Sunday, January 20, 2013

THEN AND NOW - UPDATED AND AMENDED (5/8 & 1/6/2013 as well as 1/19, 2/15, 7/12, 8/10 & 8/30/2014 in addition to 10/7/2015)!

In the beginning of 2005 that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication devoted its Section R to an examination various industries and ten (10) were selected based on questionable criteria in the opinion of this Blogger [as documented in the post THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT (EDITED AND UPDATED)?] for being the most "significant" in its January 31st edition, in an effort to predict future trends by focusing on ten (10) different features in each of the ten (10) sectors chosen. This outline is a review of those predictions to determine how successful those involved with the predictive selection process were, just approximately eight (8) years later by just taking a cross-sectional view of the first or dominant sector selected. However, for further discussion of the validity of the selections and its process, see the post as documented in the above link regarding the INDUSTRY THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, which is briefly described in the conclusion of this post in addition to another link to the referenced post.

Here are the Background Details:
The top ten (10) industries selected in the order determined by the Selectors were: 1) Consumer Electronics, 2) Credit Cards, 3) Video Games, 4) Higher Education, 5) Architecture, 6) Music, 7) Accounting, 8) Agriculture, 9) Furniture and 10) Defense. Furthermore, Consumer Electronics’ then apparent top ten (10) trends as the Selectors envisioned them were: a) devices that would make it easier to track the whereabouts of individuals, b) the rise in popularity of social networking largely driven by and centered around product interests, c) more widespread use of digital technology in homes, d) cell phones with broadening capabilities, e) dominance of flat-panel TV technology, f) one-stop storage for all media such as music, movies and TV programs in one location with software and hardware manufacturers rushing various products to the market to meet the anticipated demand, g) smaller and smaller gadgets, h) blurring of capabilities between digital cameras and camcorders with cameras being able to record as well as take still photos, i) the makeover of transistor technology with the use of widespread digital encoding to enable the capturing of digital signals and a corresponding rise in popularity of such media, and j) more widespread use of laptops for home uses.    
Of these ten (10) predictive trends: a, d, g and h ONLY or four (4) of the ten (10) categories were accurate or a mere 40%, hardly a prize-winning rate worthy of mention. In a further examination, even though the b) category or social networking’s growth was predicted, it was documented as being likely to be centered around product groups or types and this is very far from what actually occurred that can be likened to attempting to compare apples to oranges and as result, a successful allocation could NOT be assigned this trend. In the other five (5) categories, none of the predictions are even close to what actually happened, with the collapse of the housing market generally depressing most home sales, which is still a market struggling to rebound as opposed to a predicted gravitation towards a so called “smart” homes pattern. For the category of flat-panel technology, since a regulatory mandate required the widespread adoption of digital technology transmission with consumers being required to obtain digital technology for standard broadcast channels; this could hardly be counted as a widespread adoption of a specific technology. In addition, this mandate spurred the purchase of digital conversion kits to enable the use of existing equipment among consumers when faced with the choice of options. Likewise, there has neither been a rush by consumers to trend towards one-stop storage devices in any widespread manner nor such a corresponding adopting of digital encoding technology capable equipment. Finally, with the advent of Tablets, possessing many of the features of PCs but less costly comparatively and more compact in size, the PC industry has been significantly impacted. As a result, the combination of the compact size of Tablets and ever increasing capabilities of “smart” phones with ever broadening capabilities; the future of PCs as we know them today are being seriously questioned in many circles, especially with “so called” “cloud” computing being marketed as a viable alternative to the traditional centrally located PC work-center model.

