Thursday, January 2, 2014

AMENDMENT TO THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH’S PREMISE - UPDATED 1/13, 3/20 & 3/21/2014 as well as 9/21/2015

The prior post on this subject THE QUESTION OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE - UPDATED, is being amended to include an appropriate Conclusion regarding the offer balanced against the "self" (being mindful of their 1st Amendment Free Speech rights AS INDIVIDUALS),  interest of those entities who fund the campaigns of such types.  

One reason why it may be so very difficult to find an individual willing to champion the cause of Lois Bruno and the rest of the “Chisholm family inclusive” is due to the fact that developments such as the “free loaders cause” and the accompanying problems associated with It such as generally described in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE -EDITED AND UPDATED as well as more specifically in THE PREMISE BEHIND THE “FLAWED” LEGISLATION -UPDATED  are taking place due to the fact those who control those of the "free loaders cause" of very influential as depicted in the post HOW TO IDENTIFY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED; because they are able to: 1) assist impostors who PAY NO TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES file fraudulent taxes in the identities of others by feigning "originality", 2) support frauds who rely on methods that can only be described as downright unethical, blatantly illegal and glaringly criminal as documented in the post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY, WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED3) assist those who were nowhere to be found when my actual engineering work was being carried out in the State of Connecticut claim to be the originators of my work accomplishments as summarized and documented in the Here are the Background Details section of the post WHEN THE LAW TURNS - UPDATED and 4) provide an avenue for my brother to switch his identity to become "whatever works" as documented in item # 1 from the listing in the post  THE“FREE LOADERS CAUSE” CREDIBILITY”, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED, after my outspoken and dear 1st American friend and the rest of the real Chisholm family inclusive were subjected to genocide as documented in the post  THOSE WHO WOULD BE "god" (EDITED AND UPDATED). However, in this posture they (their supporters) are able to provide "credibility" to a host of those with origin issues in this Country and it's expedient for those who are benefiting from this, in this "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave". Howeverno one to date either wants to or has the courage to deal with this "prickly" problem of the "free loaders" doing because of the influence that their supporters obviously exerts (as previously mentioned). As pointed out in the description for those without origins, since the main objective in the "free loaders cause" is making a profit without payment of taxes, (carefully described in the post THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED), those who are benefiting from this NON TAXABLE INCOME don't want either their source or profits impacted regardless of whose lives are "rolled over" for their cause. Furthermore, since these "free loaders cause" types are of the “whatever works” club and obtain income by any means necessary and paying “handsomely” for their new found lineages, and are “forever” indebted to their supporters/interests (who apparently, exert much influence); there is very little likelihood that those seeking higher office would want to incur the wrath of such types to "impact" their chances of obtaining campaign donations when they are likely to need it for their election coffers, (as political types take great pains to ensure that their sources of funding are not compromised, depending on one's point-of-view).
This sad state of affair, the inner details about, which are previously discussed in The Outcome and Implications for the Future section of the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS - UPDATED (EDITED AND UPDATED W/INSERTS) as well as AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED)? is what is considered as innovation today and “furthering” your prospects by “investing” in those areas from, which those most willing to escape their plight sadly readily agree to participate in this modern day “refined” reinvented form of man’s oldest profession. In spite of this, the offer will remain in effect in the hope until it has been determined that the cause of the “fairness seekers” have not been completely lost in this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” in spite of the problems and complications such as "bystanderism", introduced by and associated with those of the “free loaders cause” as discussed in The Conclusion Regarding my Accomplishments and Qualifications section of the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED  WHO PAY NO TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES as previously discussed.  



J_F_Brazant said...
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J_F_Brazant said...

Originally posted January 5, 2014 at 7:50 PM by J_F_Brazant
In reality, no business entity regardless of it status can vouch for the validity of any "free loaders cause" individual as being "legitimate" ESPECIALLY THOSE USING MY QUALIFICATIONS, HISTORY, ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND QUALIFICATIONS as being authentic without answering the question WHAT HAPPENED TO LOIS BRUNO AND THE REMAINDER OF THE "CHISHOLM FAMILY INCLUSIVE" AND ESPECIALLY WHY HAVE THE LIVES OF THIS ENTIRE AND THE NEXT GENERATION HAVE BEEN MADE "NON EXISTENT" AND NOTHING REMOTELY AS CONSIDERATE AS GRAVE SITES HAVE BEEN ERECTED TO RECORD THAT THEY EVEN EXISTED AND ARE NO LONGER FOUND AMONG THE LIVING? (See the below photo and the Conservery Dedication Page) Note: all links and photos are availabe on the COMMENTS 2014 Page