Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Those who control the world of the “free loaders” have been called by many names over the years on the Pages of this Blog and its predecessor such as for example “gatekeepers” but an appropriate description has never been attempted previously, and that is the purpose of this post, please follow.

Here are the Background Details:
The most important thing to remember about the world of the “free loaders cause” is that their world is based on pure "fantasy" because no one without origins can live as they do (with two faces) while being exposed via the Pages of this Blog. An appropriate description of such would be to describe them as the types who “live” on “Wisteria Lane”, whose structures require continuous upkeep and maintenance (to control the unanticipated consequences that were never previously considered but are sure to develop when such a structure (or way of life) is attempted to be maintained as a "NORMAL" existence. The follow-up actions required to maintain the "fictional" lives these types on "Wisteria" Lane lead in turn frequently require, what they refer to as collateral damage being carried out to maintain the "fantasy" lives such types lead, while taking no time to count the bodies sacrificed for their “cause” as the partial listing in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED depicts), therefore an arm of this "fantasy" world is in my opinion in place just for such developments and for this, the terms “shadowy consuming force”, “uncontrollable monster” and “misguided development”, etc. have been coined. However, for those who have chosen this form of lifestyle as a bona fide path to achieving “success” at the expense of the larger society, most have gotten away with it until exposure occurred via the Pages of this Blog as indicated elsewhere in other posts. As a result of my experiences, these are the main points to be considered:

1.     The manner in, which this “cause” operates cannot be maintained by an individual acting alone even with few associates, but must be maintained by an entity or entities in concert together (collectively in a closely controlled network of organizations that have tentacles in all aspects of society) as the actions undertaken by such as generally described in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED as well as the manner in, which they operate as described in the post THE METHODS OF “FREE LOADERS” -UPDATED as well as generally on the Pages of this Blog, supports such a conclusion.

2.    These entities/organizations have to find a way to circumvent the typical manner in, which “legally” maintained organizations are established and function in to avoid turnover (or that cannot be turned over), because what is being “operated” here is illegal in all its forms and cannot be “handed over” to the next CEO when the shareholders legally require it (as periodically occurs in “legally” maintained public organizations, to avoid “leaks”, as would take place is such routinely occurred) and in other case(s) the fact that such an "empire" (or empires) is(are) built entirely on the back of a single individual by replacement of all those known to him with fictional "free loaders" is an example first of all of pure unmitigated gall by those who conceived it, secondly by those who permitted it to take place with the passing of expedient legislation as documented in the post THE PREMISE BEHIND THE "FLAWED" LEGISLATION - UPDATED and supported by MY SO CALLED SIBLINGS referenced in item # 1 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY",THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED and third by those who actually implemented it and mistakenly concluded that through harassment it could be "pulled off" and forcibly accepted, as the post THE METHODS OF THE “FREE LOADERS”- UPDATED so carefully points out. That's why as new cases are discovered of those who paid the ultimate price of, which examples are listed in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, other "collateral damage" examples are discovered "missing" because as The Finale and THE Conclusion section of the post HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY - UPDATED implies no one can really tell how interconnected the lives of individuals really are, resulting in those who make such UNILATERAL decisions in the lives of others, to have to constantly implement other cases of "sacrificing" for their cause of easily obtained identities, histories, accomplishments and qualifications for their "fictionally created and brutally maintained worlds" that cannot be "handed over to anyone" else and such individuals who are familiar with the historical facts as they actually occurred, "turn up" missing and can't be found in any of their usual expected places when other cases are made known via the pages of this Blog, and who see and use "extreme" weather only as a means to their end (namely as indicated above, as a cover for for carrying out the type of tampering depicted in item # 12 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY",THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, that leads to the type of brutal results needed/implemented by such types in support of "fictionally" obtained identities and "empires") as previously stated. If nothing more is taken away from this post, just remember this one tenet of the "free loaders", THEIR "LEGITIMACY" ALMOST ALWAYS  INVOLVE THE  DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF OTHERS (even though it may not always be readily apparent because of their skill in carrying out brutality and/or criminal activity and cloaking in such a manner as to avoid detection and/or implicating themselves*(see Footnote). In short, such organizations: a) can't be turned over to the next incoming CEO, b) must at all times have a "powerful" group who are able to exert influence in the manner in, which such an entity operates even if the publicly traded form of typical organizations are adopted, whether in a dictatorial styled governance practice or one in, which those in control are so powerful "collectively", that their influence is sure to be able to exerted to assure that a certain methodology is maintained (not too far from from the public's eye, when the curtains are drawn back ever so slightly). Based in these descriptions, there are ONLY a handful of organizations that could meet these descriptions even in a "free" society, therefore, ensuring that this cause "built on the back of one selected to be so sacrificed" can be continued, hopefully, in the view of these types "indefinitely".

