Tuesday, May 21, 2013

THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S - UPDATED 12/28/2013 as well as 1/.21, 6/9 & 8/5/2014 in aedition to 10/4/2015

This is a follow-up to the previous post on THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S To focus on specifics rather than generalities. Our society is full of those who follow the “whatever works” mantra because it’s popular to do so as all around us are those who rely on expedient decision-making as their only alternative due to years of making terrible life’s choices and who either become false witnesses to implicate others to in their opinions cover-up their own bad decisions or participate in the framing of others for their crimes and in this way man’s law is satisfied. In this manner this is the greatest difference between God’s law and man’s, which will be examined from two different examples, please follow.

Here are the Issues of Importance:
When a crime has occurred in society on occasion justice must be served if the admission of a crime is acknowledged, because in instances where no crime is acknowledged such as when all parties make expedient decisions to adopt such a cover-up posture as it has been determined that there is no need for justice (even when clear evidence exists to the contrary, such as  accountable for their actions there is no escaping this eventuality, such as in the following examples:

This would never occur with God’s law as all are treated equally and are held accountable for their actions involving whom some considered so meaningless that could be SIMILARLY "DISPOSED OF" either in a "big picture" way for those without regard for Him or His cause or individually for those who claim to be His but are not.
Some of these types also mistakenly concluded that focusing on rearranging the events in my life "LIMITLESSLY" would "succeed" as a means of addressing problems of their own creation. However, such an expedient course of action will never lead to the desired outcomes for such who are of the obvious opinion that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can be covered up no matter how disdainful to allow some in “powerful” positions who are benefitting from such eventualities but would rather not be reminded of the dirty linen their end products "originals" are "cloaked' in (or of the end that justified the means by, which such outcomes were obtained by the wearing of convenient "blinders" by hiding behind their interpretation of the word "original", which as documented in the caption under the To Digress photo insert from the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE BLACKOUT - EDITED AND AMENDED and supplemented by the details in item 5 of the listing in The Outcome section of the post A BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA - UPDATED AND AMENDED as well as in the Here are the Details of Importance section of the post EXPEDIENTLY TAKING IN IDENTITIES MAY BRING MORE THAN BARGAIN FOR - UPDATED AND AMENDED; IS DEFINITIVELY NOT THE CASE FOR THESE TYPES). However, it is not possible to completely cover-up the wrong doing when the will of God for His chosen is involved as pointed out in the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS UNVOLVED - UPDATED that these types consider a myth. However, if this were really so, why are their congregating in my every action in a vain attempt to attempt to convince onlookers that theirs is the path of "authenticity" (ONLY IF CONVENIENT BLINDERS ARE USED TO AVOID THE CARNAFGE LEFT IN THEIR WAKE)? However, most are not told of this tiny detail and these "entitled" types and their supporters can carry on with business as usual and conclude that the "monuments" they have erected will continue to shield them in order to help them avoid their date with destiny with man's law such as was glaringly played out in that now infamous example as documented in the case around, which the post A BADLY "SCRIPTED" DRAMA - UPDATED is based, where under man’s law everything is satisfied and an innocent victim suffers for the wrong-doing of influential types able to work out such deals. This eventuality never again would taken place under God’s law because all are and will be held accountable for their actions as described.

The Implications/Outcome of This Action:
Under the scenario involving the first of the these examples, where no justice was served because the entire immediate family of Lois Bruno also disappeared without a trace leaving no one to advocate for her cause, since she probably was never even documented as having arrived in her second home and subsequently never left, as referenced in the "This point not withstanding..." paragraph of the Here are the Background Details section of the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED/UPDATED & AMENDED, which this servant decided to because of how that family now missing as never having existed laid out a welcome mat for me on my entry in this "Land if the Free and Home of the Brave" that no expedient type can truly mimic to provide "legitimacy" for any the only way those of the "free loaders cause" know how with the death and destruction of the majority of those individuals who are providing such types with their brand of "legitimacy".

