Sunday, August 25, 2013

THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF GOD’S CHOSEN ARE ORDERED (UPDATED 11/2 & 12/28/2013 as well as 3/19/2014 in addition to 9/7/2015!

To put it mildly, God is always involved in the lives of His chosen, because as ONE He always existed and is the only one who knows the future, even when they are unaware of it and knows, when they will realize their need to depend on Him for guidance, in their experiences, and the events are ordered accordingly.

Here are the Details of Note:

When I left the Country of my birth on March 2, 1978 to begin studies at TCI in NY, NY, my late 1st American friend, Lois, (who, I had first met in 1973 in the Country of my birth and then on occasions later); along with her family welcomed me into this Country that would become my longtime residence after completion of my studies (as documented in the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED/AMENDED), just as my late friend, Carol 's steps were so ordered and was residing in my hometown while completing legal studies at UWI’s, Cave Hill campus, in Barbados, bade me farewell from the Country of my birth (as documented in the post THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CONSISTENT - (EDITED W/INSERTS) and was a real comfort to my late Mother, especially in that first most difficult year after my departure, when it mattered most (as documented in the post THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CONSISTENT - THE CONCLUSION UPDATED W/INSERTS). The most important thing in this sequence is that at that time none of us realized that our lives would be connected in some way, and because of my heritage (as depicted in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD’s CHOSEN CANNOT BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES (UPDATED), which could be traced back to Israel’s third tribe, (designated by Him for those chosen to be in His service ALWAYS), and because of their very positive interactions in my steps (or life's path), (it is for this reason that their light will shine from the Pages of this Blog in the Conservery Dedication to reflect the untimely demise they both were subjected to in such graphically brutal methods as described in the post THE ONE WHO WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT, EDITED AND UPDATED?. This outcome is intended to convey that those who are God’s chosen as well as those who interact with His chosen's life steps are ordered even when unaware of His intentions, because ALL, including those individuals who interact with His chosen are of His doing, even when who think of themselves as the "pinnacles of success", and unstoppable as thuggish types often do, when attempting to intimidate and manipulate the lives of His chosen to implement their will, which can never impede His will for his chosen even when attempting to mimic His actions in order to manipulate His chosen's
actions to suite their unethical ends.

The Outcome/Finale:

God in His way ordered the steps of our lives to interact with each other for His will to be implemented and just as all those in a specific Geographical location (who chose and place themselves in the location of their choosing as documented in the post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED!) aren’t all God’s people just because they chose to call themselves by a name with significant historical Biblical significance, without realizing in most cases that the labels of their choosing have real and not mythical significance as is conveyed in the* Footnote, neither are all in the same family genealogy His (as the examples of my Brother reinforces (as documented in the post THE ACQUAINTANCE WHOSE FRIENDSHIP WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CONSISTENT - THE CONCLUSION UPDATED W/INSERTS). Ultimately, only God really knows who are His.


When the steps of God’s chosen are ordered in the way in, which they are, it is usually for a specific situation to interact as directed by Him for His will and the unique heritage of His chosen as well as their journey can’t be transferred to others at will as documented in the post, THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CANNOT BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED (by those who are of the opinion that ANYTHING can be purchase or stolen, who then rely on quid pro quo deal-making and/or criminal as well as unethical activity to give the appearance as if the outcome achieved is "original" as claimed even though a forgery with impostors placed in their assumed positions without the actual experiences to support the positions such (impostors) "claim" to be theirs with their doctored photos, qualifications etc. (as documented in the highlighted, numbered, bulleted listing in The Types of Eventualities that Bring Down Dictators section of the post THE FATE OF DICTATORS WHO HOLD ON TOO LONG - EDITED AND UPDATED, without realizing that CURRENT EVENTS NO MATTER HOW SPECTACULAR, DO NOT ALTER HISTORICAL FACTS, THEY ONLY CHANGE UPCOMING EVENTS as CLEARLY documented in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY "COINCIDENCES" - THE FINALE UPDATED, in my opinion
Eventually, such situations will falter as expedient decision-making will have to be continually relied on to substitute for lack of credibility and face-saving measures can only be maintained for a time, regardless of the available resources to “prop” up such fictional outcomes, while relying on “whatever works” methods to give the appearance of accomplishments being attained (such as the types of methods as documented in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE” “CREDIBILITY”, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED with the "borrowed" solid foundations of others as documented in the bulleted listing following the "Furthermore all (WHO) THAT HAVE BECOME DEPENDENT ON..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS"  (EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED). One thing that must be kept in mind is that no one, (whether, individual of note, entity, or even a kingdom), can impede God’s will, for His chosen, that’s why it’s always better to act honorably and do what’s right even though unpopular and expediency will not have to be relied on as eventually such actions will be revealed for what they really are, often when least expected. 

* Footnote (this comment to an earlier post from the COMMENTS Page is repeated here for convenience):
Adherence to God’s Law is not something that can be turned to when convenient and then turned aside from when the criteria turns out to be uncomfortable, because consistency is the ONLY way forward. For such a situation, One of the best examples that can be studied is found in the Biblical book of Ruth. She, not only was persistent but also was consistent in following the instruction/guidance provided even when she didn’t fully grasp the significance of why she was being instructed in the manner she was, though given many opportunities to turn aside and return to her former lifestyle. It (the book of Ruth), provides a classic example of what God expects from us (obedience to His direction), and serves along with the books of Esther and Job as three of the more important Biblical books for practical living a life that’s in harmony with what is continually expected from us on a daily basis, because they can be easily understood for the examples they provide as oppose to the many other “teaching” (or instructional) type Books. It must also be borne it mind that God does reserve the right to test us on our journey, because these tests (or “forks in the road” type scenarios), are more for our benefit than His because He already knows how we will respond as He ALONE, knows the future (as any other individual who purports to be in possession of such information, especially with regards the determination of another’s outcome is taking on God’s role via unethical and/or Immoral acts) and are by so doing in violation of His commandments. These guidelines, which as the post “WHAT IS HONOR - (UPDATED)? ”, points out are centered on honoring God (nos. 1-3) and respect for others (nos. 4-10), reminds us of His standards for living and all are held accountable for violating these guidelines (regardless of status, because He alone is impartial). That’s why it’s important for individuals not to take it upon themselves to act as, judge, jury and the ultimate executioner of others by our methods as we are taking on His role (especially those who live in glass houses) and have deluded themselves into thinking that they can act as they choose and that all will be well as long as “acts” of humility are performed for the cameras, should remember that God isn’t fooled as He sees, hears and knows all, that is why our best laid plans can be upended instantly if He so desires. Therefore, because we may gotten away with the highly unethical and immoral acts in the past and concluded to ourselves, that “I can do as I please and no one can stop me”, it must be remembered that, it is when the plans by those who would be “god” conflict with the will and/or plans of GOD, that is where He will be victorious.
The main point to remember is that our tests are teaching moments for us and rather than react in disgust when confronted with a scenario in, which we have choices that may appear to self defeating if followed and we in turn attempt to “steer” the ship according to the way in, which we may perceive is in our best interest, it should be borne in mind that it may be a test to help us realize where we may be in need of the greatest assistance in our walk with God. When we are in possession of such information, this should in turn prepare us for the challenges ahead, because reliance on Him in all areas of our lives should help us deal effectively with difficulties that are sure to come our way. STUDY THE LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM RUTH’S EXAMPLE VERY CAREFULLY because it provides an example of hope, courage and comfort in a situation when all appeared hopeless, for her cause.       

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