Friday, March 1, 2013

AT WHAT PRICE, LOYALTY - (UPDATED AND AMENDED 4/14, 7/5, 12/2, 12/6, 12/9 & 12/29/2013) as well as 2/14, 3/14, 3/23, 6/5, 6/6, 7/12 7/29, 8/4, 8/5 7 8/8/2014

This post focuses on the  “lifestyle” some would give anything to attain but only few do and when closer examination is carried out what is discovered about what those who seek and attain the higher echelons of power give up, in selfish sacrifice for “crowns” that they discover are in reality tainted, soiled, and sordid. Furthermore, for those “first partners” (assuming what's on display is really an accurate picture of what's being represented, because things are not always what they appear to be), whom are ushered into this “exclusive” world find that they themselves have to become the “pawns” of others who barter for them, not too far from the public’s eye, who themselves demonstrate what value they place on themselves and all they hold in any form of high esteem, private and personal all has to be surrendered for a cause those on the exterior conclude is a real meaningful achievement), because, NONE in reality are allowed into this world unless they are willing to do almost anything for those positions they have achieved. This is a discussion that is in follow-up to a topic briefly introduced in the previous post “THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS! ”, for a closer examination of the price of loyalty, please follow.

Here are Selected Examples for Consideration:
The history of the elite society has long been filled with very, very loose and promiscuous behavior on the part of the so called aristocracy (landed gentry) or however, the description one wants to apply to those who have plenty of time to devote to doing relatively little meaningful activity and so spend their time in shallow activity and often drag society’s institutions “down” along with them. Without dwelling a great deal on the past activities but instead using choice references to draw attention to the area at hand, the larger point will be made. Take for example the case of King Henry VIII who with his eight wives was the classic example of the type of moral decadence that has always been a part of societal practices that were “open” secrets, which no one talked about. Therefore, when modern day "fictional" type dramas are re-enacted and the roles of certain individuals show one thing before society and another set of rules in practice, chances are those double standards are closer to the truth than they are fictional. For example in that “highly” rated re-created drama of "yester" life at a certain Abbey with a name that sounds like Downtown, and the Lord of the Manor is “making out” with the chambermaid and his daughter carried on like a “tramp’’ with the ambassador’s relative of a certain foreign nation only to have the foreign representative ending up dead in her bed, this is the type of “cloak and dagger” parlor games those with lots of idle time has on their hands has participated in historically and those practices are alive and well for those “select” few ushered into this “fairytale” world of power, intrigue, sexual games and frivolity still, that the “aristocracy” keep “close to their vests”; especially those that have not experience any type of upheaval or revolution historically.
Where revolutions have occurred in older societies, these frivolous tendencies have been the target for those “breeding” grounds that have driven those who practice such trivial activities out of the powerful positions they held. Sadly, where history has not seen upheavals, the practices have continued and still do today while giving the appearance of being steeped in historical significance, those pompous regalia-driven exercises were nothing more than exercises to choose (or better yet barter for the services of those parading themselves for hire, in my opinion). Quite often, in these circles, the participants in turn had difficult determining who really fathered whom in this make believe world of the pleasure-driven society that certain society’s live and thrive on in their grand processions and pageants that are nothing more than rehearsals for battering over what price will be paid for which elegantly outfitted nobility “like” prince or “princess” depending on the personal preference of the those shelling out the funds for such meaningless services. It was separation from this type of excess that the Founding Fathers of this Country sought to separate themselves from and aligning themselves with France (with the revolution-minded society) had cast off in favor of more simplistic approaches to lifestyle and living. We do tend to forget very easily how and what actions have been most damaging to our society and we gravitate very easily back to the very corrupting influences that have rendered us helpless in the past, because our human natures are easily attracted to all that is not what's best for and required to help us living meaningful lives honoring God and respecting others in "perfect" balance according to His will as the series of posts on the subject highlights (see the post HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS, PRACTICALLY - UPDATED!). 