The same outcome can be said for the cause of Carol and family, who were conveniently leaving for a trip that they never stated and subsequently never arrived for, leaving those responsible with the "best" scenario possible, namely none would miss them as it would be assumed by those in their origination point that they left for their trip and at the end point utter heartbreak since none arrived as expected as Carol and others never even started their journey. This to all who benefitted from this situation was the "perfectcrime - disappearance without a trace that have become a pattern for those of this cause upon, which to establish their "originality" claims if the not so tiny trail of death and destruction left in their wake is ignored.
Needless to say the outcome for the most obnoxious of all these case that has been used as in the above listing of examples is the same as the others, no crime committed as none are around to even document that they even existed that all types benefitting would rather carry on an ignore because they were considered expendable but for the cause on the Pages of this Blog, none would even know that they were notable individuals included with potential who NEVER WERE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE OUT THEIR POTENTIAL as some decide to determine  their outcome for them and hoped that they would all be forgotten. By collectively in agreement determining that this posture was “foolproof” either by ensuring that no witnesses are left to tell the truth and a massacre is being perpetrated and/or other measures are used to ensure that those who would be able to provide knowledge a crime has taken place are prevented from doing so, either by “creative” forms of illegal imprisonment, such as financial and/or up to actual imprisonment if all such other avenues have failed as documented in the post the else (such as accident staging etc. have failed - see the post TYPICAL EXAMPLE OF REASONS FOR EXCLUDING LOCATION(S) FROM CONSIDERATION. The main avenue via, which exposure of the commission of a crime of significant proportions is based is the availability of replacements that their OPERATION REPLACEMENT conveniently furnished and are now being called "originals", as referenced in the discussion of "operation replacement" in The Finale/Outcome section of the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED in DEFIANCE of the Court's ruling while hiding behind their own interpretation of "original" that clearly has been demonstrated to be unfounded when such "claims" are subjected to close scrutiny as documented in the Footnote2 of the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED AND AMENDED where a fraudulent police report was filed by impostor types here in Iowa to assume ownership of my solid foundations stolen from a CT warehouse as listed in the Here are the Facts section of the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMP,LY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED but now mangled  to provide legions of impostors with "credibility", which those in authority are in agreement to condone (even if many international States are involved a conclusion that has been drawn based on the passing of expedient legislation on two shores to provide such types with their "originality" again, ONLY if all the death and destruction left in their wake is ignored). IT'S NO WONDER THAT SUCH TYPES WOULD LIKE TO FORGET THESE MASSACRES THAT THE ABOVE EXAMPLES BEAR WITNESS TO AND ON, WHICH THEIR "LEGITIMACY" IS BASED ON. What is being depicted are the two (2) greatest differences between God’s law and man’s: 1) EQUAL TREATMENT VERSUS UNEQUAL TREATMENT and 2) ALL ARE HELD ACCOUNTABLE VERSUS INCONSISTENT APPLICATIONS OF ACCOUNTABILITY.

The Conclusion:

The implications of both scenarios clearly demonstrate the failings of man’s law compared to God’s and while it’s often said that the law is “classless”, this is far from what actually take place in reality, where those who are influential and are tarnished in man’s system, either are targeted or the political climate necessitated such action. More often than not those who are influential and tarnished are targeted for having dared, for example (making "wise" investment decisions to pursue wrongdoing wherever the trail led). There are also some Mogul types who operated as if nothing in this society can “touch” them no matter whose rights they trampled on and/or other wrongs are carried out and/or outright stealing from others to extend their “kingdoms/empires” takes place or even “frame” others for the types of wrong-doing enacted/supported by such types and their “shadowy two-faced” types.

In the final analysis, it can only be stated that man’s law is expediently implemented because it’s enacted unfairly as certain “classes” of individuals who in turn adopt dictatorial (of the monopolistic behaviors and/or assume “god-like”) postures and conclude that they have the right to determine outcomes for others in the fashion of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel (discussed in Here are the Critical Points section of the post WHAT REALLY IS UNDERSTANDING - THE ADDENDUM - UPDATED?), again showing the vulnerability of man’s law, which allows trails of individuals to be left unaccounted for, treated shabbily, and or worse and none held accountable (even though for the record King Ahab and his wide were held accountable for their sctions by the God of Creation). The only alternative is God’s law, which is completely impartial since no favoritism is employed and, which all will be held accountable to for the actions carried out in secret or openly and evade justice because expedient types are allowed into the “halls of power” to ensure more of the same or business as usual.
Where are the leaders willing to chart a different course such as that of the Franklin or the “Gipper's” mold willing to courageously make principled stands for honesty, wholesomeness and uprightness, etc.. instead of expediency? The post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE - UPDATED describes an opportunity for one to champion the cause of my dear friend Lois Bruno of the "Chisholm family inclusive" in the name of human dignity and decency as all are deserving of, even the departed as highlighted in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MISSING (AND MANGLED) RECORDS - UPDATEDIt’s time show that the cause of the "fairness seekers" [as documented in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE (EDITED AND UPDATED)!], was not in vain as updated and summarized in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE - UPDATED.


J_F_Brazant said...
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J_F_Brazant said...

