The Introduction:
This is a subject that many who are expediently taking up identities due to their "origin issues" as outlined in the comment # 2 from 6/19/2013 from the COMMENTS Page, who frankly don’t give as much thought as they should to, in their haste to jump on board “too much of a good thing”, without realizing that such identities bring with them very complicated criteria, outlined by God for His people along with very ominous outcomes that has not changed, as He does not. For example, the Biblical book of Leviticus 26, describes blessings in verses 4-13 generally outlines the various blessings God promises to His people, while verses 15-39 depicts the types of punishments His people will be subjected to, if disobedience as outlined occurred and His word always comes to past. Please follow the following description for further details.
Here are the Examples of Importance:
First of all, it must be certain that the people of God are being discussed, because He alone knows who His chosen are, even from those identities and histories are as unexpected as could be as documented in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CAN'T BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED and supplemented by details in the post ONE HUNDRED YEARS IN THE MAKING - UPDATED with their unique characteristics that have been so carefully carved out throughout the centuries, were being developed, ONE knew who was and would be His. Such an unusual occurrences, which is then “cherry picked” for the solid "foundations" it possesses (as documented n the post GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED) to provide "free loader cause" types with the superficial links those who “brag” that they have the “power” to do anything and get away with it. Such types then take what’s wanted and through “creative” mangling produce just what’s desired as documented in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MISSING (AND MANGLED) RECORDS that are then in turn taken from an individual(s) who has been "sacrificed" by both family and country (as documented in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE - UPDATED and supplemented by details contained in item # 1 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED) along with those aware of historical events as they actually occurred of his acquaintance that directly and indirectly of, which some known to have been treated so unfairly are contained in the listing in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED and those whose "legitimacy" is based on the demise of others carry on with their "ugly" form of "legitimacy" and ALL continue on as nothing sinister has taken place, because those of the "free loaders cause" are of the opinion that as long as their actions can be covered up, all's "well and good" in their twisted form of existence, and they can ride into the sunset on their "black" horse filled with the sordid details of the methods used by such to obtain their form of fleeting "legitimacy". However, contrary to this belief, this Blog's Pages is the place where the dots are connected for all to get a glimpse of how such types gain their sordid "legitimacy" at the expense of others, by thuggish and barbaristic practices while neither taking responsibility for their actions nor paying taxes in their own identities, irrespective of what other ethically challenged types may say to the contrary, (because stealing the STATE TAX REFUND CHECK OF AN INDIVIDUAL IN ORDER TO FILE TAXES "LEGALLY" DOES NOT CONSTITUTE FILING TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITY TO CONSTITUTE BEING CONSIDERED AN "ORIGINAL" to, as shown in the below photo of the "cash register" transaction into whose "deck" my "State Tax Refund" check No. 20112563 became "engulfed" as documented in the post HOW DO U GIVE "GITIMACY" TO FRAUD and supplemented by the details in the post RECORDS MANIPULATION TO SUPPORT ID FRAUD - UPDATED).
It’s a very “awesome” responsibility to conclude that just because numbers and resources are on your side, to assume that the will of God is EITHER mythical OR that none can stop such types from carrying out their dishonorable activities and this will go on indefinitely, but such has NEVER seen the will of God implemented in their lifetimes as documented in the Introduction and Conclusion sections of the post THE TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW MR. BUFFETT (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS AND AMENDED). What also have to be borne in mind is the fact that the ability to determine outcomes alone is not necessarily a measure of “power” and authority neither are positions held, as shown below.
Example 1)
In the post NO SITUATION ENACTED (OR CONCOCTED) BY MAN, TAKES GOD BY SURPRISE!, the Biblical example of God’s people are described, with regards to Queen Esther, and in spite of the evil plotting and scheming of the “powerful” Haman “types” of this world; He used the adopted daughter of the honorable Mordecai to save His people from a terrible outcome imposed by expediency because at least one of His was among them in the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians and as a result, He protected them as promised, even if no others were there, because He would intervene for a single individual and He did.
Example 2)
In the throes of WWII, when some were busy expanding their cash cow, stealth, alternate form of taxation without representation (as documented in the post THE ORIGINS OF “VIRTUAL” “TWO-FACED” IDENTITIES - UPDATED), Hitler, showed no mercy towards those hundreds of thousands of “Jews” in his death camps (as documented in this subject on Wikipedia), which indicates that over 3 million Polish Jews alone were executed by various forms of unique methods, (since Poland had the greatest number of Jews living there than anywhere else in Europe. Two possible scenarios exists, 1) none of these “Jews” were really of Israel (or God’s chosen) or 2) they were all disobedient as a people and not even one of them honored God such that He could intervene on their behalf, because He doesn’t change as the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S, so clearly pointed out.
