for the “free loaders cause” of easy income generation. Who has the courage to stand for those who have been left ”voiceless” by expedient types and right this obvious wrong in this young Nation’s history? It is my hope that at least one such individual exists, because it just takes one with the willingness to act even though its not popular, to address the wrongs of others and not be a party to it when such types know this is NOT the way to true prosperity, but are only attempting to carry on building on the equivalent of a “sinking” foundation with those with only hog "manure" structures and the borrowed solid "foundations" of unsuspecting types as documented in the post GARBAGE IN - (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED and avoidance of taking true significant steps to real prosperity that’s inclusive of A-L-L, not just a favored "entitled" few with the ill-gotten power to determine outcomes in the lives of others for expediency as those from the list outlined in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, demonstrates. A wrong has  been done to these Americans, and pretending this cause is non existent is not a realistic manner in, which to approach this situation, but an unconscionable approach to problem solving that ignores the obvious in favor of focusing on what those who have taken the unique processes of this Nation and manipulated for the financial benefit of their own selfish purposes along with a select few others who would like circumstances to be as represented by them, regardless of the facts. This ostrich “head-in-the-sand” approach never solved any real problem and it NEVER will. Only facing the real future and circumstances as they actually are, namely that a wrong is in need of addressing, which can be an effective rallying cry around, which an individual with the courage to stand for the cause of others could successful launch their own effort to higher office (instead of some otherfictionalavenue being considered), as the offer in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH’S PREMISE - UPDATED, stands.

* Footnote:
The “nuts and bolts” of this entire situation is that neither did the former CEO of this “fixture” of the Midwestern society, David Sokol attend Pratt Institute nor did his son attend TCI (regardless of, which of this "free loaders cause" type “two faces” is used privately). Furthermore, from where would he in my opinion a (a former palace guard) obtain $500,000,000.00 to invest in this Midwestern entity (after all you do NOT make such funds as a Palace guard?) This is the 21st century, and I have made mistakes in my life as most if not all have, (if honest enough to admit it), however, I have had to deal with my own mistakes and not hijack the life of any unsuspecting bystander and then use the individual’s as a sacrificial lamb to pay the price for my errors. Those who made the mistake of (in my opinion forcing an unwilling young lady into an unwanted marriage should have to deal with their own problems) and not make the continuous mistakes in this fiasco by sacrificing the unique identity of another unwilling participant to pay for the previous errors made (and not to mention the lives actually lost along the way as documented in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED), and by so doing keep the revolving door of problems on-going instead of taking responsibility for the first error committed by these types who were of the opinion I was only worthy of being sacrificed for the mistakes of others. Well, I never agreed to be of any fictional messiah invented and dreamed up by those who have invested in this “world” view that states that one should sacrifice for the many, utter rubbish.
I’m sorry to have to burst this bubble, but A-L-L regardless of status have the pay for their own mistakes, as I did NOT make sacrifices over the years to carry out and complete qualifications, achieve accomplishments, established history and follow in the path defined for me by my own unique identity (as documented in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CAN'T BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED!), only for some “Johnny-come-lately” ,”do-gooders” to use my unique experiences to pay for mistakes made by another who only have to live a charmed life of ease while I am “imprisoned financially” and made “stateless” for this cause that some decided was best for me to be used in this manner as the best available target, THAT I NEVER MADE ANY AGREEMENT WITH ANYONE TO VOLUNTEER FOR!



J_F_Brazant said...
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J_F_Brazant said...

Originally published December 19, 2013 at 5:03 PM
After the publishing of this post on 12/18/2013, my copy of the Pratt Folio Alumni magazine (with its "informative" content), made its way to 8263 140th Ave, Olin, IA 52320 (my "holding pattern" address as described in item # 16 of the listing from the post "FREE LOADERS" AND THEIR "CREDIBILITY", THE UNTOLD STORY - UPDATED) in the mail delivery for 12/19/2013. Note all links are available on the COMMENTS Page