Sunday, March 31, 2013

WHAT REALLY IS UNDERSTANDING -THE ADDENDUM - (UPDATED AND AMENDED 4/3, 4/5, 4/10, 4/13 & 5/20/2013 as well as 1/5, 2/25, 3/20, 5/27, 6/9, 6/28, 7/12, 8/5 & 8/9/2014 )?

This addendum to the previous post is carried out to include another worthy example of the inability to understand, to add another aspect of this important subject-matter to this description to give us much “food for thought” and goes against the general thinking of the day to assist in refocusing of priorities, which are clearly out of focus as our society is guilty of “worshipping” all the wrong things, such as those that are “fleeting” instead of ONE who is responsible for all things that are wholesome and enduring, etc., included here as example 4, with the addition of a conclusion section as well, as follows: Lack of "understanding" can be evident in many ways, such as:
  1. the inability to comprehend subject matter, as a result of being genuinely unable to grasp what is being conveyed,
  2. when deception is being employed as in the case of a child that spent two (2) years deceiving family members that a hearing problem was the reason for not comprehending instructions,
  3. individuals who hear what is being said but do not "understand" what is really being conveyed, as described in the Biblical book of Isaiah 6:5-9 meaning the type of individual who listens but does not hear a word that has been said is being described, as such types are have very little respect for the interests of anyone apart from themselves and this results in their inability to "act and/or focus on” what is being said because they have an answer for everything even before it’s being spoken regardless of what the subject matter is and
  4. man that is in honour, and"understandeth" not, is like the beasts that perish” as described in another Biblical example from Psalms chapter 49, and verse 20. This is an update to the previous description about understanding, please follow.