The Implications/Outcome:
The implications in example 2) are sobering and very, very, very telling as it implies a significant difference between those simply calling themselves “Jews” (who in many cases are taking on these identities to justify their ill-gotten wealth, while thinking that by adopting this posture no one will question the sources of their wealth as it can be attributed to "blessings" from "god". This is a very dangerous path to follow, because while it may “fool” man, (with imperfect laws as the previous post on ...TWO... DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S pointed out) God is not, by our acts of benevolence and large rabbinical dynasties that can reach from coast to coast. The bottom line is this, only God knows who truly are His as pointed out in the post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED. Therefore, since He doesn’t change and His word, which always comes to past, states in verse 17: “I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you”. This is just one of the outcomes God promised His people for not being in harmony with His will for them. This single penalty is something to give serious consideration to because it did work out just as promised for those who suffered in the throes of WWII who called themselves historical “Jews”, because He did not intercede on their behalf.
The Finale:
We have to very careful about what identities we take on and run around flaunting as ours with the aid of those who use thuggish practices to flaunt their “power” to determine who deserve what, as they come with some very ominous outcomes for those who are not living lives according to God specific instructions for honoring Him and respecting others. Those who take on the posture of being under strict covenant type relationship with ONE, when clearly it is known that no such heritage belong to them, as the previous post so clearly points out and carry on with their disgracefully brutal methods of obtaining "legitimacy" while thinking that all we need is another opportunity to "plan" that none will know what has been done; from these these terrible postures it can be assumed that:
It is indeed an awesome responsibility to boldly place oneself among “the chosen of God” for expediency (just to fill in cracks lacking in those without origins and who desire much by contributing very little), while in fact resorting to the type of heinous acts that would make ONE completely ashamed to be represented by those who resort to very dishonorable lifestyle choices and then present themselves as representative of "God’s chosen", this is reality saying that God is imperfect as we are and don’t know who His really are or how they would turn out. Such “flying-in-the-face of God" type actions are grave miscalculations, because by placing oneself under the documented mandates of some very “awesome” penalties for being disobedient, which always come to past, even in spite of the frailties that are contained in the Biblical account [even with its historical distortions in His two (2) witnesses, the OLD TESTAMENT and REVELATION] all that has to be remembered is what took place in the lives of those who were of "God's chosen" when they collectively occupied a Nation, which those today are occupying and have so labeled themselves, Israel, which is not to be confused with "His chosen" (or Israel) as pointed out in the previously referenced post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED. Even if all the details in the Biblical text are disregarded, just remember what occurred in the lives of those who once occupied the Nation of Israel as His chosen collectively and the powers of the day could defeat His chosen when they were obedient just as when they were disobedient collectively, they were allowed to be defeated as a Nation, while He spared a few who were His for a place and time of His choosing for His will to be implemented, through their descendants as He does not change and none can impede his will for "His chosen". Those who are accustomed to flaunting and skirting responsibility by the measure of man’s imperfect law), should be weary that such is not the case when attempts are made by those who don't know any better to thwart God’s will that none can prevent by acting out god-like postures in their determining of outcomes shamelessly. Some of these "so called" “goliaths” types actually carved out “agreements” based on attempting to place "limitless restrictions" on an individual as documented in item #s 6 and 12 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, ensuring that he “stood still” (or stand still agreement as shown below) so that others could walk of with his identity mangled to make up for those masquerading as “high” corporate rollers (who are in fact "corporate free loader” and similar "PHOTOLESS" types, while remaining in hiding and using the photos of others, ILLEGALLY FOR THEIR FLEETING "LEGITIMACY" as the Passport example in Footnote2 of the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED AND AMENDED demonstrates as well as dependent on and a host of others of the “free loader’s cause” types, participating in man’s oldest profession, in this country for years without origins), while his
rights are buried after being thrown under the bus.
