Sunday, March 16, 2014


There are those of the school of thought that this (as described in the subject) is the way to achieve “greatness” and they are many because in this society we currently live in, that have NOT seen and neither are they aware of how our Creator gets involved in the affairs that take place (because our modern day history knows no such cases of God intervening in any of their affairs on behalf of anyone and even if He did, such types would neither have believed it nor would they be aware of it, doesn't mean that He is unaware of what takes place. As a result, they continue on with their practices that they have been using to hide behind to achieve “greatness”, hoping against hope that this next occasion will be different because after all our methods have always worked for us, and why should they not work now because there is no difference between our past “successes” and what were are attempting to achieve now, we just have to be a little “smarter” about how we go about implementing and planning to carry out the determined outcome planned for one who we all have agreed upon as being the appropriate  individual to be sacrificed for our “free loaders cause” to achieve the “legitimacy” it truly deserves and his identity/heritage, history, accomplishments, qualifications and those in his sphere of acquaintance whom we were able to sacrifice for our cause will all be worth it, after all his God did not intervene on their behalf, why should He intervene on his, we just have to plan our “end game” better and what we are attempting will be finally ours. After all we all have agreed this is the path to hide our activities behind because it's "innovative" (see the final paragraph in the post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT - EDITED AND UPDATED)and all who has taken our side have gone “further”. This is discussion about, how God’s methods are always overlooked by those who don’t know Him and never will because they have no respect for either Him or His practices and as a result, will never recognize His cause even if He had made Himself known to them,
please follow.

Here are the details of Importance

They are those of the school of modern day thought who believe that because of all the advancements that man has been able to achieve, they aught to be able to implement anything they so desire no matter how despicable and be able to get away with it, after all God did not prevent us from making the advancements we have so therefore, we were suppose to achieve them and since we were suppose to achieve them, we ought to be able to use them as we see fit to accomplish, whatever we so desire no questions asked. Up until now, all that we have attempted have worked, even all the so called sphere of acquaintance this so called servant talks about fell victim to our cause and God certainly did not intervene so why should He now. But little did these types know that the hand of God was always intervening just NOT in the ways these types ever would understand. For example, when those types who were planning my dear consistent friend Carol’s demise, He did intervene, to permit this servant to visit her on one last occasion in order that I would be aware of her current history up until then in order that when those expedient types thought it was time for them to carry out their determined outcome for her (as they had been following her path for years and had intercepted nearly half of the communication from her to me, which she told me of but I never received), as the others listed in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, I was made aware of her accomplishments up to that time even down to the business card that she gave me describing her position that I chose not to use to demonstrate her position when it became clear that an attempt at “whitewashing” her history and accomplishments had been enacted,  because there were other ways to achieve the desired outcome in order that her card could not be labeled a fake by those same expedient types who attempted to vacate her history and accomplishment and assign them to others who desire much by doing very, very, very little indeed as all “free loaders cause” types who often gloat and toast to their own “success” often do when they conclude that none are aware of what they have implemented in secret. Just because none have seen the God of Creation at work in recent recorded times does Not mean that He has not been involved in this society with all the terrible events that have occurred without intervention that some would say, surely if there was a God, He surely would have intervened in some of this world’s mass tragedies that have occurred and, which many have attributed to Him in ignorance, by terming such events “acts of God”. Nothing could be further from the truth, God has His hand in such events, in a "big picture" way, when its necessary for the cause of His chosen but has no direct hand in such terrible crimes enacted against some many call innocent, because most don’t understand His ways and never will.
As previously indicated, God did intervene in the end some had already thought was “fitting” accidental outcome for my consistent friend Carol and I am concluding that since such actions were implemented her, that her younger sister’s demise must have also have been “engineered” by expedient types who sought to cover up her entire walk and accomplishments and simply “give” them to others as those “free loaders cause” types, who typically assign the accomplishments of others to those of their cause who desire much by doing little and many fit this category, some in positions many would never conclude such types to be in because of the heights to, which “free loaders” are often elevated with only whimsical “qualifications”, documented only via, books, newspaper articles and press releases that aren’t worth
the paper they are printed on.