Here are the Critical Points:
Being unable to comprehend various details is often attributed to those who have not been thought how to grasp certain subject matter because of not having been trained formally in such skills. In these days of “shadowy free loader” types assuming much while contributing very little in return, and then turn to victimizing others for the skills in, which they lack,
  • such types really don't understand the far reaching implications of, for example, signing off in another’s name, whose identity, history, qualifications and accomplishments (or solid "foundations") are being mimicked for the cause of padding that what’s lacking in those skill less and useless types in order to give the appearance of possessing skills they do not possess in a nuclear plant where the health and safety of the public is a concern (as documented in the posts HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG (EDITED)? as well as WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK?) in addition to NO INDIVIDUAL KNOWS THE FUTURE!
In the case of the those who spend their lives deceiving others as the second example demonstrates, as those who hope to "lure" others into believing either that they have genuine needs or that they are in possession of "something others are unaware of" when no such needs or conditions exists;
  • this child (obviously copied this deceptive "art form" from others she observed), in the above example cleverly did for quite sometime because the art of using the attention displayed by all had to be masterfully adopted for the cause of self preservation and avoiding responsibility, while tricking others into thinking either that a problem existed or that she was in possession of something others were unaware of when no such situation was the case and, which allowed difficult choices to be put off (or kicked down the road) by those "entitled" and dictatorships types that follow this principle [see the post THE FATE FOR THE METHODS OF DICTATORS WHO HOLD ON TOO LONG (EDITED) . Sadly, this behavior model doesn’t extend only to children's manipulations but also to those adults who employ childhood tactics to attain much by doing very little indeed such as the use of the methods generally described in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY",THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED as well as depicted above to continually attempt to demonstrate fleeting "legitimacy" and/or "credibility" always at the expense of others by boastful, carefully "impassioned" (for the cameras)constructed phrases. 
For the third example from the Biblical book of Isaiah 6:5-9, describes the vision of this prophet in his description of the remnant of Israel* (see Footnote1who would be saved, not typically found where one would expect to find them to be,
  • hence the inference to those who hear but not "understand", the implication is of individuals who are very familiar with what is typically expected of the chosen but not really taking the time to truly "understand" what is being required of them, because of their tendency to rely on formal trappings while paying little regard for those intrinsic qualities of importance such as kindness, fairness, thoughtfulness and hopefulness etc., (or things of the heart). Such types are neither lacking in knowledge nor are they resorting to deception because they can hear and fully grasp what is being spoken without fully going the next step and applying the implications of the subject matter to eventually derive understanding.
This fourth example being added from the book of Psalms, chapter 49 describes those to whom much (worldly goods) have been given as verses 2 and 3 point out “both low and high, rich and poor together” are included in the words being spoken in “wisdom” with a “heart … of understanding”. It is further emphasized in verses 6 and 7 that those who trust in their wealth can’t intercede to God on behalf of anyone. The key however, is versus 10 and 11 where it points out that both wise and foolish die, likewise the “brutish” (or wealthy) “perish and leave their wealth to others,” who in theirhey daythoughtthat their houses, shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations, who in their pride name their properties after themselves. Verse 12 goes on to state that “man being in honour, abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish”; while verses 16 through 18 serves as a reminder not to be fearful “when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased, because when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: “his glory shall not descend after him; though while he lived, much praise was lavished on him. Finally versus 19 and 20 point out that such will go as their generations before them did, “and never see light”, while emphasizing that those who received much (or that is in honour) and understand not from whom, all things are received are like the beasts that perish, also implying that a "continuous" process is involved in "understanding", namely receiving and then taking the time to "understand" from whom all things are obtained. Here again "understanding" is being attributed to a state of mind, namely, the ability to acknowledge the source of all things including taking needed action.
  • The point being made is that even the wealth that some have been blessed with comes from ONE and failure to follow through and acknowledge this point is characterized as the inability to "understand" and comparable to the same state as the beasts of the field are in. This condition, in the opinion of this Hobby Blogger is much worst because beasts don’t possess the ability to comprehend and while it may appear as if the Bible tends to be "harsh" on those with resources, this is in reality due to the fact that such types have a tendency to conclude that they themselves are responsible for all of their possessions. Instead of giving credit to the ONE to whom all resources belong. In effect they never take action to acknowledge from whom all things are derived and as a result, these types begin to believe the praises being lavished on them by those in search of favors and often (more dangerously) begin to act as if they are an entitled "entity unto themselves" and expect to be "worshipped" as if "godlike", showing little regard for the rights of anyone and think that whatever they desire should be automatically "given" to them because of their "superiority", regardless of whose ("property") it is. Ultimately they follow the example of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel in their envy of the vineyard of Naboth and plotted and schemed until they could take it over as documented in the Biblical account in I Kings Chapter 21. It doesn't matter whether their methods used are those of  the conniving King Ahab and Jezebel and/or of the more modern "distressed methods" to achieve their objectives, the results and inherent principles are the same (see the post WHEN DISTRESSED CONDITIONS ARE ALLOWED TO OCCUR). 
The Outcome and Overall Results:
While lack of "understanding" has been the focus of this post, "understanding" has been purposely neglected. Webster defines understanding as the power of comprehension (or the grasping the meaning of) and correspondingly in the Bible in Proverbs 3:13 "understanding" is described in the following manner “happy is the man who “findeth” wisdom and man that “geteth” "understanding"* (see FOOTNOTE). These descriptions both imply that understanding is a state of mind as depicted by one who possesses the power to grasp meaning and in the case of scripture "understanding" is being equated with happiness in a "continuous" process, that involves not only searching for but also the acquisition of what was being sought. This quite eloquently explains why there is so much unhappiness in our society in these days, namely due to lack of "understanding" those things of importance for, which there is a continual search but no one really finding the important values to us as individuals (that can’t be purchased) and then just as important taking action to acquire them. Therefore, whether it’s due to being:
  1. untrained,
  2. resorting to deception,
  3. being unteachable and
  4. failure to acknowledge who is responsible for all things, even the wealth possessed by the wealthy; the four forms of lacking "understanding",
ultimately are all hampered by the fact that the associated types of individuals are not  continuously seeking direction from the only ONE who is able to enable comprehending to take place unimpeded and from that condition, happiness, which is a byproduct  is sadly lacking or as those intrinsic qualities often overlooked by those in our society today, (especially those who consider themselves to be self-sufficient and not in need of anything) such as showing kindness, fairness, thoughtfulness, hopefulness when the conditions are right finally happiness because of the state of mind that their acquired knowledge allows them to express in whatever condition they find themselves in; are trampled over in favor of what's expedient in our instant society, by today's standards, namely the pursuit of wealth, possessions, status, and accomplishments instantly (even when they are desperately and cruelly being borrowed from others in clearly unethical attempt after attempt) without having expended the required work needed to achieve such because by today's standards as long as institutions can be found that are willing to trade in the accomplishments of others in exchange for a price, (whether a one time fee or continuous alumni contributions over and above the credit hours paid at the time of attendance) that is considered to be a worthy equivalent by those institutions that have bought into the "continuous funds bandwagonas a means of demonstrating success or the right to one's own achievements and/or the per credit cost of education has become so exorbitantly high that all types of methods have to be resorted to keep students attending classes.

