Sunday, January 13, 2013

ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES (EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED 4/23, 5/3, 6/10, 7/11, 12/8 & 12/10/2013 as well as 1/21, 1/22, 2/19, 2/21, 3/3, 4/20, 7/22, 8/17, 8/19, 8/27, 9/29 & 9/30/2014 in addition to 1/18, 2/8 & 9/24/2015)

When a major event occurs such as this August 14, 2003 "blackout" takes place and the root cause appears to be clouded in mysterious developments there is more to it than meets the eye. The ability to disguise the ultimate objective of an action intended to cause widespread disruptions is an art form of those with devious motives who would use any available means possible to implement their desired objective. There are some who have fallen in “love” with the number 14, (which coincidentally is the date on which I was hired at The Kerite Company in Seymour, CT - November 14th and 8/14/80 is the exact date of my TCI graduation) and use it to implement a system of duplication to provide their multiple lottery player types with legitimacy by fictional creations to replace real history of a single individual* see Footnote. The following account of the Nation’s worst blackout in quite sometime provides an alternate view of this event’s occurrence. However, for the final outlook of this development, the follow-up to this post entitled "ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE", which has now been replaced by the updated post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - UPDATED & EDITED as well as THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S contains additional critical, relevant details not included and/or considered here for a better "understanding" of those higher issues around, which bring greater overall meaning to our lives if the proper balance has been included.

Here are the Applicable Details:
The preliminary Report from the task force set up to determine the cause of this Nation’s worst blackout pointed out that several events led to this event that effectively blackened the northeast for the most part as well as certain parts of Canada. (For a note of reference, this area covers the entire area in this Country that my history was established in). The contributing factors were primarily centered in Ohio (where one known impostor using my address was provided with legitimacy for connection to surfaced after this occurrence with mailings to the Olin residence deceptively addressed as Olin, OH. The events that occurred in that State in, which initiated and then contributed to this "spectacular" development there and then beyond that State's borders are as follows:

In Ohio
  1. at 12:05 pm with the 1st plant shutdown when a grass fire shorted one power line.
  2. At 1:14 pm another plant failure occurred (approximately 69 minutes lateras a tree branch shorted another power line.
  3. At 1:31 pm (17 minutes later) the 3rd plant failure occurred.
  4. Between 2:02 pm and 3:41 pm there were four (4) failures of large power lines in the area (over a 99-minute duration).
  5. At 3:41 pm EDT, the transmission system in northern Ohio was loosing voltage to keep it functioning.
  6. By 4:10 pm, the impact of these developments beyond Ohio were being felt as normal clockwise flow of electricity around Lake Erie began flowing in a giant loop counter clockwise, (see The Finale section of the post WHEN TRUST TURNS - UPDATED for a discussion about the "unpredictable" nature of looping actions) that resulted in sucking power from Pennsylvania to New York to Ontario and into Michigan to fill the power losses in Ohio.
  7. At 4:13 pm the cascading condition that caused the blackout was complete.

