The Introduction:
The previous posts in this series
various aspects of this subject matter about how God interacts in the lives of
His that many concluded was just mythical simply because it not been seen
and/or observed in certain societies previously. But the God of creation alone knows
who are His and chooses His time and place for demonstrating that His will
cannot be impeded by anyone or anything no matter how significant or
insignificant. This conclusion will examine how God will ultimately vindicate
His and none can alter His actions regardless of status.
The Conclusion:
There is a popular belief among many in certain circles that religion and the concept of god was only created
for the weak and feeble minded who were so burdened by their oppressors that
they needed a “crutch” of sorts to help them accept their conditions in order
that the upper class society types (their oppressors) could continue to live
lives of ease at their expense. This is the origin of a very popular modern day
religious following that has managed to survive by adapting to the conditions
in the larger society and, which regards itself as the one and only avenue to
their god. Little do they know that theirs like most such establishments cannot
lead anyone to the God of creation because His people are chosen by Him and
none can alter this because it’s His way. For all those who mistakenly
concluded that, which was included at the outset; little do they know that God
(or ONE), sees all, hears all and knows all their activities especially enacted
against His chosen. These actions are recorded against them no matter how
sordid and heinous, that’s why even though such may have evaded man’s law
because such is partially implemented as the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD’S LAW AND MAN’S - UPDATED, points out, they cannot evade God’s
judgment. It’s quite a telling thing to know that whatever is carried out in
order to impact His chosen whether it directly or indirectly impacts them, is
being (or has been) recorded against the perpetrators who carry on as if it
doesn’t matter while relying on their “whatever works” methodology. Even though
It may have appeared as if they have gotten away with the countless acts
perpetrated against His chosen and particularly against those whom His chosen
may have encountered while in their journey, as documented in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, there is always a day of
reckoning when all such actions will be vindicated for those such as my dear
friends Lyn, Carol and Lois who have suffered for a cause they would have never
supported or have been associated with in any way, because the records where
these deeds have entered on will show who have implemented the horrific acts,
(as well as who made expedient decisions in the life of another not too far
from the public’s “eye” left mangled, suffering in one case and violated in
another or worse yet annihilated all for financial or political gain as the
case may be) and no amount of advertising and/or public charitable action
and/or other sympathy garnering actions carried out for the cameras will alter
that outcome, because this accounting holds the planners, implementers as well
as those who okayed the activity with a wink and a nod or wave of their hand, for
without such support these layers of approval givers would never have authorized the
activity. In God’s eyes, all such types bear responsibility at A-L-L
levels as such types concluded that it doesn’t matter what any individual does
in this life as long as it can be covered up, all’s well and good.
There is no covering up
with ONE who sees all and has the cause of His, carefully documented similar to
what was implemented by me at the outset of my journey in this Country to begin
my educational studies that became my longtime residence as documented in the
especially where those hidden actions (carried out in secret) but known only to
Him, (and revealed to His servants as appropriate), have been carried out,
The introduction:
The main weapon in the arsenal of those of the “free loaders cause” is intimidation combined with harassment and the terrorizing of their
opponents in order to further their cause and ensure that their wishes are
implemented regardless of whose rights and lives are affected along the way. It
is the purpose of this post to demonstrate how such types ensure that their
“will” is implemented at all times, regardless.
Here are the Background Details:
In the pursuit of their agenda, those of the “free loaders cause” will stop at nothing to ensure that what they desire is brought
about and that none defy them or else the wrath of their methods will be felt
by anyone or entity who dare go against what they have “ordained” as “their
way” or else. What it all boils down to is the fact that beyond their ability
to intimidate, harass and terrorize opponents who dare challenge them (who have
set themselves up as “god” as documented in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE “god” -EDITED AND UPDATED) they have no weapons or other avenues to demonstrate the ability to
implement or carry out anything that isn’t borrowed and/or stolen from others
while parading themselves as pillars of the community, when in reality they
are anything but such. The methods described here should be informative about the type of
communities such call “home base”, because anything goes as long as it can be
covered up (in other words ”whatever works”) is the motto lived by, by such
types to achieve their ultimate objective using anyone and/or any entity along
the way, because their tentacles are very extensive. The Proprietorship will
not place the communities of any society in harms way by its presence where such
types can bring about any type of destructive occurrence at will and think
nothing of it, but at the same time none have the right to use these
intimidation, harassment and terrorizing methods in the societies of any
community for the purpose of forcing (or “blackmailing”) my cooperation to do
their will or otherwise use their unique destructive methods to produce
disorder and by so doing force my cooperation because it can’t be obtained via
any other means. As stated on the Pages of this Blog, a certain plan of action
has been determined to follow with the receipt of the long overdue resources
any type of coercive methods any type, such as the example documented in item #
18 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE” “CREDIBILITY”, THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, to force others into positions of non cooperation (with
respect to the Proprietorship) just because such types are accustomed to having
their own way at all times. None should have selected me including my identity,
qualifications, accomplishments and history for their avenue to solve their
long-standing problem of how to address the status of their “free loaders cause” and implemented it at my expense with the cooperation of all around me
that in turn included the demise of many who were only considered “collateral
damage” by playing “god” in their lives and determining their outcomes, whether
being a final footnote in history only or “worthy” of replacement. These
methods should not be the avenue of a so called “civilized” society in the 21st
century “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”, while pretending that all is
well “for the cameras” but the “dirty laundry” that’s kept “behind the
curtains” but not too far from the public’s eye says otherwise.
The Implications and Outcome for Such an Environment:
No group of individuals and entities should band
together to determine the outcome for any individual using any elaborate scheme
to implement their will via “whatever works” methods to prop up any group of
impostors while making an individual selected for “sacrificing” to pay the
price some have determine that his life is worthy of by the “acclamation” of
the majority [since he (or I) was not consulted in this process], while leaving
him (or me) stateless for the purpose of their cause. Some with no regard for
the rights or lives of others and who revel in causing pain and suffering in
the lives of those who dare defy them think nothing of using such methods as
“legitimate” means to an end but who gave such the right to determine outcomes
for others and take away what’s theirs to redistribute to those who are willing
to do “anything” desired of them for their new found identities, history,
accomplishments and qualifications. They do not live in the real world of
ordinary individuals (or have forgotten what it’s like to live in the real
world by the brutal methods enacted) for the implementing of their will
regardless of the “collateral damage” encountered and disposed of along the way
by expedient means. There comes a time when such methods and the use of
societies resources can’t be manipulated to obtain everything such types set
their sights on thinking that the “object” of their desires is only worthy of
being used for their cause and nothing else while “employing” every available
resource to corrupt for the cause of forcing their will on all no matter what.