The Implications and Considerations for the Future:
This cut-away view of the predictions forwhat will occur can hardly be classified as an accurate “determinator”, clearly showed that our best guesses very oftenmiss the markmore so than they succeed. Just because a specific indicator appears to be “on the horizon”, an unpredictable financial crisis, unlike anything previously seen (in the opinion of some), can completely reshape an industry, which instead of moving headlong into the new wave of homes, “so called” smart homes, the entire industry is struggling with massive “under water” homes, foreclosures, the overhauling of the entire financial services industry sector that even included a previously unknown “shadow” banking system that no one “knew” the existence of but its presence was of such importance that it was listed as a significant contributor to the worst financial crisis seen in almost a century [see the post
THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION’s (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME ALSO VINDICATES A CRUSADER!]. This sector can be classified as being part of the third (3rd) of those chosen by the Selectors by their including the Credit Card sector as number three (3) in attempting to predict the trend towards a cashless society. However, to the contrary, in the depths of and in current financial crisis environment, with the glut of foreclosed homes on the market, those with cash were depicted in stories noting a scenario in which “cash is king” to underscore the conditions being faced. Noticeably absent from among these predictions is the application of digital technology to television advertising of, which this Publication as an entity was well aware of and just as Advertising was omitted from consideration as a Top Ten industry [see the post THE ONE THAT WAS OVERLOOKED, OR WAS IT (EDITED)?], so too is Digital Technology's application to the television industry in a revolutionary manner is being omitted here. Furthermore, no mention is even made of this as even other digital technology applications are considered such as among radio and in homes. Its almost as if this publication is afraid to even mention this application with its "advertising-related" connection with it's potential implications relating to the Conservery Proprietorship's (Coke adopted) three to one cost savings relating to the elimination of duplication regarding advertising costs as noted in the above referenced post. There are too many worthy contenders all relating to the AD/Digital Technology as its related to the Television, industries for this to be something other than a "desperate'' attempt to "blackout" anything either directly or indirectly relating to the 2003 publication of the Coke article not to be underway for the obvious reason, namely, that knowledge that the material used was questionable obtained. There is no other possible explanation for the blatant omissions.

The Conclusion:
Predictions for one’s future no matter how well “ordered” and orchestrated can be altered instantly, especially when such plans are built on foundations of “unethical, unfair, unjust, unbending, uncompromising (by those who previously received assistance in their “hour of need”), and unconscionable practices [see the post NO INDIVIDUAL KNOWS THE FUTURE (EDITED)!]. This is not the path to “TRUE”’ GREATNESS OR "EMPIRE-BUILDING", CENTERED IN THE FREEDOMS AND FAIRNESS THAT FOUNDING FATHER OF (this Country) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ADVOCATED FOR AND UNLIKELY HERO RONALD REGAN (this Nation’s 40th President) ARTICULATED ON BEHALF OF, EVEN AGAINST SEEMINGLY OVERWHELMING ODDS, SUCCESSFULLY!  
However, for those with a desire to follow a different path other than the "whatever works" depicted in the preceding paragraph, as so clearly described in the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSIONs (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME ALSO VINDICATES A CRUSADER (UPDATED) where hope exists, the principle of fairness will also be a part of those who believe (like the "Gipper") in the eventual triumph of good over evil (where the will of God is involved for His chosen), because when critical information has been brought to your attention, it must be acted on as this Hobby Blogger chose to in my personal life and took steps to inform others who may not have understood as documented in the Conclusion section of the post THE MAKING OF A GENUINE HERO (EDITED AND UPDATED)! and "not swept under a table" and/or hidden away like those who turn their heads in the midst of heinous acts and carry on and pretend that nothing tragic has taken place as occurred in contrast and depicted in the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (UPDATED)? as well as THOSE WHO WOULD BE "god" - EDITED AND UPDATED in addition to THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE. Knowledge and information are powerful instruments for, which many have been martyred over the years and still do in the current times by those of the "free loader's cause" who live by the "whatever works" mantra and desire much by contributing very, very little, (of, which examples are depicted in the the Conclusion section of the post THE LOOP THAT CAUSED TOO MUCH OF A "GOOD" THING TO GO BAD! as well as in the Footnote from the post  WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED AND AMENDED  and more generally in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE, UPDATED).  
Whoever concluded that death and destruction of individuals because of the knowledge they possess, covers-up actual historical events should in some way be brought face-to-face with the ramifications their actions caused in the lives of othersIn a way they do by attempting to use their same tactics in the lives of God's chosen in their attempts to impede His will for them (as such types who typically have no regard for anyone or anything they can't make a deal with, almost always do).
In addition, as pointed out in The Outcome/Implications of These Competing Criteria section of the post THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S, "those who are made aware of various facts (receive wisdom) are held responsible for FOLLOWING THROUGH ON THEIR JOURNEY IN ORDER TO FULLY GRASP THE INTENDED UNDERSTANDING and then deriving the applicable knowledge and acting on it appropriately, only then can it be truly stated that limited understanding* (see Footnote) has taken place, because understanding always involves continuous action as the linked post in the below Footnote describes.
For example, when time is taken to consider how much order existed in the world in, which we were placed by the God of creation some of, which can still be seen in glimpses if time is taken to consider the details all around us as documented in the post THE VALUABLE TEACHING TOOL ALL AROUND US - UPDATED, there can be little doubt how well balanced our (male and female) original lives were that must also be viewed from the point-of-view of the discussion included in the Google + Stream included in the First of the discussion topics on the Significance of Number Four (4) in the Biblical Books to fully "understand" this subject matter from the perspective of what really occurred to bring about our separation from the God of Creation. None of what is taking place today would have occurred had not separation from His intended plan for us took place, because our existences would have excluded the following:
  1. the tendency for each seek to determine individual paths to find "meaning" at the expense of others,
  2. self-centeredness, which can be stated is the reason for our separation from each other and ultimately from Him (or One),
  3. inflicting terrible outcomes on others in the name of the easy attainment of wealth (using those groups that have historically condoned and supported such behavioral patterns as documented under the TARGETED, ELIMINATED BY DECREE and/or REPLACED description in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED as well as described in The Implications/Possibilities That Exists section of the post UNMASKING THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - UPDATED in addition to those that discussed under the IMMENSE and UNENVIABLE role of determining outcomes for others discussion included in the CONSERVERY "HOLDING BASE" DEDICATION as examples when we have no right to determine such for anyone), and 