In the type of environment described in this post my own advice from the post WHEN TRUST TURNS (UPDATED)! is being taken into account, when dealing with "unknowns": as follows: TRUST IS TOO VALUABLE A “CHARACTERISTIC” TO FLUTTER AWAY LIGHTLY (WHEN DEALING WITH THE UNKNOWN) THEREFORE, PLEASE CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES VERY CAREFULLY! Note: all links are available on COMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...

This comment is presented in two (2) parts due to its length:
Part (1)
While it is true that no individual knows the future, those who represent "monopolistic, dynastic" and "dictatorial" type entities, prided themselves in knowing that: 1) one "coincidental" spectacular disaster on 9/11/2001 would occur exactly on the 21st anniversary of my acceptance letter from Pratt dated 9/11/1980, which also "coincidentally" enabled the electric utility industry to escape the "expected" date with their deregulation destiny, "to their great fortune" (see the posts WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE "SWEEPING CHANGES" SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY (EDITED AND UPDATED)? in addition to HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED AND UPDATED)!), 2) another "coincidental" spectacular disaster would occur on 8/14/2003, exactly on the 23rd anniversary of my TCI graduation of 8/14/1980, as depicted in the Attendance File included in the posts WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE "SWEEPING CHANGES" SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY (EDITED AND UPDATED)? as well as HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED AND UPDATED)!, 3) my late Mother (who "passed away" exactly 111 days after my relocating to Iowa, on September 29th 1991 while I resided in apartment # 111 at 2040 Glass Rd., Cedar Rapids, IA, the same concerned Mother who never stopped encouraging me with her words and prayers while carrying out my studies), records along with her identity would be exported to this Country to complement those of my Father's that had already been exported on what would have been the 90th anniversary of his birth immediately on my relocation to this State and then combined with my Mother's used to provide a host of "free loader" and "free loader-related" types with identities exactly similar to mine instead of me, in what was an attempt to leave me "stateless" and without records as documented in the post HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED AND UPDATED)! in addition to HOW SHOULD AN INDIVIDUAL HANDLE THE "EXPORTING" OF HIS IDENTITY/RECORDS FROM THE COUNTRY OF HIS BIRTH FOR DEAL-MAKING? as well as GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER! and THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS)!, 4) all my references who vouched for me on my 1991 dual background checks would all change their "stories" just 10 short years later due either to replacements and/or being the "shadowy Society's" type "plants" as documented in the Finale/Outcome section of the post PUTTING ON Y0UR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED),

Continued Below:

J_F_Brazant said...

Continued from above:
Part (2)
5) my presence in Iowa would coincide with the emergence of shadowy types claiming to have to the exact experiences as me and calling themselves original "free loader" and original "free loader-related" types as the included photo from 1/27/92 implied and the linked documents in the below post that depict the type of backdated documents, which provided support for the position of these "originals", including two "shadowy free loader" types associated with the numbers 33 and 22 whose "legitimacy" is in turn based on these "originals" armed with their backdated documents being original while relying on "whatever works" methods in the pursuit of man's oldest profession and other skill less activities on behalf of a former empire's Trojan Horse alternate taxation without representation wealth generation scheme implemented by stealth in an unsuspecting nation as outlined in the posts HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED AND UPDATED)! as well as WHAT LESSSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED?, 6) that those two pen pal acquaintances whom became dear friends, one who bade me farewell from my Country of birth, Carol where she was studying at the time of my departure, herself away from, her homeland, Trinidad and the other my 1st American friend Lois who welcomed me to the Land that would become my long time residence following my studies; who both possessed actual knowledge of the journey of my studies in this Country from beginning to end and who both knew my family circle very well, would both meet their untimely demise tragically. This Site has been dedicated to their cause in remembrance of the light that they both represented to those whom they interacted with, as documented in the CONSERVERY DEDICATION, 7) that all the "Chisholm Family Inclusive" would become of no significant value such that like Lois, none would be around to represent that family tree but replaced with my sister in her "borrowed" identity and raising Michael Bruno as Damien until his "accidental" drowning to provide those impostors in Country hiding in their "free loader" identities, pseudo "legitimacy", as documented in the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (UPDATED)? and 8) all these "coincidental" and "convenient" events identified in 1) through 7) would somehow collectively combine "magically" to separate me from my history, identity, accomplishments and qualifications, in an obvious attempt at identity switching to provide "shadowy" types "credibility" at my expense in order for them to gain much by contributing very, very little and leaving me "stateless" in the process while "free loaders" and their cause go about pretending that their types following their "whatever works" mantra, attempt to present themselves as part of "Israel" to bring shame and disgrace to the name of God by their terrible choices and disrespect for anything meaningful, wholesome, etc. as the outline in the below post documents HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW (EDITED AND UPDATED)!. Note: ail links are available on COMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...