Everything and everyone desired for the corrupt
purposes of those who have no regards for the rights of others while mistakenly
thinking that their resources can and will win the day for them and all they
have to do is corrupt another avenue to attempt to demonstrate fleeting
”legitimacy”. These types hope that their latest effort will produce the outcome such want
but this is not to be in spite of the myriad methods employed in the process of
their cause, simply because one basic ingredient is lacking and that is “credibility” for impostors who only
obtain “legitimacy” on the backs of others and are incapable of demonstrating
anything on their own, such as paying taxes. This is indeed a travesty as
avenue to fleece the legal system via, which A-L-L are subjected to, simply
because such types for all the manipulative activities of their supporters DO
NOT pay taxes in their own identities, period. This is a fact that cannot be
altered by their most ardent supporter, regardless of how awesome his or her
reputation is. Simply put no individual can use one identity in public and then
another for financial affairs and not fleece the financial system as emphasized
by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) Report as documented in the
manipulate the handing of their two different identities. This is fraud,
wrapped up in silk, because these individuals for all the avenues
manipulated by their supports to attempt to demonstrate fleeting “legitimacy”
cannot show such “credibility” without skating by on the backs of others or
making them stateless (as they did in my case) using “two faces” and “fleecing”
the Nation’s financial system. THEY PAY NO TAXES because of origin issues and their ever expanding
number don’t use their own identities in financial affairs and when not paying
taxes in your own identity fraud is the result and it impacts the Nation’s financial
used to support the “free loaders cause” and keep its machinery well oiled for
their purposes only at the expense of the larger society’s interests and that’s
unfairness t its worst, “no ifs and or buts about it”
The Finale:
When the taxes of a large
group of individuals are subverted to keep their own “shadowy” society oiled at
they expense of all else it has to impact he larger society no matter what any
mogul type says to he contrary, otherwise
such types would not be supporting it period. The "taxes" for this “Trojan horse”
ever expanding group (that only their society knows how big it really is), goes
to support those who support their cause at the expense of the larger society) who are always ready and willing to "demonstrate" such types as "originals" when it clearly is NOT the case because it benefits them financially. The real question to be asked of their supporters is what are they gaining from supporting such types and how do they know such are really "legitimate" beyond the superficial documentation being "brandished", that can be easily "created" if access to untold resources is available?
Furthermore, it also makes a mockery of the legal immigration system in the
Country because it creates ordered disorder of a process that all have to abide
by except these “free loaders” who unlike those who sneak into the country to
work illegally actually do nothing meaningful as they have no real skills in
spite of what their most ardent supporters say. These “polished” types who can
“fool” the most ardent because they can sit on boards of directors, as university
presidents, as well as the obvious in the form of some of this Nation’s highest
paid “American” entertainers (most with marginal skills at best BUT ALL COLLECTIVELY CAN BE INCLUDED IN THE SO CALLED LISTING OF "A" AND "B" "STARS") and be used as
“window dressing” CEOs without real skills and even be "appointed" to governmental positions AND EVEN ELECTED TO HIGHER "OFFICE" (TO PLY THEIR TRADE) because their cover is so well masked at the expense of others as documented in the Consider the Following Scenario section of the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE (EDITED AND UPDATED), are a real “cash cow” for their supporters who really
don’t have to reimburse them as they are not legally employable and the funds
supposedly “EARNED” by them can be distributed among their supporters (whose coffers will only keep multiplying year by year because none involved in this masquerade have to pay taxes on their income because their system is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN EXISTENCE AND THEREFORE CANNOT BE TAXED, while others in society have to live from "paycheck to paycheck", ON THEIR TAXABLE INCOMES and/or have to wait until some types FEEL LIKE MAKING LEGITIMATELY EARNED FUNDS AVAILABLE) as described in the Comment for Armed Forces Day that can be accessed in the link from Comment # 1 for 5/24/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page clearly describes). On the other hand, these
types in turn are forced to obtain income by any means available, and
most do in man’s oldest profession and/or any other illegal avenue available to
these skill less but polished types as documented in the post “WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK - UPDATED?”, because the patronage system for such
types is quite high as they have the potential to access very high incomes but actually receive ZERO INCOME FROM THEIR EMPLOYERS as depicted in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM. The
FCIC correctly identified the problem these "free loader" types pose to this Nation's financial system with their SHADOW BANKING ACTIVITY and made it known for action to be taken
because if another similar situation should occur it will not be overcome as
easily by changing accounting rules and then pointing to improving financial conditions, simply because “free loaders cause” types are always in possession of funds as they obtain such by any means
only hasten the next crisis and no database that can be manipulated and filled
with fraudulent information can demonstrate fleeting “legitimacy” as clearly
pointed out in item # 5 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE” “CREDIBILITY”, THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, only the exposing of this masquerade
that benefits a few financially as "FICTIONALLY" depicted in the post HOW TO GO FROM BEING A SMALL TOWN COUNTRY STORE TO BECOMING THE BIGGEST CORPORATION OF ITS TYPE IN THE WORLD - UPDATED?, at the expense of all others in society is the
real answer because of the many lives sacrificed along the way who are
deserving of better as the case of Lois and the rest of the “Chisholm family inclusive” especially demonstrates, as documented in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH’S PREMISE - UPDATED as well as SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MISSING AND MANGLED RECORDS not to mention its social impact on society that has gone from a Nation of collective "fairness seekers" to one of "collective bystanders" as described in the "bystanderism" description.
The Conclusion:
The time to act is now to prevent another scenario from taking
the Nation’s financial system to the proverbial “cleaners” on the next occasion
and those entrusted with this authority entrusted by this Nation’s should
develop the courage to do what’s right for the overall long term good of their
Nation instead of the short term support of those who benefit from this
“windfall” alternate taxation system that those who desire much by contributing
very little subject themselves to at the expense of the larger society, which
in reality is NOT their no matter how “American” they pretend to be. The
authority is available to act in the interest of the Nation to prevent the next
“bailout”, which for all its worth will be much worst because in spite of the
legislation passed, the most largest institutions cannot be allowed to fail
simultaneously, which is not considered in the equation. Who wants to answer to
this Nation’s citizens for having to support another bail out by same tax
payers who are being cheated by “free loaders" who will then be required to
bail out the mess created by those who don’t in reality contribute to the
Nation’s tax system, because in its current form it’s neither taxable nor even supposed to be in existence. Who really has the courage to stand up to
those who have little care for this Nation's unique systems that are abused in
the furtherance of their “free loader cause” on a daily basis and focusing on
all the wrong things instead of correcting the real problem. This is NOT the answer
to the problem of those who created the shadow banking and immigration system that’s bringing
this Nation to its knees under the weight of the ever expanding number now
roaming this country TAX FREE and armed with illicit free speech rights! However, their path to circumvent the ruling of the Courts with regards 1st Amendment rights and the use of stolen property as documented in the 3rd example from the listing in the post WHAT STOPPED A CHAMPION - EDITED AND UPDATED? is to claim to be "originals" while relying on one of their two "two faces" as well as the types of methods described in this post with specific examples listed in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE” “CREDIBILITY”, THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED and PAYING NO TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES, BECAUSE THEY ALL HAVE ORIGIN ISSUES AND "CREDIBILITY" PROBLEMS; WHICH THE FCIC IN ITS REPORT CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED AS OUTLINED IN THE POST THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION's (FCIC's) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME, ALSO VINDICATES A CRUSADER - UPDATED!
