Tuesday, January 15, 2013

THE FORGOTTEN VOTERS (EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED 6/11, 12/29/2013 as well as 1/16, 4/12, 6/8 & 8/17/2014 as well as 9/21/2015)!

The election is over, however, the conditions that brought about the worst financial crisis since the “Great Depression” still linger on. For example, the millions of homeowners caught in “under water” conditions without real clear choices didn’t just fall off the cliff (as those two female characters did at the end of that move, bearing their names). Some may choose to forget that those affected were actual individuals with implications far greater than the “soothsayers” proclaiming, “better could not be done under the circumstances”, are willing to admit. Every single household affected, could potentially impact the lives of two (2), three (3) or even (4) individuals when estimates placed that total at the end of 2009 at approximately 10.7 million. The implications are staggering, with the possibility of 20 million, 30 million or even 40 million lives being affected and possibly more. While it may not have been a significant influence on the recent election as events were still unfolding, in four (4) years when these individuals are still struggling because no one cared, those individuals will remember in spite of efforts to gloss it over, how they were treated and let their “voices” be heard at the polls. This description is intended to quantify the lasting effects of the recent financial crisis in real terms, for those with future political aspirations.

The Following is a Cross-Sectional View of the Recent Financial Crisis:
The November 24, 2009 edition of that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication (A1/4) discussed in the Headline article the depth of the “under water” homeowner situation. Estimates of the problem and some of the associated issues involved were as follows:
  1. effecting a staggering 23% of all U.S. homeowners according to First - American CoreLogic, a real estate information company based in Santa Ana, CA. It was characterized as “an outstanding risk hanging over the mortgage market”, which is not limited to the unemployed. In 2008, 588,000 mortgage holders defaulted on their mortgages more than twice the number in 2007 according to Experian.
  2. it (“under waterhomeowners) was placed at a national average of 22.6% with the states of Nevada, Arizona and Florida leading the way with figure of 65%, 48% and 45% respectively of percentages of the households in those states being in “under water” conditions. These referenced States along with California being described as those most likely to be in deep “under water” conditions, with Nevada (when the figure is dissected) having 30% of homeowners owing 50% or more on their home than the homes were actually worth.
  3. bargain hunters who jumped at the opportunity to pick up distressed homes, now found themselves effected in 2009 as 11% of these individuals were also nowunder water as home prices continued to fall.
  4. The problem persisted because mortgages companies’ unwillingness to reduce the principal balance in most instances fearing to set precedents among these most helpless of society (for the most part).
  5. This position would be more meaningful if the same lenders hadn’t sought to have an “unfair” accounting Rule that required them to use “actual” market values for their mortgage securities in their balance sheets repealed, unleashing an army of lobbyists on Congress (see the post HOW CAN THERE BE ANY DEGREE OF CONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMS IS WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE?) and were themselves assisted from teetering on the brink of insolvency.
  6. However, since many of these affected aren’t in critical States (by the determination of some) where 3-way financial deals can be worked out to assist those with social security issues throughstellar mortgage arrangements worked out via the issuance of creativemezzanine notes (see the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS?), they can be forgotten.

The Lessons that Can Be Applied From History And the Implications:

A price will always be paid by those politicos types, who often do what’s expedient and self-centered instead of what is in the national interest for all, (or cater to just a few "free loader cause" types), whether on a state or national level and the lessons aren’t that far back. Examples abound and the best selected here for use is that of the ex Governor of that populous State who chose an expedient Proposition as a avenue for his own re-election instead of the long-term implications of his actions and generations of those angered by his actions are still in that State’s political arena who remembered and are passing it down to others, especially for those seeking higher political office. Similarly, those tens of millions of affected "tax-paying" households will remember their situation largely as being ignored by those in power, who in turn catered to the very uncompromising banking industry when they rushed for assistance from their plight and other (questionable "shadowy" types) from (far off) “critical” states (or not) with social security issues to address, were allowed to benefit from sweetheart mortgage deals worked out with less than 1% deposit being put down, largely as a result of an economic crisis caused in part by shadowy types who themselves don't pay taxes in their own identities as shown by the example in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM and furthermore aren't even legally authorized to be in the Country, but who are just hiding in the shadows behind the solid "foundations" an unsuspecting individual and correctly called out by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) in their Report as being a major contributor to the crisis in spite of the actions of their supporters in providing questionable "support" for such types as documented in the listing in the Conclusion section of the post WHEN THINGS COME TOGETHER UNEXPECTEDLY - UPDATED to prop up their "cash cow" as described in the listing in The Finale section of the post WHEN TRUST TURNS - UPDATED. The actions of such types are documented in various posts on this Blog such as SUPPLEMENT TO "FREE LOADERS" AD THEIR EXAMPLES - UPDATED as well as THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED. 