The previous comment (in two parts - 3 & 4), which is also included on the COMMENTS Page as comment # 3 from 5/21/2013 serves as a reminder to those who are of the opinion that they were "endowed" with the right to determne outomes in the lives of others, that the best laid plans of such types are as useful as the weakest posture created by such who carry on with their selfish, self-centered, dictatorial styled actions and think tha because they were able to "fool" most that God was included in those who were misled, this is a GROSSLY INNACURATE ASSUMPTION. He, see all, and knows all the twisted developments devised by such, who target individuals and then expect them to give up their identities, history, qualifications and accomplishments because some smooth-talking, "street-wise", politico who was never thought respect for others took on the role to carry out such a plan because he has the right to do so, by whose authority? There isn't an "Uncontrollable Monster" with sufficent power, created by man, with selfish motives that can proceed when the ONE says stop! Just because, those who have found themselves in positions where they can mmanipulate man's law and escape their dates with destiny for their crimes by the methods described in this post (THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S), donn't be so arrogant as to conclude that accountability with respect to God's has been avoided; all will be held accountable under God's law from the greatest to the least. This is the will of God, not mine, my is just the voice of one trying to remind those truly in need of clarity in the midst of chaos what alternatives really exists, that are: wholesome, upright, meaningful and satisfying that truly bring lasting contentment as oppose to those who rely on "whaever works" and think that this is a valid mechanism for life's balance. Only a life, lived in proper balance from being in harmony with God's law can achieve that, all else is fleeting and ineffective, as those who continue their abusive actions and conclude that God does not see such, because many follow such types to their peril, "fool" those who allow them to, into believing! Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...

The previous comment (in two parts - as nos. 3 & 4 on the above post), which is also included on the THIS Page as comment # 3 from 5/21/2013 serves as a reminder to those who are of the opinion that they were "endowed" with the right to determine outcomes in the lives of others, that the best laid plans of such types are as useful as the weakest posture created by THOSE who carry on WITH THEIR selfish, self-centered, DICTATORIAL styled ACTIONS and THINK THAT BECAUSE MOST WERE "FOOLED" THAT GOD WAS INCLUDED in those who were misled, THIS IS A GROSSLY INACCURATE ASSUMPTION. He, see all, and knows all the twisted developments devised by such, who target individuals and then expect them to give up their identities, history, qualifications and accomplishments because some smooth-talking, "street-wise", politico types with little regard for the rights of others took on the role to carry out such a plan because such rights were invested in them to do so, by whose authority? There isn't an "Uncontrollable Monster" with sufficient power, created by man, with selfish motives that can proceed when the ONE says stop! Just because, those who have found themselves in positions where they can manipulate man's law with it's imperfections and escape their dates with destiny for their crimes by the methods described in this post (TWO OF THE GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S), don't be so arrogant as to conclude that accountability with respect to God's has been avoided; all will be held accountable under God's law from the greatest to the least. This is the will of God, not mine; mine is just the voice of one trying to remind those truly in need of clarity in the midst of chaos what alternatives really exists, that are: wholesome, upright, meaningful and satisfying that truly bring lasting contentment as oppose to those who rely on "whatever works" and think that this is a valid mechanism for life's balance. Only a life, lived in proper balance from being in harmony with God's law can achieve that, all else is fleeting and ineffective, as those who continue their abusive actions and conclude that God does not see such, because many follow such types to their peril, "fool" those who allow them to, into believing! Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J_F_Brazant said...

This comment is being posted in two (2) parts due to its length:

Part 1)
The things that we allow to consume our lives are the very practices that we tend to fall back on as the methods for defining us as individuals, as we routinely carry out our activities; therefore as previously stated on the Pages of this Blog, if thuggish behavior is practiced typically, when confronted with circumstances we can’t manipulate into what we want them to be, the traits of a Mother Theresa’s type will not be evident from such an individual. The very unethical, conniving, dishonest, violent and dastardly practices employed by such will be resorted to, for, which the Bible in Micah 6:12 refer to such individuals who worship the wealthy in this manner: “For the rich men thereof are full of violence, and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.” This simply means that those who permit material things to become the central focus of their lives, (as the wealthy do), resort to violence (or “whatever works”), as the means to their end. Furthermore, it also points out that those who associate with and allow the resources of the wealthy to be what's central to their lives (such that they in turn "worship" them) in a manner that they provide them with lying support/"credibility" to concoct schemes (or avenues) to enable them to carry out their very unethical practices or expand their “empires” through continuously manipulative and deceptive means. Verse 13 is a promise from God, which states: “Therefore also will I make thee sick in smiting thee, in making thee desolate because of thy sins.” Verse 14 goes on to state: “Thou shall eat and not be satisfied; and thy casting down, shall be in the midst of thee; thou shall take hold, but shall not deliver; and that, which deliverest will I give up to the sword.” Verse 15 makes it clear that: “Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap; thou shalt tread the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil; and sweet wine, but shalt not drink wine.” Verse 16 states: “For the statutes of Omri are kept, and all the works of the house of Ahab, and ye walk in their counsels; that l should make thee a desolation, and the inhabitants thereof an hissing: therefore ye shall bear the reproach of my people.”

Continued below.

J_F_Brazant said...

Continued from above:

Part 2)
It is never good when there is a Biblical promise to eventually make anyone desolate for continuously practicing evil and refusing to turn away from such actions especially those who allow the wealthy to use them as proxies to pursue their terribly violent practices in their pursuit of expansion, because there is typically a progression involved in such, that begins with: 1) “sickness and desolation”, 2) lack of contentment and the loss of those (or things), etc. that matter most, 3) continuous hunger for what matters most (not physical hunger, but the inability to be satisfied regardless of whatever is undertaken), and 4) finally desolation over and above the initial desolation that was due to "sickness" for continuously showing blatant disregard for the will of God from, which there is no way back especially when the actions of such individuals have impacted His people (for ex. such as Lois and Carol as documented in comment # 2 from 5/14/2013 on THIS Page. For an idea of what complete Biblical desolation involves, Psalms 73:19 states: "How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors." Furthermore, to get a better perspective of what is involved in Biblical terror two viewpoints are examined because t-e-r-r-o-r-s plural are promised: first Leviticus 26:36, which states; "And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth." Secondly Revelation 6:15 - 17, states; "And the Kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondsman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains; and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Biblical desolation, involves being utterly consumed with t-e-r-r-o-r-s in an instant and involves fear (as a result of God's doing, which is an outcome to be avoided at all costs, as no condition that can be brought about by man can even come close to this type of scenario, that is) unlike anything ever known that will cause panic when conditions are absolutely devoid of any cause to fear after previously being saved from peril only to face such an outcome, because their enemies will be allowed to bring about in their lives what they inflicted on others and eventually to face accountability by God's method, which clearly shows a vast difference between ONE's ways versus the type of accountability man's law routinely exemplifies, as this prophetic scene of end times (the future for those who chose to dishonor God), A-L-L ARE BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FROM THE GREATEST TO THE LEAST are pictured begging to be destroyed rather than face His wrath, (no "framing" of others to pay for the crimes of the mighty is allowed, AND GOD'S WORD A-L-W-A-Y-S COMES TO PAST). Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...

As pointed out in the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes: chapter 8, which states in verse 5 that "whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment." Verse 10, points out "And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done" this also is vanity." Verse 11, states "BECAUSE SENTENCE AGAINST EVIL WORK IS NOT EXECUTED SPEEDILY, THEREFORE THE HEART OF THE SONS OF MEN IS FULLY SET IN THEM TO DO EVIL." Verse 12 points out "Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:" and verse 13 states, "But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolonged his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God." These are not my words but the words of God aimed at those who do not honor Him, nor have respect for others, as His commandments outlines for the proper balance needed in our lives (as illustrated in the post WHAT IS HONOR -UPDATED?, and conclude that just because they have many "free loader-related plant" type "foot-soldiers" (of multi-colored outward painted pseudo stripes, to convey a specific pattern where none exists, known to be expedient LYING, types who create convenient stories about anything, whether "vows", rendering them unable to participate in the process, who brandish creative origins when instructed, etc.), who is willing to carry out the bidding of such dishonorable types (also know for entering a locked vehicle and "planting evidence" as the post AN UNMISTAKABLE AND ONGOING PATTERN THAT HAS RESULTED IN MY DECISION TO RELOCATE - UPDATED, clearly documents against God's people after employing every evil practice under the sun for their expedient ways of conducting business as usual as the as the post ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE - UPDATED, points out and then manipulate man's imperfect law to escape consequences for their actions; and then conclude that it will always be so. The above passage, should serve as a reminder to such types that this is a fallacy, that God's impartial law will be enacted at the time and place of His choosing, and all will be judged accordingly for their actions, as it is written, it will be done, this is only fairness. Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page.