This is a follow-up the previous post "FREE LOADERS" AND THEIR EXAMPLES to clarify and expand on the point of COLLECTIVE FAIRNESS, which that
earlier post ended on for those who may not fully comprehend the significance
of what is being undertaken by those placed in positions of power and who have
“traded” away their Nation’s unique processes/rights in return for the quick
financial gain of a few, without thinking of the long-term ramifications of
their actions.
Here are the Background Details:
As implied in the post EXAMPLES OF COURAGE AMENDED AND EDITED, no political office holder was placed in office to provide
citizenship to ANY individual by making another “stateless” in the
process simply because its beneficial for such types to financially do so as these
“grateful” types are willing to pay those who provide them with their “new
found” identities, qualifications, histories and accomplishments of others that
they obtain easily for in effect doing very little but just requiring the
identities of others to circumvent international money laundering criteria,
and continuously spend their questionably obtained resources “freely” in their
form of “checkbook legitimacy” in an effort to attempt to demonstrate fleeting
“legitimacy” via their illegally purchased operations carried out in another's
name” that are only “FRONTS” for their “real” ways of deriving income, because
they cannot carry any financial transactions in their own names since they have no ORIGINS to
justify the income being brandished. Nowhere in the Constitution of State A,
State B or a fictional State C representing any number of countries, whether,
Barbados, the USA or some other European or Middle Eastern State (or Sates) regardless of their names. Any
political type who supports such individuals as those of the “free loaders cause” should
never have been elected to the high office they held because they made a
mockery of the “oath” they took, regardless of their current or former status.
This is in effect trivializing the processes established to provide order to a
determined outcome, by creating ”ordered” chaos because no one really knows
who is in this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” legitimately.
What has taken place is to create an “American Idol” approach to this process
of awarding citizenship, simply by doing little (or singing a few songs a week)
in return for achieving much and be “Labeled”, American as an end product as
this program does to its winners, label them “Americans”, even if they are of
questionable origins, but because they have been so labeled by the pillar of
American society (with its roots in Britain), they must be “Americans”. This
reminds me of an entity that placed the name “American” in its business, for
others to “naturally” conclude that whomever is associated with this “pillar”
of Midwestern society, must also be “A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S”. However, just as it’s
a fallacy to assume that all so labeled by a television program are such, its
also a fallacy to assume that those associated with an entity, so-named, now
armed with “free speech rights” gained as documented in the post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK? - UPDATED to act as an individual will always be
“legally” Americans, because contrary to their thinking, they DON’T have the
power to determine who meets the criteria for being considered legal residents, citizens or any such* see Footnote.
Having said that, just as it’s
expedient for the previously identified Entities, (no matter how revered), to
select and/or determined who can or can’t be labeled residents and/or citizens
legally, political types can’t select who should be citizens by making another
stateless in the process and “throwing” them to the side in favor of an easy wealth
generating process, that’s not a legal fixture of society that as the FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION (FCIC)
stated has become such “a shadow financial/banking system”, to have impacted
the recent financial crisis in such a manner for it to be singled out as a
contributor, which is simply milking the legally established process because it
operates “TAX FREE” and that’s unfair, see the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION'S (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME ALSO, VINDICATES A CRUSADER! - UPDATED. When your society, which was founded on
the principle of “COLLECTIVE FAIRNESS” FOR ALL, allows a process and those who
support it to operate tax free, while taxing all others, that is UNFAIRNESS
AT ITS WORST. What was witnessed in the recent financial
crisis, was just a “snapshot” of what can really take place if this “shadowy consuming force” is allowed to continue to operate as it has in the past,
namely by allowing these “two faced” types and their “collective” “free loader cause” to carry on in the identities of others while not “LEGALLY”
contributing to the nation’s financial system in anyway themselves, because
as long as any individual is NOT using his or her own identity in financial
affairs as “free loaders” do, they are not contributing personally and the larger
their number becomes (as it appears to be uncontrollable) for those types
benefiting from it, the more significant will be the next financial calamity.
On the next occasion a crisis occurs, the simple changing of an accounting
rule, will not save those “pillars of the community” from becoming footnotes in
the throes of the recent financial crisis to save many of this Nation’s
institutions that were teetering on the brink of insolvency.
The Conclusion:
As called for in the
previous post, a return to this Nation’s founding principle is needed for these
inequities to be overcome and this can start with a single act of righting the
wrong here by one with the courage of character to do what’s right even though
unpopular, for the cause of Lois and the “Chisholm family inclusive”, because
in a Nation as “great” as this has become, nowhere should a generation or two
be completely wiped out and ALL carry on as nothing sinister has taken place,
by pointing to the advancing stock market. Stock markets are not accurate
predictors of the moral decline in society’s “fabric” such that atrocities such
as what took place with this storied political family of this Nation can
occur and nothing can be done to even address the fact that these upright
citizens once existed, because that would be an admission of guilt that would
serve to undermine the “legitimacy” of many of those “waving“ their hands as
“Americans” when in fact they have absolutely no right to be pretending to be
"citizens" based on the “fictional” connection to this family American heritage by my
sister, when she has no such lineage and no political type from either STATE
assign such status to her and hers, because that’s an abuse of this Nation’s
unique process for determining such by those elected to the highest office in the land
for the “free loaders cause” of easy income generation. Who has the courage to
stand for those who have been left ”voiceless” by expedient types and right
this obvious wrong in this young Nation’s history? It is my hope that at least
one such individual exists, because it just takes one with the willingness to
act even though its not popular, to address the wrongs of others and not be a
party to it when such types know this is NOT the way to true prosperity, but
are only attempting to carry on building on the equivalent of a “sinking”
foundation with those with only hog "manure" structures and the borrowed solid "foundations" of unsuspecting types as documented in the post GARBAGE IN - (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT - UPDATED and avoidance of taking true significant steps to real prosperity
that’s inclusive of A-L-L, not just a favored "entitled" few with the ill-gotten power to
determine outcomes in the lives of others for expediency as those from the list
demonstrates. A wrong has been done to
these Americans, and pretending this cause is non existent is not a realistic
manner in, which to approach this situation, but an unconscionable approach to
problem solving that ignores the obvious in favor of focusing on what those who
have taken the unique processes of this Nation and manipulated for the
financial benefit of their own selfish purposes along with a select few others
who would like circumstances to be as represented by them, regardless of the facts. This ostrich “head-in-the-sand” approach never
solved any real problem and it NEVER will. Only facing the real future and
circumstances as they actually are, namely that a wrong is in need of
addressing, which can be an effective rallying cry around, which an individual
with the courage to stand for the cause of others could successful launch their
own effort to higher office (instead of some other “fictional” avenue being
considered), as the offer in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH’S PREMISE - UPDATED,
* Footnote:
The “nuts and bolts” of this
entire situation is that neither did the former CEO of this “fixture” of the
Midwestern society, David Sokol attend Pratt Institute nor did his son attend
TCI (regardless of, which of this "free loaders cause" type “two faces” is used privately). Furthermore,
from where would he in my opinion a (a former palace guard) obtain $500,000,000.00 to invest in this Midwestern entity
(after all you do NOT make such funds as a Palace guard?) This is the 21st
century, and I have made mistakes in my life as most if not all have, (if
honest enough to admit it), however, I have had to deal with my own mistakes
and not hijack the life of any unsuspecting bystander and then use the
individual’s as a sacrificial lamb to pay the price for my errors. Those who
made the mistake of (in my opinion forcing an unwilling young lady into an unwanted marriage
should have to deal with their own problems) and not make the continuous mistakes in
this fiasco by sacrificing the unique identity of another unwilling participant to pay for
the previous errors made (and not to mention the lives actually lost along the way as documented in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED), and by so doing keep the revolving door of problems
on-going instead of taking responsibility for the first error committed by these types who were of the opinion I was only worthy of being sacrificed
for the mistakes of others. Well, I never agreed to be of any fictional messiah
invented and dreamed up by those who have invested in this “world” view that
states that one should sacrifice for the many, utter rubbish.