The Conclusion:
In my opinion, since we are all accountable for our actions, any with the need to reconcile statements should do so even if not fully aware of the extent to, which various developments were on-going at the time. Those who were aware of the existence of this "Misguided Development" and could have but did not take a stand when in a position to do so will be remembered, by those ignored, overlooked and forgotten voters because the so-called improving economic conditions, which typically does not reach everyday ordinary individuals that cannot be relied on since no one really knows for certain the extent to, which such conditions are a result of the change in the accounting rule as opposed to how much is really actual improving conditions that most tax-paying households are still waiting to "feel the full effects of, will be remembered by the voters as having shied away from taking action against these non tax-paying "free loaders" and instead chose expediency because it benefited a few who "profit" from these "free loaders" as the description for those of this cause with "origin issues" points out and who milk the financial system and don't in reality contribute to it, in their ever increasing numbers as pointed out in the To Digress description in the Consider the Following Scenario section of the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED and quite rightly so.


J_F_Brazant said...

A restating of the 1st comment on this post from 4/29/2013 is applicable since this issue will be addressed by this pathway and any applicable "baggage" should not impact or be transferred to anyone not "hobbled" in anyway to another individual as long as certain actions are taken to clearly and publicly demonstrate that no connection exists that typically involves a dissolution of one form or another; this approach should effectively address this issue, and in addition the following previously outlined approach should address the other avenue with the potential for such to occur: - This is not a difficult, situation, as the pathway forward has already been provided in the form of directions intentionally included in various comments, and required to be considered together, such as first; comment # 1 from 4/17/2013 on THIS Page and restated here for convenience, which state: "Carefully follow the directions/instructions in the post TIME FOR PAYMENT IS NOW, MR. BUFFETT (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSTRUCTIONS/AMENDED); and then wait for my follow-up responses/acknowledgements indicated (to avoid duplicity) as well and the pathway to "FREEDOM FOR ALL" will be readily made available!" - This scenario will eliminate the same "hobbled" concern at issue. Secondly, before carrying out the above instructions be very mindful that responses to specific questions as indicated in comment # 2 from 4/17/2013 and reinforced in comment # 1 from 4/26/2013 all on THIS Page are essential for the intended purpose described. Next, the offer as provided and documented in comment # 2 from 4/20/2013 on the THIS Page REMAINS as long as, finally the criteria regarding instituting measures to eliminate the tendency to resort to Expedient Decision-Making in comment # 2 from 4/17/2013 on the THIS Page are also an integral part of the effort! Note: all links are available on CMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...

This comment is being posted in two (2) parts due to its length.