The Likely Outcome for Such Developments

Just as I chose not to rely on my dear friend’s Carol’s business card for demonstrating the "heights" attained, I chose not to rely on my Hobby Artist ability to record as one of two methods, the events that were taking place in my educational journey as documented in the post, THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE “BLACKOUT” (EDITED), that it could not be deemed by those who would so choose to term such expediently, my artistic impression (as artists are known for rendering). The photographic and written records of my educational journey that was chosen by me as the desired path for documenting such facts have recorded them in ways that are still being revealed as another of those who, I encountered on my journey and who was a witness to the undertaking my accomplishment, as they were being carried out, LISA LAMBIE  CAN’T BE FOUND, herself a student at the time as I was, even though not a close acquaintance, but who had struck up such a relationship with my dear friend Lyn documented in the listing from the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, and implemented by those unconscionable types who would like to think that death and destruction are a path to erasing historical events, but are entirely mistaken in this regard as the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED, clearly documents, simply because even catastrophic current events ONLY impact planned upcoming activities but can't erase historical facts as the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED accurately points out. This then young lady whose path crossed mine in the summer of 1979 at 43 Sycamore Ave, Hempstead, N.Y, a Trinidadian, pictured in the group photo in front center (below) with others including Lyn, has not been added to this listing out of respect

for her family and the hope that they may still be holding out for her safe return, even though weeks and now months at least have gone by with no word of her whereabouts In this “Land if the Free and Home of the Brave”. These are the methods used by those types who have endowed themselves with the unenviable “mantle” of determining outcomes for others for their cause, without thinking about how interconnected lives can be even with all of man’s achievements that allows expedient types to carry out atrocities in the lives of others seemingly disconnected, but when the dots are connected via the Pages of this Blog, a clear and unmistakable path is being carved out by these types who “plant” their impostors in the lives and affairs (WHEN OTHER BUSINESSES ARE INVOLVED) of others and  then carry on by claiming to be superior to such whose hands are “virtually”, tied behind their backs via the use of such “carefully placed” frauds used expediently by those who have bought into such a “cause” and have determined that others should as well in their dictatorial world they have concluded all should be apart of to “go further” as the post HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE “FREE LOADERS” - UPDATED, points out.
As previously stated on the Pages of this Blog, none should be so arrogant as select an individual’s life’s accomplishments, history, identity/heritage and sphere of acquaintances to be sacrificed for their worthless cause, which such types are so proud of that they have concluded, this individual’s life is so worthless that he is the one best suited to be sacrificed for out cause such that it can best be hidden behind him and none will be the wiser and even if he attempts to say and/or prove anything other than what we have conjectured to be the “thruth”, all we have to do, is band together and stick to our story and all will be eventually forced to believe us because of the might of our resources as documented in the post HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG - EDITED AND UPDATED as well supplemented by details from the post THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON - UPDATED, never mind our “terrible track” record for
dealing with those considered low on the totem pole.