3.     Management of the “free loaders cause” is carried out in the manner in, which those of the “crime families” are reportedly operated for the "normal"  functioning and maintenance of their illegal empires for the best description of how such exists (when the curtains are draw just a little, not too far from the public's eye).

4.     In short, the type of entities who control such have to be in positions of power “for life” such as a monarch or dictatorial types as the post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT - EDITED AND UPDATED, depicts are afforded and/or mandated in order to ensure “absolute control” over all aspects of their organizations to guard against their “proprietary” information becoming “known” by those whom aren’t suppose to be in possession of such that would draw unwanted attention.  
The Finale/Outcome:
As outlined above in the concise listing of those critical elements that are detrimental to those main “supporters” of those of the “free loaders cause” and without, which such an autocratic and “fictionally created development” could never exists, because the routine “changing of the palace guard” that is supposed to take place in all publicly traded companies would be thedeath nailfor such types because as exists in any structure which routinely changes its head, details of its "fictionally created and brutally maintained existence" (as indicated above), would eventually “leak” to the detriment of such types and without, which their legions” of “free loaders” could never function as they do; to the detriment of the larger society as the post THE METHODS OF THE “FREE LOADERS”- UPDATED so carefully points out. Routinely changing leadership structures typically involve changes in management style and the individuals whom such types then tend to surround themselves due to familiarity, especially where structural changes are needed to redirect an organization that needs “deep rooted” changes, would all but ensure that “secrecy” could not be ensured at all costs, which is mandatory for such unethically run entities to function. The “fantasy” world that those who control the “free loaders cause” maintain, exists mainly because of continuity of those who control its “mantle” to enable “legions” to “frolic” in the identities, histories, accomplishments and qualifications of others while possessing “two faces” as a ”normal” existence for their public and private faces respectively, which allows them to be one individual then and another now as the situation requires of them in their world of fantasy, which cannot. in reality, be turned over to anyone, because such a "fictionally created empire" requires the knowledge of "where all the bodies are buried" to be known by an individual, who can't tell anyone else for the same such types need to maintain a knowledge of where such disgusting episodes occurred as such contain the "glue" that keeps their fictional "fantasy" world "t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r".

The main problem associated with this “fantasy” world of the “free loaders” is that it impacts the lives of “real” individuals whose lives are disrupted for a “cause” none even knew about. What is needed and would greatly assist in the elimination of the problems associated with “free loaders” is a complete changing of the guard in those companies who either operate their entities by “legally”, though outdated styles to enable such to maintain continuous control by those with a certain “lineage” that can’t be justified today and/or those who simply ignore or "play games" with succession guidelines by “hiding” behind puppet boards installed by these same types to ensure their continued “reign” at the expense of all else but for one or two individuals only "intended"  to run such entities in perpetuity.