I’m sorry to have to
burst this bubble, but A-L-L regardless of status have the pay for their own
mistakes, as I did NOT make sacrifices over the years to carry out and complete
qualifications, achieve accomplishments, established history and follow in the path defined for me by my
own unique identity (as documented in the post THE FAMILY TREE OF GOD'S CHOSEN CAN'T BE REASSIGNED TO SUITE EXPEDIENT TYPES - UPDATED!), only for some “Johnny-come-lately” ,”do-gooders” to use my
unique experiences to pay for mistakes made by another who only have to live a
charmed life of ease while I am “imprisoned financially” and made “stateless”
for this cause that some decided was best for me to be used in this
manner as the best available target, THAT I NEVER MADE ANY AGREEMENT WITH
Those of the “free loaders cause” have long ago
redefined the “art of examples” as a means of covering up their illegal and or
unlawful practices, in other words as long as they can demonstrate by example
that some gruesome action can occur as a normal course of activity, it has been
concluded by these types that this is sufficient to demonstrate that such an
action should be expected to occur, especially when they want to make something
appear to the fault of the individual involved or another, and they can in the case of life taken, make it appear to be such
(without anyone taking responsibility as the examples in the following section Here is the Background Premise highlight. This
post is intended to shed some light on this practice, which these individuals
have concluded is the perfect avenue via, which to cover-up illegal activity,
without taking responsibility, by describing how the “free loaders cause” types
would like us to respond and would in turn like events to be considered for the cause of their “free loaders” society by the use of a few selective examples.
Here is the Background Premise:
For example, if it is the intent of such types to
eliminate an individual via a normal course of activity and then have others conclude that such
is a normal matter of occurrence, they have concluded all they have to do, is
demonstrate that it is commonplace to expect such an occurrence, and as a
result, when it does take place in the life of the intended victim, their examples will have provided them with the “perfect” cover to enable them
to carry on as if such is to be expected and or to buy time before carrying out
further action, as needed: take for example the following examples:
Example 1:
A number
of years ago a young female student from, Alabama, Natalee Holloway went on a High School graduation
trip and never returned, and to this day that mystery, has never been
solved even though suspicion has been cast on a specific individual, because he
may have been the last individual to have been “seen” with her. This case took
place in Aruba, in the Dutch Caribbean and received much high profile attention
but it has never been really solved as no body has ever been found and
attempts have been made to cast suspicion on a specific individual, whether or
not he is the guilty party. What in my opinion, this covered up, is the
disappearance of my dear friend Lois, who visited the land of my birth and
citizenship, Barbados also in the Caribbean and her adopted second home as the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (UPDATED)?, and like this student,
never returned and her immediate family in Hempstead N,Y (and elsewhere) would have
been in disarray wondering why and how such could have occurred with their
relatives the “Seales” being their to accommodate her as usual. The
implications would have been quite devastating because with her relatives (the Seales) being
around nothing such as her disappearance could have or would have occurred as
close knit as they were with them (and this I can relate from first hand
experience, because when I first met and then became more acquainted with her,
it was the Seales who brought her to my then Airport Air Cargo Terminal to collect the
packages sent ahead of the first 1973 visit when I gained her acquaintance as
the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL WHO BECAME A FRIEND EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED/AMENDED documents). This scenario would only have gotten worst, and would have lead to
the Hempstead family making all types of enquiries in Barbados of who should
have been the “Seales”, to no avail as they had been replaced as documented in
that family’s grief and circumstances only would have become more intense and
eventually they ALL disappeared “Without-A-Trace”, and some thought this
would be the end of the matter, but that is far from the case as their case is
the basis for the offer made in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH’S PREMISE - UPDATED. The added wrinkle to this scenario is related to the fact that very close friends of mine, the Swanston family, that included, their mother Bertha, daughters, Lynn, Jennifer and Michal and son Jeremy were of Dutch ancestry, at least their mother Bertha was and their father the late Methodist minister, Reverend Swanston was from the island of St. Kitts. Mrs. Swanston was also from the island of Aruba and my dear friend Lynn (see below photo) was my sister June's daughter Tricia's god mother, and there is no way that a change could have been made in her identity as well as Paul's (as they knew our family very well), would have been allowed to remain alive without addressing their close relationship to our family. And in my opinion, not fully being aware of all the details, and what happened, I am of the opinion that this family was also replaced. The son Jeremy came to the U.S.A approximately a year after I did to study veterinary medicine in New York, but I did not keep up with him over the years. How this relates to the Holloway disappearance I am not sure but in my opinion there is a connection as Mrs. Swanston could converse fluently in the dutch language (see the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED).

Example 2:
A number
of years ago a young intern disappeared while on assignment as a
Washington, D.C and was never hear from again, her name was Chandra Levy and for quite a number a years she was never even found. Her
case cost a former Congressman (Condit) his seat in office by implication even
though he as it was later discovered had nothing to do with the situation, as
his reputation was ruined by “default” (as he was the only individual of his
side who could have successfully captured that seat and no one else ever did,
and it ruined his ability to defend a unique seat held in a district where one
of his side of the aisle typically could not have captured, up to the time of
that occurrence). Her case as did that of the young Alabama student
generated much high profile attention but to no avail also, which I believe was
also an example for my dear friend Lois. What it showed is that a young lady
could go away to work in a distant town/city (as she was originally from
California), and never return, (even though this situation did not quite match
that of Lois who did not go away to work in Barbados to the best of my knowledge, (as I was not in contact with her at that time, and therefore would not have been aware of such details), but those of the “free loaders cause” left no possibility unturned and demonstrated that if this was
the case in case anyone was still around who knew about the situation, such an eventuality could have taken place. In reality, only those in
possession of the facts, knew what occurred at the Immigration entry point in
Barbados where she was denied entry and never left the island (as discussed in
the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god EDITED AND UPDATED as well as in the Conclusion section of the
what was the basis for her then visit, whether she was planning a long term
visit and hoping to eventually remain and work, etc., seeing she (the
protective mother she was, was traveling with her young son Michael, because
for a short term visit, a better case for staying could have been made, so in
my opinion, I am concluding that she was hoping for a longer term styled visit
and that aroused suspicions that led to all types of questions and eventually
to her demise and was never heard from again. That young intern’s badly
decomposed body was found many years later in Rock Creek Park, in one on DCs
neighborhoods and an individual was charged with the incident, (whether or not
he was indeed the guilty party. However, the “Chisholm family inclusive” would also A-L-L disappear, but what this scenario demonstrated was that such events can normally take place as a routine matter of
occurrence in every day life of those even with “political” connections as
was for Lois’ situation.