The Outcome/Implications:
This blackout, which occurred 17 months after my March 2002 lay off from the Palo power plant (where my activities there are discussed in the Here are the Background Details section of the post
THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED). Furthermore, (if the numbers that those of the "free loaders cause" are so fond of for their fleeting "legitimacy" as documented in the post THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY is applied, it appears to be an attempt by utility interests to “blackout” (or cover-up) my history and accomplishments (or solid "foundations") for consistency with the fictional "citizenship" made available for a "host" of impostors consistent with the details documented in the Conclusion section of the post HOW CAN THERE BE ANY DEGREE OF CONFIDENCE THAT THE STATE OF FINANCIAL FIRMS IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE - UPDATED  as well as in the post THE PREMISE BEHIND THE FLAWED LEGISLATION - UPDATED. These developments imply that there was an attempt to replace my history prior to my relocating to Iowa in order to give electrical "life” to an imported individual [in my opinion since my "dear" Sister is involved her former employer's home base as indicated in "her connections" would be the origin of this individual (or individuals) as the case may be as appropriate], and in this way achieve success by “removing” my history, accomplishments, etc. from the Northeast to “energize” an impostor (or impostors) with life and history in Ohio and elsewhere using my Mother’s records as their basis (since all the actions were completed by 4:13 and 1913 is my late Mother's birth year), which (my late Mother's records) were also “exported” to this country in 2003 (see the post
HOW SHOULD AN INDIVIDUAL HANDLE THE EXPORTING OF HIS IDENTITY/RECORDS FROM HIS COUNTRY OF BIRTH TO ANOTHER FOR DEAL-MAKING?). This individual is crucial for the two or more Corporate Free Loaders to use my records, accomplishments, qualifications etc., (or solid "foundations") especially since I have been surrounded by two numbers since arriving in Iowa one of, which is 22 as documented in the post AN EXAMPLE OF HIRING FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTITY TRANSFER.. [THIS NUMBER IS SIGNIFICANT SINCE IT IS PART OF THE NAICS CODE FOR UTILITY OPERATIONS (FOR EX. 22XXXX - 13 ETC.) due to how much importance is placed the use of labels and/or numbers by those of the "free loaders cause" for their "legitimacy" as documented in the post THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY in addition to Here are the Background Issues section of the post THE DECISION TO ALTER MY RETURN TO MY HOMELAND AT THIS TIME - UPDATED AND AMENDED and supplemented by item # 15 from the listing in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED. As a result, this "electrical blackout" is obviously required to “encircle” (or loop) my history, accomplishments, qualifications and accomplishments (or solid "foundations") once I was laid off with "free loader cause" types and their supporters were now as considering as having completed the “blackout” of my history prior to Iowa and by so doing these monopolistic types and their dictatorial supporters felt safe to make me a non-entity and provide their fictional types with “life” that arose from a “blackout” in a very well coordinated and implemented operation as documented in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED) especially now that they were armed with their "fictional" authorized legislation approved "citizenship" to provide an "army' of impostors "without origins" with "legitimacy" as documented in the post THE PREMISE BEHIND THE "FLAWED" LEGISLATION - UPDATED at my expense as well as those sacrificed for this worthless and less than "noble" cause as the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED points out and "making themselves out to be originals" in defiance of the Court's action as documented in # 1 of the listing from The Finale/Outcome section of the post ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTICED - UPDATED. These are the actions of those who have little regard for the rights of others and possessing the same mindset as those “tent destroyers” from the inner city of New Haven, CT [see the post THE COST OF VOLUNTEERING - EDITED AND UPDATED], who practice their own ordered methods irregardless of what’s ethical and "FAIR" to any individual and who have forgotten that in reality only ONE has the right to implement what they thought that had the "right" to carry out (assuming they knew at some point in time), namely their determination of what my "fate" should be, a "life" living for the existences of "shadowy" types with zero meaningful skills, but willing to do "anything" for an "easy" make believe existence, dreamed up by a former power and other "entitled" types driven by deriving revenue at all costs who all changed tactics and resorted to another method of taxation without representation in the former Colony with no care for the obvious rights of others along with the aid of those who have no regard for the sacrifices of those in this Nation history as depicted in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE (EDITED & UPDATED, whose posture is documented in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED) as well as in the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED . The methods used by this  "Shadowy Consuming Force" (or "Beast") did NOT come as a surprise to the God of creation who already had included generally in the Biblical book of Revelation, its various activities down to the minutes details for those with "wisdom and "understanding" that are further discussed in the 2nd bulleted listing in The Finale/Outcome section of the post ETHICAL TREATMENT OF OTHERS SHOULD ALWAYS BE PRACTISED - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED. Furthermore, also described in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED whose "freedoms" and the sacrifices of the former "fairness seekers" are taken for granted by those from an unsuspecting Nation as documented in the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED.

What a "turn-around" of sorts from the former defeated power to Trojan Horse Usurper of all those gains achieved by that odd collection of "fairness seekers", whose heroism actions created one of the best examples of collective courageous efforts on record as documented in the post
A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE (EDITED AND UPDATED)!. Sadly all such have been lost for the cause of the oldest "profession" known to man, carried out now for decades in an unsuspecting nation (except for a few "entitled" types as documented in the Here are Selected Examples for Consideration section of the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY - UPDATED AND AMENDED) as an alternate form of taxation that serves as untaxed income for its supporters in a Nation that has and is paying a high price for this financial drain on its economy as documented in the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's (FCICs) Report regarding the shadow banking system that had a significant impact on the Nation's financial sector debt and who sadly take no responsibility for their actions as they PAY NO TAXES IN THEIR OWN IDENTITIES creating a drain on the Nation's financial system and not contributing to it as these perpetrators and their supporters who believe in the mantra "whatever works" , do. These types are accustomed to making sure that others pay a very high price for a cause they have no real part in but whose accomplishments, identities, qualifications and histories (or solid "foundations") are hijacked by those who ordained themselves with the power to implement fates to whosoever they choose and redistribute to those of their cause whose only criteria is "a willingness to do anything requested".
This "shadowy consuming force" (or "Beast) as depicted in the Biblical Book of Revelation, assumed its "godlike", dictatorial posture by decree as documented in the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE! (EDITED AND UPDATED) and have stated as much by their actions because only dictatorial types expect individuals (supposedly) "endowed" with the "rights and power" to act "godlike" as documented in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED AND UPDATED, expect others to act as "their" robots and/or puppets. However, such types have no regard or respect for the cause of the Most Holy as evident by their "cloaking" of man's oldest "profession" with the heritage of God's chosen from the 3rd tribe; clearly demonstrating the lack of "understanding" of WHO AND WHAT A SERVANT OF ONE REPRESENTS. For a lesson on this point, the example of a servant, the conduct of Mordecai in the Biblical book of Esther should be examined. There it will realized that the upright example of this servant always stood out from others as ALL His should and will never be found allowing their unique heritage to be used as a "front" for anything as disdainful as  man's oldest "profession", in a society that has not only lost its moral footing but also floundering haplessly without direction as evident by the  state of the conditions the very, very young are exposed to as discussed in the post HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED? as supplemented with the discussion in the Here are the Background Details section of the post ONE CASUALTY OF THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS, TOO BIG TO CHANGE - EDITED ND UPDATED. The actions of this "Beast"* (see Footnote1have come into conflict with the will of a very patient  ONE with regards His will for His chosen and creation because these unimaginative thugs have made a mockery of all that's:
  • wholesome,
  • upright,
  • honorable and
  • fair,
by showing terrible examples and expecting others to accept and follow blindly or be tossed aside as the "Chisholm family inclusive" along with others who suffered similarly as documented in the post THOSE WHO WOULD BE god (EDITED AND UPDATED) in addition to WHEN SACRIFICES ARE IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED. Even under these circumstances it's comforting to know that there are a few like the witnesses depicted in the bulleted listing in the "As previously pointed out,..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS ALSO GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS" - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED, who possessed the courage and stood for what's right when it really mattered most.   