"God's chosen's” identities come with complicated covenants, promises and penalties, therefore, simply brandishing the worst possible posture to achieve (or usurp) a desired outcome at any price (or using “whatever works” methods), to provide the model of man's oldest "profession" such types have reinvented, with its heavenly "halo" needed for legitimacy that has already been called out in His 2nd Witness by the titles its original Practitioners and Role model in principle deserve, namely, "...BABYLON THE GREAT..." and "...MOTHER OF HARLOTS...", who adopted such without the realization that the promised penalties for disobedient actions (that befall such types are routinely implemented) and can come due at any time, this is the price and burden that such types place upon themselves without knowing what exactly is involved when those of the "whatever works" mantra attempt to reorder a heritage and history that took centuries to bring about as documented in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CAN'T BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED (as they have been misled into believing that they can do "anything", especially after wrongly acting as if two spectacular "coincidental" disasters somehow separated me from my history, identity, accomplishments and qualifications (or solid foundations), which as accurately documented in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY "COINCIDENCES" - THE FINALE UPDATED and supplemented with details in items # 6 and 12 from the listing included in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, is not the case, such events ONLY impede upcoming events.
The placing of oneself in another's heritage because of it's uniquely traceable origins, by those with none, all for the cause of the "FREE LOADERS" is a very ill informed position in, which to follow and then attempt to repeatedly look for every "angle" to attempt to find fleeting "legitimacy", not knowing the responsibilities that such individuals are required to implement and uphold and others just by their actions show scant regard for God’s will. However, such postures should be turned aside from pursuing and allow God’s will to follow its normal course instead of assuming that what is determined to be a fitting outcome for some, to be “standing still” while others who are carrying out man’s will are assigned the heritage of God’s chosen in a brazen act of “tempting” God, as His commandments specifically call out definitively as one of the ways to dishonor Him, is pursued. Therefore this is a call to those who simply see their actions as “getting over” against me without realizing the “big picture view” involved; to turn aside from such a posture and allow the will of God to take place as He intended, because in the end N-O-T-H-I-N-G can stop His will from being implemented as documented in the post HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY! for "His chosen". However, under this circumstance the graver implications of what’s involved are being more forcefully outlined, as respect for others starts with honoring God, it always comes back to this central theme and quite rightly so, as He sees the attempts being made to recreate events "magically" involving the life of the chosen and bring about what some of those of the "whatever works" methods think is best to implement, easy wealth-generation methods instead relying on old fashioned hard work, goals and ideals that are only achieved by expending time and effort over years (not shadowing others) but actually carrying out and achieving those goals rather than attempting to disgracefully cloak the cause of man's oldest profession, around the identity of the chosen, because it’s never too late to act honorably in this regard.
Please remember, the Biblical of Revelation, (the 2nd of His 2 witnesses as pointed out repeatedly in the Pages of this Blog) contains the minutest details about how end time events will take place as pointed out in the Here are the Background Details section of the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED and nowhere in that Book does it indicate that a rider on a "black" horse evades the events predicted there. There is ONLY ONE VICTORIOUS RIDER ON A HORSE IN END TIMES AS DOCUMENTED IN REVELATION, AND ITS COLOR IS WHITE as depicted in Revelation chapter 19, verses 11 - 16, WHO AS DESCRIBED THERE, "HE SHALL RULE THE NATIONS" (OF THE EARTH) "WITH A ROD OF IRON", WHICH IMPLIES THAT HIS JUDGMENT FOR ALL WILL BE CARRIED OUT EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY AS PROMISED.
This is a subject that many who are expediently taking up identities due to their "origin issues" as outlined in the comment # 2 from 6/19/2013 from the COMMENTS Page, who frankly don’t give as much thought as they should to, in their haste to jump on board “too much of a good thing”, without realizing that such identities bring with them very complicated criteria, outlined by God for His people along with very ominous outcomes that has not changed, as He does not. For example, the Biblical book of Leviticus 26, describes blessings in verses 4-13 generally outlines the various blessings God promises to His people, while verses 15-39 depicts the types of punishments His people will be subjected to, if disobedience as outlined occurred and His word always comes to past. Please follow the following description for further details.
Here are the Examples of Importance:
First of all, it must be certain that the people of God are being discussed, because He alone knows who His chosen are, even from those identities and histories are as unexpected as could be as documented in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CAN'T BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED and supplemented by details in the post ONE HUNDRED YEARS IN THE MAKING - UPDATED with their unique characteristics that have been so carefully carved out throughout the centuries, were being developed, ONE knew who was and would be His. Such an unusual occurrences, which is then “cherry picked” for the solid "foundations" it possesses (as documented n the post GARBAGE IN, (
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The two Transactions Via Which My Two Income Tax Refund Checks, Federal and State Were Cashed
Example 1)
In the post NO SITUATION ENACTED (OR CONCOCTED) BY MAN, TAKES GOD BY SURPRISE!, the Biblical example of God’s people are described, with regards to Queen Esther, and in spite of the evil plotting and scheming of the “powerful” Haman “types” of this world; He used the adopted daughter of the honorable Mordecai to save His people from a terrible outcome imposed by expediency because at least one of His was among them in the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians and as a result, He protected them as promised, even if no others were there, because He would intervene for a single individual and He did.