The Finale:
With these circumstances existing, a re-examination of the cost of education is in order to make it more affordable rather than for intuitions to have to resort to such unethical practices as: selling the records of past students to the highest bidder and then pretending that the legitimate owners of the records don't exist and/or if they ignore them everything will be swept under the table and things will magically become all well and good, or constant scholarship fund drives from anyone brandishing an account in the name of another individual and by so doing "johnny come lately" "free loader" types are able to "purchase" the accomplishments of others in the continuous funding games modern day institutions are resorting to in order to remain functioning, as well as in some cases, the continuous sale and/or merging of the institution with other entities in an attempt to cover-up past unethical practices and this is a travesty (as highlighted in the listing in the Footnote in the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED).
The individual who has sought and taken the needed action to "understand" what’s important, would not have to rely on stealing the ideals of others, using them to generate cost savings and then attempting to cover-up the fact that ideas have been used improperly by manipulating newspaper articles of subject matter and purposely overlooking bone fide subject matter when considering issues related to the information used improperly and published blatantly as if the right to do so was already possessed, when such was not the case. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, the ownership rights to these ideas are blatantly attributed to be the responsibility offree loadertypes in a variety of attempts, who possess no ability to generate anythinglawfullyconcrete that has not been borrowed from others INCLUDING THEIR SOLID "FOUNDATIONS" SUCH "FREE LOADER CAUSE" TYPES WITH THEIR HOG "MANURE" STRUCTURES THEY ARE ASHAMED OF, LACK,  AS DOCUMENTED IN THE POST GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT and relying on various questionable avenues to demonstrate their "legitimacy" such as manipulating developments used by others as a method of "showing completeness" to imply fleeting "originalityas shown in the following photo of the description that was included on my checks.

Today is 5/27/2014

"Understanding" what’s important by an individual is an indication that such a person has acquired a great deal because the knowledge of such comes as a direct result of having comprehended and sought to increase it as pointed out in Proverbs 15:14, which also states that the mouths of fools feeds on foolishness, (which is similar to those who take pride in their own riches, without realizing who is the source of all things, even wealth). Therefore without first having sought wisdom and then taken possession of real "understanding", is an indication that happiness, will be lacking and actions such as stealing from others will be resorted to as well as atrocities will be permitted, disrespecting of processes will be allowed to take place in the cause of man’s oldest profession, which has paralyzed most of the entities that drive commerce as previously described on the pages of this Blog on the subject of "free loaders" and the associated perils they bring not only to corporate structures specifically but to the society at large, such as "bystanderism" see the following post for additional descriptions about associated perils ONE CASUALTY OF THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS, TOO BIG TO CHANGE (EDITED)!
The Conclusion:
It's no wonder then that lack of "understanding" exists, because understanding" results from having sought and acquired knowledge that in turn manifests itself in various achievements that were successfully undertaken by me while drawing strength from the ONE who assisted greatly in helping to overcome the various "hindrances" encountered along the way. The end product  is  CONTENTMENT and leads to the state of mind that enables the expression of a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENTFULFILLMENT etc.; as opposed to having not been obtained by quid pro quo purchases and/or contributions of any type, which is the path chosen by those not having "invested" in the characteristics that result in the acquisition of "understanding". Such types have been deluded into relying on "checkbook legitimacy", deception, and/or other "whatever works" methods to attempt to purchase and obtain any and everything (that hasn't been nailed down and even some things not available by bringing about "distressed conditions" to make the objects of their desires available for purchase that's) associated with the individual's accomplishments, qualifications, identity and history (or solid "foundations") that have been stolen in desperate attempt after desperate attempt to demonstrate fleeting "credibility". These methods also include the taking over of old accounts previously used and reopening them in the name of the individual who is being replaced by subtle means in the hope that by such present day "checkbook legitimacy" action, demonstrates a connection to the individual's past history and as a result, purchase the "authenticity" needed and being sought, but this too is a fallacy as the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY, WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED, accurately points out, also see the post  FREQUENTING PAST ESTABLISHMENTS AS A MARK OF LEGITIMACY - UPDATED for a specific example of an approach used by these types in the implementation of this activity. 
In an age when purchasing the accomplishments of others from willing institutions ready to trade in whatever is at their disposal to trade in (regardless of whose FERPA rights are tramped over because by these methods such rights no longer apply if you are made a non student by unethical methods). It's due to the unaffordable costs of education today that such practices have become the name of the game. As a result, such Individuals are in search of "easy credibility" are unable  to take the time to seek and then acquire "understanding" and the possession of this quality that results in happiness. In addition, those with many resources have also have been deluded into thinking that they (who possess much) are responsible for all their accumulated resources and the state of mind that refuses to acknowledges from whom, all things are derived (assuming that such individuals have legitimately acquired their possessions in the first place) and not been deluded into thinking that reliant on the "spectacular disasters could somehow magically separate an individual from his accomplishments along with the simultaneous demise of those involved in the individual's life, and in the case of those highly involved, the greater the apparent destruction (see the post THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT - EDITED AND UPDATED for a discussion on the very high price paid by the those individuals to whom the Conservery Dedication has been attributed as well as the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED for a summary discussion about how erroneous such a conclusion really turned out to be because such developments ONLY impact planned upcoming events NOT historical facts. Therefore, those types with their access to significant resources and with no "legitimate" identities in, which to spend them that were acquired by questionable methods, first are themselves imprisoned by the very conditions they have chosen as a path to acquire much by doing very, very little indeed, (namely assuming the identity, history, accomplishments and qualifications of another as documented in the reprinted Cosvry post AN ABBREVIATED LISTING OF THE SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE BECOME IMPRISONED IN THE IDENTITY OF ANOTHER) AND  never really learned how to develop any real feelings for anyone or anything (and hence happiness eludes them and as a byproduct, contentment, enjoyment, a sense of accomplishment, etc because the methods used can't be justified under any circumstances). Furthermorebecause such conditions (ARE THE REFLECTION OF THOSE INTRINSIC QUALITIES SUCH AS, FOR EX. KINDNESSTHOUGHTFULNESS, ETC.,) which can’t be purchased at any price, this is why such individuals “never see light”. As a result, they eventually leave the earth just as they came, taking nothing with them and never ever having been ABLE TO ACQUIRE "UNDERSTANDINGTO IN TURN BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH WHAT’S IMPORTANT, SUCH AS CONTENTMENT, THOUGHTFULNESS, WHOLESOMENESS, ETC., AND CONSEQUENTLY, THE TYPE OF HAPPINESS, WHICH COMES FROM DOING WHAT'S RIGHT WHEN ITS UNPOPULAR TO DO SO AND THE SATISFACTION, WHICH RESULTS FROM  CARRYING OUT AN ACTION THAT DID NOT IN SOME WAY BENEFIT "ME" (EVEN WHEN IT APPEARS BEFORE THE CAMERAS THAT UNSELFISH ACTS SUCH AS NOT LEAVING INHERITANCES FOR THE OFFSPRING OF "UNIONS" INVOLVING "FREE LOADER" TYPES IS BEING CARRIED OUT FOR THEIR "WELL BEING"?; see the general discussion in the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED).

