Monday, December 1, 2014


Many individuals when faced with tough circumstances unfortunately make
regrettable decisions, and this has taken place throughout the centuries and carried out by many who find themselves at forks in their lives. Some of these decisions lead to sometimes lasting circumstances that are very difficult to unravel if near impossible. This post is about two such examples and the consequences that both decisions made by two mothers that were made centuries ago, which still exist today either completely or partially because of the actions of the mothers involved. Please follow.

Here are the Details of Importance:   
The first example is found in found the first few chapters of the Biblical book of 1st
Samuel, which centers on the account of Hannah, one of the wives of Elkanah, who was barren (or had no children) and prayed earnestly for God to remember her condition that included a vow to devote the life of such a child to the service of God if she was so blessed. This account goes on to point out that this lady of distinction was indeed blessed with a son and as promised, she took him, a very young Samuel to the temple to be used in His service at a very tender age. It is because of her unselfish action that Israel had a very upright high priest in Samuel who served at a critical juncture in the history of the Israel before they (the people of Israel chose to follow the lead of other Nations and requested that they be provided with Kings to serve as God’s representatives instead of judges as had been the practice, up to that point in time. Samuel did indeed serve the cause of God in a very notable and outstanding way because of the humble actions of Hannah and she indeed blessed with other offspring because of her unselfishness when it mattered most. This account serves to point out how we sometimes take matters into our own hands and seek out what’s best often not choosing to seek out why God permitted the circumstances we are faced with but attempting to bring about what we think is best for our situation to very devastating outcomes, as the decision by Israel to request to be served by kings instead of Judges as had been God’s plan for them. They did not seek his direction in their decision-making and/or attempt to find out why He had permitted them to be faced with corrupt Judges, but instead plunged headlong into an irreversible path that eventually led to their destruction as a Nation led by God and being scattered as a result, as exist today.
The second example is found in the collection of works known as the called “New Testament” when collectively included with the Biblical Book Revelation, in three of those Books, with the account in Luke being the most popular. In chapter 1, in this account the experience of Mary is described. Her example is notable because of the terrible consequences her actions led to that still are in existence toady in one form or another. In her day, this lady was well known as a practitioner of man’s oldest profession and to cover the consequences of her actions, a well concocted tale was implemented due to the condition in, which she found herself, namely, pregnant and unmarried, and so the miracle birth story was floated and it took root and the result is what is in existence today, which has been recreated and manipulated by many other practitioners over the centuries who know better that have made a mockery of the cause of the most High. Modern day organized religious causes are nothing more than a “heavenly halo” draped around the age-old practice of man’s oldest profession to provide it with the outward semblance of something worthwhile when in reality anything such is far from the truth. 

The Outcome of these Circumstances:
More recently other Practitioners picked up this bad practice that was ushered in by
those who knew better and have attempted to institute this terrible example around this servant’s journey in this “Land of the free and Home of the Brave” along with my identity into a continent-spawning “innovative” enterprise in the “furtherance” of this destructive lifestyle by other Practitioners, (namely businesses) that are now sponsoring this “cash cow” method that had been documented in various posts on the Pages of this Blog in posts such as HOW TO VIOLATE FERPA AND STILL COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE LAW - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED in addition to WHO REALLY WAS GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO SPEAK - UPDATED AND AMENDED? as well as THE CHANGES THAT FOILED THE “BLACKOUT’ - UPDATED AND AMENDED. Never mind that they (these Practitioners) have been using a flawed example in principle, because the bad example has become so mired in the biggest shopping period of the calendar year that it no longer really matters what’s accurate or inaccurate, because it’s being driven comparatively to a “runaway” locomotive completely “out-of-control” by the commerce it derives for many who have come to rely on in it to turn their struggling businesses into the
“black” (or profitability for the entire year), based on today’s “business” model.
The Conclusion:
Over the years many have found themselves in similar circumstances and have made equally terrible decisions that can be compared to Mary’s or to the more wholesome actions of the selfless Hannah and while none of us are in positions to judge others; some if they had the opportunity to relive their experiences would choose to make better rather than the expedient decisions they chose. However, it’s never too late to act honorably when we are in positions to assist others, even though it might be initially painful, one can never tell how by acting in a sound manner some individual who could use some uplifting, might be assisted, especially when we are able to do so while remembering that one of the best ways (or avenues) via, which we can act
honorably in the cause of God is to do what’s right when it’s unpopular to do so.
These examples referenced by these two very different ladies under different
circumstances can provide the basis for some who might be searching for the most appropriate manner to broach a long-held fact that may have been withheld at some other time when fear an panic may have lead to another decision being made. Time has a way of working out most difficult circumstances, however they do start with an acknowledgement of some wrong or action committed that would serve the purpose of lifting up one deserving individual who would benefit from such an unselfish action as Hannah’s action ultimately did for all Israel at a most critical point in its history. In the case of Mary, even though her actions were less than exemplary, she ultimately found the strength to seek a turn-around from the ONLY ONE who is able to implement turn-arounds, further showing that it is never too late for any who sees their situation as hopelessly lost and beyond repair, because with God's assistance we (His chosen) will be able to implement life-changing actions when His assistance is sought, all we have to do is ask and will always make a way to provide us with exactly what is needed to meet the challenge before us, as my wise late Mother reminded me in her timely communication, just ask Him will hear you (as depicted in

the photo of the letter from my Late Mother, below).
To digress at the End of this Conclusion
Let me take he time to apologize for not communicating with my dear childhood friend Olivia, who I assumed may have been impacted as all my other acquaintances were in one manner or another (whom I communicated with) and if she was not, my tardiness in not communicating may have saved her life. In any event, it’s never too late to act honorably to another and to Olivia, let me simply apologize for my actions.


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