This decision that was made by the Colonists was not an example of an expedient one but of sound decision-making because they wrestled with it in the many sessions they held that united this "rag tag" band of "fairness seekers" against the entrenched "power" of the day as documented in the post AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE - EDITED AND UPDATED. During those days when "support" was scarce the colonists relied on assistance from “first Americans” when the Colonial "masters" hunted them down for daring to protest the imposed taxes that kept the “gentry” living lives of ease at the expense of all others. Therefore, the decision by those "entitled" few who agreed to with this scheme of allowing impostors to pretend to be "real" Americans is one of the worst acts of treason and cowardice ANY individual(s) could perpetrate against their own Country generally and the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave", specifically because of its unique history comprising of individuals with no common ancestral heritage links making it a devastating blow to the uniqueness of the Nation that is far worst by comparison to anything that Hitler did during WW2 because his misdeeds were well documented in contrast to the sheer covertly destructive nature of what was carried out by these "few" entitled types.
In their attempt to cover-up what had been perpetrated secretly, these types embarked upon a path of stealing the legitimate foundations of the unsuspecting in an effort to replace and/or shore-up the hog "manure" structures these types "without origins" ALL possess and that lead them to choose to become skill less, idle filled meaningless perpetrators of man’s oldest profession wrapped only in “silkenattire and willing to take the accomplishments achieved by others for themselves to make up for what lacking in theirs (solid foundations). THESE ARE THOSE WHO ARE ALL NOW CLAIMING TO BE ORIGINALS AS DOCUMENTED IN THE Implications/Outcome section of the post WHAT STOPPED A CHAMPION - EDITED AND UPDATED and supported at all cost by self interest, vindictive "survivor" types with "questionable knowledge" of events they were no where in sight when they took place but such "bold" types when it comes to my history, accomplishments, identity and qualifications (or solid "foundations") are willing to say "anything" (for the right "price") to be sure their "situation" is "taken" care of.
Such types have to be sure that their own maternal half's "foundationless" cause is "addressed" and so it's no wonder that such in turn pretend that those without foundations are legitimate, by implying that such types have "realsolid "foundations" instead of the hog "manure structures" that exists in the meaningless lives of ALL such individuals including those who "support" such as documented in the post GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT. Naturally, these types ALL readily trade their hog "manure" structures for those of made of solid concrete by doing very little that's ethical and/or lawful in exchange for what belongs to others regardless of what is required of such "whatever works" types. Therefore, given the chance to support what proper and upright and wholesome these types choose the path, that's most expedient for their own self-serving situations rather than one that preserves those things that are unique to this Nation's history that was "carved" out by this Country’s "fairness seekers", because such individuals possess and profess "paper" abilities ONLY as theirs ISN'T intrinsic, that's why when given the opportunity they will gravitate to what's  improper, crooked and unwholesome. These "bystanderism" types naturally support the self interest of their "free loaders cause" types that those "few" who endowed themselves with the power to trade away this Nation's heritage "boldly gave away" in order to gravitate back to easily obtained but societal destructive income generation that was clearly demonstrated in the recent financial crisis that clearly highlighted the significant impact their shadowy methods had on this Nation's financial structure as documented in the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION's (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME VINDICATES A CRUSADER - UPDATED. Its clear to ANY willing to examine the nature of the "free loader cause" carefully to realize how destructive such is to a Nation with a unique history such as this Country has and why those first settlers and others fought so defiantly to rid themselves of with the assistance of those very first Americans who they (the "free loader cause" types who now control this nation's "halls of power") have now turned their backs on (as would be expected of "bystanderism" types) as the case of my dear 1st American friend Lois Bruno, of the "Chisholm family inclusive" demonstrates as documented in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED AND UPDATED, in addition to THE QUESTIONS OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE - UPDATED, which is graphically depicted in the Conservery Dedication.
As a result, a modern day form of these practices have been reintroduced by those "few" on behalf of the many (who bestowed this power upon themselves) for those seeking easily attained “credibility” in exchange for doing very little meaningful activity because they have no skills that are not  borrowed, in the form of corporate  and other “free loaders” and those seeking advancement to higher office being careful to be "partnered" with those of this class, whose lifestyles bare a strong resemblance to those of the former so called "aristocracy" in such that in this world, the real parentage of those involved is very difficult if not downright impossible to tell, because those males with whom such females are partnered usually are not the parents of their offspring, but has to be willing to act as such otherwise inclusion is not permitted, since this is the world they have bought into and as a result, they have to act accordingly.