* Footnote1:
Israel when used on the Pages of this Blog as in the above example, and consistent with original meaning refers to God's chosen, as the Prophet correctly implied in the passage and does NOT refer to a location, which is only incidental to point being made. 




J_F_Brazant said...
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J_F_Brazant said...

If one of those intrinsic qualities mentioned with regards understanding, which typifies a condition that some action occurred that has resulted in an individual having acquired some highly prized state of mind in the case of scripture, such as THOUGHTFULNESS, (that has been pointed to as being a flip side of person discovering what really brings happiness) - is examined, how would an individual who is considered to be in possession of this trait conduct themselves? Many developments take place in our lives either to 1) show us things about ourselves we were not fully aware of and/or 2) to show others things about us they were not aware of. Would an individual be said to be thoughtful if they took something belonging to another that they had nothing to do with (ostensibly for safe keeping for example, but then had difficulty in following through to make sure that the individual who needed the what was taken was reunited with that property (unless the individual acted in a manner that was consistent with how the individual desired), then this would most definitely not be a reflection of thoughtfulness. In the opinion of this Blogger, thoughtful means acting consistent with the knowledge in your possession to do what is appropriate, whether or not the individual takes your specific considerations into account, because very often we may not be fully aware of another's state and cannot really judge why they proceeded in a different direction for example, than what was being expected. Just as, another may not be fully aware of every aspect of the life of the individual not displaying thoughtfulness, when in a position to act but chooses not to follow through when confronted with the circumstances that would require a thoughtful person to rise to the occasion and provide assistance when it was in their power to do so (especially when in possession of property that was not theirs to make a overreaching decision with regards to various developments). How we follow through to any set of situations, "speaks" volumes about the type of character traits that uniquely define us. If your intrinsic traits were able to "communicate" with you today, what would they reflect about your character, would they say, thoughtful, or the opposite self-centered? Ultimately, what we communicate to others when confronted with a "completely unexpected situation" is very often a more important indicator about who we are than all the traits indicted for the cameras, because we were faced with an off guarded moment and outside of the spotlight our true intentions took over and we began to act as we would typically, forgetting all the important values "implied" when conditions were different than we expected. What does for example your Fork in the Road Moment say about whom you are today? (see the post WHAT IS YOUR FORK-IN-THE-ROAD SITUATION TODAY? - link on COMMENTS Page). It may very well be, that we have communicated something we did not want to display? How would you move on from such a scenario, if confronted with such a situation? Would you take the high road or low road? The path followed may very well determine how your future direction presents itself, but only we in the final analysis can make the difficult but tough choices before us, whether humility (the high but uncomfortable road) or one that pride takes control of and expediency/face-saving becomes the name of the game (the low road). This is "food for thought" for the day and path ahead!