The Conclusion:
When the “norms” typically expected in the running of publicly traded companies are bent completely out of shape to suite the whims of one or two at the expense of all else, then outcomes such as the “free loaders cause” result. In this scenario, in, which many grossly unethical actions are condoned as most simply turn their heads the other way because IT'S NOT THEIR LIVES BEING AFFECTED. However, the running list of those so impacted by the “misguided development” arm of such an entity, as the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED generally demonstrates that the “business as usual” for such types is more than what is being depicted on the “outskirts” of such entities, who believe that advertising “masks” all their unethical activities and that they are entitled to act as they do by “decree” as documented in the partial listing from the previous post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED.... How else can what pasts for normalcy today as offered by such types be justified? Only the complete and dramatic overhauling of such dictatorially run institutions will suffice, otherwise the lists of those who continue to be treated with mere fodder to be trampled for their cause while all others just simply nod and pretend that all is well will continue to grow as the unintended consequences of their previous actions become known. Especially, when documented evidence exists to demonstrate that what such types are “proclaiming” as “thruth” is far from what is taking place in reality just because most “bow” and go merrily along with such atrocities while simply holding their noses to avoid being inundated with the stench emanating from the terrible acts condoned by such types who continue along simply hoping that the next act "OF HARASSMENT", ETC. will turn things around because their legions of followers (who volunteer) for such “service” continue because most want much by expending very, very little indeed by “whatever works” methods, regardless of those impacted by self centered types who “believe” the end justifies the means. How else can one explain those who believe that a legitimate debt owed can be held up for what is now going on ITS ELEVENTH YEAR while continuing to roll merrily along as if all is well because they can exert influence to delay payment that such types would NEVER allow anyone who owed them to get away with? This is what takes place when dictatorially run entities are allowed to evade the normal forms of operating their “publicly” traded entities either by skirting normal operating standards with the aid of a “weak” board of directors and/or governance policies implemented “yester year” in times when such could be justified as being the “ONLY GAME IN TOWN” that have long since outlived their useful “legitimate” purposes, but such types still delude themselves into believing that their dictatorial methods of operating, (that treat the lives of "REAL" individuals as nothing more than "fodder" to be ravished as they see fit), as going further, utter nonsense. In such instancesas described above, such practices can be expected from the “darlings” of Wall Street, as well as “MichiganandIllinois” Streets in addition to “Wisteria” and “Free Loaders” Lanes, that is carried out by those (mentioned as the third example in grouping 2 listed above) who rely on their styles of conducting business to justify theirproprietary” “operations” being carried out not too far from the public’s eye, when the curtains are drawn back just a little, to reveal what’sreallygoing on behind the scenes!

The Conclusion's Summary:
As pointed out in this post, only a few organizations meet the criteria described to enable such to be counted among such an "exclusive club". These qualifications would exclude most from membership as most could be ONLY be associates (or those who actually carry out the activities mandated by this grouping). In closing, these qualifications are again being outlined; 1) dictatorially run organizations (however, such conditions are enacted/implemented and 2) entities with the availability of a "powerful" group of "shareholders" linked by some cohesive "bond" who are able to "collectively" act to exert influence in the manner in, which such an entity operates (even in a publicly publicly traded organization) such that their influence is sure to be able to assure that control of and a certain method of operation is maintained (not too far from the public's eye). IN ADDITION, PLEASE REMEMBER THIS CAUSE BECAME THAT OF THIS HOBBY BLOGGER'S ONLY BECAUSE MY IDENTITY, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, QUALIFICATIONS, HISTORY AS WELL AS THOSE IN MY SPHERE OF ACQUAINTANCE WERE INVADED AND "DECONSTRUCTED" FOR A CAUSE I, LIKE THEY DID, NEITHER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH NOR WOULD HAVE CONDONED. HOWEVER, EVEN THOUGH THOSE WHO MADE THESE DECISIONS WERE NOT AWARE OF IT, ALL THINGS IN THE LIVES OF HIS CHOSEN ARE ACCORDING TO HIS WILL AND EVENTUALLY HIS WILL WILL BE DONE BECAUSE NOTHING IN THE LIVES OF HIS CHOSEN CAN IMPEDE HIS WILL FOR THEM (as emphasized in The Conclusion section of the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED).