The Outcome and Implications for these Examples:
Generating other examples will only serve to
resurrect the grief of those families involved and this is not my intent, but
what such developments can do for those with no regard for the lives and rights
of others (as certainly match the modus operandi of those of the “free loaders cause”), is to make it appear that calamities such as these can take place in
the lives of “everyday” individuals seemingly with no connection to what the
families of these victims may be experiencing. The sad hope here is that such
types who are in the business of “large scale” replacements of individuals as
outlined in The Conclusion section of the post WHEN ADOPTED NAMES MISLEAD -EDITED AND UPDATED would like to conclude is that the taking of human life is so matter
of fact (or mundane) that it should not be treated as any unusual or out of the ordinary event.
They would like us to view such developments as being a normal part of living
life in a large city or progressive society where the typical interactions (or
lack thereof) between the "have" and "have nots" lead to such developments, in
effect “wearing down” the tolerance for such gruesome practices, and by so
doing, what is being practiced by such types, the “large scale replacements of
A-L-L in an individual’s history” is no unusual development as there are none
around to verify that such developments are taking place, because who would
expect such occurrences to be taking place in 21st century society, in the name
of man’s oldest profession, being practiced in “high class” circles in stealth
by those who should know better but choose to act in such a manner for the easy
and “exploding” wealth it generates for those involved, such that they are
sneered into believing that “whatever works” is a viable avenue for conducting
everyday life in the detached society that we live in today, where it is possible
to conduct large scale replacements of individuals and no one would be the
wiser as we have become so disconnected from each other and where all the
conditions are ripe for such
developments to take place namely, ROUTINE LIFE IN A LAND COMPRISED OF
MAINLY IMMIGRANTS, (that A-L-L are apart from the 1st Americans,
regardless of the year of arrival), a feature that this land of the free and
home of the brave shares in common with no other land of its size and development.
This is why that famous case in, which many psychological books have been
written around and studied that occurred in New York many hears go , in, which
the murderer of a young lady, in that famous case known as "The Murder of Kitty Genovese and the 38 Who Saw but Didn't Help", (as documented on Wikipedia), where the murderer, murdered and brutalized his victim returning several
times to eventually finish her off, while neighborhood residents stood behind
their “slightly drawn curtained” dwellings and watched as these events unfolded
and NONE sought to even come to this young lady’s assistance or even call
the authorities for assistance to save her from her attacker, while alive and from, which the term "bystanderism" has been coined.
The Conclusion:
When it is possible for individuals to disappear
“Without-A-Trace” and in some cases, many seemingly disconnected individuals in
the life of an individual, such that it is practically impossible for the
individual to find an original individual alive from his historical past outside the present place (State) of residence to provide a reference vouching
for his qualifications, history, accomplishments and identity because they have
all been replaced by impostors by those unimaginative thugs with no regard for the lives and rights
of individuals then developments such as the much studied case of the victim who
was brutalized repeatedly by an attacker who returned several time to finish
her off that has become nothing more than a much studied footnote in
textbooks; then the society has truly lost the value upon, which it was
founded, namely the collective courageousness of “fairness seekers”.
As documented in The Conclusion section of the post
EXAMPLES OF COURAGE - AMENDED AND EDITED! , nowhere does the definition of courage state
that the actions of one individual requires the action of another to first
intercede in order for another individual to in turn act appropriately.
Where such scenarios as fear of either loosing their livelihood and/or not
carrying out the basic functions typically expected in a society, namely, for
example: a) burial of the departed that can be withheld to give the appearance as if
nothing sinister has taken place in an entire generation (or generations) of a
storied political family,
or b) mail sent from (or intended for) an individual can
be routinely diverted, its contents replaced and then sent on its merry way as
if nothing unethical has taken place and/or simply given to others in need of
“identity crutches” for their fleeting “legitimacy” as documented in the post
THE PREMISE BEHIND THE “FLAWED” LEGISLATION, and supplemented by the detailed examples in the post AN UNMISTAKABLE AND ONGOING PATTERN THAT HAS RESULTED IN MY DECISION TO RELOCATE - UPDATED simply because “we are all looking
out for ourselves (NUMBER 1 as the depiction in the post NUMBER ONE (1) AT ALL COSTS clearly shows), so “whatever works” is fine by “me” as long as
it serves the overall end result. What’s even more disconcerting is the fact
that business entities that parade themselves as “pillars” of the community
that were given “voices” and “free speech rights” to act as individuals with the overturning of the legislation intended to equalize the campaign donations contributions ability of corporations and unions versus every day individuals as the post WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED FREEDOM TO SPEAK? (UPDATED), documents. conduct
business in this environment and take pride in promoting these "free loaders" as if to indicate that the methods/examples they rely on for their fleeting "legitimacy" if the course to
follow if “success” in one’s career is to be expected. Under such conditions,
its no wonder that there is none seemingly with the courage to stand against
such tyranny in the land where its now commonplace for mass replacements to take
place and none can be the wiser because all are busily taking care of their own
affairs when this is far from the case because acting in fear has replaced the
common ethic on, which this Nation was founded, that made it unique.
Most older
societies that exists today, historically are bound with complex relationships, which generated
infighting among tribes, etc., for supremacy and dominance that have defined them and as a result, their
heritages are bound by these developments (whether infighting, among clans such
as the Normans and the Saxons in British history (to mention an example in an
older society), where continuous wars of the Roses and such actions that defined them is
lacking in this modern day uniquely founded Nation, around, which "cohesion" supposedly exists.