The Conclusion

As the Pages of this Blog have repeatedly stated, none should be so arrogant as to conclude that death and "destruction" is the path to “legitimacy” because none can really know how interconnected the lives of individuals are such that outcomes as determined by others who have placed themselves in such positions can be carried out and all will be well by figuring out how smartly (they have deluded themselves into thinking) we can carry out just one more criminal activity, just one if we place our collective “heads” together.
As stated in the Introduction, just because the God of Creation has not intervened in the terrible events implemented by man at the expense of others, including Him doesn’t mean that He is unaware of what is taking place. For example, when the disasters that take place are used as a vehicle for “driving” business, such as the destruction cause by storms, used as a means of bolstering the balance sheets of home improvement type stores “as all will need to rebuild”, and these types of investors in turn pour funds into such businesses when such events take place and this is called “value investing”, and this is termed being innovative by business types who have little innovative paths to proceed down once a certain business size has been reached in their endeavors to carry out business as usual when no object but "greed" in the path for such to proceed down. Therefore, when these storms that in reality are being relied on to drive “business” for use of one such example, that are in turn attributed expediently by “insurance” underwriter types, to God as depicted in the documents, (who in reality know nothing about God or His methods), this is indeed a mockery and insulting to the “GOD OF LIFE”. God does NOT intervene in the lives of those who are not His, He simply allows them to carry on as the they do (or His "big picture" is simply allowed to take place), while such expedient types believing themselves to be like “god” as the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE ”god” - EDITED AND UPDATED so appropriately depicts such types and the heinous crimes carried out are a testament to such a description. Who else who take it upon themselves to implement genocide in the lives of an American political family and think that they can get away with it by some who can only be described as having attributed themselves with being “godlike” (no offense intended to ONE), by determining outcomes for others, but this is exactly what have in reality has been done. After all, such types have concluded, weman have created something even God Himself didn’t, plastic, which cannot be destroyed and is a terrible environmental blight for the problems it has created, which man himself with all his technological advancement have not yet figured out, as all of God’s creation eventually decomposes by design, in order that life cycles would be carried out continuously. However, when anything that goes against this line of thought, stands in the way, there is no telling what environmental extremes will take place as a result, as PLASTIC DOES NOT FIT WELL INTO THE LANDFILL TYPE METHOD FOR HANDLING WASTE, PRODUCT AS IT DOES NOT DECOMPOSE. Furthermore, man is not satisfied with dumping this trash blight into the sea, as so often occurs as sea going dump their trash, but it is now littering space where other forms of this trash blight is nowlitteringin the form technological advancements placed their for once reason or another and is no longer needed and simply orbiting as mounds of space trash to cause all kinds of environmental extremes they (man’s scientists) have not even begun to determine.
Man would be doing the environment a service by successfully figuring out how to deal with the problems of their creation rather than attempting to determine outcomes for others to fit into some carefully woven web of man’s oldest profession woven into “new” fabric, hidden behind the identity/heritage, history, accomplishment, qualification as well as those in his sphere of acquaintance and calling this innovative and going further, while resorting to all forms of criminal activity to cover-up the associated problems that keep arising that had not been carefully thought through, except to conclude, “let’s just add another one to the list”, what’s just one more, except just one more becomes ANOTHER AND ANOTHER AND Where will it all end? Only, One really knows and He has already recorded it in various sections of His two (2) Witnesses (namely the unaltered Biblical books known as the Old testament & the Book of Revelation), but rest assured, it’s not with more of the same criminal activity hidden behind whatever is conceived by such types for enacting for their band of “credibility” as generally documented in the post THE “FREELOADERS CAUSE” “CREDITILITY’, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, because the will of God is being attempted to be impeded, which none can do. These types who are carrying out their “free loaders” activities are attempting to do just that, and none will succeed at it, just because they only see me and conclude incorrectly that just one more attempt to implement our (man’s) will, will be successful, NOT WHERE THE WILL OF GOD FOR HIS CHOSEN IS BEING THWARTED. It is my hope that the cause of Lisa Lambie will be resolved for her family's sake, but sadly Lisa and her friend pictured directly behind her were NOT found alive who was a real individual to her friends and family but just another victim to those who thought that building their make believe "hidden" Trojan Horse" alternate form of taxation without representation method or "fictional" empires as the case may be, around the life of one thought to be so worthless and/or minuscule that it could be used for their cause as we are so important that will be successful in the end but - now shown to be a very incorrect premise on their part, because none who engaged in this duplication/replacement (scam) operation took the God of creation into consideration but went about their "business as usualusing questionable methods of the type documented generally in the post THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED in an attempt to achieve much by doing very, very little that's meaningful with no back-up plan as all assumed that I could be taken advantage of and it would be carried out "successfully" according to their (the "free loaders cause" types) "whatever works" practices once they banded together and stood firm no matter how obviously ridiculous they appear to be in their attempt to place all types and shapes of "free loaders" into my journey in this country as the examples in the Here are the Background Details section of the post  THOSE WHO WOULD BE ”god” - EDITED AND UPDATED as well as in the final paragraph in the post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT - EDITED AND UPDATED, describe.  

1 comment:

J_F_Brazant said...

The removal of the previous online posted information about the details contained in the post titled THE REMOVAL OF MY BUSINESS PROFILE FROM WELLS FARGO BANK IN 2012 was reissued because of previous unprofessional activity experienced at that institution as documentedd in the post A LESSUON IN 21ST CENTURY BANKING - AND HOW TO BOUNCE OFF AN INDIVIDUAL FOR LEGITIMACY AND IMPRISON FINANCIALLY, SIMULTANEOUSLY, to ensure that the informtion is documented online as intended. Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS 2014 Page.