Part 1):
It is generally recognized that in financial crises of the magnitude experienced recently, recoveries such as occur will be uneven at best and in some places may still appear to be non-existent. One can take comfort from the fact that anything carried out to improve the lot of any who may still be experiencing their own difficulties should not be avoided, as this is one of the best avenues through, which respect for others can be practically implemented, if in a position to do so, because you can never tell how being accommodating to those encountered, and dealing with them respectfully instead of trying to "rip their throats out" financially, will not only be treating them respectfully, but more importantly honoring God in our daily lives. On occasion, providing assistance to one, may even be impacting the lives of several others and in this manner such an approach should not be considered "wasteful" or financially unsound, remembering how the time taken to "invest" in ensuring that my dear friend Lois' visit to her adopted homeland was more than accommodating not knowing that in a few years when my situation had completely changed; her family did their utmost to ensure my transition to this, my longtime residence was as smooth and as welcoming as could possibly be. Typically though, such measures may not even come from those to whom it was directed towards, but from avenues not even considered, when it's needed most.
That is why, those who rely on God for direction in their daily lives don't ascribe to the same "whatever works" methods as those who only know "destruction, brutality, demeaning and impropriety" as their "calling cards". For in spite of the fact that such measures are not employed, those who rely on the leading of God have the assurance that comes from knowing that nothing can impede the will of ONE, if it is just thought of for a moment. On the one hand we have, in the "left" corner a "Misguided Development" that has endowed itself with "godlike" powers as documented in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED), while on the "RIGHT" side we have ONE who always existed, who created the heavens by His understanding [as documented in the post WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING AND KNOWLEDGE, INSTRUMENTS FOR LIFE (UPDATED AND AMENDED) and more importantly, not only knows the future, but A-L-L our pasts and as a result, here is none that can impede His will, that He alone knows and carries out only when its most needed. However, because its so rarely enacted, many have concluded that He doesn't exist and we can do "whatever works", but this is a serious mistake to make, when His will is involved as His word previously recorded these current events taking place in His prophecy in the Biblical book of Revelation 13 verses 11-15 in, which the point is of emphasizing that the "shadowy TWO-HORNED beast (or force)" made it possible for his image (or Trojan Horse stealth creation, secretly implemented in an unsuspecting Nation), to be provided with the ability to "speak", as took place when those of the "corporate free loaders" cause were provided with 1st Amendment free speech rights; as foretold in prophecy (as documented in the post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK - (UPDATED)?.

Continued Below:

J_F_Brazant said...

Continued from above:

Part 2)
If the God of creation went to the effort to ensure that information was recorded in Prophecy, it had the potential to impact His will and it will never be allowed to be victorious in this regard, as NO SITUATION ENACTED (OR CONCOCTED) BY MAN, TAKES GOD BY SURPRISE (or for that matter will be allowed to tamper with His will. If those of the "free loader's cause" only knew that their plans were impacting God (they don't believe in), or honor's will (and would never be allowed to go on unimpeded perpetually, maybe they would be more respectful of the rights of others instead of concluding that they have the power to do whatever they choose, and none will be the wiser because of man's imperfect law's partiality in being applied as depicted in the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S. That is why in His will, even though this "Shadowy Two-Horned Beast (or Monster)" escaped detection for the many years it was employed circa WWI as documented in the posts THE ORIGINS OF "VIRTUAL""TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES - (UPDATED) as well as comment # 1 from 5/29/2013 on the COMMENTS Page, but in His ordered way permitted me, a lowly servant, to encounter this "Shadowy Monster" in order that its actions could be captured and documented for such a time such as this, because NOTHING can stop His will from being implemented, (see the partial listing of the T-W-E-L-V-E (12) M-E-T-H-O-D-S implemented to attempt to circumvent His will as described in the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED. Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page

J_F_Brazant said...

There is another alternative; reconciliation will free opportunistic types from their T-R-A-P-P-E-D position to move on with truly meaningful activity, unrelated to the cause of man's oldest profession; in addition to past actions being used as leverage against such types. Reconciliation With A-L-L is the path to follow in such a situation, because it will free such individual(s) from the bondage that's keeping them "chained" to their current lifestyle, claimed to carrying out freely, when deep down knowing this is NOT really the case. Reconciliation With A-L-L disrespected (or wronged), returning any ties (in whatever form it takes) that serving to keep such types holding on to a cause that's shameful and demeaning, when their considerable experience could be utilized in much more meaningful causes (not simply those undertaken for the cameras and as a cover for the other highly unethical positions taken). That in a "nutshell" is the real choice before such types, so choose wisely, the future direction, may very well depend on the choice made in this scenario, whether soundly or expediently, (as the examples in the post VERIFIABLE OUTCOMES ALWAYS RESULT FROM SOUND DECISIONS! - UPDATED, clearly demonstrate). The choice can ONLY be made by such types, (whether to honor God and respect others) or otherwise. Just as God, does not force us to honor Him, neither should any individuals "endow" themselves with such rights in the lives of any other and then attempt to harass and bully them into compliance with the direction, namely giving up their identity, accomplishments, qualifications and history in exchange the "standstill" arrangement such types have determined for them, (as pointed out in the post EXPEDIENTLY TAKING ON DECISION MAY TAKE ON MORE THAN BARAGIN FOR!), by whose authority and what right? All should be free to make choices are only about themselves, not any dictatorial role adopted in the life of any individual expediently. In reality, "reconciliation is the other game in town” for such types. Note: all links are available of the COMMENTS Page.