Example 2)
In the throes of WWII, when some were busy expanding their cash cow, stealth, alternate form of taxation without representation (as documented in the post THE ORIGINS OF “VIRTUAL” “TWO-FACED” IDENTITIES - UPDATED), Hitler, showed no mercy towards those hundreds of thousands of “Jews” in his death camps (as documented in this subject on Wikipedia), which indicates that over 3 million Polish Jews alone were executed by various forms of unique methods, (since Poland had the greatest number of Jews living there than anywhere else in Europe. Two possible scenarios exists, 1) none of these “Jews” were really of Israel (or God’s chosen) or 2) they were all disobedient as a people and not even one of them honored God such that He could intervene on their behalf, because He doesn’t change as the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S, so clearly pointed out.
The Implications/Outcome:
The implications in example 2) are sobering and very, very, very telling as it implies a significant difference between those simply calling themselves “Jews” (who in many cases are taking on these identities to justify their ill-gotten wealth, while thinking that by adopting this posture no one will question the sources of their wealth as it can be attributed to "blessings" from "god". This is a very dangerous path to follow, because while it may “fool” man, (with imperfect laws as the previous post on ...TWO... DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S pointed out) God is not, by our acts of benevolence and large rabbinical dynasties that can reach from coast to coast. The bottom line is this, only God knows who truly are His as pointed out in the post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED. Therefore, since He doesn’t change and His word, which always comes to past, states in verse 17: “I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you”. This is just one of the outcomes God promised His people for not being in harmony with His will for them. This single penalty is something to give serious consideration to because it did work out just as promised for those who suffered in the throes of WWII who called themselves historical “Jews”, because He did not intercede on their behalf.
The Finale:
We have to very careful about what identities we take on and run around flaunting as ours with the aid of those who use thuggish practices to flaunt their “power” to determine who deserve what, as they come with some very ominous outcomes for those who are not living lives according to God specific instructions for honoring Him and respecting others. Those who take on the posture of being under strict covenant type relationship with ONE, when clearly it is known that no such heritage belong to them, as the previous post so clearly points out and carry on with their disgracefully brutal methods of obtaining "legitimacy" while thinking that all we need is another opportunity to "plan" that none will know what has been done; from these these terrible postures it can be assumed that:
- such types have no knowledge of God,
- are unaware that He sees all and knows all that they are planning and plotting and
- are most definitely NOT of the historical lineage to be included in His 3rd tribe as pointed out in the previously referenced post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S....
It is indeed an awesome responsibility to boldly place oneself among “the chosen of God” for expediency (just to fill in cracks lacking in those without origins and who desire much by contributing very little), while in fact resorting to the type of heinous acts that would make ONE completely ashamed to be represented by those who resort to very dishonorable lifestyle choices and then present themselves as representative of "God’s chosen", this is reality saying that God is imperfect as we are and don’t know who His really are or how they would turn out. Such “flying-in-the-face of God" type actions are grave miscalculations, because by placing oneself under the documented mandates of some very “awesome” penalties for being disobedient, which always come to past, even in spite of the frailties that are contained in the Biblical account [even with its historical distortions in His two (2) witnesses, the OLD TESTAMENT and REVELATION] all that has to be remembered is what took place in the lives of those who were of "God's chosen" when they collectively occupied a Nation, which those today are occupying and have so labeled themselves, Israel, which is not to be confused with "His chosen" (or Israel) as pointed out in the previously referenced post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED. Even if all the details in the Biblical text are disregarded, just remember what occurred in the lives of those who once occupied the Nation of Israel as His chosen collectively and the powers of the day could defeat His chosen when they were obedient just as when they were disobedient collectively, they were allowed to be defeated as a Nation, while He spared a few who were His for a place and time of His choosing for His will to be implemented, through their descendants as He does not change and none can impede his will for "His chosen". Those who are accustomed to flaunting and skirting responsibility by the measure of man’s imperfect law), should be weary that such is not the case when attempts are made by those who don't know any better to thwart God’s will that none can prevent by acting out god-like postures in their determining of outcomes shamelessly. Some of these "so called" “goliaths” types actually carved out “agreements” based on attempting to place "limitless restrictions" on an individual as documented in item #s 6 and 12 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, ensuring that he “stood still” (or stand still agreement as shown below) so that others could walk of with his identity mangled to make up for those masquerading as “high” corporate rollers (who are in fact "corporate free loader” and similar "PHOTOLESS" types, while remaining in hiding and using the photos of others, ILLEGALLY FOR THEIR FLEETING "LEGITIMACY" as the Passport example in Footnote2 of the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED AND AMENDED demonstrates as well as dependent on and a host of others of the “free loader’s cause” types, participating in man’s oldest profession, in this country for years without origins), while his
rights are buried after being thrown under the bus.