The Implications and Future Outlook:
When a “membership” to a certain group is mandatory for admission to the “halls of power” it is only fitting and/or to be expected that those types finding themselves in these circumstances gravitate back to their old practices when shoved into these circumstances, because those behind-the-scenes promoters of such types are only too well aware that when trust into certain situations these skill less, meaningless and pointless types will resort back to their old practices and be willing to be “bartered” over, for and carry on as frivolous from the aristocracy class did and act accordingly. Therefore, those who are willing to allow those "closest" to them to be used in such a manner would fit right into this lifestyle, and typically types with questionable standards would fit right in. However, the manner in, which such individuals potentially become involved to provide such with "legitimacy" for this cause is typically related to how ambitious such individuals are. Once ushered into this world "view" such types have to follow the game rules to provide the "credibility" lacking in those whom they are partnered with for various reasons depending on the specific situation, because each individual's case is unique. For example, you could be partnered with one of the "free loaders cause" fully who in turn would have need for "credibility", (which has to be borrowed from another, in order that she can in turn practice her "craft" for her cause while pretending for example to be a "lady", see the Conclusion section of the post WHEN ADOPTED NAMES MISLEAD (EDITED AND UPDATES) for one potential possibility about how such measures are approached when my personal situation is examined based on my experiences. In another scenario, you could be partnered with the younger "mistress" of a more experienced and politically powerful member of the "society" while giving such an individual the cover needed for his "mistress", whom you cannot touch, physically, but your benefits would be derived from being elevated into a world that would otherwise be unachievable politically and frolic at any available opportunity without regard for any unnecessary offspring that might result, because it will be taken care of. 
These two cases are used to highlight the fictional world that such "free loaders cause" types have at their disposal and have to be willing to uphold regardless of the price that has to be paid. In short, the individual fitting this description have to be willing to sell, barter or trade the “favors” of those who appear "closest" to them (and no one is off limits) as a “clear” and unmistakable demonstration of your willingness to join this club. Furthermore, in these days where the morals of our society has “nose-dived” and no one is off limits as the posts “HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG (EDITED)?”, in addition to ONE CASUALTY OF THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS, TOO BIG TO CHANGE (EDITED)!, it is no longer safe to conclude that the very, very, young is off limits from those with pedophile tendencies as the previously referenced posts described, expecting such for their campaign favors and/or contributions because all who contribute come calling at some point in time, and expect to be repaid for their efforts on your behalf.

The Conclusion:
When practices such as these are the norm for election to or attaining the highest office and/or positions in the land whether in business or political, need we wonder why our society is in such moral decay? What hope is there in the face of such, I am not sure that even if there was a broad announcement defining the alternative to such practices even if the many would avail themselves of it because of the tendency to do as all others do, which most live by. Those who are His chosen and truly looking for a thread of hope can be assured that He does order the events in their lives even when unknown to them to permit His will to be carried out as the post THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF GOD'S CHOSEN ARE ORDERED - UPDATED and supplemented by details in the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND  - EDITED W/INSERTS UPDATED/AMENDED,  illustrates. Only ONE, the God of creation knows His chosen and will find him/her as appropriate, either Himself or using a servant. He does reserve the right to test A-L-L who are His for their benefit in order that they will realize those areas in need of improvement to better represent His cause in a world that has NO concept about how He works due to misrepresentation by many claiming to be either historically (from a Biblical Old Testament point-of-view) or modern (from a Biblical new Testament point-of-view) "representatives" by relying on accounts that have been distorted in many places, that it's NOT possible to know what's accurate without proper direction, and as a result, such will emerge slightly "bruised" but stronger for their experiences as the case may be. This is what would be expected from a caring God who by His understanding, created the heavens, and is the only ONE who knows His chosen's future (as well as the future generally), in spite  of man's "best efforts" to either predict such as the post NO INDIVIDUAL KNOWS THE FUTURE - EDITED! clearly points. Even in these days when attempts are made to manipulate and/or determine future events, where technological advances permit them to be instrumental in most things, from those significant so called "acts of god" and other spectacular type events as depicted in the caption in the photo insert included in the Footnote of the post THE COST OF VOLUNTEERING - EDITED AND UPDATED as well as those spectacular events described in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED to the more minute or insignificantly occurring developments that can all even appear to be "coincidental" (such as coincidental occurrence of the same lottery numbers in different weeks in close succession to each other as the post WHAT DOES TREATING OTHERS AS PROPERTY AND THE LOTTERY HAVE IN COMMON - UPDATED?, and the example used in the Cosvry post, THE VALUABLE TEACHING "TOOLS" ALL AROUND US, highlights; these are no real indications that man can predict the future (even if some are bold enough to claim prior knowledge of what will take place), because in my opinion, unethical if not downright illegal activities are resorted to achieve the desired outcomes. Yet in spite of these accomplishments only God in reality knows what will occur and when developments will take place and He doesn't even have to use any illegal and or unethical methods to realize such (as A-L-L others who "pretend" to have prior knowledge of what events will take place, rely on either directly or indirectly).

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