Little do many realize it,
but if the one unique feature that held your young society together is thrown
overboard in favor of easy wealth generation, your society will become as is
seen today, were kidnappings, murders, robberies, violation of the very young
and turning them into sexual objects as documented in the post HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG, EDITED AND UPDATED?, and similar developments such as the symbolic “faces on the
milk cartons” have come to symbolize this despicable outcome, takes place. That unique feature missing, which will enable the society to “HEAL” is the collective “fairness seeking” for
all. That is what took place, in the young Nation of immigrants, collectively
banded together to seek fairness for all the citizens (or colonists) from the
tyranny of the Colonial Masters who saw them as mere objects for continuous (or
perpetual wealth generation at any cost) to allow them (Colonial Masters) to live lives of ease at
the expense of others. Does this not sound familiar? Why of course, it’s the
mantra of those who benefit from the conditions brought about by today’s “free loaders society”, in, which anything goes as long as it furthers their cause,
where identities can be coerced by the powerful “from those who should not have
them”, and traded away by political self serving cowards who see nothing wrong
with actually practicing “racism” against a citizen all the while actually accusing
others of doing exactly what he, the “top” law enforcement official in the
Nation was carrying out subtly. These are those who then sit on boards of
inquiries and determine “fault” in the lives and careers of others, what a
farce and how hypocritical and a testament of the cowardice that defines our
societies, in the form of very sinister and pluralistic places they have
become, exactly as those of the “free loaders cause” would like to see take
place, because it in turn enables them to carry on with their mass replacements
“away from the public’s eye"), instead of doing what’s upright and wholesome and
honorable. Under such circumstances, we are then “stuck” with the type of
“leaders” who simply sell the rights of their citizens to the highest bidder
in exchange for entry into a world of easy income generation at the expense of society, which is then forced to deal with the by products of such societies, namely;
- routine missing individuals "Without-A-Trace", or
- a very young child left motherless due to circumstances beyond her control and forced into a life of childhood prostitution, in addition to other outcomes in exchange for enabling the misguided lifestyles that takes
place today as described on the Pages of this Blog, which pass for normalcy,
but, which all turn their collective heads and allow and/or permit either in exchange for admission into the "world" stage of easy income generation or for fear of not being able to survive,
how very clever misrepresentations of the
types of lifestyles practices by these who (or, which collectively) possess the
resources to make any scenario take place no matter how complex and then hold
others hostage to ensure its success as documented in item # 18 of the listing
where only the intervention of the God of creation alone is possible to hold
off in the lives of "His chosen" alone and where such types act with impunity and peddle their wares as normal in a
direct affront to what ethical, responsible, honorable and upright in a Nation
that has sadly lost its way, and is badly in need of its founding principle upon,
which to regain its proper course, namely “collective fairness” for all, without, which
the Nation, falters as a rudderless ship lost at sea and needing the proper
direction or course to steer towards. However, without the founding principle
upon, which this Nation needs for its restoration, it will be impossible for it
to regain any proper course, because it has lost that upon, which it was
founded and only one with the courage to right this wrong (as highlighted in
the post THE QUESTION OF THE MIONTH’S PREMISE - UPDATED), will be able to return this
modern day Nation to its rightful example as one where what’s proper and
wholesome in a Nation having regained its true bearings has been restored, exemplifies. Barring this outcome, all the various
reports and indicators pointing to improving conditions can't redress the lost direction because
none of these can really replace what’s really lacking and vital to the
successful functioning of this Nation as originally intended,
This post is an update of the footnote of the post, FINDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR A MOGUL’S CHARITY - UPDATED, to provide a basis for the complex issues to be expanded on in a format specifically designated for the issues there. Those details described the flawed legislation introduced by
expedient political types in Barbados to provide de facto “citizenship” for a
host of those of the “free loaders cause” by offering support initially to two
such types at the expense of those who were legitimately born into a specific
heritage that was being mangled to provide “legitimacy” for impostors without origins and seeking such. This expedient avenue used by the “creative” political types who
drafted it could not have been developed in “isolation”, this post is intended to
discover and provide a basis for this “identity busting” avenue, dreamed up
those who are of the opinion that with their resources, anything can be
obtained, no matter how terribly divisive, grossly unethical and blatantly
illegal it is.
Here are the Background Details:
This section contains the previously described highly
unethical avenue used by those political types abusing their “power” to provide
a solution that they found themselves faced with due to the methods adopted by
those of the supporters of the “free loaders cause” aimed and obtaining much by
doing very little indeed such that ill-gotten revenue could be obtained by
expedient types aimed at circumventing the normally accepted “law abiding
practices“ expected of those conduct business in our societies, via a “Trojan
horse” alternate form of taxation via, which income could be obtained in my
opinion in abundant amounts because of the availability of those willing to do
very little worthwhile to attain much as described in the post THE ORIGINS OF"VIRTUAL" "TWO-FACED" IDENTITIES (UPDATED). The previously depicted outline from the footnote is included
below in its entirety and updated.
"The on-line version of the Sunday March 2002 edition of the Barbados Nation contained an article entitled "TWO NEW SEATS", implying that two new electoral seats could be created to bring the total number of Parliamentary seats to thirty (30), that had the potential to impact: St. Philip, St. Peter, St. Thomas, and parts of St. Michael since five (5) constituencies from the above referenced parishes had registered voters outside the legally permitted range, including - St. James South (10 044), Christ Church East Central (9 091), Christ Church East (8 707), St. Philip North (8 829) and St. Philip South (6 411) and eight (8) had registered voters below the permitted range, including - St. Michael West (8 278), St. Michael Central (6 030), St. Michael South (6052), Thee City (of Bridgetown) (6 240), St. Michael North-West (6 466), St. Michael North-East (6 713), St. Michal West Central (6 520) and St. Michael South Central (6 411) and what was being recommended was supposedly an avenue to make things "fairer". This assessment based on the 2001 electoral list, which had "a registered electorate of 211,278 voters". Of this amount, the maximum "permitted per constituency should be 8301, and the minimum 6791, with an average of 7546 voters". It was against this backdrop that the "electoral Commission" recommended the creation of the two new electoral seats, in keeping with the rules set out in the Third schedule to the Constitution.
To interpret all this when THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY (- UPDATED) is applied, it has to be remembered that:
- TWO (2) "free loader" types were given "legitimacy" with implications that potentially overrode the FERPA rights of not only mine but also all the student body who attended TCI circa, 1980 and prior years (as documented in the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED)? as well as in the Footnote of the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED and the last occasion I checked, foreign leislation passed in another country (in this case in Barbado), should not be able to supersede the U.S. constitution IN THE USA.
- The first of these "free loaders" requiring legitimacy in order that the second could also receive "legitimacy" (as documented in the post WHAT LESSONS WERE LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED) is associated with the THE NUMBER 33 (see # 4 below) and is supposedly documented as associated with the number fifty eight (58) as his Alma mater, (the number of constituencies affected when the numbers involved are placed together) was the year that Iowa State university was created and one of the principal of the "free loaders cause", claims to have attended school in this country in my name as the oldest of the Brazant offspring that has been mangled with Asian fabric for those without origins - utter rubbish as documented in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MISSING (AND MANGLED) RECORDS - UPDATED.
- Regarding the total number of voters in the 2001, the year that my replacement passport was approved to visit the country of Trinidad they were (2)11 (2)78 registered voters signifying that New York in 1978 (the year my study leave was approved and of my arrival to begin my study journey) was of much significance as the entire realignment was based on the total registered in this listing and more importantly TWO (2) "FREE LOADER" TYPES WERE GIVEN "CREDIBILITY" FOR MY ENTRY TO NEW YORK IN 1978 FOR STUDIES DUE TO THE FACT THAT MY "DEAR" SISTER SACRIFICED HER HERITAGE FOR ANOTHER THOUGHT TO BE MORE PROFITABLE AND BY DOING SO ALLOWED THOSE OF THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" FOR WHOM SHE BECAME A "SYMPATHIZER" (AS DOCUMENTED IN ITEM # 1 FROM THE LISTING IN THE POST THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD), TO BLEND HER SCHOOL RECORDS WITH MINE (SINCE SHE SPENT THE YEAR 1967 THROUGH 1968 AT BUSINESS SCHOOL IN NEW YORK AND MY TCI STUDENT ID "COINCIDENTALLY" ALSO IS PREFIXED WITH THE NUMBERS 67) AND BY SO DOING PROVIDED THE OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE OF HER "CAUSE" TO BRANDISH THEMSELVES AS "ORIGINALS" AT MY EXPENSE AS ITEM # 5 FROM THE POST THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD, IMPLIES WOULD BE THE CASE EVEN THOUGH MERITLESS. See the included photo of my TCI student ID from my school
years as well as # 4 below.
