Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The previous post THE METHODS OF“FREE LOADERS” - UPDATED is being supplemented to show by definitive example how those of the “free loaders cause” avoid paying taxes on their supposed income.

Here are the Background Details of Note:
Take the random case of a “fictional” utility ”chief” executive from the Midwest with a public face that uses initials LL whose qualifications are based entirely in those of another individual. The question is, how can this be done? The answer is by one of the methods of the "free loaders", by which "entitled" types made expedient decision that benefited themselves at the expense of the larger Nation, which in turn enables such to hide behind the solid "foundations" of an unsuspecting individual to cover-up the hog "manure" structures possessed by "free loader cause" types for "legitimacy" with their "two faces"by:
  1. exploiting minute differences as documented in item # 2 of the listing from the post HOW "VIRTUAL" IDENTITIES ARE SUSTAINED,
  2. orchestrating circumstances to demonstrate the point, which are being magnified for their benefit as was used with the multiple names associated with my leave of absence request over the course of the years during, which it evolved as documented in the Implications/Outcome section of the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSIONs (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO ALSO VINDICATES A CRUSADER! - UPDATED where various forms of my name were used in the different communications to me to give the appearance of something "questionable",
  3. instituting long-range planning actions as discussed in the Caption beneath the photo of the etching on the camera in the post THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE "BLACKOUT" - EDITED AND AMENDED and so seize any opportunity to carry out their plans such as the stealing of my identity related documents that were placed in storage in 1989 that were never recovered as recorded on the pages of these Blogs in The Resulting Developments/Outcome section of the post VOLUNTARY LIFE ALTERING DECISIONS BRING MEANINGFUL CHANGE - UPDATED,
  4. therefore when replacements for such documents are initiated those of the "free loaders cause" spring into action to ensure that the documents issued are always different from the originals, such as occurred when the replacement for undergraduate degree was requested as shown in the below photo where my name as used in the replacement was different from how it was used in the original degree awarded as well as with the replacement of my TCI initial diploma, which bears absolutely no resemblance to the original as documented in the the Conclusion section of the post GOD DOES INDEED HONOR THE PRAYERS OF A CARING MOTHER - UPDATED and
  5.  other school "identification details" such as Alumni cards are issued with numbers used by certain "free loader" types for "legitimacy" as documented in the Here are the Background section of the THE PREMISE BEHIND THE FLAWED "LEGISLATION" - UPDATED post as well as shown in the above photo in addition to being included in the Caption, which in turn enable these types with origin issues to ADVERTISE AND "CLAIM LEGITIMACY" with the support of others of their cause, in defiance to the ruling of the court as documented in example 3 in the post WHAT STOPPED CHAMPION - EDITED AND UPDATED?

The purpose of this outline is to document a few questions that have left me without answers. The above depicts the partial copy of my
original Pratt diploma with my name written out in its full legal format, consistent with the manner in, which my then school account was
established and the fact that I have used my full name for differentiation since I was named after my father exactly, but without the junior.
The question that has left me wondering since discovering the original format, is WHY DID THE SCHOOL NOT WRITE OUT MY NAME IN
The other scenario that I have often questioned is of all the Alumni Identification #s that could be assigned to me,
(see above card), what are the chances that I would be assigned a randomlyselected no. with the nos.
 “.….33 in it? I d0 NOT believe in coincidences such as these (because too many impostors have been attempting to assume my
 The Outcome and Finale of the Details of Note:
The salary and bonuses of this executive according to Shareholder Proxy Statements and Annual Reports would be around $1.000,000 plus per annum. However since the “fictional” executive has “origin issues”, he actually receives ZERO   salary/bonuses from Company A. What then occurs, is in private, this “fictional” “chief” executive, hides behind the identity of an employee in the same Company A, who was hired for the purpose of identity transfer, unknown to the individual. This “fictional” ”chief” executive, makes actual income via “whatever works” methods and uses this employee’s identity, an engineer, who has what this “fictional” “chief” executive lacks, actual qualifications, accomplishments and history, but whose salary would be approximately $70,000.00 plus per annum in 2011 dollars.
Assuming no deductions, etc. to complicate this example, the Federal  taxes owed by this “fictional” “chief” executive in 2011, using the Tax Worksheet would be approximately $327,314 if the amount on line 43 is $1,000,000.
On the other hand, The engineer’s, income tax using the Tax Tables, would be $13,631 if the amount on line 43, is between $70,000.00 and $70,050.00. This example of $327,314.00 versus $13,631.00 means that for all intents and purposes, this “fictional” “chief” executive still owes 327,314.00 – 13,631.00  = $313,683.00, and clearly demonstrating that these types actually PAY NO TAXES, IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES, CAUSING FINANCIAL IMBALANCES IN THE SYSTEM, BECAUSE THEIR INCOMES ARE NOT ACCOUNTED FOR. The real question here, is WHERE DO THESE UNPAID AND UNTAXED SUMS GOAND WHO BENEFITS FROM THEMThis is not even to mention the fact that these “grateful” individuals now funnel kickbacks to those who control their cause (in my opinion), such as “are available to these skill less and useless class of individuals, whose socioeconomic impact on this former Nation of “fairness seekers” is documented in detail in The Conclusion Regarding my Accomplishments and Qualifications section of the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED as well as in the original post on this subject.

This in a nutshell is how "free loaders" are able to "walk off" with the qualifications of the hard work of others and then their identities, histories and accomplishments (or solid "foundations"), with the aide of those of their cause who have been placed everywhere and are only too eager to assist others of their type because this further enhances their "credibility" only to "enjoy ready-made" lives with their "two faces" in their shadowy existences, while paying ZERO TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDs FOR "LACK OF ORIGINS", because its much better than where and what such types have been accustomed to.  

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