* Footnote:
When it was stated on the Pages of this Blog that the “legitimacy” of “free loaders” is almost always based on the destruction of others, it was also pointed out that this was not always readily obvious, even though one blatant example was given. However, the following are other examples that can be used to grasp the extent to, which “free loaders” are embedded in our society and how agencies are “commandeered” to support their cause of providing "legitimacy" for their impostors at the expense of others even those who rely on the services of their for income generation, when its worth it for the "furtheting" of their cause.

·        Take the case of a top fashion mogul from the “fictional” house of Aristachi who incorporated a “free loader” in his business for “income” generating purposes, introducing her as "his sister" but ultimately to own demise, because as the sole owner of the business empire, the “free loaders cause” types figured that they had nothing to loose if they eliminated the Mogul himself for sole control of his business, headed by an impostor “fictional” sister “free loader”. The end result is that they did exactly that in a highly publicized slaying that they attributed to others and the business was under their control.
·         Or the “fictional” case of a successful business type turned politician, the sole heir of the family business that bore his name who incorporated a “free loader cause” type in his business as his “spouse”. Again, the “free loaders” concluded that all they had to do was eliminate this mogul and the business empire would be theirs to control and they did exactly that, only in his case it was a tragic crash at “sea” that included circumstances in, which the body of the Mogul himself was never recovered that ended this mogul’s life and the business fell under the control of the “free loaders”, amassing more power to their cause.
·        This third example involved the case of two costars, of what had become a successful “hit” TV program. Alas one the costars was destroyed in what was described as a “relapse” into his former drug abuse habit in order that the remaining costar a “free loader” type could become a “star” in her own right without being associated with the other costar who between them had both been responsible for the success of the “hit” Program. This "star" wa now free to carry out the main cause for, which "free loaders" are placed in the positions that are given them, income generation for ever increasing "fees" the higher their "profile" becomes.   

These are but a few other examples in addition to the mass tragedy case previous used on this Blog’s Pages to highlight ways in, which those of the “free loaders cause” manipulate their circumstances to bring ever increasing numbers of corporate entities under their control to enable them to become so powerful that they can even act “godlike” in their estimation to determine outcomes and do exactly as they please with nothing or no one to prevent them from carrying out any act they so desire, as documented in the post “PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED”.
One point of note, is that these types are intensely "loyal" to their "origin" otherwise they would not be in the positions they are in, as well as being acreatures of habit who tend to "congregate" in certain locations. For example, such types are "fond" of using New Jersey as their place of origin, because of its close proximity to New York, a melting pot, where many would end to be found but they prefer the close proximity to without being in New York to draw attention to themselves, except for the rare types who can "get away" with such in their opinion. In my opinion, Hempstead would be a "red flag" and while I am not implying that all associated with this place are "free loaders", their associations (the entities they are associated with) in my opinion would also tend to be an area that would cause me to wonder if such types are indeed "legitimate", regardless of the positions they hold because of the issues associated with Lois Bruno and the reminder of the "Chisholm family inclusive" as documented in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MANGLED AND MISSING RECORDS - UPDATED, compounded by the fact of being associated with some who are suspected of supporting those of the "free loaders cause", while remembering the issues involved in who really was given the right to "speak" as documented in the post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK? - UPDATED
Another favorite place of "origin" of such types is Georgia, for the obvious reason, its being named for King George II of England. One other favorite is North Carolina, also named for King Charles I of England. This is not intended to convey that they are all using such locations as their placed of "origin", when in fact they suffer from "origin issues", on the contrary, they are many high profile "A" and to a lesser exrtent "B" list "stars" who have places of "origin" that are unique to them, but these are the exception to the rule, because such types have found some aspect of life in their "chosen" places of "origin" that enables them to "melt" into society without being detected and they are supported by the various aspects of society, which provides "identity crutches" for such types of, which they are many (as the description for the glossary term "identity crutch" indicates) .