- Furthermore, this realignment indicates that my information was to be replaced with that of these "FREE LOADER" types ("should be)" "8 301", and the "minimum 6 791", with the "average 7 546) voters. This meant that three were given passports in 2001 when my replacement was requested (or two in addition to me and my records were used to assign them with "credibility at my expense), which they obtained (and all my supporting documents relating to the fact that my passport was lost after my relocation to Vermont in 1990 documenting why the replacement was being requested ended up back in the package that included the passport when it was received (see Comment # 1 from 2/3/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page for supporting details), and that is why expedient political types could imply that my request for a REPLACEMENT SOCIAL SECURITY CARD IN 1991 WAS THE FIRST SUCH REQUEST ON MY PART, when this was clearly not the case - as the below photo insert depict,
which was issued in the "nameform" also shown in the 2nd insert below to imply that it was my original request until it was changed in 2005 and the documents switching 
occurred to provide social security "life" to impostors based on my communication as documented in the post GIVING LIFE THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY - UPDATED TO INCLUDE AN EXAMPLE OF CONSISTENCY W/INSERTS .). These events meant that not only was my documentation never was submitted and received at the Barbados Consulate in New York (or in other words, it never left Iowa - see item #13 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED for a summary about the MAIL FRAUD developments that occurred). The same identical action also took place in 2005 when the social security change was requested to correct the "nameform" used in 1991 and that was never submitted and what was done in both instances* (see Footnote) was to unlawfully include information to provide those with fictional identities based on erroneous business cards supporting documentation to provide impostors with origin issues to specifically provide support to one "FREE LOADER" associated with the Third Schedule and 3 from 01 or 33) who was given credibility primarily, in order that the second of the "free loaders" could also given "credibility" as this post AN EXAMPLE OF HIRING FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTITY TRANSFER is described as being average or associated with the numbers 22 (with its double meaning, see item # 6 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED in addition to the post WHAT LESSONS HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - UPDATED for those dual applications) as the above total number of registers voters implies as shown here, (211 278) as well as the number 54 as depicted below (probably a birth year) with supposed Russian links as implied by the number 7, shown here 7 (54)6 also receiving credibility and tied to my TCI student number (67)91 as well as others, explaining why the warehouse can't be found at this time even by the staff to retrieve my records for the replacement diploma requested (see Comment # 1 from 4/15/2013 on the COMMENTS 2013 Page as well as the photo of my student card included below). That is why this partial listing of those who are aware of historical events the way in, which they actually occurred keeps growing as new cases are made known as documented in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED and supplemented by details in Comment # 1 from 2/13/2014 on the COMMENTS 2014 Page. In addition to the above, since 1967 is also the year that my sister spent in New York at business school, the associating of (67)13 is an attempt to meld and join her year with my history since both her school (year) and my student ID number "coincidentally" are associated with the number 67 (see the post ADDENDUM TO COINCIDENCES AND OTHER THINGS for this one in the series about how unusual "coincidences" really are). In addition, since 13 is particularly associated with my late mother birth year and daughter's birth date and late Mother's birth year and the date for the former is 9/13/1913, it was included here in my opinion in order that it along with those records belonging to my late Father (see # 5 below) could be applied to those of the "free loaders cause" as well, (see the post A TRIBUTE TO MY LATE MOTHER - EDITED in addition to THE TRUTH VERSUS FABRICATION ABOUT MY LATE MOTHER'S LIFE FOR THE RECORD - UPDATED and HOW SHOULD AN INDIVIDUAL HANDLE THE "EXPORTING" OF HIS IDENTITY/RECORDS FROM TH COUNTRY OF HIS BIRTH TO ANOTHER FOR DEAL MAKING?)
- The above constituencies also provide some interesting details such as: a) the first such district, (which is associated with the Sunset Crest development district of St. James (South), where numerous residents from Britain primarily (44) and elsewhere have 2nd homes being the first and foremost area where excess numbers of "registered" voters exceeding the limit as the reason why the activity was being implemented in order that the records of my late Father, whose birth year was 1910, that had been symbolically "shipped" to this Country in 1991 (as documented in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS - EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS), could be made available to those with English/British links as these numbers indicate (10 0 44) in addition to one supposedly from China with Russian links and a second with supposed Russian ancestry but without the Chinese link as the the numbers 8 and 7 from the third most populous district implies (8 707), b) the second district where overcrowding existed was in Christ Church East (also the district of predominantly European residents with (90 91) being significant, which is important since the backdating of documents that took place at the Plant as outlined in item # 5, from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD, it was implied that an individual from Iowa was "fictionally" at the Plant prior to 1991 and probably from the 1990 time frame with my same ancestry but connected to Germany as the number 9 suggests since those "claiming" to be of German ancestry go four nine (9), c) in addition two individuals associated with the numbers (88 29), (the year of birth of my daughter Danielle in CT (see item # 15 from the listing the the above referenced post), were being connected to the State of Iowa for credibility most likely with outward indications that could be associated with Chinese extraction as the number 8 tends to suggests and d) an individual without "roots" that were not borrowed from those her associated with her primary occupation as the dates attributed to this individual for her "legitimacy" documented in the post HOW TO IMPLEMENT IDENTITY THEFT AND LEGITIMIZE FRAUD - UPDATED (AND AMENDED 5/7/213) along the number 64, which by the way is the main access road from, which 140th Avenue is connected to, HWY 64 that "coincidentally" also leads directly into Illinois as (64 66) was being given legitimacy via Barbados (where the size of the country 166 square feet) was the important fact to be known here along with other pertinent details of another nature. These "fictional" 3rd tribe lot, achieved through documents backdating and MAIL FRAUD as items # 5 and # 13 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD documents, could only have been done only where some with significant influence exerted such to ensure its implementation, as the post HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED, implies of such types.