"God's chosen's” identities come with complicated covenants, promises and penalties, therefore, simply brandishing the worst possible posture to achieve (or usurp) a desired outcome at any price (or using “whatever works” methods), to provide the model of man's oldest "profession" such types have reinvented, with its heavenly "halo" needed for legitimacy that has already been called out in His 2nd Witness by the titles its original Practitioners and Role model in principle deserve, namely, "...BABYLON THE GREAT..." and "...MOTHER OF HARLOTS...", who adopted such without the realization that the promised penalties for disobedient actions (that befall such types are routinely implemented) and can come due at any time, this is the price and burden that such types place upon themselves without knowing what exactly is involved when those of the "whatever works" mantra attempt to reorder a heritage and history that took centuries to bring about as documented in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CAN'T BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED (as they have been misled into believing that they can do "anything", especially after wrongly acting as if two spectacular "coincidental" disasters somehow separated me from my history, identity, accomplishments and qualifications (or solid foundations), which as accurately documented in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY "COINCIDENCES" - THE FINALE UPDATED and supplemented with details in items # 6 and 12 from the listing included in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, is not the case, such events ONLY impede upcoming events.
The placing of oneself in another's heritage because of it's uniquely traceable origins, by those with none, all for the cause of the "FREE LOADERS" is a very ill informed position in, which to follow and then attempt to repeatedly look for every "angle" to attempt to find fleeting "legitimacy", not knowing the responsibilities that such individuals are required to implement and uphold and others just by their actions show scant regard for God’s will. However, such postures should be turned aside from pursuing and allow God’s will to follow its normal course instead of assuming that what is determined to be a fitting outcome for some, to be “standing still” while others who are carrying out man’s will are assigned the heritage of God’s chosen in a brazen act of “tempting” God, as His commandments specifically call out definitively as one of the ways to dishonor Him, is pursued. Therefore this is a call to those who simply see their actions as “getting over” against me without realizing the “big picture view” involved; to turn aside from such a posture and allow the will of God to take place as He intended, because in the end N-O-T-H-I-N-G can stop His will from being implemented as documented in the post HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY! for "His chosen". However, under this circumstance the graver implications of what’s involved are being more forcefully outlined, as respect for others starts with honoring God, it always comes back to this central theme and quite rightly so, as He sees the attempts being made to recreate events "magically" involving the life of the chosen and bring about what some of those of the "whatever works" methods think is best to implement, easy wealth-generation methods instead relying on old fashioned hard work, goals and ideals that are only achieved by expending time and effort over years (not shadowing others) but actually carrying out and achieving those goals rather than attempting to disgracefully cloak the cause of man's oldest profession, around the identity of the chosen, because it’s never too late to act honorably in this regard.
Please remember, the Biblical of Revelation, (the 2nd of His 2 witnesses as pointed out repeatedly in the Pages of this Blog) contains the minutest details about how end time events will take place as pointed out in the Here are the Background Details section of the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED and nowhere in that Book does it indicate that a rider on a "black" horse evades the events predicted there. There is ONLY ONE VICTORIOUS RIDER ON A HORSE IN END TIMES AS DOCUMENTED IN REVELATION, AND ITS COLOR IS WHITE as depicted in Revelation chapter 19, verses 11 - 16, WHO AS DESCRIBED THERE, "HE SHALL RULE THE NATIONS" (OF THE EARTH) "WITH A ROD OF IRON", WHICH IMPLIES THAT HIS JUDGMENT FOR ALL WILL BE CARRIED OUT EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY AS PROMISED.
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