After giving further consideration to my digression description as documented in Comment # 1 from November 26th, 2013 from the COMMENTS 2013 Page as well as the update from 12/6/2013 in the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL, WHO BECAME A FRIEND (EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED/AMENDED) from the point of view of an Artist, I do believe that restorations/refurbishments can take place and from this perspective I have decided to reinstate my visit to Trinidad, but I must admit in all fairness that the issues surrounding my ambivalence, now appear to be addressed. Nevertheless, I will arrange a meeting with one who is working on rediscovering the "art" of using that best "asset",  a "charismatic smilein spite of past experiences as well as another who hopefully have come to realize that dependence on those wholesome attributes discussed in the description in the January 2014 Conservery Calendar will serve them best, going forward and by so doing achieve much more than either could have considered possible when taking time in their reflections. See The Conclusion section of  the post A BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA - UPDATED AND AMENDED for additional details regarding this subjectIn any event, such a meeting will be worked out as discussed here and I'm hoping that the best for all involved will result.

* Footnote1:
"Wisdom" and "understanding" are needed to determine, which "Power" is being discussed in this Biblical book where many such powers have existed over the course of His Creation (this World); as well as how they are to be applied to the various events that have taken place throughout the ages from these verses.


J_F_Brazant said...
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J_F_Brazant said...

It is because of my "understanding" and consideration of the issues involved that the offer regarding the Category of Compliance et als cause exists as documented in comment # 2 from 4/20/2013 on COMMENTS Page; because in this regard, in my opinion assistance to a most deserving situation can be provided were greater appreciation in the long run will be a most fitting outcome for those involved once the cauce of others from my perspective are given their due and those of myself (or me) personally are set aside. If viewed from this point-of-view hopefully it will be seen in a different light!

J_F_Brazant said...

As previously stated this is a matter of style versus substance, however, this lone alteration to my previous conditions will be made to address the main concern repeatedly raised in this regard, as follows: - To avoid the central concern as it appears to me, the offer will be limited to the subsidiaries ONLY, and in this way, the potential for the type of balance regarding proprietary issues will be removed. Therefore, instead of erecting "roadblocks" as previously stated, since the "VITAL" issues will be addressed more importantly, the prior "roadblock" will be eliminated. As a result, give those involved in the subsidiary only, a voice in the decision-making and let it rest there as previously indicated on various occasions. Having accepted the outcome of this approach, let us work together to adopt these recommendations regarding the subsidiaries and lend our collective strengths to the singular activity but collectively to the dual challenges involved in assisting in a very worthy cause, instead of attempting to tear down at every instance, and with this singular but collective focus on just this part, the potential for overlapping of the proprietary details will be removed for both efforts. Satisfaction will be obtained from witnessing the successes of the singular cause of the subsidiaries with new hope for a future previously without. This is a cause I am very much aware that care/concern exists on the part of an interested party and an offer from one who is continually working to determine the best possible solution under the circumstances from then to now with the conditions that presently exists as described in the post, THE MAKING OF A "GENUINE" HERO, (EDITED AND UPDATED)!, and have concluded that this will help address the greatest issues to the previous broadly focused solution offer, raised. Note: all links are available on the COMMENTS Page.

J_F_Brazant said...

The plan of action outlined can and will be implemented, with the "big picture" view previously defined for those deserving subsidiaries, in all fairness, in order that the vacant place awaiting the right individual as depicted in the post THE TWO GREATEST DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD'S LAW AND MAN'S can be occupied to implement the intended course of action as specifically outlined in the post THE CONDITIONAL PRICE OF VOLUNTEERING (UPDATED) as well as summarized in comment # 2 from 5/23/2013 and elsewhere on THIS Page with the applicable indicated ordered arrangements/steps carefully outlined to be followed in order to achieve success for times such as these, referenced in the post ADDENDUM TO THE CONDITIONAL PRICE OF VOLUNTEERING and in comment # 2 from 5/11/2013 on THIS for the specific ordered steps of the kind required in this situation.Note: all links are in COMMENTS Page.