The Implications of this Process and Potential Causes:
In an on-line article from the
Barbados Nation of March 17, 2001 was a description of the work of one (in my
opinion) expedient organization the Organization for Economic Cooperation
(OECD), in Europe, abusing its authority and in the process attempting to exert
pressure on the Government of Barbados by accusing the island nation of
violating five (5) of twenty-five (25) articles that established money laundering
destinations, especially if one “free loader” had expediently used the cover of my practice of
sending funds to my brother that had been ended due to other compelling reasons
brought about by my then employer (namely a reorganization to eliminate my former Group and my focusing on and adjusting to the new position I was place in of having to work for a former colleague who knew that his approach to "leadership" was condoned by the Company), therefore the continuance of this previous remittance was not my primary concern at that time but my "predictable" action gave one of the "free loaders cause" the opportunity to maintain it in my name and by so doing launder his "questionably" obtained monies for the purpose of
using “checkbook legitimacy” to purchase an identity at my expense in Barbados that is
further described in “their connections”. The then Chief Justice of Barbados
David Simmons (DS) is quoted as stating “racism behind OECD attack”, which he summed
up after scrutinizing by stating that he found that THREE (3) WERE WITHOUT
previously described, those of the “free loaders cause” use labels and numbers
to convey much more than they would appear to be providing, it can only be
concluded from his response to these “charges” is to offer to provide
“legitimacy” to TWO (2) (an the other mangled ancestries needed to bring about just what was needed to provide impostors with fleeting "legitimacy" while removing THREE (3) who were so included. This
would imply that as previously stated on the pages of this Blog, that my sister
had indeed given up her identity to become a “free loader sympathizer” for
another she thought to be more beneficial and my brother had agreed likewise to
become a “sympathizer” and took on a mangled "Edwards" identity as described in items # 1 and # 10 of the listing from the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" CREDIBILITY", THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD. As far as I was concerned, my
cause of little interest for these types who just made me “stateless” at the
“blink of an eye” and didn’t care what happened to me along the way (as I was
thrown “under the proverbial bus”) in favor of attaining much revenue from a “brutal” system that left a trail of lives in its wake, as the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE, UPDATED points out. It was documented in
a later article from the on-line version of the Barbados Nation dated November
16, 2001 that the OECD had extended the deadline for meeting “certain
guidelines” had been extended from July 31, 2001 through the end of February
the following year.
The Conclusion:
The proposed method for
solving the problem faced by Barbados was “floated” by the then Chief Justice
who was certainly NOT unbiased in this affair as documented in the post THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE CHAGUANAS WEST BY ELECTION IN THE ISLAND/NATION OF TRINIDAD, UPDATED. As a result, his actions cannot be offered as anything other
than expedient. The end result of this terrible decision on the part of those
without a drop of care or concern for the lives and rights of others is till being
felt today by me and not to mention those sacrificed for a cause they knew
nothing and who have been left in an undermined state as I was, but worse yet
in death and whose end “cries out” only for fairness, whose cause is still
searching for a champion as documented in the post THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH‘SPREMISE - UPDATED. Furthermore, when such types use those causes that they
offer up as having been implemented for the purposes of rooting out those
conditions, which promote illegal activity and then in turn use them to promote
the very conditions they were founded to eliminate, this serves to remind us
how very influential those of the “free Loaders cause” are in finding avenues
to promote their cause, which leaves nothing untouched in their desire to
further expand the methods they use to exploit those who are part of their
“realm” as well as society’s instruments for the purpose of ensuring that those
of their cause are provided with the fleeting “legitimacy”, which they
desperately seek for their cause at the expense of anyone and anything in its
path, especially when they collectively begin to act as an all powerful
“shadowy consuming force” against whom none are able to stand, except ONE, who
knows their every turn and will allow none to impede His will in he lives of
His chosen that
one individual who used the online name Hotep Sen Shu in 2002
asked the question in an on-line article from 4/18/2002, with the following as
its premise, “please identify
real Israelites”.
To digress:
For these Mr. Hotep (Sen
Shu), God will allow none to impede His will for and He doesn’t
require any nation to introduce any special legislation to identify such or
use an entity to be manipulated to subvert its founding principle and in turn
promote the very cause for, which it was founded, namely
opposing laundering of illegal funds, which those of the “free loaders cause” live by when it is remembered that these types as documented in
have no real skills and therefore only use the identities of those
individuals whom they borrow such from to do exactly what the OECD was created
to oppose, launder illegally obtained funds that their supporters “gladly”
garner to expand their “coffers/empires” while misusing and/or abusing anything
in their wake. Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), God alone knows whom his chosen are because Israel has a special "spiritual" meaning related to His servants that none can readily adopt just for the sake of padding origins. Where most fail in, is the recognition that there is actually only one God, who created the universe including its inhabitants who have become so arrogant that they have forgotten who created them and have begun to the lives of others by determining outcomes and then intimidating those impacted to accept what have been determined by others for them as what is deserving by such types with no regard for the lives and rights of others but just hide in the shadows and make expedient decisions in their lives as determined such types, who don't realize that God does not become involved in the events of most individuals (hence the state of conditions in our society) unless His will for His chosen is being impeded. Herein lies the biggest problem such types have with these events as taking place today, WHY WOULD GOD BE CONCERNED WITH YOU (ME) AND NOT OTHERS WITH MORE GRANDIOSE CIRCUMSTANCES (IN THEIR ESTIMATIONS)? And since they have no ready answers that make sense to them, the conclusions drawn by them and those whom align themselves with such "powerful' types by man's standards, is that it cannot be the case and as a result they continue on their chosen course hoping that their might of numbers will win the day. While those who should know better but are too proud to admit that they were mistaken continued on as well hoping that their choice will eventually be victorious but knowing full well that God has never historically sided with large numbers simply because it's so very difficult for a single individual to honor God furthermore, any large group to be in such harmony. God chose Jacob because of his love for God and His desire to honor Him and He changed his name to ISRAEL, as a representation of those who similarly demonstrates this desire to love and honor him in their lives. The same principle that was true then is also true today and that cannot be represented in any nation set up with the aid of man's institutions, because such types are: 1) NOT aware of His will and 2) don't know who His chosen are and 3) are likewise unaware of what it really means to be (FOR His chosen, WHICH CAUSE THE FIRSTBORN WERE PASSED OVER), that point in the Biblical text is accurate even though many things in it are not. He simply chose those of the 3rd tribe because He alone knows the future and who would best represent His cause and He chose accordingly from among Jacob's (or Israel's) descendants and He alone knows who such are as documented in the series of posts on the subject AMENDMENT TO THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF GOD’S CHOSEN ARE ORDERED. This, Mr. Hotep (Sen Shu), is the answer you were seeking and I am hoping that it did not come too late for your specific needs. The End
* Footnote:
What these instances of MAIL FRAUD associated with the correcting of my Social Security information to obtain information as the original card and the request for a replacement passport suggest that were done to support the decision concluded by expedient political types who stated (behind my back to support "free loader" types) that this was THE FIRST SUCH REQUEST ON MY PART, BECAUSE THE CARD IN 1991 WAS ISSUED INCORRECTLY IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT NAMEFORM FROM THAT ISSUED IN 1978 & REPLACED N 1980. EVEN THOUGH THE ABOVE APPLICATION WAS DOCUMENTED CORRECTLY BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DATE, WHICH WAS SHROUDED IN DECEPTION), TO PROVIDE IMPOSTORS WITHOUT ORIGINS, "LEGITIMACY" AT MY EXPENSE UNKNOWN TO ME, EVEN THEN BEFORE ENTERING IOWA - IMPLYING THAT THE APPROXIMATE 100 JOB APPLICATIONS (of, which a partial listing is shown below/), APPLIED FOR IN 1991 WITH THE ONLY RESPONSE BEING FROM IOWA (AS THE VERMONT PROPERTY OWNER HAD SUGGESTED, WHEN IT WAS CLEAR THAT I WOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING HIS MANNER OF BUSINESS - as documented in the ...Background Facts snd Details section of the post, VOLUNTARY LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS BRING MEANINGFUL CHANGE - UPDATED), WAS NO "COINCIDENCE".