  4. the unintended consequences such as what is labeled as "man's oldest profession" would never have been introduced where the perfect balance He intended had remained. 
Whenever, what was intended for us is disrupted, chaos, confusion, destruction and mayhem results and no matter how much we attempt to redress these circumstances, all our best efforts result in failure if we are honest enough to carry out a proper self assessment of the conditions all around us. This synopsis is classic example of one of the main differences between God's Law and man's, in one case action is required as a result of information received and in the other silence can be chosen when expedient and all can go on as nothing diabolical occurred no matter how heinous the activity that took place and the matter will be ended there and no one will be held accountable regardless of how much attention is brought to the cause, except possibly the individual highlighting what has taken place may be targeted to keep the code of silence that all else have adopted conveniently. Therefore, when faced with a choice between adherence to one or the other of these two competing choices, I would rather adhere to God's impartial Law (as I chose to do because He relies on no intimidation and harassment type actions to achieve His objectives as dictatorial and monopolistic types ALL do as documented in the post THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED) that provides the proper balance for my life and any other of His chosen (or Israel) who so chooses.

 * Footnote:


J_F_Brazant said...
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J_F_Brazant said...

The approach by individuals towards any situation is lrgely based on their experiences; how any situation is handled will be governed by those unique experiences that have shaped their lives, which includes me as well as it is true for all individuals. Therefore, when confronted with any scenario, the manner in, which it is handled will be as a direct result of each individual's unique "makeup". An individual who is accustomed to handling matters by a certain instinctive pattern, (for ex. thuggish behavior will NOT suddenly make a 180 degree turn and handle an issue in a Mother Theresa approach). The difference between my approach now versus then has been documented in all fairness in the second paragraph of the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED/AMENDED) - link on COMMENTS Page; and if its implicaions are "carefully understood" will greatly assist in the realization of many things alluded to along the way, between then and now in for example the final paragraph of The Finale/Outcome section of the post THE COST OF VOLUNTEERING (EDITED) - link on COMMENTS Page.In addition, this subject matter is of such importnce that further clarification and discussion is provided on this issue in the post THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S (link on COMMENTS Page).